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塑料相对金属,密度小,但强度比较高,绝缘性能优良,具有非常好的抗化学腐蚀性,在机械、化工、汽车、航空航天等领域,塑料已经大规模的取代了金属。目前塑料制件在工业、日常生活各领域几乎无处不在。所以掌握模具设计这一门技巧,对于未来从事相关行业的我们极其重要。在本课题的制做过程中,我们还锻炼使用UG 、AUTOCAD等CAD,CAE绘图软件的技巧。使我们在塑件结构设计、塑料成型工艺分析、塑料模具数字化设计、塑料模具零件的选材、热处理、塑料模具零件的制造,以及资料检索、英文翻译等方面获得综合训练,为未来工作适应期奠定坚实的基础。


80年代以来,在国家产业政策和与之配套的一系列国家经济政策的支持和引导下,我国模具工业发展迅速,年均增速均为13%,1999年我国模具工业产值为 245亿,至2002年我国模具总产值约为360亿元,其中塑料模约30%左右。在未来的模具市场中,塑料模在模具总量中的比例还将逐步提高。


在制造技术方面,CAD/CAM/CAE技术的应用水平上了一个新台阶,以生产家用电器的企业为代表,陆续引进了相当数量的CAD/CAM系统,如美国EDS的UGⅡ、美国Parametric Technology公司的Pro/Emgineer、美国CV公司的CADS5、英国Deltacam公司的`DOCT5、日本HZS公司的CRADE、以色列公司的Cimatron、美国AC—





1. 明确塑件设计要求






1). 塑件成型位置及分型面选择;

2). 模具型腔数的确定,型腔的排列和流道布局以及浇口位置设置;

3). 模具工作零件的结构设计;

4). 顶出机构设计;

5). 拉料杆的形式选择;

6). 排气方式设计。

4、 模具总体尺寸的确定,选购模架


5、 模具结构总装图和零件工作图的绘制












2。屈华昌主编,塑料成型工艺与模具设计[M], 机械工业出版社,2000。4

3。屈华昌。塑料成型工艺与模具设计。北京:机械工业出版社,1996,  1—3

4。刘际泽。塑料制品内与模具设计提案。北京:中国轻工业出版社,2001, 4

5。李得群。国外注射模CAD/CAM/CAE发展概况。模具工业,1994,  (9 ) : 47—53

6。刘跃军,翟金平。聚合物注射成型的过程控制[[J]。工程塑料应用,2001,29 (9): 41—42

7。益小苏。高分子材料的制备与加工。杭州:浙江大学出版社,1997, 4—8


9。杨洪旗。模具设计与CAD技术[[J]。 CAD/CAM计算机辅助设计与制造,2000,(4):16

323 评论


The Graduation Project Manual describes the packaging of Ding Yi face cream to cover the whole process of mold design. The first is the physical measurement of face cream covered package size, use of the current mainstream CAD software Pro / E three-dimensional modeling of products, re-use Pro / E Mold Design module of the product sub-module design. Plastic parts and then by analyzing the quality and appearance of the appearance of the structural characteristics of the die structure design. The use of the mold gate feed points, the use of column-oriented direct introduction, putting the completion of release, and molds to choose the materials. The structure of such a design work to ensure that reliable operation die. Finally, the structure of the mold injection machine with a matching check, and a set of AutoCAD drawing die assembly drawings and parts diagram. 选我

310 评论


Mold or die are the common terms used to describe the tooling used to produce plastic parts in molding.Traditionally, molds have been expensive to manufacture. They were usually only used in mass production where thousands of parts were being produced. Molds are typically constructed from hardened steel, pre-hardened steel, aluminium, and/or beryllium-copper alloy. The choice of material to build a mold from is primarily one of economics, steel molds generally cost more to construct, but their longer lifespan will offset the higher initial cost over a higher number of parts made before wearing out. Pre-hardened steel molds are less wear resistant and are used for lower volume requirements or larger components. The steel hardness is typically 38-45 on the Rockwell-C scale. Hardened steel molds are heat treated after machining. These are by far the superior in terms of wear resistance and lifespan. Typical hardness ranges between 50 and 60 Rockwell-C (HRC). Aluminium molds can cost substantially less, and when designed and machined with modern computerized equipment, can be economical for molding tens or even hundreds of thousands of parts. Beryllium copper is used in areas of the mold which require fast heat removal or areas that see the most shear heat generated.[12] The molds can be manufactured by either CNC machining or by using Electrical Discharge Machining processesThe mold consists of two primary components, the injection mold (A plate) and the ejector mold (B plate). Plastic resin enters the mold through a sprue in the injection mold, the sprue bushing is to seal tightly against the nozzle of the injection barrel of the molding machine and to allow molten plastic to flow from the barrel into the mold, also known as cavity[13] The sprue bushing directs the molten plastic to the cavity images through channels that are machined into the faces of the A and B plates. These channels allow plastic to run along them, so they are referred to as runners.[14] The molten plastic flows through the runner and enters one or more specialized gates and into the cavity[15] geometry to form the desired part.The amount of resin required to fill the sprue, runner and cavities of a mold is a shot. Trapped air in the mold can escape through air vents that are ground into the parting line of the mold. If the trapped air is not allowed to escape, it is compressed by the pressure of the incoming material and is squeezed into the corners of the cavity, where it prevents filling and causes other defects as well. The air can become so compressed that it ignites and burns the surrounding plastic material.[16] To allow for removal of the molded part from the mold, the mold features must not overhang one another in the direction that the mold opens, unless parts of the mold are designed to move from between such overhangs when the mold opens (utilizing components called Lifters).Sides of the part that appear parallel with the direction of draw (The axis of the cored position (hole) or insert is parallel to the up and down movement of the mold as it opens and closes)[17] are typically angled slightly with (draft) to ease release of the part from the mold. Insufficient draft can cause deformation or damage. The draft required for mold release is primarily dependent on the depth of the cavity: the deeper the cavity, the more draft necessary. Shrinkage must also be taken into account when determining the draft required.[18] If the skin is too thin, then the molded part will tend to shrink onto the cores that form them while cooling, and cling to those cores or part may warp, twist, blister or crack when the cavity is pulled away.[19] The mold is usually designed so that the molded part reliably remains on the ejector (B) side of the mold when it opens, and draws the runner and the sprue out of the (A) side along with the parts. The part then falls freely when ejected from the (B) side. Tunnel gates, also known as submarine or mold gate, is located below the parting line or mold surface. The opening is machined into the surface of the mold on the parting line. The molded part is cut (by the mold) from the runner system on ejection from the mold.[20] Ejector pins, also known as knockout pin, is a circular pin placed in either half of the mold (usually the ejector half) which pushes the finished molded product, or runner system out of a mold.[21]The standard method of cooling is passing a coolant (usually water) through a series of holes drilled through the mold plates and connected by hoses to form a continueous pathway. The coolant absorbs heat from the mold (which has absorbed heat from the hot plastic) and keeps the mold at a proper temperature to solidify the plastic at the most efficient rate.[22]To ease maintenance and venting, cavities and cores are divided into pieces, called inserts, and sub-assemblies, also called inserts, blocks, or chase blocks. By substituting interchangeable inserts, one mold may make several variations of the same part.More complex parts are formed using more complex molds. These may have sections called slides, that move into a cavity perpendicular to the draw direction, to form overhanging part features. When the mold is opened, the slides are pulled away from the plastic part by using stationary “angle pins” on the stationary mold half. These pins enter a slot in the slides and cause the slides to move backward when the moving half of the mold opens. The part is then ejected and the mold closes. The closing action of the mold causes the slides to move forward along the angle pins.[23]Some molds allow previously molded parts to be reinserted to allow a new plastic layer to form around the first part. This is often referred to as overmolding. This system can allow for production of one-piece tires and wheels.2-shot or multi-shot molds are designed to "overmold" within a single molding cycle and must be processed on specialized injection molding machines with two or more injection units. This process is actually an injection molding process performed twice. In the first step, the base color material is molded into a basic shape. Then the second material is injection-molded into the remaining open spaces. That space is then filled during the second injection step with a material of a different color.[24]A mold can produce several copies of the same parts in a single "shot". The number of "impressions" in the mold of that part is often incorrectly referred to as cavitation. A tool with one impression will often be called a single impression(cavity) mold.[25] A mold with 2 or more cavities of the same parts will likely be referred to as multiple impression (cavity) mold.[26] Some extremely high production volume molds (like those for bottle caps) can have over 128 cavities.In some cases multiple cavity tooling will mold a series of different parts in the same tool. Some toolmakers call these molds family molds as all the parts are related.[27]来自维基百科,仅为一部分

183 评论


The Graduation Project Manual describes the packaging of Ding Yi face cream to cover the whole process of mold design. The first is the physical measurement of face cream covered package size, use of the current mainstream CAD software Pro / E three-dimensional modeling of products, re-use Pro / E Mold Design module of the product sub-module design. Plastic parts and then by analyzing the quality and appearance of the appearance of the structural characteristics of the die structure design. The use of the mold gate feed points, the use of column-oriented direct introduction, putting the completion of release, and molds to choose the materials. The structure of such a design work to ensure that reliable operation die. Finally, the structure of the mold injection machine with a matching check, and a set of AutoCAD drawing die assembly drawings and parts diagram.

340 评论


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    《注塑技术与注塑机》化学工业出版社 本书出版的主要目的是使读者全面了解注塑机的结构、性能,熟练地掌握注塑机的使用方法和解决生产中遇到的实际问题。书中主要

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