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Ren Bing*, Wen Hongjie, Dong Ping, Wang Yongxue. Improved SPH simulation of wave motions and turbulent flows through porous media. Coastal Engineering, 107 (2016), 14-27. 任冰, 李晨光, 蒋梅荣, 王国玉,王永学. 弹性变形对三维弹性液箱内晃荡波面的影响. 科学通报, 2015, 60: 1–10. Chenguang Li, Meirong Jiang, Bing Ren, Yongxuewang Wang,Experimental investigation into the effects of fluid-structure interaction on the sloshing waves in 3D elastic tanks. Proceeding of 36th IAHR World Congress. IAHR 2015, 28 June–3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands. Meirong Jiang, Bing Ren, Guoyu Wang. Laboratory study on the hydrodynamic and structural characteristic of violent sloshing in elastic tanks. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2015, DOI: . (SCI, EI收录) Ren Bing, He Ming, Dong Ping, Wen Hongjie. Nonlinear simulations of wave-induced motions of a freely floating body using WCSPH method. Applied Ocean Research, 2015, 50, 1-12. (SCI, EI收录) Ren Bing, Jin Zhao, Gao Rui, Wang Yongxue, Xu Zhilin. SPH-DEM modeling of the hydraulic stability of 2D blocks on a slope. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 2014, 140(6), 04014022: 1-12.(SCI, EI收录) Ren Bing, Wen Hongjie, Dong Ping, Wang Yongxue. Numerical simulation of wave interaction with porous structures using an improved smoothed particle hydrodynamic method. Coastal Engineering, 88(2014): 88-100. (SCI, EI收录) Jiang Meirong, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu, Wang Yongxue. Laboratory investigation of the hydroelastic effect on liquid sloshing in rectangular tanks. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2014, 26(5): 751-761.(SCI, EI收录) Jiang Meirong, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu, Wang Yongxue. Laboratory study on the hydrodynamic and structural characteristic of violent sloshing in elastic tanks. The 7th International Conference on the Thin-Walled Structures, Oct. 2, 2014, Busan, Korea, ICTWS2014-0801: 1-10.(EI收录) 蒋梅荣, 任冰, 李小超, 王永学. 有限液深下弹性侧壁液舱内晃荡共振特性实验研究. 大理工大学学报, 2014, 54(5): 558-567. Wen Hongjie, Ren Bing. 3D numerical wave basin based on parallelized SPH method. OMAE 2014, June 8-13, 2014, San Francisco, California, USA.(EI收录) 孙见峰, 任冰, 宋子路, 王永学. 波浪对弹性支撑结构物冲击作用试验研究. 大连理工大学学报, 2014, 54(2): 222-227. 崔焱, 姜峰, 任冰. 波浪作用下斜坡上护面块体内部应力分布数值模拟. 海洋工程, 2014, 32(5): 78-84. 宋子路, 任冰, 孙见峰, 刘明, 王国玉. 弹性支撑水平板上的波浪冲击压力试验研究. 水动力学研究与进展, 2014, 29(4): 435-443. 蒋梅荣, 任冰, 温鸿杰, 王永学. 弹性液舱内液体晃荡实验研究. 海洋工程, 2013, 31(5): 1-10. He Ming, Ren Bing, Jiang Feng, Ma Chunli, Simulation of dynamic coupling between waves and a free-floating rectangular box by smoothed particle hydrodynamics. OMAE2013, June 9-14, 2013, Nantes, France, OMAE2013-10286.(EI收录) 任冰, 金钊, 高睿, 贺铭, 王永学. 波浪与斜坡堤护面块体相互作用的SPH-DEM数值模拟. 大连理工大学学报, 2013, 53(2): 241-248. Ding Zhaoqiang, Wang Guoyu, Ren Bing. Three dimensional numerical simulation of wave slamming on an open structure. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2012, 24(4):526-534. (SCI、EI收录) 金钊, 任冰, 徐志林, 王国玉. 基于SPH并行算法的数值波浪水槽研究. 第二十四届全国水动力学研讨会文集, 332-339, 2012年, 江苏无锡. 任冰, 叶晓文, 高睿, 王国玉, 王永学. 波浪与多孔介质结构相互作用的SPH模拟. 海洋工程, 2012, 30(2): 46-53. Cheng Xiaofei, Wang Yongxue, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu. Numerical study of hydrodynamic forces on a submarine piggyback pipeline under wave action. The 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, July 1-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, OMAE2012-83214.(EI收录) 张秋艳, 任冰, 蒋梅荣. 二维矩形弹性液舱内液体晃荡数值模拟研究. 船海工程, 2012, 41(4): 11-20. 任冰, 高睿, 金钊, 王国玉, 王永学. 波浪对透空式结构物冲击作用的光滑粒子流体动力学数值模拟. 海洋学报, 2012, 34(1): 163-177. Gao Rui, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu, Wang Yongxue. Numerical modelling of regular wave slamming on subface of open-piled structures with the SPH method. Applied Ocean Research, 2012, 34: 173-186.(SCI, EI收录) Li Xueyan, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu, Wang Yongxue. Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic characteristic on arc crown wall using VOF method based on BFC. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2011, 23(6): 767-776.(SCI、EI收录) 任冰, 李雪艳, 王永学. 基于贴体网格的VOF方法数模流场研究. 计算力学学报, 2011, 28(6): 872-878. 李雪艳, 任冰, 王国玉, 王永学. 基于BFC-VOF方法的弧形防浪墙水动力数值模拟. 水道港口, 2011, 32(4): 270-275. 郭保臣, 任冰, 刘明. 波浪冲击作用下海洋结构物的动力响应. 水道港口, 2011, 32(3): 168-172. Gao Rui, Ren Bing, Wang Guoyu, Wang Yongxue. SPH Model of Solitary Waves Shoaling on a Mild Sloping Beach, Proceedings of the Twentieth (2010) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, June 20 25, 2010. 590-595. (EI收录) 高睿, 任冰, 王国玉, 王永学. 孤立波浅化过程的SPH数值模拟. 水动力学研究与进展, A辑, 2010, 25(5): 620-629. Ren Bing, Li Xuelin, Han Peng, Wang Yongxue. Numerical non-reflecting irregular wave flume based on VOF method. The ASME 2009 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic , May 31 - June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,OMAE2009-79206.(EI收录) Li Xuelin, Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Numerical study of the irregular wave impact. The 19th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 510-517, Osaka,Japan, June 21-26, 2009.(EI收录) Ding Zhaoqiang, Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Spectral analysis of unidirectional wave slamming on the three-dimensional structures in the splash zone. The 19th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 1024-1030, Osaka, Japan, June 21-26, 2009.(EI收录) 高睿, 任冰. 波浪沿斜坡传播的SPH数值模拟. 第十四届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集, 482-487, 呼和浩特, . 韩朋, 任冰, 李雪临, 王永学. 基于VOF方法的不规则波数值浪水槽的阻尼消波研究. 水道港口, 2009, 30(1): 9-13. 丁兆强, 任冰, 王永学, 任效忠, 随机波浪对浪溅区三维结构物冲击作用, 大连理工大学学报, , 48(6):904-911. (EI收录) Ren Bing, Li Xuelin, Wang Yongxue. An irregular wave maker of active absorption with VOF method. China Ocean Engineering, , 22, 4, 1-12. (SCI、EI收录) Ding Zhaoqiang, Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue, Ren Xiaozhong. Experimental study of unidirectional irregular wave slamming on the three-dimensional structure in the splash zone. Ocean Engineering, 2008, 35(16): 1637-1646. (SCI、EI收录) 丁兆强, 任冰, 王永学, 任效忠. 单向波对浪溅区三维结构物冲击作用的研究. 第十三届中国海洋工程学术讨论会论文集, 2007, 176-184. 李雪临, 任冰, 王永学. VOF方法中主动吸收式无反射数值造波研究. 第二十届全国水动力学研讨会文集, 2007, 265-272. Ren Bing, Li Xuelin, Wang Yongxue. Experimental investigation of the instantaneous properties of wave slamming on the plate. China Ocean Engineering, 2007, 21(3): 533-540.(SCI、EI收录) Ren Bing, Ding Zhaoqiang, Wang Yongxue. Experimental study of regular wave impact on the three-dimensional structure in the splash zone. The 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2007, 3623-3629.(EI收录) 任冰, 李雪临, 王永学. 波浪冲击过程流场变化特性实验研究. 海洋工程, 2006, 24(4): 68-74. Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Laboratory study of random wave slamming on a piled wharf with different shore connecting structures. Coastal Engineering, 2005, 52(5): 463-471.(SCI、EI收录) 黄小华, 王永学, 任冰. 波浪变态模型试验变率影响的计算机仿真研究, 中国造船, 2005, 46(增刊): 153-161. 张红玉, 王永学, 任冰. 人工神经网络在计算波浪冲击力中的应用, 中国造船, 2004, 45(增刊): 110-116. Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Numerical simulation of random wave slamming on the structure in the splash zone. Ocean Engineering, 2004, 31(5-6): 547-560.(SCI、EI收录),《科学引文索引》他人引用9次 Zhang Hongyu, Wang Yongxue, Ren Bing. Application of neural network on wave impact force prediction. International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISSN 2004), , Advances in Neural Networks, PT 2: 854-859.(SCI、ISTP收录) 任冰, 王永学. 随机波浪对不同接岸型式码头上部结构的冲击作用研究. 第十八届全国水动力学研讨会文集, 新疆乌鲁木齐, 2004 .08, 481-492. Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Impact pressure of incident regular waves and irregular waves on the surface of open-piled structures. China Ocean Engineering, 2004, 18(1): 35-46.(SCI、EI收录) Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Experimental study of irregular wave impact on the structures in splash zone. Ocean Engineering, 2003, 30(18): 2363-2377.(SCI、EI收录) Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Experimental study of irregular wave impact on piled wharf with permeable slope shore connecting. APAC2003,Japan, 2004, 177-178. 任冰, 王永学. 不规则波对透空式建筑物上部结构冲击作用时域分析. 大连理工大学学报, 2003, 43(6): 818-824.《中国引文数据库》他人引用1次 任冰, 王永学. 不规则波对浪溅区结构物冲击作用的试验研究¾频域分析. 海洋工程, 2003, 21(4): 53-60. 任冰, 王永学. 随机波浪对透空式建筑物上部结构冲击作用的数值模拟. 第十一届中国海岸工程学术讨论会暨2003年海峡两岸港口及海岸开发研讨会论文集, 海南三亚, 2003, 195-204. Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue. Spectral analysis of irregular wave impact on the structure in splash zone. OMAE, Oslo, Norway, 2002, OMAE2002-28091.(EI收录) Wang Yongxue, Ren Bing. Experimental study of Irregular Wave slamming. ISOPE , Kitakyushu, Japan, 2002, 492-495.(EI、ISTP收录) Ren Bing, Wang Yongxue, Kassels Seth. Experimental investigation of wave impact on piled wharves with different shore connecting structure. APAC, Dalian, China, 2001, 751-757.(EI、ISTP收录) 任冰, 王永学. 波浪对不同接岸型式桩基码头冲击作用的实验研究. 第五届全国水动力学学术会暨第十五届全国水动力学研讨会论文集, 武汉, 2001, 150-157. 任冰, 王永学. 非线性波浪对结构物的冲击作用. 大连理工大学学报, 1999, 39(4): 562-566.《中国引文数据库》他人引用3次 王永学, 任冰. 波浪冲击过程的湍流数值模拟. 水动力学研究与进展, A辑, 1999, 14(4): 409-417.《科学引文索引》他人引用2次, 《中国引文数据库》他人引用9次 Wang Yongxue, Liu Mengzhe, Ren Bing. Experimental study of wave slamming. OMAE’98, Lisbon, Portugal, 1998, OMAE98-0403.(EI收录) Wang Yongxue, Ren Bing. Numerical simulation of wave slamming by turbulent model. Pacific Conference on Ocean Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China, 1997, 251-259.

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Journal of Hydrodynamics水动力学研究与进展 B辑 (英文版)该刊被以下数据库收录:SCI 科学引文索引(美)(2011)JST 日本科学技术振兴机构数据库(日)(2013)EI 工程索引(美)(2014)CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(2015-2016年度)(含扩展版)======== 水动力学研究与进展 A辑(中文版)该刊被以下数据库收录:中国科技论文统计源期刊(2015-2016)CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(2015-2016年度)(含扩展版)北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》来源期刊:2014年版

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