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摘要In this paper, 建筑企业是项目业务导向型企业,施工项目是建筑企业经营生产的出发点和落脚点,是建筑企业利润的源泉施工项目管理的好坏决定着建筑企业的市场份额,只有占领了更多的市场份额,建筑企业才能不断的发展壮大,施工项目的管理是建筑企业研究的永恒课题,各建筑企业都非常重视,并投入了很大的精力进行研究,对施工企业来说,从理论上系统进行研究,并不断总结实践中的经验才能进一步搞好施工项目的管理,才能提高项目的效率,进而提高建筑企业的效益。Business oriented enterprise is building enterprise project, the construction project is the construction enterprise management production starting point and the foothold, is the source of building enterprise profit quality of the construction project management determines the market share of construction enterprises, only occupy more market share, construction enterprises to continuously develop, construction project management is the eternal subject of building enterprise research, the construction enterprise are all very seriously, and devote a great deal of energy to study, for construction enterprise, the system is studied theoretically, and summarizes the experiences of the practice to further improve the construction project management, to improve the efficiency of the project, and then improve the benefit of construction enterprises. 研究施工项目管理的特点,对于揭示施工项目管理的规律,诠释项目管理的内涵,具有重要的意义,施工项目管理作为工程项目管理的重要组成部分,是其全过程中一个非常重要的阶段,两者的广义特点有其相同之处,区别主要是管理的范围不同。Study the characteristics of the construction project management, to reveal the law of the construction project management, interprets the connotation of project management, has the vital significance, construction project management as an important part of project management, is a very important stage in the whole process, the general characteristics of the two have their similarities, main difference is the scope of the different management. 投标施工组织设计的施工方案如果无特殊规定,一般可表现方案的一定的选择性。一是对施工方案的评价、对比、选择,对已选定的施工方法合理性的论证;施工机械的选择,包括主要施工机械设备的类型、数量、功率等;主要项目施工方法:包括主导施工过程的施工方法,关键部位的施工方法及特殊部位的施工方法;冬雨委和特殊地理环境的施工措施,包括季节性和特殊地区的施工保证质量、安全的技术措施。Bid construction organization design of construction plan if no special provisions, the general scheme for performance of certain selectivity. One is evaluation, comparison, selection of construction schemes for selected construction method of rationality is proved; The choice of construction machinery, including the type, quantity, power of the main construction machinery and equipment, etc.; Main construction method of the project: including leading the construction process of the construction method, key parts of the construction method and construction method of special positions; Winter rain committee and the special geographical environment construction measures, including seasonal and special region construction, ensure the quality, safety technical measures. 它能实现项目的组织、计划、控制之间的联系,使这些活动的开展建立在一个共识的基础上,进而提高企业的工作效率。It can realize the organization of the project, plan, control, make these activities carried out to establish on the basis of a consensus, thus enhancing the working efficiency of the enterprise. 由于项目是一次性的,项目部也是一次性的,每一个项目部都是针对一个特定的工程项目而组建的临时管理机构,项目目标完成即工程完工,项目部也应随着解散,但项目部成员去向问题应明确的安置。它不同于企业内部的职能部门,有其独特的职能。Because the project is one-off, also a one-off projects, each project department for a specific project and form a temporary agencies, target completion of this project is completed, the project department should also be as dissolution, but should make clear where resettlement project department members. It is different from the enterprise internal functions, has its unique functions. 关键词:施工项目管理、规划、目标管理、项目结构分解Key words: construction project management, planning, management by objectives, the project structure decomposition

141 评论


以下仅供参考:对不起啊 医疗保险制度和支付管理的病人提供急性胰腺炎日本 对此yoshida1,takada1忠*,Yoshifumikawarada2,原hirata3、石mayumi4,sekimoto5秀、野hirota6,Yasutoshikimura3,Kazunoritakeda7,isaji8机,koizumi9职能,otsuki10四位个体的舞台,**,matsuno11荣、任 外科部一、帝京大学医学院、2-11-1、官、Itabashi-谷,东京173-8605,日本 2野市医院、国务日本 3首部手术,札幌医科大学医学院、北海道、日本 4、重症护理署紧急医疗、名古屋大学医学研究所、日本名古屋 5department医护质量管理、经济学、京都大学医学研究所、日本京都 6departmentGastroenterological的手术,熊本大学医学科学研究所、熊本、日本 七部手术,医院组织全国仙台医学院、日本仙台 8hepatobiliary部、胸部外科手术胰腺、国务大学医学研究所、国务日本 9ohara医学院医院、福岛、日本 10部胃肠科、新陈代谢、环境卫生、职业大学、日本、医学院 北九州日本 11Gastroenterological科手术,台北医学大学研究生院、日本仙台 统称为"医疗费支付制度",包括提供医疗援助forspecified棘手的疾病. 因为急性胰腺炎的死亡率也很高,这是一个棘手的特定疾病. 以降低死亡率为各种疾病,包括急性胰腺炎、规格系统已通过政府费用治疗急性胰腺炎是全数由政府发出申请经费证明书,证明病人有无法解决的疾病. 关键字医疗系统--急性胰腺炎日本政府支付医疗保险制度体系! 引进 日本范围的医疗保障制度的普遍特点是医疗保险制度,以宪法为依据,以货币补贴的规定这个制度. 没有其他国家有这种医疗保障制度的特点. 该系统已使得日本无法实现和维持高水准医疗Atlow成本. 日本医疗保险制度的特点是其规定普遍医疗护理老人、支付医疗费 在日本,病人支付保费,与正常的收入水平.

226 评论


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262 评论


The 5S are prerequisites for any improvement program, and a technique to have a clean working environment. 5S Philosophy focuses on effective work place organization, simplifies work environment, reduces waste while improving quality and safety. There is no hope for efficiency or quality improvement with dirty work place, waste of time and scrap. 5S can be applied to the workshop, the warehouse, the office, even you can apply it in your own room. 5S are not just about having a clean place to work. It is about changing behaviors and creating involvement. In short, 5S are way of life.留下邮箱吧。余下的给你

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