[Summary] objective: to study the application of acute appendicitis in optimizing the benefits of treatment programmes and outcomes. Methods: a review of 198 with optimization of surgical treatment for acute appendicitis. Result: all cured, hospitalization time 5-7 days, cut grade a healing, no case occurred intestinal adhesion, abdominal abscess, wound infection, intestinal fistulae, incisional hernia, and other complications. Conclusion: courses in 7 days for patients with acute appendicitis, admission after 4-6 hour line surgical treatment, follow a strict aseptic operation, small cuts, with the relative isolation and security of the stump, peritoneal lavage, do not place the drainage of optimization that effect, advocate promotion.[Keywords] appendicitis; surgery; optimization;看看怎样?!
[to] objective to explore the application pick acute appendicitis optimization treatments and the advantages of the curative effect. Methods: retrospective 198 patients using optimization scheme of surgical treatment of acute appendicitis. Results: all cured, the length of time the 5-7 days, incision coexisted pathology, no case was happened bowel adhesion, abdominal abscess, infection of incision, intestinal fistula, incision hernia complication. Conclusion: duration within seven days after admission patients with acute appendicitis, 4 to 6 hours go to surgery, follow strict aseptic operation, small incision and operation in isolation, secure residual end processing, celiac flushing, not placed drainage the optimization scheme, and the results were satisfactory, advocate popularization.[key words] appendicitis, Operation; Optimization scheme,