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首页 > 期刊论文 > 糖尿病相关脑血管病研究进展论文

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Increased Blood Sugar on hemorrhagic stroke (hemorrhagic apoplexy) the occurrence and development are very important influence, not only as an important risk factor involved in the beginning of HA, resulting in increased incidence of disease, but also to HA after the occurrence of pathological process has a catalytic role to enable hematoma volume expansion, increased edema, increased impairment, affect the blood sugar involved in the mechanism of HA, are manifold, including: lipid metabolic abnormalities, carotid artery remodeling, endothelial dysfunction, platelet dysfunction, hypercoagulability, insulin resistance. Expansion of infarct size and high blood sugar and promoting the development of HA mainly caused by acid poisoning, ischemic injury in areas of apoptosis and other endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and cerebral vascular disease, has attracted people's attention. Vascular endothelial growth factor induced by the prominent role of angiogenesis in vivo and improve vascular permeability; discovered in recent years it also has to stimulate the neurons, glial cells, axonal growth and survival role. COX (cyclooxygenase, COX), is catalyzed arachidonic acid (arachidonic acid, AA) synthesis of prostaglandins (prostgalandin, PG) and thromboxane (thromboxan, TX) of the rate-limiting enzyme. One COX-1 for structural type, exist in most organizations, the catalyst is generated to maintain the normal structure of the PG; COX-2 is induced in physiological conditions, COX-2 in most tissues at very low copy number expression. However, IL-1, TNF and many other inflammation-stimulating factor can induce COX-2 expression. However, current vascular endothelial growth factor and cyclooxygenase Most studies focused on the relationship between cerebral ischemia and brain edema after intracerebral hemorrhage on the dynamic changes of VEGF, COX-2 expression in correlation among recognition of hyperglycemia on cerebral hemorrhage injury in danger at the same time, control, treatment of blood glucose levels become a means of treating cerebrovascular disease, in particular, is used to reduce blood sugar levels of insulin into the acute stroke treatment guidelines. Has been found that insulin on acute cerebral hemorrhage around the brain tissue has a protective effect of ischemic injury. Possible mechanisms are: the brain has been found that the existence of insulin receptors, insulin and insulin receptor binding may reduce the brain cells of glucose uptake, thereby reducing the storage of sugar within the brain cells, reduce lactic acid produced by the substrate, fundamentally correct cellular acidosis; the same time, can also lower blood sugar, insulin concentration, increased bleeding surrounding edema and effective blood supply, resulting in relatively low perfusion state of high blood sugar, thereby improving effect of brain damage was the order to understand these two cytokines and diabetes mellitus the relationship between cerebral hemorrhage injury, this study of diabetes on the basis of the model to be adopted by autologous blood injection method to establish a stable animal model of cerebral hemorrhage in this dynamic observation of cerebral hemorrhage on the basis of After the behavioral and brain water content trends, analysis VEGF and COX-2 in the hemorrhagic brain tissue distribution and expression changes, and then explore the VEGF and COX-2 in brain tissue damage in cerebral hemorrhage the role and significance, compared to diabetes rats and normal blood sugar difference between the volume of brain edema in rats with an initial observation of the two factors in diabetic rats and normal blood sugar difference between the expression of rat brain hemorrhage, with a view to the treatment of cerebral hemorrhage provide new ways and and methods1. Experimental animals and groupingHealthy adult male Wistar rats, a total of 96, weighing 250 to 280 grams from the Experimental Animal Center of Zhengzhou University. In accordance with the principles of randomized experimental animals were divided into four groups, namely sham operation group, normal blood glucose group, high glucose group and the insulin intervention group. Prizes will be awarded 4 points each time: 6h, 24h, 72h, 7d. At each time points are located at 6 . High blood sugar and insulin production in rat model of intervention methodsPrepared by the light of STZ-induced hyperglycemia in rats. With STZ 60mg/kg, high blood sugar and insulin in the intervention group rats a single intraperitoneal injection. Value for four rats with normal blood sugar a 6mmol / L, a week after injection, blood glucose ≥ / L for a successful model for alternative use. Model of high blood sugar after the success of the intervention group I rats were normal insulin, abdominal subcutaneous injection, 3 times / d, 4U / times qd for 3 days, the measured blood sugar value of the normal range.

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1 及早诊断和治疗糖尿病:糖尿病患者发生脑血管病的机会增大,确诊糖尿病后要严格控制血糖、血压、血脂和体重。研究表明,糖尿病的大血管并发症仅靠控制血糖不能完全避免,须同时把血压降下来,把血脂调到理想水平,把体重减下来。在患脑血管病期间血糖越高,雨后越差。2 改善不良生活方式:提倡健康饮食,减少总热量,少吃油脂,多吃粗粮、蔬菜,戒烟、限酒,低脂饮食。要有适当的体力活动。3 加强重点对象的监测和预防:糖尿病发生脑血管病主要集中在老年人、吸烟者、较胖者、既往有过脑血管病者,以及血压、血糖、血脂控制不良者。对发生脑血管病概率大者,在加强相应的监测的同时,还可用调脂药、小剂量阿司匹林等,以及活血化瘀中药作为预防。4 重视“小中风”:“小中风”是指短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA),可能造成腔隙性脑梗死,不一定遗留明显症状。但“小中风”往往是脑血管病的先兆,大约有50%左右的病人以后发展成真正的脑卒中,因此不能掉以轻心,应及时予以治疗。5 及时就诊:出现脑血管病症状,如头晕、头痛、眩晕、恶心、麻木、视物模糊、运动失灵等时,立即送往医院就诊。能否及时抢救是治疗成败的关键。及时疏通脑血管阻塞可减少不良后果,如梗塞时间稍长引起脑组织坏死就很难恢复了。

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糖尿病患者动脉粥样硬化的发生率比普通人群高数倍,动脉粥样硬化的病变也较重,累及血管的范围较广。所以,糖尿病患者发生脑卒中的危险性比非糖尿病患者明显增加。糖尿病合并高血压的患者血压应控制在130/80 毫米汞柱以下。

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因为糖尿病患者临床表现以高血糖为主要特征,所以患有糖尿病的患者比较容易患脑血管病。糖尿病患者的血压 及血糖一般控制在130/80 毫米汞柱以下,而血糖一般控制在正常血糖范围就好,但是一定要避免低血糖的情况下。

268 评论


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