我写的是论文(设计)题目:Cooperative Learning in English Teaching in Senior High SchoolContentsIntroductionChapter 1 analysis of Cooperative Learning1.1 A Brief history of Cooperative Learning1.2 The Definition of Cooperative Learning1.3 Theoretical Bases1.3.1 Group Dynamics Theory1.3.2 Social Cohesion Theory1.3.3 Constructive Theory1.3.4 Development Theory1.3.5 Cognitive Elaboration Theories1.5 The Substantial Elements to Cooperative Learning1.6 The Major Models of Cooperative Learning1.6.1 Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) (Slavin, 1980)1.6.2 Teams Games Tournament (TGT) (Devries and Slavin, 1980)1.6.3 Jigsaw Procedure (Aronson, 1978)1.6,4 Learning Together (LT) (Johnson and Johnson, 1987)1.6.5Group Investigation (GI) (Sharan and Sharan, 1976)1.7 The Assessment of Cooperative LearningChapter 2 The Implementation of Cooperative Learning in High School English Teaching2.1 Group formed2.2 Cooperative Learning in the Teaching of Oral English2.3 Cooperative Learning in the Teaching of English Writing2.4 Cooperative Learning in the Teaching of English Reading2.5 Cooperative Learning in the Memory of English VocabularyChapter 3 Unsuccessful factors of teacher in cooperative learning Implementation and the solutions3.1 On the Aspect of Meaning of Cooperative Learning3.2 On the Aspect of Time in Cooperative Learning3.3 On the Aspect of Content about Cooperative Learning3.4 On the Aspect of Assessment on Cooperative LearningConclusionBibliography
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