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Grafts the Chinese hawthorn isoflavone extraction process and the oxidation resistance research Biology and food science institute 2003 level of food sciences and project specialty Abstract: This article introduced in the Chinese hawthorn main nutrient content and the Chinese hawthorn the isoflavone function characteristic, respectively and grafts the Chinese hawthorn take the ordinary Chinese hawthorn as a raw material, has analyzed the different extraction method and the isoflavone extraction rate relations, and to grafted the Chinese hawthorn isoflavone the oxidation resistance function effect to carry on the analysis. Uses the mellow formulation, the water formulation and the ethyl acetate law three extraction method, separately and grafts the Chinese hawthorn juice extraction isoflavone to the ordinary Chinese hawthorn juice, through to the respective extraction rate's comparison and analysis knowing, uses the ethyl alcohol law to withdraw the isoflavone content to be high, and grafts in the Chinese hawthorn the isoflavone content slightly to be higher than the ordinary Chinese hawthorn isoflavone. After the single factor experiment analysis, seeks for the material fluid compared to, the ethyl alcohol density, the extraction temperature and the time and so on four extraction condition suitable parameter, thus had determined L9 (34) the orthogonal test each influencing factor's three levels, screen the material fluid compared to are 1:10, ethyl alcohol density are 85%, extraction temperature for 50℃, withdraw 1 hour for the extraction method optimum condition; Obtains the isoflavone density take the Kudzu root element as the standard through the ultraviolet spectrophotometric method, thus calculates obtains grafts the Chinese hawthorn juice isoflavone extraction rate is . Uses the color to respond and the paper chromatographic analysis law separately to withdraws the flavanone class material to carry on the appraisal. Through to joins the Chinese hawthorn juice, the sorbic acid potassium and does not have the antiseptic three kind of yogurt oxidation resistance abilities to carry on the experiment, finally indicated that the Chinese hawthorn juice yogurt's peroxide value is , is three product minimum values. In the Chinese hawthorn fruit includes the rich nutrient content and the pharmacology active constituent, is the depth the health foods which is liked the people, at present has become has the high research value and the development potential resources. Key words: Grafts the Chinese hawthorn; Isoflavone; Orthogonal test; Oxidation resistance

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