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324 评论


Hello everyboby! The major courses of Kenneth and I in the university is the Mass Media.(或者:Kenneth and I major in the Mass Media in the university。)For us,becoming a editor in a magzine after graduation is our think that editor can be divide into news editor, magzine editor,network editor,etc..To become a editor,we should be open-minded and full of imagination,own excellent writing silks and innovation ability,and grasp how to use the editing and composing also view that editor should know some knowledge about marketing and sales,such as readers' hobbies and the range of in this way can editors create works which owns markets and readers. So,as a editor,we should do well in contacting in our daily life,continue to observe new things happened around us and focus on to exploring and accumulating to create good works,which can make you be successful. The work of being a editor is often onerous and magzine will publish one or two periodicals,in which there will be many articles and charts to be edited and composed by order to make the articles excellent,editors should hard work and continue to in this way can they meet the readers's needs. CSUEB has opened the Mass Media courses,which focus on develope talents in broadcasting,television and newspaper Media is the tool of spreading news. In CSUEB,according to the basic courses,such as history,Maths,English,the sencond language and philosophy,etc.,we not only get our synthesizable ablity trained,but also establish the position for future media work,and open our mind and outlook and acumulat valuable expriences. Generally speaking,the monthly income of a general editor is 3000$-5000$,or more. A general editor in USA in 2000 on average can get 64000$ every year,but only 58000$ in better one can get more or less 1 million $.The situation really satisfys me. Magzine editor always stays in the office,the working condition is to those news picture editors who need to be on the run to make the first-hand news pictures,they are more relaxed and comfortable. To be a magzine editor,you should show you ability and personality,unusual vision and view to a problem,and create unique style,only in this way can you be outstanding and obtain a opportunity to be a magzine editor. Mass Media can create you to be news editor, reporter,director,announcer,ad designer,graphic designer,cartoon maker,tec..

335 评论


Hello Kenneth and I in the university's professional courses are the mass media. For our part, we have expectations of graduate work are to become a magazine editor. In our view, edit into news editors, magazine editors, web editors and so on. To become an editor, we should have an open mind, a wealth of imagination, the language of higher writing skills and creative ability and skills of editing and layout software. At the same time we also think, as editors have to understand the marketing knowledge, for example, the preferences of readers and the readers the scope of the crowd and so on. So that works out its own editor has the market, has the reader. Therefore, as a magazine editor, we need to communicate in life are good at, and constantly happen around the new observation, attention to news. Through exploration and the accumulation of good works to create in order to be successful. Editors are usually very heavy work. A magazine published every month one or two journals, these journals might have a lot of articles and picture editing required to qualify and layout. Article in order to achieve a color effect, required the efforts of the editors of the work and constant innovation in order to give readers satisfied. CSUEB opened its mass media courses, this course aims to train radio, television, newspapers, etc. area. Are the mass media of news dissemination tools. CSUEB we study in history, mathematics, English, second foreign language, philosophy, etc. This will not only cultivate the basic curriculum of our overall capacity for the future of the media at the same time lay the foundation for the work to open up thinking, and accumulated valuable experience. General editor of the monthly wage level of the general in 3000-5000 (. dollars) to around or higher. The United States general editor in 2000 the average annual income of 64,000 . dollars, and 58,000 . dollars in 2001. And the excellent editorial in the annual income of around one million . dollars. This is for me very satisfied. Magazine editors are generally in the office work, good working environment. This is news for those who image editing, required the production of road warriors everywhere the news first-hand image in terms of more comfortable more comfortable. Become a magazine editor, required to display their talent and their own characteristics, unique vision and perspective of the issue look to create their own unique style, this way we can best get the chance to become a magazine editor. Mass media professionals can also be: News editors, reporters, directors, broadcasters, advertising design, graphic design, animation and so on.参考一下吧

223 评论


我会努力成为一位优秀的设计师 I will spare no efforts to bee an outstanding designer.

1、成功的设计师应具备以下几点: A、强烈敏锐的感受能力 B、发明创造的能力 C、对作品的美学鉴定能力 D、对设计构想的表达能力 E、具备全面的专业智能 现代设计师必须是具有宽广的文化视角,深邃的智慧和丰富的知识;必须是具有创新精神知识渊博、敏感并能解决问题的人,应考虑社会反映、社会效果,力求设计作品对社会有益,能提高人们的审美能力,心理上的愉悦和满足,应概括当代的时代特征,反映了真正的审美情趣和审美理想。起码你应当明白,优秀的设计师有他们“自己”的手法、清晰的形像、合乎逻辑的观点。 2、设计师一定要自信,坚信自己的个人信仰、经验、眼光、品味。不盲从、不孤芳自赏、不骄、不浮。以严谨的治学态度面对,不为个性而个性,不为设计而设计。作为一名设计师,必须有独特的素质和高超的设计技能,即无论多么复杂的设计课题,都能通过认真总结经验,用心思考,反复推敲,汲取消化同类型的优秀设计精华,实现新的创造。 3、设计作为一种职业,设计师职业道德的高低和设计师人格的完善有很大的关系,往往决定一个设计师设计水平的就是人格的完善程度,程度越高其理解能力、把握权衡能力、辨别能力、协调能力、处事能力……将协助他在设计生活中越过一道又一道障碍,所以设计师必须注重个人的修为,文人常说:“先修其形,后练其品”。 4、设计的提高必修在不断的学习和实践中进行,设计师的广泛涉猎和专注是相互矛盾又统一的,前者是灵感和表现方式的源泉,后者是工作的态度。好的设计并不只是图形的创作,他是中和了许多智力劳动的结果,涉猎不同的领域,担当不同的角色,可以让我们保持开阔的视野,可以让我们的设计带有更多的信息。在设计中最关键的是意念,好的意念需要学养和时间去孵化。设计还需要开阔的视野,使信息有广阔的来源,触类旁通是学习平面设计的重要特点之一,艺术之间本质上是共通的,文化与智慧的不断补给是成为设计界长青树的法宝。 5、有个性的设计可能是来自扎跟于本民族悠久的文化传统和富有民族文化本色的设计思想,民族性和独创性及个性同样是具有价值的,地域特点也是设计师的知识背景之一。未来的设计师不再是狭隘的民族主义者,而每个民族的标志更多的体现在民族精神层面,民族和传统也将成为一种图式或者设计元素,作为设计师有必要认真看待民族传统和文化。

如何成为一名优秀的设计师?用英语回答~ 回答参考: You must learn more knowledge about design and do more practice 意思是 你必须多学设计的相关知识,并且多做练习


1、需要不断的创新,而且还需要我们有基本的理论知识和很好的艺术修养。 2、需要对设计这个职业充满 *** , *** 可以让设计师随时产生独特的创意。 3、一个优秀的设计师很善于收集和接触新的设计作品,不断更新自己头脑中的设计储备。然后通过不断的积累,将一些优秀的设计与自己的设计相结合。 4、交流也是收集设计灵感的一种很好的办法,要多交流,交流可以碰撞出灵感的火花。

要成为一名优秀的设计师 职业技能精通, 审美以及视野必须好, 这样才能成为一名优秀的设计师!

平面设计师所要具备的条件如下: 平面设计需要学习的基础知识: 一、先学习绘画基础: 1)绘画功底: 素描、色彩、速写。 2)设计基础:包括三大构成(平面构成、色彩构成、立体构成),四大变化(动物变化、花卉变化、风景变化、人物变化)基础图案(单独纹样、适合纹样、二方连续、四方连续)、中英文美术字等,黑白画、装饰画、民间美术、中国画、书法、摄影。 3)学习设计:包括:标志设计、CIS设计、广告设计、海报设计、 样本设计、 楼书设计、 包装设计 、书籍插画绘制、贺卡设计、请柬设计、 报纸、杂志排版设计 、各类印刷品设计等等。 4)应用软件:Photoshop、Illustrator、Coreldraw等进行电脑设计。 二、学习印刷工艺流程: 印前:美工绘图,排版,出菲林,晒版。 印中:切纸,装版,打样,调色,装纸,印刷。 印后:成品裁切,折页,配页,洗背,刷胶。彩盒:表面处理(覆膜,压光,局部UV等),烫金,裱坑纸,啤切,粘合成型。书籍:包封面,腹膜,折页,配页,装订等。 三、学会培养创意思维: 以上学习的是技术,还有更重要是培养创意思维。掌握必要的理论知识,如:视觉心理学、广告心理学、设计概论、中外工艺美术史等,研读设计大师的作品,提高修养,高审美能力,启发创作灵感。


Five years later, he became an excellent designer


会学,会理解,触类旁通,虚心,思考问题不着急 不要急着说话,思路很重要,考虑要全面 各个领域的前辈要尊重,经验积累,一般5年小成,10年大成 也就说毕业后好好干10年,你的学识就可以叫人尊重了,当然不是虚度10年

198 评论


To tell you the truth 大部分都不是人话,只要是一这句开头的,Kenneth and I in the university of professional courses is the mass media不过好像也还有人话,比如那个说翻译了一上午的等几个,你找找看吧。

292 评论


Kenneth and I in the university's professional courses are the mass media. For our part, we have expectations of graduate work are to become a magazine editor. In our view, edit into news editors, magazine editors, web editors and so on. To become an editor, we should have an open mind, a wealth of imagination, the language of higher writing skills and creative ability and skills of editing and layout software. At the same time we also think, as editors have to understand the marketing knowledge, for example, the preferences of readers and the readers the scope of the crowd and so on. So that works out its own editor has the market, has the reader. Therefore, as a magazine editor, we need to communicate in life are good at, and constantly happen around the new observation, attention to news. Through exploration and the accumulation of good works to create in order to be successful. Editors are usually very heavy work. A magazine published every month one or two journals, these journals might have a lot of articles and picture editing required to qualify and layout. Article in order to achieve a color effect, required the efforts of the editors of the work and constant innovation in order to give readers satisfied. CSUEB opened its mass media courses, this course aims to train radio, television, newspapers, etc. area. Are the mass media of news dissemination tools. CSUEB we study in history, mathematics, English, second foreign language, philosophy, etc. This will not only cultivate the basic curriculum of our overall capacity for the future of the media at the same time lay the foundation for the work to open up thinking, and accumulated valuable experience. General editor of the monthly wage level of the general in 3000-5000 (. dollars) to around or higher. The United States general editor in 2000 the average annual income of 64,000 . dollars, and 58,000 . dollars in 2001. And the excellent editorial in the annual income of around one million . dollars. This is for me very satisfied. Magazine editors are generally in the office work, good working environment. This is news for those who image editing, required the production of road warriors everywhere the news first-hand image in terms of more comfortable more comfortable. Become a magazine editor, required to display their talent and their own characteristics, unique vision and perspective of the issue look to create their own unique style, this way we can best get the chance to become a magazine editor. Mass media professionals can also be: News editors, reporters, directors, broadcasters, advertising design, graphic design, animation and so on. Add: Translation adult if you can, want to score as long as adults can read the translation, no grammar errors on the line. Additional maximum points to you! Thank you

90 评论




2 、图象处理和矢量设计










355 评论


您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:InDesign翻译:n. 排版软件名称知识补充:Master in business design设计管理MA in Interior Design室内设计专业Aesthetics In Modern Design现代设计美学BFA in Interior Design内部装饰业美术学士;内部装饰学学士Diploma in Interior Design室内设计专科文凭;建筑环境系Humor in instructional design教学设计中的幽默BA in Industrial Design创意设计系Fundamentals in WebPage Design网页设计基础课程considerations in product design考虑产品的设计ID InDesign专业排版软件Adobe indesign排版求租;排版软件;专业书籍ID InDesign专业排版软件indesign cs的安装问题Adobe InDesign CS4奥多比桌面出版软件;奥多比;Adobe桌面出版软件PS AI INDESIGN熟练使用各种设计软件Photoshop lllustrator InDesign Coreldraw平面广告设计培训PAGEMAKER INDESIGN FIT排版软件InDesign File Icon排版文件图标百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

317 评论


InDesign软件是一个定位于专业排版领域的设计软件, 是面向公司专业出版方案的新平台。 由Adobe公司1999年9月1日发布。它是基于一个新的开放的面向对象体系,可实现高度的扩展性,还建立了一个由第三方开发者和系统集成者可以提供自定义杂志、广告设计、目录、零售商设计工作室和报纸出版方案的核心。可支持插件功能。 希望能帮到你。

87 评论


Hello Kenneth and I in the university's professional courses are the mass media. For our part, we have expectations of graduate work are to become a magazine editor. In our view, edit into news editors, magazine editors, web editors and so on. To become an editor, we should have an open mind, a wealth of imagination, the language of higher writing skills and creative ability and skills of editing and layout software. At the same time we also think, as editors have to understand the marketing knowledge, for example, the preferences of readers and the readers the scope of the crowd and so on. So that works out its own editor has the market, has the reader. Therefore, as a magazine editor, we need to communicate in life are good at, and constantly happen around the new observation, attention to news. Through exploration and the accumulation of good works to create in order to be successful. Editors are usually very heavy work. A magazine published every month one or two journals, these journals might have a lot of articles and picture editing required to qualify and layout. Article in order to achieve a color effect, required the efforts of the editors of the work and constant innovation in order to give readers satisfied. CSUEB opened its mass media courses, this course aims to train radio, television, newspapers, etc. area. Are the mass media of news dissemination tools. CSUEB we study in history, mathematics, English, second foreign language, philosophy, etc. This will not only cultivate the basic curriculum of our overall capacity for the future of the media at the same time lay the foundation for the work to open up thinking, and accumulated valuable experience. General editor of the monthly wage level of the general in 3000-5000 (. dollars) to around or higher. The United States general editor in 2000 the average annual income of 64,000 . dollars, and 58,000 . dollars in 2001. And the excellent editorial in the annual income of around one million . dollars. This is for me very satisfied. Magazine editors are generally in the office work, good working environment. This is news for those who image editing, required the production of road warriors everywhere the news first-hand image in terms of more comfortable more comfortable. Become a magazine editor, required to display their talent and their own characteristics, unique vision and perspective of the issue look to create their own unique style, this way we can best get the chance to become a magazine editor. Mass media professionals can also be: News editors, reporters, directors, broadcasters, advertising design, graphic design, animation and so on.小妹妹实在能力有限,还是希望它能帮到你。

198 评论


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