您好这位朋友。 中文摘要《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》中指出:“环境是重要的教育资源,应通过环境创设和利用,有效地促进幼儿发展。”墙面环境创设一直是幼儿在园生活的一个重要组成部分。如今,幼儿园的环境创设已不单单是教师个人的活动,我们应以幼儿为主体,充分调动幼儿参与创设的积极性,共同创设能与幼儿互动的墙面环境,为幼儿提供表现自己的机会,从而促进幼儿的全面发展。本文主要是围绕幼儿园墙面环境创设这一方面,针对笔者在幼儿园实践的过程中发现的问题进行分析,并提出了相关的解决策略。ChineseabstractInthekindergarteneducationguidelines(tryout)"pointedout:"theenvironmentisanimportanteducationresource,shouldthroughtheenvironmentcreateanduse,effectivelypromotethedevelopmentofyoungchildren."Metopeenvironmentalcreationhasalwaysbeenachildinanimportantpartofcampuslife.Now,thekindergartenenvironmentcreationhasnotonlyistheactivityofindividualteacher,weshouldtakethechildrenasthemainbody,fullyarousetheenthusiasmofyoungchildrentoparticipateincreating,jointlycreatingthemetopethatcaninteractwiththechildrenenvironment,fortheopportunitytoshowtheirchildren,soastopromotetheall-rounddevelopmentofyoungchildren.Thispapermainlyrevolvesaroundthekindergartenenvironmentcreatemetopethatontheonehand,thepracticesoftheauthorinthekindergartenfoundproblemsintheprocessofanalysis,andproposedtherelatedsolutionstrategy.祝福朋友幸福!
上面的请纯手工翻译好吗?还有不会的别乱翻好吗?你们先去学好英语再来吧! Abstract This Graduation Design analyzes the good and bad points of nursery education software by studying the current situation and future development of nursery education software and comparing the condition both here and abroad And this project also summarize and conclude the weakness and irrational strategy. Then after, it analyze the necessity and possibility of nursery education software by studying its usages and points out the important concept “Education Software must Come from Life”. It continuously introduce the advantages of using Flash Action Script as tool to better develop nursery education software and did open up some kinds. At last, the paper looks forward the future development of nursery education software and made the conclusion that it must be a mainstream to use Flash Action Script to develop that kind of softwares.
In baby time, also is the early education stage which the people oftensaid, educates is playing the pivotal role to the baby. The 21stcentury today, the education method also changes richly, thisgraduation project main research develops pre-school educationsoftware using Flash Actionscript, enables the pre-school educationalso Is going forward together with the time, connects rails with the time, how does thisregarding develop pre-school education software to have the importantpractical significance, this graduation project through studiespre-school education software the development and the presentsituation, as well as to the domestic and foreign preschool educationsoftware comparison, has discussed the present pre-school educationsoftware essence and the dregs, and was weak and the developmenterroneous zone to present China preschool education software has madethe further summary and the induction, met for is beginning from thepreschool education software function the spot, Has analyzed thefeasibility and the necessity which preschool education softwaredevelops. Afterwards proposed "preschool education software should thesource to the life" this important direction, and introduced appliedFlash Actionscript development preschool education software thesuperiority, and in this foundation, has developed a series ofpre-school education software, finally will forecast preschooleducation software the future development, obtained developspre-school education software using Flash Actionscript is an importanttendency which the future pre-school education and education softwarewill develop.
China's pre-market thinking of the cold Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid growth of our economy and gradually increase the comprehensive national strength, China's thriving pre-school education. However, in the development process there have been many problems, including pre-school market is one of them. With the pre-market, China's pre-school education has emerged an unreasonable and unfair equality of education, these problems are urgent if the time can not be effectively addressed, will be restricted to the healthy development of China's pre-school education. This paper analyzes the current market situation and our pre-existing problems, based on thinking and made a number of countermeasures. Key words: market market compulsory pre-school market
In early childhood, which is said in the early stages of education, early childhood education to play a decisive role. The 21st century, the means of education became more abundant. The design of the main graduation Flash Actionscript application software to develop early childhood education, early childhood education can also advance with the times, and the era of convergence, how to develop early childhood education software has important practical significance.The study early childhood education through graduate design software development and the status quo, and the domestic and international child education software, today discussed the essence of early childhood education software and dross, and now the weak Chinese child education and development of software errors to make a further sum up And summarized. Then the role of software from kindergarten to proceed, the analysis of the feasibility of early childhood education software development and necessity.Followed by "life from early childhood education software should be" an important direction and presented the application of Flash Actionscript development of the advantages of early childhood education software, and on this basis, the software has developed a series of early childhood education, child education software last outlook for the future development of a Flash Actionscript application to the development of early childhood education and early childhood education software is the future development of educational software an important trend.
学前教育毕业论文提纲范文 学前教育是教育的组成部分,是每个人一生中的启蒙教育阶段,也是一门综合性非常强的学科。下面是我整理的学前教育毕业论文提纲范文,仅供大家参
我的论文已经给你发过去了···· 在邮箱里所谓健康,美丽的花蕾需要用耐心,恒心和爱心去滋润去浇灌,从而才会开出异常芬芳的,绚烂夺目的花朵,而我们这些培养祖国花
幼儿教师师德教育论文范文 论文摘要: 师德教育更是学校思想政治工作的核心。如何抓好师德建设工作是每所学校致力解决的一项重要课题,如何更好地对学前教育的学生进行师
您好这位朋友。 中文摘要《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》中指出:“环境是重要的教育资源,应通过环境创设和利用,有效地促进幼儿发展。”墙面环境创设一直是幼儿在园生活