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声明:以下答案引自互联网,非本人所写,转载请保留原文链接.人事管理系统网络工程 雷灵明 指导老师:曹步青摘要:随着企业自身人力资源的日益庞大、复杂程度逐渐增强,人机作坊再也无法适应如今企业的人事管理了,取代的是运用各种领域的知识,结合计算机科学而开发的人事管理系统。人事管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的数据库。而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。人事管理系统是对工作人员进行统一的管理,可以方便的进行录入,查询,修改,删除,退出。经过以上分析,本系统使用Delphi 作为界面和功能开发工具和SQL Sever 2000作为后台数据库,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具进行界面和数据库开发。软件过程结合了快速原型模型与增量模型的优点:首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成可行系统。关键词:人事管理;DEPHI;ADO;SQL server 2000Personnel Management System Network engineering Lei Lingming Teacher:Cao BuqingAbstract: Along with their own human resources increasing, complexity growing, the man-machine workshop also is unable adapt the present enterprise’s personnel management again, but the personnel management system that make use of knowledge in different fields and computer science and technology. Personnel management system is a typical management information system (MIS), including the establishment and maintenance of the background-database and front-end application development. To the former, the request for the data which is powerful in consistency and integrity, database which is good in security. For the latter, the request for the applications program which is integrity and easy to easy, Personnel management system can manage the staff and admit input, enquiries, modify, delete, and exit. Through such analysis, the system use Delphi as the interface and functions of development tools and take SQL Sever 2000 database as background-database, the development of the interface and database which made use of its object-oriented tools, the software process is formed which is combine the advantage of rapid prototype models and incremental model, as follows: At first application prototype of system is built in a short time, Secondly, the initial prototype system needs to be revised and improved, Finally, it is feasible that the system is words: human resource management; DEPHI; ADO; SQL server 2000前 言背景在竞争越来越激烈的社会里,企业人事管理就越显示出其不可缺性,成为企业一个非常重要的模块。企业人事管理系统主要是用于员工个人相关信息的管理。使用人事管理系统,便于公司领导掌握人员的动向和人员的综合素质,及时调整人才的分配,使用计算机对人事劳资信息进行管理,具有检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大、保密性好、成本低等优点,能够极大地提高人事资源管理的效率,也是企业科学化、正规化管理的重要条件。目标 设计一个企业人事信息管理系统,此系统要以人为中心,为企业提供全面的人事管理解决方案;a) 为企业建立规范化、实时化人事管理机制;b) 提高企业人事管理的效率、节约相关的管理成本,增强人事管理的安全性;c) 满足企业管理层,人事业务操作层和全体员工的不同层次和不同方面的需要;d) 对企业将来的整体信息化建设提供必要的支持。1 需求分析 需求分析是系统开发必要环节,也是重中之重。作为该过程的结果,需求规格说明书是对系统的功能和行为完整的描述。系统设计将来自于需求分析的抽象规格说明转变为面向真实世界的设计。一旦构建完成,该系统就会投入使用,同时会不可避免地产生更多的新需求。同时,需求过程与分析活动之间有相当程度的重叠,分析建模对于设定工作的范围和其他一些事来说是必要的,所以我们利用分析模型来描述需求过程,随着开发工作的继续,分析活动在工作中占的比例将变得越来越大,直到所有需求都已知。[1] 系统需求企业的人事管理职能主要分为人事档案信息管理、人事变动管理、员工培训管理、奖惩管理等内容。a) 在人事系统开发时应考虑以下需求:b) 满足人事管理职能的基本要求;c) 进行多层次数据汇总,为各层次管理者的决策分析提供数据;d) 具有完整的系统接口,满足灵活的数据导入与导出;e) 对操作人员的技能要求比较低,操作方便;f) 能够实现方便的扩展,满足企业发展的需要;g) 能够保障人事管理数据的安全、准确。 功能需求基于系统需求分析,该系统需要实现以下基本功能:a) 用户管理:管理系统操作人员,设置操作人员口令和权限。在满足不同系统用户的操作需求的基础上,提高系统的安全性。b) 人事档案管理:完成企业对员工个人档案(包括员工的基本档案和在职信息)的管理及相关操作。操作员进行员工档案信息录入及更改,其中包括员工的基本信息、工作经历、家庭关系、奖惩记录和培训经历,要求对这些员工档案信息进行新增、修改、删除操作,同时可以进行查询和浏览操作。该模块是本系统的重点,用户可以通过该模块为单位建立一个比较完整的人事档案系统,同时可以对档案进行查看。c) 基础数据管理:维护人事管理相关的一些基础数据。主要包括以下功能:(a)民族档案设置:维护职工中民族档案信息;(b)职工类型设置:维护当前企业职工与企业的关系的类别信息;(c)文化程度设置:维护企业职工的文化程度类别信息;(d)政治面貌设置:维护企业职工的政治面貌类别信息;(e)部门类别设置:维护企业中设立的部门类别信息;(f)职务类别设置:维护企业中设立的职务类别信息;(h)职称类别设置:维护企业职工的职称类别信息;d) 人事变动管理:对于人事上的变动调整进行管理,对人员档案的信息进行更新(如:员工职务、员工职称、员工性质等的变动)。e) 工作日志管理:记录部门或系统用户的一些备忘信息,包括日常的一些事件记录,以及工作日记的管理维护。f) 数据库管理:对现有的数据库进行管理,包括数据备份和恢复,以方便用户对数据库的管理和维护工作,提高系统的数据安全性。 可靠性要求a) 计算机稳定可靠,网络服务和数据库服务稳定可靠;b) 网络通畅、稳定;软件运行稳定;数据计算及数据传输无误;提供数据备份和数据恢复方案。 性能需求1)硬件环境在最低配置的情况下,系统的性能往往不尽如人意,现在的硬件性能已经相当出色,且价格也很便宜,因此通常给服务器端配置高性能硬件。推荐配置为:·处理器:Intel 奔腾Ⅲ 或更高·内存:128MB·硬盘空间:40GB·显卡:Geforce系列显示适配器或更高。2)软件环境·操作系统:windows 98/ME/2000/N·数据库:Microsoft SQL server 20002 开发环境简介 Delphi简介Delphi这个名字源于古希腊的城市名。它集中了第三代语言的优点。以Object Pascal为基础,扩充了面向对象的能力,并且完美地结合了可视化的开发手段。Delphi自1995年3月一推出就受到了人们的关注,并在当年一举夺得了多项大奖。Delphi的出现打破了Visual系列可视化编程领域一统天下的局面。并且Delphi使用了本地编译器直接生成技术,使程序的执行性能远远高于其它产品生成的程序。它还是真正的面向对象的编程语言。PASCAL语言的严谨加上可视化的优势和强大的数据库功能使得它有充分的资本和微软的VB叫板。许多人当时都认为Pascal 是最有前途的程序设计语言,并预测Delphi将会成为可视化编程的主流环境。Delphi在你编好程序后自动转换成。EXE文件它运行时速度比VB快,而且编译后不需要其他的支持库就能运行。它的数据库功能也挺强的,是开发中型数据库软件理想的编程工具。 Delphi适用于应用软件、数据库系统、系统软件等类型的开发。而且它拥有和VB差不多一样的功能,而且一样能应用API函数,这在控制Windows很有用。Delphi是全新的可视化编程环境,为我们提供了一种方便、快捷的Windows应用程序开发工具。它使用了Microsoft Windows图形用户界面的许多先进特性和设计思想,采用了弹性可重复利用的完整的面向对象程序语言(Object-Oriented Language)、当今世界上最快的编辑器、最为领先的数据库技术。对于广大的程序开发人员来讲,使用Delphi开发应用软件,无疑会大大地提高编程效率,而且随着应用的深入,您将会发现编程不再是枯燥无味的工作——Delphi的每一个设计细节,都将带给您一份欣喜。Delphi实际上是Pascal语言的一种版本,但它与传统的Pascal语言有天壤之别。一个Delphi程序首先是应用程序框架,而这一框架正是应用程序的“骨架”。在骨架上即使没有附着任何东西,仍可以严格地按照设计运行。您的工作只是在“骨架”中加入您的程序。缺省的应用程序是一个空白的窗体(Form),您可以运行它,结果得到一个空白的窗口。这个窗口具有Windows窗口的全部性质:可以被放大缩小、移动、最大最小化等,但您却没有编写一行程序。因此,可以说应用程序框架通过提供所有应用程序共有的东西,为用户应用程序的开发打下了良好的基础。Delphi已经为您做好了一切基础工作——程序框架就是一个已经完成的可运行应用程序,只是不处理任何事情。您所需要做的,只是在程序中加入完成您所需功能的代码而已。在空白窗口的背后,应用程序的框架正在等待用户的输入。由于您并未告诉它接收到用户输入后作何反应,窗口除了响应所有Windows的基本操作(移动、缩放等)外,它只是接受用户的输入,然后再忽略。Delphi把Windows编程的回调、句柄处理等繁复过程都放在一个不可见的Romulam覆盖物下面,这样您可以不为它们所困扰,轻松从容地对可视部件进行编程。面向对象的程序设计(Object-Oriented Programming,简记为OOP)是Delphi诞生的基础。OOP立意于创建软件重用代码,具备更好地模拟现实世界环境的能力,这使它被公认为是自上而下编程的优胜者。它通过给程序中加入扩展语句,把函数“封装”进Windows编程所必需的“对象”中。面向对象的编程语言使得复杂的工作条理清晰、编写容易。说它是一场革命,不是对对象本身而言,而是对它们处理工作的能力而言。对象并不与传统程序设计和编程方法兼其中多媒体音频视频播放器是通过TMediaPlayer组件来实现的,支持的格式与系统已安装的解码器有关。篇幅限制,查看全文看参考资料

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Abstract Personnel Management System is a business unit indispensable part of its content for business decision-makers and managers, are essential, so the personnel management system should be able to provide users with adequate information and efficient means for. Company to the initial implementation of a computerized personnel management, personnel management computer in the preliminary application received. So that personnel managers are always based on accurate and timely information to decision-making personnel, and management. Only computer to be modern society, have increased the amount of information and personnel, the timely collection, processing, finishing, storage, retrieval, transmission, feedback to policy makers. To play its unique features. Namely: (1) on the importation of personnel data, numerical computing and logical operators, to solve various problems. (2) the personnel information processing to solve the problem of data processing, personnel decision-makers to provide the basis for the decision-making. (3) of the personnel management of data and computer sequence, a memory storage capacity. Practice has proved that when the amount of information management and complexity of the reach a certain limit, that is, the management of labor intensity over its sustainability, it must adopt new management tools, namely the use of computer technology information collection, processing, transmission and depositors Receptacles, and personnel can use the basis of information, efficient, reasonable, appropriate management. In this way, personnel information system with computer applications, development and continuous improvement, computer information management personnel in the position of benefits is important. Because of this, to achieve modernization of Personnel Management, a scientific management methods and advanced technological means in order to maximize the efficiency of personnel management. Modern personnel work in increasing the amount of information, confidentiality is growing, and continuously improve the density of information, relying on traditional management methods and means of operation have been unable to do a good job in personnel management. The computer as a data-processing systems, personnel management has gradually become an important means of modernization, in personnel management are playing an important role. Generally speaking, computer information systems and personnel in the role are: (1) were faster than the computer can provide information to the value of personnel data; (2) than the computer can provide updated personnel data; (3) than the computer can provide more accurate personnel data; (4) the computer can handle more than one of the personnel data, and so on. That is why we use the computer replace the personnel manual to establish information systems, computer and personnel information systems, the primary function can be summarized in the following three points: First, can be highly efficient, high-capacity gathering, processing, storage and personnel information, significantly improve the personnel management information system for the quality and efficiency. Second, can make the best of the entire personnel management system of comprehensive, accurate system to provide the personnel information, personnel can work to promote the standardization and management system and the system of indicators and sound, thereby enhancing the level of administration. Third, can provide the processing of personnel information, to meet the special requirements of personnel management, adapt to the new situation on the faculty ranks of the new requirements and help options, the optimal decision-making. At present, the number of units and personnel departments for computer applications also limited to a simple stand-alone applications, with the passage of time, the complex task, the needs of users, their applications will be expanded. In short, the extensive application of computer, computer and personnel management information system established, adapted to the socio-economic objective of the requirements of modern personnel management is a big step forward. Today we use computers to the personnel files of the initial management of the modernization of the development and use, it has greatly enhanced the personnel management of the working efficiency of workers, the personnel management (file, wages) in heavy manual extricate themselves with more Creative energy in the management of activities which enable decision-making, planning and other management activities more scientific, accurate and flexible. Therefore, the establishment of computer and personnel management information system is an inevitable trend in the development of an objective. While in the area of personnel management generally can not use a computer, but the long term, personnel management and computer modernization is not split. Neglect or refuse to use computer technology, it is impossible to truly and fully realize the modernization of Personnel Management. As China's economy, technology, and strengthen the development of human resources management, we must strive to create conditions, promote the use of modern computer and personnel management. For the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and work hard

196 评论


Abstract the personnel management system is an Enterprise unit essential part, its content regarding enterprise's policy-makers and the superintendent very important, therefore the personnel management system should be able to provide the sufficient information and the quick inquiry method for the user. Causes its company personnel management to implement initially computerizes, lets the computer obtain the preliminary application in the personnel management. Causes the human affairs superintendent always to act according to accurately, the prompt human affairs information to carry on the decision-making, realizes the management. Only the computer can the modernized society, the human affairs information content which grows doubled and re-doubled, carries on the prompt collection, the processing, the reorganization, storing, the retrieval, the transmission, the feedback to give the policy-maker. Displays its unique function. namely: (1) to the input human affairs data, carries on the value operation and the logic operation, solves each kind of question. (2) carries on the processing to the human affairs information to solve each kind of data processing problem, for human affairs policy-maker when decision-making provides the basis. (3) to personnel management's each kind of material data and the computer order, has the memory storage ability. The practice proved that when manages when the information content and the complex degree achieves some limit, when namely administrative personnels' labor intensity surpasses its bearing capacity, must use the new management tool, namely with the computer technology information's collection, the processing, the transmission and the storage and so on, may use the human affairs foundation information, highly effective, reasonable, manages appropriately. Thus, human affairs information system along with computer's application, development, but consummates unceasingly, computer's is also the profit is important in human affairs information management status. because of this, accomplishes the personnel management modernization, must have the science management and the advanced technological means that can maximum limit raise the personnel management working efficiency. The modern personnel service's information content is getting bigger and bigger, the secrecy is getting stronger and stronger, moreover the information density enhances unceasingly, was already unable depending on the traditional management and the manual control method to do well the personnel management work. But the computer takes the data processing system, has become the personnel management modernization gradually the important means that is playing the vital role in the personnel management. Generally speaking, computer's includes in human affairs information system function: (1) the computer can provide quickly compared to the human has the information value human affairs data; (2) the computer can provide the renewal compared to the human the human affairs data; (3) the computer can provide the more accurate human affairs data compared to the human; (4) the computer can compared to the human process more human affairs data and so on. Because of this, we use the computer substitution manual operation establishment the human affairs information system, namely the computer human affairs information system, its major function may induce into the following three points: one is may the high efficiency, collect, processing, the storage human affairs information large capacity, improves the personnel management information system's work quality and the efficiency large scale. two are may keep abreast of the entire personnel management system's comprehensive situation promptly, supplies system's accurate human affairs information, may promote the personnel service standardization and each control system and indicator system's establishment and perfect, thus raises the administration level. three are may supply each kind of processing has processed the human affairs information, satisfies the personnel management the special request, adapts the new situation the new request which proposed to the teaching and administrative staff troop, helps the selection scheme, realizes the optimized decision-making. Presently, many unit's Personnels also are only restricted in the simple single plane application regarding computer's application, with the lapse of time, duty complex, user's demand, its application will also expand. In brief, computer's widespread application, the computer personnel management information system's establishment, adapted the objective request which the social economy sends, is a personnel management modernization big progress. Today we utilized the computer to carry on the dossier management preliminary modernization development and the use, it raised the personnel management worker's working efficiency greatly, it the personnel management (file, wages) extricated from the arduous manual operation, was engaged in the creative with more energy management activity; It can cause the decision-making, the plan and other management activity is more scientific, is precise, is nimble. Therefore, establishes the computer personnel management information system is one kind of objective development inevitable trend. Although is impossible in the personnel management aspect to use the computer generally, but from long-term, the personnel management modernization and the computer do not divide. The contempt or refuses to use the computer technology, is impossible, to accomplish the personnel management modernization comprehensively truly. Along with our country economy, the science and technology send, development of talent management's enhancement, we must certainly create the condition diligently, promotes to use computer's personnel management modernization. In order to construct the Chinese characteristic socialism to try hard to struggle.

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