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D - 'folklore/tradition',父母传递只是其中一种D - 整篇就是在说传统文化知识的重要性B - 书本不是唯一的知识来源C - 向工人学习知识,但是也要学会定夺(“what to accept and what to reject”)B - 如何得到知识(书本之外的知识)

197 评论


THE GREAT STONE FACEThe Author s IntrusionRereading Hazlitt... Herodotus... Chaucer... Shakespeare... Bos-well... Montaigne... and certain other emitters of luminosity neverpalls. Now and then I have dipped- only dipped- into my-self with pleasure... but pursuit of that pleasure is certain tosharpen awareness of words not precise or harmonious... of doggedphrases... of sentences to be remodeled... of transpositions thatwould strengthen grace... of subject matter by hunks that hadbetter be excised... and of interesting... delightful... winged thingsin my head that belong to the written composition. I am sogrounded in respect for the English language as used by noblewriters for more than five hundred years that I have neverbeen contemporaneous with more than four or five writerswhom I admire. My contemporaries have lacked amplitude...wit... Johnsonian horse sense... play of mind... and other virtuescommon to predecessors still waiting to be enjoyed. Most mod-ern American writing in the \"best seller\" lists is so loosely --often sloppily... ignorantly... hideously--composed that it has no appeal for a craftsman disciplined to lucidity and the logic of grammar... bred to a style \"familiar but by no means vul- gar...\" and harmonized from infancy with the rhythms of DescriptionA selection of Poe's poetry and sixteen of his best-known tales, including "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Black Cat," and "The Pit and the Pendulum.".About AuthorIn his short, troubled life Edgar Allan Poe originated the mystery story, brought new psychological depth to the tale of horror, and made inimitable contributions to Romantic poetry and literary criticism. Born in Boston in 1809 to itinerant actors, Poe was orphaned as an infant and sent to live wit

288 评论


spirit of the craftsman/craftsman's spirit/craftsmanship spirit:工匠精神



Probably,I have been driven crazy by this long lost craftsman's spirit.


You can find the spirit of craftsman in villas nowhere but in tiny area.


Work Concepts:Carry forward craftsman sprit Enjoy work,Enjoy life!


It is necessary to carry forward the craftsman spirit of excellence in the whole society,and encourage the majority of young people to take the road of becoming talents with skills and serving the country with skills.


Build an army of knowledge-based,skilled and innovative workers,carry forward the spirit of model workers and craftsmen,and create a glorious social fashion of labor and a professional atmosphere of excellence.

81 评论


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