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财务管理是企业执行过程中非常重要的管理内容,下面是由我整理的,谢谢你的阅读。 篇一 [1]丁兆君.我国财政权力结构研究[D].东北财经大学2009 [2]邓峰,丁小浩.中国教育收益率的长期变动趋势分析[J].统计研究.201307 [3]白彦锋,俞惠.我国财政性三级教育支出分配结构探究[J].财经理论研究.201302 [4]邓峰,丁小浩.人力资本、劳动力市场分割与性别收入差距[J].社会学研究.201205 [5]祝接金,胡永平. *** 教育支出、人力资本异质性与地区经济增长[J].统计与决策.200806 [6]姚先国,黄志岭.职业分割及其对性别工资差异的影响--基于2002年中国城镇调查队资料[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版.200802 [7]魏巨集聚.1986-2006,我国20年义务教育经费政策变迁特征审视[J].教育理论与实践.200705 [8]皮拥军.OECD国家推进教育公平的典范--韩国和芬兰[J].比较教育研究.200702 [9]蒲蕊.公共利益:公共教育体制改革的基本价值取向[J].教育研究与实验.200701 [10]杨旭辉.基于CAS的地方 *** 固定资产投资系统研究[D].北京交通大学2015 [11]张洪刚.政治关联与财政补贴的理论与实证研究[D].东北财经大学2014 [12]胡俊杰.法治视角下的财政支出监督问题研究[D].东北财经大学2014 [13]王蓓.中国国有企业亏损补贴问题研究[D].东北财经大学2013 [14]张车伟.人力资本回报率变化与收入差距:“马太效应”及其政策含义[J].经济研究.200612 [15]王广深,王金秀.我国教育财政支出结构分析及政策调整[J].改革与战略.200801 [16]褚巨集启,杨海燕.教育公平的原则及其政策含义[J].教育研究.200801 [17]丁小浩,余秋梅,于洪霞.本世纪以来中国城镇居民教育收益率及其变化研究[J].教育发展研究.201211 [18]李莹.我国公共教育支出与经济增长关系的实证分析--基于财政性教育支出的视角[J].山西财政税务专科学校学报.201106 [19]孟艳艳.论建立有限 *** 的必要性[J].法制与社会.201106 [20]徐健.财政教育投入对经济增长影响的实证分析[J].兰州交通大学学报.201002 [21]包桂荣.教育财政转移支付制度的国际比较--以日本、美国为例[J].内蒙古财经学院学报.201002 [22]钱争鸣,易莹莹.中国教育收益率统计估计与分析--基于引数和半引数估计方法的比较[J].统计研究.200907 篇二 [1]刘彬彬.辽宁高职院财务管理问题研究[D].东北大学2009 [2]张玉.国企高管与主管官员的合谋及防范问题研究[D].东北大学2012 [3]胡晓丹.我国民营企业扩张问题研究[D].东北大学2009 [4]郭晓明.上市公司财务核心能力理论与综合评价研究[D].东北大学2005 [5]王丽.东北地区上市公司短期信贷融资效率的实证分析[D].东北大学2005 [6]王春婷.实际控制人掏空与支援行为研究[D].东北大学2009 [7]孙烨歆.基于债务结构的控股股东利益侵占约束问题研究[D].东北大学2010 [8]王江涛.基于供应链战略联盟的中小企业融资模式研究[D].东北大学2008 [9]陈丽荣.宁夏电信公司全面预算管理问题分析及对策[D].东北大学2007 [10]吕青军.债务契约对应计与真实盈余管理行为选择的影响研究[D].东北大学2012 [11]宋泉.宁夏电信SHLR专案的计划与风险管理方案设计与实施[D].东北大学2007 [12]柏晓峰.基于融资约束的我国上市公司现金持有问题实证研究[D].东北大学2008 [13]尤美.东北地区上市公司长期负债融资效率研究[D].东北大学2007 [14]曹培成.长庆油田矿区事业部全面预算管理现状分析及改进对策[D].东北大学2009 [15]范丽.基于控制权收益的债务结构问题研究[D].东北大学2008 [16]李阳.基于债务结构的终极控制人利益侵占问题研究[D].东北大学2010 [17]张秋华.基于成本、需求的债务布置结构选择问题研究[D].东北大学2010 [18]李玲.公安部沈阳消防研究所财务管理问题研究[D].东北大学2008 [19]王惠波.我国上市公司利用资产减值准备操纵利润的问题研究[D].东北大学2005

263 评论


Sustainable Development and Institutional Innovation in Privately-owned Small and edium-sized Businesses YANG Da-kai, MIAO Xue-feng ( School of International Investment, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433 , P. R. China) Abstract: Privately-owned small and medium-sized businesses are the main body in private-owned businesses in China and an e-merging group with special characteristics, and its state of development has a direct impact on the overall competitiveness of the Chinese economy in the future. By calculating first-order and second-order derivatives of production function to institution function and analyzing the results, it is indicated that institutional factor has a deep impact on the operation and development of privately-owned small and medium-sized businesses, and that improvement in institutional environment will greatly improve their production and operation. For this reason, the strategic path arrangement for institutional inno-vation in privately-owned small and medium-sized businesses in China is: cultivating entrepreneurship, carrying out property right innovation, perfecting operating mechanism of enterprises, and improving the external institutional envi-ronment for enterprise operation. Key words: privately-owned small and medium-sized business; family system; entrepreneur; governing structure; institutional innovation我国经济体制改革的主线和目标是建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制。市场经济的基本制度是所有制主体和利益主体的多元化,这一基本制度使我国民营经济得到了很大的发展,并日益成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分。民营中小企业是民营企业的主体,它与国有大中型企业、国有中小型企业、民营大企业都有着很大的区别,是一个具有特殊表征的新兴群体。一个已经被普遍认同的观点是,民营中小企业的发展状况将直接影响到我国经济未来的整体竞争力。Our country economic restructuring's master line and the goal are the establishment and the consummation socialist market economic system. Market economy's basic system is the system of ownership main body and the benefit main body multiplication, this basic system enabled our country privately operated economy to obtain the very big development, and became our country national economy day by day the important component. The privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise is Private enterprise's main body, it with the state-owned Large and middle scale Enterprises, the state-owned Small and medium-sized enterprise, the privately operated big enterprise has the very big difference, is one has the special attribute emerging community. One already by general acceptance's viewpoint was, privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise development condition immediate influence to our country economy future overall competitive power. 无论在我国还是在发达的工业化国家,家族式民营中小企业的存在和发展都与一定的历史阶段、社会发展状况、社会文化特征密切相关。家族企业作为现代市场经济中企业生态群体的母体和重要的企业组织形态,其治理结构优劣并存;全盘否定民营中小企业的家族治理模式,就等于推翻了当前我国民营经济的基础,这是不可取的。民营中小企业内部治理结构的演变有一个特定的历史过程,根据其发展阶段采用相应的治理结构,才能使其生命力不断延伸,而现代企业制度并不适合我国大多数民营中小企业的现实状况。Regardless in our country in the developed industrialized country, the family type privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise's existence and the development with certain historical stage, the social development condition, the social culture characteristic closely is related. The Family firm takes in the modern market economy the enterprise ecology community's parent substance and the important enterprise organizes the shape, its management structure fit and unfit quality coexisting; The total repudiation privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise's family governs the pattern, was equal to that has overthrown the current our country privately operated economy foundation, this is cannot take. The privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise interior management structure's evolution has a specific historical process, uses the corresponding management structure according to its development phase, can cause its vitality to extend unceasingly, but the modern enterprise system does not suit our country Majority Privately operated Small and medium-sized enterprises the realistic conditions. 培育企业家精神。由于企业家的素质决定了我国广大中小民营企业的素质和发展,因而民营中小企业制度创新中最重要的就是企业家自身的创新。企业家创新的途径有三个:第一,加强对企业家的人力资本投资。企业家可以通过系统学习先进的管理知识来提升自己的经营、管理能力,如主动参加培训、进修MBA、自我学习等。第二,坚持“干中学”,不断地用科学的方法归纳总结自己的经验和教训,从实践中体会、感悟企业经营管理之道。第三,适时引进职业经理人。民营中小企业家可在时机成熟时引进职业经理人,给予其一定的资本所有权,自己则保留控制权和剩余索取权。cultivates the entrepreneurial spirit. Because entrepreneur's quality has decided our country general small Private enterprise's quality and the development, thus in the privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise institutional innovations most important is entrepreneur own innovation. The entrepreneur innovates the way has three: First, strengthens to entrepreneur's human capital investment. The entrepreneur may promote own management, the managed capacity through the system study advanced management knowledge, like participates in training, to take advanced courses on own initiative MBA, the self-study and so on. Second, insisted that “does the middle school”, summarizes own experience and the lesson unceasingly with the science method induction, from the practice realized that the feeling becomes aware road of the enterprise management and operation. Third, at the right moment introduces the professional manager. The privately operated young entrepreneur may introduce the professional manager when the time is ripe, gives its certain right of capital property ownership, then oneself retention domination and surplus claim power.

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  • 苗木企业论文参考文献

    财务管理是企业执行过程中非常重要的管理内容,下面是由我整理的,谢谢你的阅读。 篇一 [1]丁兆君.我国财政权力结构研究[D].东北财经大学2009

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