Abstract the personnel management system is an Enterprise unit essential part, its content regarding enterprise's policy-makers and the superintendent very important, therefore the personnel management system should be able to provide the sufficient information and the quick inquiry method for the user. Causes its company personnel management to implement initially computerizes, lets the computer obtain the preliminary application in the personnel management. Causes the human affairs superintendent always to act according to accurately, the prompt human affairs information to carry on the decision-making, realizes the management. Only the computer can the modernized society, the human affairs information content which grows doubled and re-doubled, carries on the prompt collection, the processing, the reorganization, storing, the retrieval, the transmission, the feedback to give the policy-maker. Displays its unique function. namely: (1) to the input human affairs data, carries on the value operation and the logic operation, solves each kind of question. (2) carries on the processing to the human affairs information to solve each kind of data processing problem, for human affairs policy-maker when decision-making provides the basis. (3) to personnel management's each kind of material data and the computer order, has the memory storage ability. The practice proved that when manages when the information content and the complex degree achieves some limit, when namely administrative personnels' labor intensity surpasses its bearing capacity, must use the new management tool, namely with the computer technology information's collection, the processing, the transmission and the storage and so on, may use the human affairs foundation information, highly effective, reasonable, manages appropriately. Thus, human affairs information system along with computer's application, development, but consummates unceasingly, computer's is also the profit is important in human affairs information management status. because of this, accomplishes the personnel management modernization, must have the science management and the advanced technological means that can maximum limit raise the personnel management working efficiency. The modern personnel service's information content is getting bigger and bigger, the secrecy is getting stronger and stronger, moreover the information density enhances unceasingly, was already unable depending on the traditional management and the manual control method to do well the personnel management work. But the computer takes the data processing system, has become the personnel management modernization gradually the important means that is playing the vital role in the personnel management. Generally speaking, computer's includes in human affairs information system function: (1) the computer can provide quickly compared to the human has the information value human affairs data; (2) the computer can provide the renewal compared to the human the human affairs data; (3) the computer can provide the more accurate human affairs data compared to the human; (4) the computer can compared to the human process more human affairs data and so on. Because of this, we use the computer substitution manual operation establishment the human affairs information system, namely the computer human affairs information system, its major function may induce into the following three points: one is may the high efficiency, collect, processing, the storage human affairs information large capacity, improves the personnel management information system's work quality and the efficiency large scale. two are may keep abreast of the entire personnel management system's comprehensive situation promptly, supplies system's accurate human affairs information, may promote the personnel service standardization and each control system and indicator system's establishment and perfect, thus raises the administration level. three are may supply each kind of processing has processed the human affairs information, satisfies the personnel management the special request, adapts the new situation the new request which proposed to the teaching and administrative staff troop, helps the selection scheme, realizes the optimized decision-making. Presently, many unit's Personnels also are only restricted in the simple single plane application regarding computer's application, with the lapse of time, duty complex, user's demand, its application will also expand. In brief, computer's widespread application, the computer personnel management information system's establishment, adapted the objective request which the social economy sends, is a personnel management modernization big progress. Today we utilized the computer to carry on the dossier management preliminary modernization development and the use, it raised the personnel management worker's working efficiency greatly, it the personnel management (file, wages) extricated from the arduous manual operation, was engaged in the creative with more energy management activity; It can cause the decision-making, the plan and other management activity is more scientific, is precise, is nimble. Therefore, establishes the computer personnel management information system is one kind of objective development inevitable trend. Although is impossible in the personnel management aspect to use the computer generally, but from long-term, the personnel management modernization and the computer do not divide. The contempt or refuses to use the computer technology, is impossible, to accomplish the personnel management modernization comprehensively truly. Along with our country economy, the science and technology send, development of talent management's enhancement, we must certainly create the condition diligently, promotes to use computer's personnel management modernization. In order to construct the Chinese characteristic socialism to try hard to struggle.
Asp:ASP001基于ASP的论坛的设计与实现ASP002在线手机销售系统ASP003基于WEB的旅游网站建设ASP004购物系统1ASP005购物系统2ASP006文章在线发布系统ASP007校园新闻发布管理系统(ASP+ACCESS)ASP008毕业设计花店ASP009毕业设计选题管理系统(asp+sql)ASP010博客网站的设计与实现ASP011公交查询系统ASP012红旗汽车修理厂物资流通管理系统ASP013人才网站的设计与实现毕业设计及论文ASP014网上动态同学录系统ASP015网上盆景系统ASP016新闻发布系统(1)ASP017在线教育系统ASP018在线人才网ASP019楼宇专业网站毕业设计ASP020网络考试系统的开发与设计ASPASP021学生管理系统 ASP+ACCESSASP022网上人才信息管理系统asp+accessASP023期刊系统(期刊稿件处理系统) ACCESSASP024毕业设计ASP+ACCESS聊天室ASP025仓库即时查询系统ASP+ACCESSASP026个人网站.rarASP027音乐网站ASP028留言板ASP+accessASP029网上英语考试asp+sqlASP030网上服装销售系统(ASP+access论文全套)ASP031新闻发布系统(2)ASP032网上图书销售系统ASP033房产信息管理系统ASP034教学评估系统ASP035网上评教系统ASP036实验室设备管理系统ACCESSASP037办公自动化系统ASP038酒店预定管理系统ASP039学生成绩查询系统ASP+ACCESSASP040学生排课管理系统ASP+SQLASP041电脑配机ASP042园林设计ASP043网上人才信息管理系统ASP044学生排课管理系统SQLASP045助学贷款管理系统ASP046视频点播系统ASP047网上选课管理系统SQLASP048团员管理ASP049网上作业提交系统ASP050网上售房管理系统ASP051客户管理信息系统ASP052+SQL客户管理系统ASP053公司网站建设ASP054基于web 的信息处理系统ASP055考试报名信息处理系统ASP056投票系统ASP057新闻自动化管理网站ASP058远程教育网ASP059车辆调度管理系统ASP060基于ASP的小区物业管理之业主服务子系统的设计与实现ASP061铁观音销售网站设计与实现ASP062医药网站ASP063交友网站ASP064网络教学评判系统ASP065出租车管理系统ASP066课程教学网站信息交流与发布系统ASP067网页设计辅导系统ASP068计算机组成原理教学网站ASP069论坛程序设计ASP070网上答疑系统ASP071网上日记本ASP072教师档案管理系统ASP073车辆管理系统ASP074校园网物品交易平台ASP075办公系统ASP076企业人力资源管理系统的设计ACCESSASP077毕业设计论坛ASP078酒店房间预约系统.rarASP079动态网站设计与制作ASP080办公信息管理系统ASP081网络招聘系统ASP082软件下载管理系统ASP083客户关系管理ASP084网络教学平台VbVB001 AC售楼管理系统VB002无纸化考试系统VB003小区物业管理系统VB004航空公司管理信息系统VB005计算机机房管理系统VB006房地产评估系统VB+SQL2000VB007光盘信息管理系统VB+SQLVB008火车售票系统VB009计算机等级考试管理系统酒店客房管理VB+SQLVB011期刊信息管理系统VB+SQLVB012书店管理系统(vb+access)VB013图书借阅管理系统VB014合同管理系统VB015学生公寓管理系统VB016学生管理系统1(vb+sql)VB017医院门诊管理系统VB018银行设备管理(vb+sql)VB019大学社团管理系统VB020餐饮管理系统(SQL)VB021报警系统VB022用VB开发交互式cad系统VB023用Visual Basic 开发交互式CAD系统VB024音像管理系统VB025自动排课系统VB026图书管理系统源程序(论文+代码)vb+accessVB027宿舍管理系统VB028车辆管理系统VB029户籍管理系统VB030人事考勤管理系统VB031自动点歌系统VB032教材管理系统VB033电脑销售系统VB034房屋租凭管理系统VB035光盘管理系统VB036学生档案毕业设计原代码和论文VB037身份证管理系统VB038个人邮件处理系统VB039车辆管理系统VB040计算机维修管理系统VB041汽车美容管理系统VB042大型机房学生上机管理系统VB043干部档案管理系统ACVB044固定资产管理系统ACVB045兼职中介管理系统ACVB046考试分析评价系统ACVB047失业保险管理信息系统ACVB048水费管理系统ACVB049网吧计费系统ACVB050物流管理系统ACVB051学生成绩管理系统VCVB052药品公司进销售存管理系统VCVB053住院处信息管理系统VCVB054超市管理系统VCVB055科研项目管理系统人口登记管理系统VCVB057设备管理信息系统VCVB058学校用电收费管理系统ACVB059招生管理系统VB060流动资金贷款业务系统VB061社会福利保障系统VB062机动车租赁管理系统VB063自动出题题库系统VB064全套建材管理销售系统VB065 IC卡管理系统VB066超市配送运输管理系统VB067校园一卡通VB068银行代扣代发工资系统VB069工资管理系统VB070停车场管理VB071医院血库管理系统VB072文档管理信息系统VB073企业人事管理系统VB074学校田径运动会管理系统ACCESSVB075电脑租赁系统VB076珠宝首饰店管理系统ACCESSVB076学生交费管理系统VB077毕业论文管理系统VB078服装专卖店管理系统ACCESSVB079点对点聊天文件传输系统 VB080多层防火墙技术的研究-状态检测VB081计算机高级语言多媒体教学演示系统VB082供应链管理系统---销售子系统VB083健身中心会员管理系统VB084连锁店信息管理系统VB085医疗纠纷检索系统VB086食品公司进销存管理系统VB087AC城市公交查询系统VB88AC烟花爆竹经销管理VB089商场管理系统VB090ACCTI电话语音应答系统VB091AC自动组卷系统VB092酒店服务管理系统VB092人事管理系统VB093车间调度系统VB094保单VB095绩效评价系统VB096旅游资源及线路管理系统VB097企业投资价值分析系统VB098网吧管理系统=网络计时管理系统VB099计算机高级语言多媒体教学演示系统VB100通讯录系统VB101试题库系统VB102汽车训练场收费系统VB103打字系统VB104教材管理系统VB105简单小游戏设计VB106工作备忘录VB107药品供销存贮系统VB108汽车销售系统ACCESSVB109社区人口资源管理系统设计与实现VfVFP001学籍管理系统VFP002超市售货管理系统工资管理系统VFP004某医疗部门总务信息管理系统VFVFP005企业人事档案管理系统VFP006基于VFP6职员信息管理系统VF007教师信息管理系统VFP008党员管理系统VFP009企业考勤管理系统VFP010汽车销售系统VFP011人力资源系统VFP012现代物流企业管理系统CVFP013学生办证管理系统VFP014学生管理系统VFP015学生综合素质管理系统VFP016员工培训管理系统VFP017小说租阅管理系统VFP018药品销售系统 VFP019航空售票模拟系统的设计与实现VFP020学生档案管理商业汇票(支票管理)VFP022家政服务管理系统VFP023成本费用计算系统VFP024航班信息查询系统VFP025房屋按揭贷款管理系统VFP026成绩计算VFP027银行帐目管理系统VFP028病房管理系统VFP029工程预算系统VFP030客房收费VFP031模拟电话资费系统VFP032空调售后服务系统VFP033教学设备管理系统VFP034邮政编码系统VFP035个人理财系统VFP036图书租赁管理系统VFP037工资查询系统VFP038资料信息管理系统VFP039电脑公司财务管理系统VCVC001游戏程序设计(五子棋)VC002题库管理系统VC003局域网即时聊天程序的设计与实现VC004人脸识别系统设计VC005指纹识别系统VC00624点游戏的开发和实现VC007中国象棋软件VC008可视化图像处理系统C#.net网络办公助理网上选课系统C#.网上选课系统C#+SQL用socket实现局域网办公助理通用作业批改系统设计企业投资价值分析系统学生信息管理系统课件发布系统中图像的检索技术毕业设计房地产管理系统基于WEB的选课系统校友录车辆档案管理电子购物商城系统+论文图书馆管理信息系统基于.NET的城市公交查询系统的设计与实现DelphiDelphi001银行学生助学贷款管理系统Delphi002题库系统与试卷生成Delphi003商品销售管理系统Delphi004高校教务排课系统Delphi005人事管理系统Dephi006房产中介管理系统Delphi007题库Delphi008煤气站管理系统Delphi009图书馆Delphi010超市销售系统Delphi011教学信息管理系统Delphi012汽车零件销售管理系统Delphi013超市管理信息系统Delphi014教学排课及学生学籍管理Delphi015图形识别和编辑Delphi016物业管理系统Delphi017人力资源管理系统Delphi018工资管理系统Delphi019列车时刻查询决策系统Delphi020设备保养管理系统Delphi021图片浏览系统的设计与实现Delphi022试卷生成系统delphi023考试系统delphi源代码+可执行文件+论文+外文翻译+开题报告+答辩Dreamver公共课平时成绩管理系统网上作业管理系统JavaJAVA001班主任管理系统JAVA002打飞机游戏毕业设计JAVA003+access做的毕业设计 综合测评系统JAVA004+SQL离散数学题库管理系统JAVAS005办公自动化系统SQLJAVA006办公自动化系统JAVA007物业管理JAVA008在线考试JAVA0093D的网络三维技术的设计与实现JAVA010J2ME贪吃蛇游戏的设计PbPB001科研管理系统理工学院考试成绩分析PB+SQL2000PB003学生成绩管理系统PBPB004图书管理系统PB005客房管理信息系统PB006自动组卷系统PB007糖尿病专家系统开发PB008财务管理系统PB009电子词典设计与开发房地产评估系统 SQL2000房地产评估系统网上拍卖平台系统JSP002学生考试成绩分析(带饼状态图,柱状图)网站流量统计JSP004计算机等级考试查询系统JSP+网络远程作业处理系统JSP006网上书店售书系统JSP007房屋租赁管理信息系统JDBCJSP008基于JSP的学生信息管理系统JSP009教师档案管理系统JSP010办公自动化管理系统JSP011机房上机收费管理系统JSP012网上选课系统JSP013企业人事管理系统JSP014CD销售管理系统JSP015小区物业管理JSP016自动排课系统JSP017学生学籍管理系统JSP018网上论坛杂:考勤系统安全性实现PHP+SQLRSA文件加密软件的设计与实现电量监视系统电量监视系统Jbuilder公共课平时成绩查询系统PHP计算机等级考试查询系统JSP+JDBC.局域网信息发布程序的设计与实现VC+SQL楼宇专业智能写字楼综合布线投标方案的设计用VLISP与DCL整合实现绘制抛物线软件项目开发管理系统VCASP设计ASP C语言教学系统+论文ASP(交友录)asp+SQLServer网上书店系统+论文ASP+sql精品在线试题库设计+论文ASP+SQL图书管理系统+论文
Abstract Personnel Management System is a business unit indispensable part of its content for business decision-makers and managers, are essential, so the personnel management system should be able to provide users with adequate information and efficient means for. Company to the initial implementation of a computerized personnel management, personnel management computer in the preliminary application received. So that personnel managers are always based on accurate and timely information to decision-making personnel, and management. Only computer to be modern society, have increased the amount of information and personnel, the timely collection, processing, finishing, storage, retrieval, transmission, feedback to policy makers. To play its unique features. Namely: (1) on the importation of personnel data, numerical computing and logical operators, to solve various problems. (2) the personnel information processing to solve the problem of data processing, personnel decision-makers to provide the basis for the decision-making. (3) of the personnel management of data and computer sequence, a memory storage capacity. Practice has proved that when the amount of information management and complexity of the reach a certain limit, that is, the management of labor intensity over its sustainability, it must adopt new management tools, namely the use of computer technology information collection, processing, transmission and depositors Receptacles, and personnel can use the basis of information, efficient, reasonable, appropriate management. In this way, personnel information system with computer applications, development and continuous improvement, computer information management personnel in the position of benefits is important. Because of this, to achieve modernization of Personnel Management, a scientific management methods and advanced technological means in order to maximize the efficiency of personnel management. Modern personnel work in increasing the amount of information, confidentiality is growing, and continuously improve the density of information, relying on traditional management methods and means of operation have been unable to do a good job in personnel management. The computer as a data-processing systems, personnel management has gradually become an important means of modernization, in personnel management are playing an important role. Generally speaking, computer information systems and personnel in the role are: (1) were faster than the computer can provide information to the value of personnel data; (2) than the computer can provide updated personnel data; (3) than the computer can provide more accurate personnel data; (4) the computer can handle more than one of the personnel data, and so on. That is why we use the computer replace the personnel manual to establish information systems, computer and personnel information systems, the primary function can be summarized in the following three points: First, can be highly efficient, high-capacity gathering, processing, storage and personnel information, significantly improve the personnel management information system for the quality and efficiency. Second, can make the best of the entire personnel management system of comprehensive, accurate system to provide the personnel information, personnel can work to promote the standardization and management system and the system of indicators and sound, thereby enhancing the level of administration. Third, can provide the processing of personnel information, to meet the special requirements of personnel management, adapt to the new situation on the faculty ranks of the new requirements and help options, the optimal decision-making. At present, the number of units and personnel departments for computer applications also limited to a simple stand-alone applications, with the passage of time, the complex task, the needs of users, their applications will be expanded. In short, the extensive application of computer, computer and personnel management information system established, adapted to the socio-economic objective of the requirements of modern personnel management is a big step forward. Today we use computers to the personnel files of the initial management of the modernization of the development and use, it has greatly enhanced the personnel management of the working efficiency of workers, the personnel management (file, wages) in heavy manual extricate themselves with more Creative energy in the management of activities which enable decision-making, planning and other management activities more scientific, accurate and flexible. Therefore, the establishment of computer and personnel management information system is an inevitable trend in the development of an objective. While in the area of personnel management generally can not use a computer, but the long term, personnel management and computer modernization is not split. Neglect or refuse to use computer technology, it is impossible to truly and fully realize the modernization of Personnel Management. As China's economy, technology, and strengthen the development of human resources management, we must strive to create conditions, promote the use of modern computer and personnel management. For the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and work hard
--------------前言-------------- 人事管理系统是一个企事业单位不可缺少的部分,它的内容对于企事业单位的决策者和管理者来说都至
我给你发了两篇,你查考下:基于ASP_NET的人事管理系统的设计与实现.pdf 基于ASP_NET技术的人事管理系统的设计与实现.pdf 关于系统的毕业论文,