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甲醛用英语怎么说 甲醛:formaldehyde 或者 cascophen 甲醛含量测试用英语怎么说 甲醛含量测试_ 翻译结果: Formaldehyde content test甲醛的英文字母用什么代替 甲醛(HCHO) 甲醛,化学式HCHO,式量,又称蚁醛。无色气体,有特殊的 *** 气味,对人眼、鼻等有 *** 作用,气体相对密度(空气=1),液体密度³(-20℃)。熔点-92℃,沸点℃。易溶于水和乙醇。水溶液的浓度最高可达55%,通常是40%,称做甲醛水,俗称福尔马林(formalin),是有 *** 气味的无色液体。 有强还原作用,特别是在碱性溶液中。能燃烧,蒸气与空气形成爆炸性混合物,爆炸极限7%-73%(体积)。着火温度约300℃。 甲醛可由甲醇在银、铜等金属催化下脱氢或氧化制得,也可由烃类氧化产物分出。用作农药和消毒剂,制酚醛树脂、脲醛树脂、维纶、乌洛托品、季戊四醇和染料等的原料。 工业品甲醛溶液一般含37%甲醛和15%甲醇,作阻聚剂,沸点101℃。 甲醛检测仪多少钱用英语怎么说 How much money formaldehyde testing instrument.——甲醛检测仪器多少钱。 牛津布收纳箱有甲醛吗用英语怎么说 牛津布收纳箱有甲醛吗 英文翻译 Does the Oxford container contain formaldehyd 跪求一篇甲醛的英文论文 5分 你们学校应该有维普网 知网的许可权吧,搜寻关键字甲醛。搜寻出来的那些文献后面会有参考文献(现在论文基本要求外文参考文献不少于3篇),直接复制参考文献里那些外文文献的名字到搜寻栏 ,搜寻,下载那篇外文文献就是了。 甲醛测定实验英文实验报告 一、 实验目的 掌握一类化学试剂含量的测定方法,熟悉一些试剂的正确配置和操作流程。 二、 实验原理 甲醛与过量的中性亚硫酸钠反应,生成氢氧化钠,以百里酚酞作指示剂,用硫酸标准滴定溶液滴定。 HCHO + Na2SO3 + H2O = H2C(OH)SO3Na + NaOH 2NaOH + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + 2H2O 三、 试剂与溶液 亚硫酸钠、碳酸钠、硫酸标准溶液、甲基红指示剂、百里酚酞指示剂。 四、 实验步骤 1、 硫酸标准溶液的配制:取15ml浓硫酸,缓慢沿壁倒入装有 500ml蒸馏水的烧杯中。 2、 硫酸标准溶液的标定:称取1.6g左右碳酸钠于250ml的 锥形瓶中加80ml蒸馏水溶解,滴入3滴甲基红指示剂,用硫酸标准溶液滴定至溶液由微黄色变为酒红色为终点。(做两次平行试验取平均值) 3、 甲醛含量测定:称取6.3g左右亚硫酸钠于250ml锥形 瓶中加入50ml蒸馏水溶解并滴加3滴百里酚酞指示剂,用硫酸标准滴定溶液中和至蓝色刚刚消失。用减量法称取1.3~ 专业除甲醛有用吗用英语怎么说 专业除甲醛有用吗 Professional formaldehyde removal useful? 办公室甲醛超标怎么办用英语怎么说 甲醛超标不用怕,所谓术业有专攻,甲醛超标就要找专业的治理公司,推荐西安新空气环保,治理后七天入住 甲醛怎么读 jiaquan

192 评论


猪繁殖与呼吸综合征20世纪80年代,美国首先报道了一种在猪群中发生的新灾难性疾病(Keffaber,1989,Loula,1991)。其临床表现为母猪严重的繁殖障碍,断奶猪普遍发生肺炎、生长迟缓以及死亡率增加的症状(Hill,1990)。当时该病病因不明,人们通常称其为“神秘病”(MSD)(Hill,1990;Re-otutar,1989)。西医学名猪繁殖与呼吸综合征英文名称Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome,PRRS其他名称蓝耳病主要症状食欲不振,呼吸困难主要病因动脉炎病毒多发群体妊娠母猪,1月龄以内的仔猪传染性有传染性传播途径接触感染,空气传播,精液传播,胎盘垂直传播预防措施消除病猪、带毒猪和彻底消毒猪舍→截取于百度百科。

345 评论


Diet idea the Europeans said that in the world has three big good food, in each edition has China and France, only then actually had different explanations about third, has said that was Italy, also had said that was countries' and so on Turkey, Tunisia or Morocco. Although reaches a stalemate, but everybody has a mutual recognition, the diet often can reflect the different nationality aspect and so on habits and customs and cultural thought differences. one time hosts the banquet in the Chinese restaurant, on the hotel vegetable very slowly, unconscious has passed for nearly two hours, but the vegetable has as if only then gotten up half. Is first time attends the Chinese meal banquet near a place woman, cannot bear asks me, your Chinese treats on these many vegetables? I said that must be many in China, usually is above 10. She is very surprised, including said that China's banquet too has been really rich, China's good food is very no wonder famous. But after a while, she also asks me, has a phenomenon to be very strange: The Chinese eats meal each time on that many vegetables, can be why long so thinly. But France enters the vegetable to be very each time few, but is why fatter than the Chinese? I am at a loss for words for a while, but thought that she asks how many truth a little, because that day shares a table several Chinese appear quite emaciated, but several French are all tall and sturdy. Thinks that spoke an own idea with her: China is a hospitable nationality, only then on a table vegetable had only then thought that has not neglected the visitor. Sometimes moreover the Chinese pays great attention the form, therefore in China's cooking, the vegetable style is ever changing, makes concrete is fastidious about the color fragrance to each vegetable matching. But European as if some, are inferior to China obviously actually in the vegetable variety change high and low free time, what but is fastidious is its nutrition matching and the protection. This is, the French diet idea important difference, how many also reflected the French chemical property standard difference. each people have the color which to color understanding oneself like, a country and the nationality are also same, likes to the different color being possible to reflect a national or the national esthetic appeal and the likes and dislikes tendency overall. has one time bumps into an EU commission's pair of professor husbands and wives, mentions China national dress which in the Shanghai APEC conference various countries' leader puts on, they said are attractive, but has a point to be not too clear, why do the Asian leaders mostly put on red, but the Western leader has chosen the blue color. I said that the color is leader designates. The Asian country has the same cultural context probably, red in the Chinese culture, is also possibly representing lucky, the wealth in the entire Asian culture and propitious pleasant, therefore the Asian leaders as if by prior agreement have chosen red. I ask in reply them, what does the blue color represent in the Western culture? They said the westerner to believe that the blue color represents is calm and is calm. thinks that I also said the East and West cultural difference was really too big, for example the dragon in China was nationality's symbol, but had one in Belgium's Mongolian Si Shize to hit the dragon festival, the dragon is regarded as the devil, has been massacred by fable in protection sacred · Michelle, therefore did specially hits the dragon festival to congratulate that eliminated the disaster shortcoming to thank Michelle. Professor husbands and wives also approves the East and West cultural difference hugeness, and approves the culture to need to exchange. in thinking mode West's cultural difference also displays in many aspects, but simple summarizes is not actually complex: Reflected that to the thinking mode in is abstract and the embodiment difference, reflected that to the life manner in as if may understand is more practical for the westerner, but Chinese how many stresses some mental feeling. For instance compares French word and Chinese writing, this point is very obvious. The Chinese writing makes the word to pay great attention the image much, what but in the French more pays great attention to consider is the use value. Looks like in Chinese the name card, in the French translates literally is the card which the visit uses, but the aircraft carrier calls in the French to carry airplane's warship and so on, is embarks from the actual uses makes the word. But presses the glass plate which likely the picture uses, we are also the words which makes from its use value angle, but the French has been more direct-viewing, the literal translation is “places above the picture”. reflects to the drawing in is so. Everybody knew that the traditional Chinese painting greatly opens big he, splashes ink enjoyably the human body proportion which and optics principle is fastidious with the European oil painting and so on completely belongs to the technical category which two have nothing to do with one another, is as if very difficult to have the common language. Sometimes the European not too can understand that sometimes we too abstract art expression means that we also will think European's artistic skill too practical duty, deficient divine and wonderful spirit. Looked that sometimes in many European drawing history has been presented for the classics religious theme painting, the Chinese while sighs its technique practical exquisite, also will sigh with emotion European master the imagination the deficiency: In order to explain that the angel is flying, must give these lovable young and clevers to add on a pair of wing. But our ancestor has not also drawn several thousand years, how many white clouds adds on nearby these beautiful female celestial, they have not flown? Has the ideal condition, has the imagination space. this is the cultural difference. But, the difference brings not always the difference, it gave culture masters of art to leave behind the broad creation space exactly, if could find an accurate combining site, not only that will give two nationalities, will also give the entire world to bring one kind to have forgives the significance the harmony and beautiful, for instance Zhao Wuji's painting manifested the inexhaustible charm which the culture blended 饮食观念 欧洲人都说世界上有三大美食,每一个版本里都有中国和法国的,只有关于第三家却说法不一,有说是意大利的,也有说是土耳其、突尼斯或摩洛哥等国的。尽管相持不下,但大家都有个共识,饮食常能反映出不同民族的生活习惯和文化思维等方面的差异。 一次在中餐馆举行宴会,饭店菜上得很慢,不知不觉中过去了近两个小时,但菜似乎才上了一半。临座的一位女士是第一次参加中餐宴会,忍不住问我,你们中国人请客都上这么多菜吗?我说,在中国还要多,通常是10道以上。她很惊讶,连说中国的宴会实在太丰富了,难怪中国的美食很有名。但过了一会儿,她又问我,有个现象很奇怪:中国人吃饭每次都上那么多菜,可为什么都长得那么瘦。而法国入每次菜很少,但为什么都比中国人胖呢? 我一时语塞,但又觉得她问得多少有点道理,因为那天同桌的几个中国人都显得比较瘦弱,而几个法国人个个人高马大。想了想,和她讲了自己的一点想法:中国是个好客的民族,只有上了一桌子菜才觉得没怠慢客人。另外中国人有时候更注重形式,所以在中国的烹调里,菜的样式千变万化,具体到每一道菜又非常讲究色香味的搭配。而欧洲人似乎更实际一些,在菜的花色变化上下的工夫显然不如中国,但讲究的是其营养的搭配和保护。这是中、法饮食观念的重要差异,多少也反映出了中法文化性格的不同。 对色彩的认识 每个人都有自己喜欢的颜色,一个国家和民族也一样,对不同颜色的喜好从整体上可以反映出一个民族或者国家的审美情趣与好恶倾向。 有一次碰到欧盟委员会的一对教授夫妇,谈起上海APEC会议上各国领导人穿的中国民族服装,他们都说非常好看,但有一点不太明白,为什么亚洲领导人大多穿红色,而西方领导人则多选择了蓝色。我说颜色都是领导人自己选定的。大概亚洲国家有着相同的文化背景,红色在中国文化里,也可能在整个亚洲文化中都代表着幸运、财富和吉祥如意,所以亚洲领导人都不约而同地选择了红色。我反问他们,蓝色在西方文化里代表什么?他们说西方人认为,蓝色代表冷静和沉着。 想了想,我又补充说东西方文化差异实在是太大了,比如说龙在中国是民族的象征,而在比利时的蒙斯市则有一个打龙节,龙被视作恶魔,被传说中的保护神圣·米歇尔杀掉了,因此特意搞打龙节来庆贺除灾弊感谢米歇尔。教授夫妇也非常认同东西方文化差异的巨大,并认可文化需要交流。 思维方式 中西方的文化差异还表现在诸多方面,但简单加以概括其实并不复杂:反映到思维方式上是抽象和具象的差别,反映到生活态度上则似乎可以理解为西方人更加实用,而中国人则多少更偏重一些精神感受。比如把法语单词和中文文字加以比较,这一点就很明显。中国文字造词多注重形象,而法文里更多地注重考虑的是实用价值。像中文里的名片,法文里直译就是访问用的卡片,而航空母舰在法文里叫载飞机的军舰等等,都是从实际用途出发来造词的。而像压照片用的玻璃板,我们也是从其使用价值角度来造的词,但法国人就更加直观了,直译就是“放在照片上面的”。 反映到绘画上更是如此。大家都知道中国画的大开大阖、泼墨写意和欧洲油画讲究的人体比例和光学原理等完全是属于两个风马牛不相及的技术范畴,似乎很难有共同语言。欧洲人有时不太能够理解我们过于抽象的艺术表现手法,我们有时也会认为欧洲人的艺术技巧过于写实本分,缺乏灵气。看多了欧洲绘画史上被奉为经典的宗教题材画作,中国人有时在感叹其技法写实细腻的同时,也会感慨欧洲大师们想象力的贫乏:为了说明天使在飞,就非得给那些可爱的小精灵们加上一双翅膀。而我们的祖先不也画了几千年了吗,在那些美丽的仙女旁边加上几朵白云,她们不就飞起来了吗?多有意境,多有想象空间啊。 这就是文化的差异。但是,差异带来的并不总是分歧,它恰恰给文化艺术大师们留下了广阔的创作空间,如能从中找到一个准确的结合点,那不仅会给两个民族,而且也会给整个世界带来一种更具包涵意义的和谐与美丽,比如赵无极的画作就体现出了文化交融的无尽魅力。

103 评论


1.及时注射疫苗。一般情况下,种猪接种灭活苗,而育肥猪接种弱毒苗。因为母猪若在妊娠期后三分之一的时间接种活苗,疫苗病毒会通过胎盘感染胎儿;而公猪接种活苗后,可能通过精液传播疫苗病毒。弱毒苗的免疫期为4个月以上,后备母猪在配种前进行2次免疫,首免在配种前2个月,间隔1个月进行二免。小猪在母源抗体消失前首免,母源抗体消失后进行二免。灭活苗安全,但免疫效果略差,基础免疫进行2次,间隔3周,每次每头肌注4毫升,以后每隔5个月免疫1次,每头4毫升。什么时候接种疫苗,应根据具体情况而定,不可一概而论。但若猪场存在病毒,在使用疫苗前,最好先对全场进行严格彻底的消毒,每天一次,连续5天,同时在饲料中添加复方磺胺嘧啶、金霉素400摩尔/升、阿莫西林200摩尔/升,连喂5天,使猪群体内毒素含量降低到一定程度后再注射疫苗。 2.受疫情威胁的猪场,应在饲料和饮水中添加药物,方法是:产前1周和产后1周,在饲料中添加支原净100毫克/公斤加土霉素或金霉素300 毫克/公斤,也可添加SMZ,产后肌肉注射阿莫西林。仔猪在断奶后1个月,用支原净50 毫克/公斤加土霉素或金霉素150 毫克/公斤拌料饲喂,同时用阿莫西林500毫克/升饮水。 3.最根本的办法是消除病猪、带毒猪和彻底消毒猪舍(如热水清洗、空栏消毒),严密封锁发病猪场,对死胎、木乃伊胎、胎衣、死猪等,应进行焚烧等无害化处理,及时扑杀、销毁患病猪,切断传播途径。坚持自繁自养,因生产需要不得不从外地引种时,应严格检疫,避免引入带毒猪。 4.加强饲养管理,调整好猪的日粮,把矿物质(Fe、Ca、Zn、Se、Mn等)提高5%~10%,维生素含量提高5%~10%,其中VE提高100%,生物素提高50%,平衡好赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、胱氨酸、色氨酸、苏氨酸等,都能有效提高猪群的抗病力。另外,在母猪分娩前20天,每天每头母猪投喂阿司匹林8克,直到产前一周停止,能减少流产的发生。

167 评论


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