跨文化差异对国际商务谈判思维的影响资料包括: 论文( 12页8019字) 任务书 开题报告摘 要在全球经济一体化的背景下,商务交流活动日益频繁,跨文化、跨地域商务谈判已成为国际商务交流活动中的重要组成部分。因此,我们必须对各国的文化有更深入地了解,分析跨文化思维的差异及其对商务谈判思维的影响,通过对思维方式的深层研究,揭示不同文化背景谈判人员的谈判风格与谈判技巧,更为有效地掌握谈判进程,为取得“双赢”结果打下坚实基础。本文通过阐述谈判思维在商务谈判中的重要性,以及文化差异性对思维方式的影响,从正、反两方面分析在跨文化背景下文化差异对商务谈判的影响,进而提出应对跨文化谈判中思维模式差异的对策方法,如建立友谊关系,加强对决策程序的认识,关注不同国家的法律环境等,旨在为现在商务谈判活动提供一定的理论指导。【关键词】跨文化差异 谈判思维 思维方式AbstractWith the development of globalization, business activities are more and more frequently. The concept of “cross-culture” has been flexibly used by many entrepreneurs for their enterprises in the world. Cross-culture business negotiation has become an important part of international business communication activity. Therefore, in order to effect the negotiation effectively and gain the win-win situation for both party, we must have a thorough understanding of different cultures, analyze the differences among the cross-culture thinking, and its influence on negotiation thinking. Through the embedded research on thinking style, we can distinguish the negotiation styles and skills of different cultures. The thesis is to elaborate the importance of negotiation thinking in the business negotiation, and the influence of the cultural differences upon the mode of thinking. In the passage, the positive and negative influence of the cultural differences for the business negotiation under the cross-cultural background is to be discussed. It mainly focuses on the differences of negotiation thinking, the acceptance of different culture, the caution is the business communication, the complication of negotiation and so on. Furthermore, some countermeasures for the cross-cultural negotiating are to be put forwarded. Such as, the establishment of relationship in different negotiation parties, the understanding of the policy procedure, attention to the legal environment of the dissimilarity nations, etc. The intention of the thesis is to provide certain theories instruction to the business negotiation practice.【key word】 Multi-culture difference; Negotiation thinking;Thinking style
论文选题是按一定价值标准或条件对可供选择的课题进行评价和比较并对研究方向、目标、领域和范围作出抉择的过程,是决定论文内容和价值的关键环节。这里学术堂整理了十五个论文选题供大家进行参考:1、从语用学视角看汉英口译中的语用失误2、英语心智谓词的模糊性及其语际语用发展研究3、英语科技术语的词汇特征及翻译4、Moment in Peking中异国形象之汉译5、中医典籍中“气”的源流与翻译探析6、女性主义视角下张爱玲的翻译观--以英译《海上花列传》为中心7、二语习得视觉化研究的几个关键问题8、晚清以降的中国佛典英译高潮9、基于降维法的译者风格研究10、中国英语口音研究述评11、口译中视角转换的语用原则12、模因理论指导下的汉语歇后语英译13、本土英语教学法:流派、体系与特色14、《骆驼祥子》三个英译本中叙述话语的翻译--译者风格的语料库考察15、基于语料库的“人生”隐喻英汉对比研究
隐喻的中西方文化差异Abstract: Metaphor is not only a linguistic phenomenon but also a way
不同的文化传统,使得人们价值观念,行为准则和生活方式等方面也存在着相当的文化差异。下文是我为大家整理的关于中西方文化差异论文的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 中西方文
由于我国与西方的生活习惯以及民族习俗的不同,中西方 文化 存在许多差异。下面是我为大家整理的中西方文化差异论文,供大家参考。 摘要: 从历史文化的角度来说,
跨文化差异对国际商务谈判思维的影响资料包括: 论文( 12页8019字) 任务书 开题报告摘 要在全球经济一体化的背景下,商务交流活动日益频繁,跨文化、跨