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I want to As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china。So more and more people want to visit Beijing. I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold . The warm wind will make you fell people visit Beijing for it's beautiful sence and cultural inheritance . If you want to have a enjoyable journey ,I suggest you to pay a visit to the Great Wall,the Summer Palace ,the Olympic Park and many oth er you feel tired after one day's journey ,you can taste the "Zha Jiang Mian",a kind of traditional food in Beijing. There are many other things you can do in Beijing,as shopping in the big shopping mall,visit the different kinds park ,visit the"Si He Yuan"and so on. I hope you can have a happy time in Beijing.

Haikou, known also as the 'Coconut City', is the capital of Hainan Province, China's second largest island and is also the place I want to visit. The city is the provincial administrative center of Hainan as well being the focus of the local economy, culture and transportation. Haikou stands at the northern end of Hainan Island, on the west bank of the Nandu River estuary. This river is the longest on the island and the city's name appropriately means 'Mouth of the Sea'.With the sea on three sides Haikou enjoys a long coastline that features excellent bathing beaches and sea side resorts. Holiday Beach is the most popular of these, while Xixiu Beach is where the National sailing and windsurfing teams train and hold downtown area of the city has an excellent environment with streets lined with coconut palms. Here there are modern and convenient public transport facilities and all that is best in a tropical seaside city that is pollution free and that meets the needs of the tourist in a friendly and weling its natural resources, Haikou has a number of important sites of historical interest. The Wugong Temple (The Five Official's Temple), the Tomb of Hai Rui and the Xiuying Emplacement each serve as reminders of the historical importance of Haikou.

With the development of Chinese economic, social progress, China's influence in the world is more and more big. More Chinese go abroad to study and travel around the world. But with the increase of the number of people going abroad, more and more bad behavior was exposed. Chinese like loud, everywhere, which often lead to foreign friends. Chinese throw garbage everywhere, causing great impact to the touri *** area. Some places even have set up a specialmark Chinese writing: no spitting no loud noise and so on. China gradually strong, I think people should enhance the quality of China. We should always pay attention to their own image, especially in a foreign country, to the world a good impression,this is what we should do. I believe that as long as we pay attention to their words and deeds, willlet the whole world to respect our future.


If I had much money,I would donate a large sum of money to Cancer Research and other I would take part in the Red Cross and be a volunteer to help others who are in would not spoil my child by giving him or her too much would make him/her be more independent and help him/her earn money by himself/herself. I would try my best to make myself generous and spend the money in the right way. At first,as the saying goes,“Charity begins at home”.I would try to make my parents live a fortable life. Secondly,I would donate some money to the charities to help others who are in trouble. Thirdly,I would go to the poor areas to help the children although the hygiene was terrible there. But,all of these are my am a realistic have to study hard now.

篇一:教师节英语作文50字 Teacher zhang, you are a "happy ocean", we are in the sea "sailing". You teach us knowledge, guide our way forward. Dear teacher zhang, you are the gardener of the motherland, we are flowers of the motherland, you put our watering, let us grow up healthily. Dear teacher zhang, you let me know what beauty is not see appearance, but the heart. No matter how good a person's appearance, only good and honest is the real beauty. Dear teacher zhang, you are my teacher in my heart, also is our best friend, so I will good good study, day day up. 篇二:教师节英语作文50字 The teacher like hard gardener watering for us, help us pull out weeds in addition to pests and fertilizer let us absorb sufficient nutrition has a better environment to grow. The teacher isn't a mother mother she like mother love we care about our happy giving us teach us liuxue86. knowledge.

英语作文: My classroom. I moved to my new school. Somethings are new in our classroom too. There is a changeable blackboard, which can be used either as a blackboard and a project screen. Of course, there is a projector hanging on the ceiling. Our teachers use it in their teaching. We have nice table and chairs too. It's bright and clean in our classroom. This is the classroom I want!

I Hate to Be Too Fat or Too Thin Look at me! I´m just fit in my medium size clothes. Thankful for that. I hate to be as fat as a balloon, and dislike to be as thin as a bamboo. Isn´t it just awful to see a humpty-dumpty and a stick standing side by side? But usually, aording to ancient Chinese custom, people think being fat means strong, so they encourage each other to get as fat as they could. When people meet each other, they used to say: Hey guy, how lucky you are to have gained weight! You look much nicer than before! I hate hearing these words, espe-cially when they are said to me, because getting too fat doesn´t mean healthy, but means danger; First of all, when there is too much fat in your body, it will squeeze and press your heart, and it would probably cause heart disease. Next, if there is too much fat in the vein, it would be easily stuffed or broken. Think about how terrible that will be! And you´ll have other troubles in choosing XL size clothes, in running or jumping, etc. That´s why nowadays young girls try to start a new diet and make themselves as slim as possible. But is getting too thin healthy? Of course not. I could tell you my own experience. When I was very young I had only a bird stomach, refusing to eat enough food, and so I became so thin that my bones were jutting up and down under my skin. As a matter of fact, I was a frequent visitor to the hospital. When I learned it was because I didn´t have enough food, so there were fewer helpful bacteria to protect my body from the invading virus, I forced myself to swal-low down more food and get into a fit size, and bee healthy enough. So, here I am, in a fit size, in my tit clothes. And I advise ev-erybody to keep fit, not to be too fat nor too thin, and keep healthy!

这里有几篇,希望能有所帮助!有不满意的地方可以继续追问。 介绍春节 假如你是李华,你校的外教要在中国过春节,请你根据以下内容,用英文写一篇短文介绍我国的春节,并祝他们节日愉快。 时间 一般在二月份,中国农历正月初一,前后要持续半个月 风俗 : 1. 12生肖命名,如狗、猴、虎等,今年是猪年 2. 春节前人们要大扫除,大年夜全家人在聚集一起吃年夜饭 3. 年初一、初二走访亲友,给孩子们压岁钱 写作要求: (1)必须包括以上全部内容(题目已经写好); (2)只能使用5个句子。 参考词汇: 农历Chinese Lunar Calendar 压岁钱lucky money A brief Introduction of the Chinese Spring Festival The Chinese Spring Festival es on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February. There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the monkey, the tiger or one of the elve animals, and this year is the year of the pig. Before the New Year’s Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a good cleaning and on the last evening of the old year, all the members of a family will get together and have a big meal. On the first or second day of the new year, people usually go to visit their relatives and friends and give some lucky money to children. I wish you have a good time during the Spring Festival. Topic 2: Healthy diet Today, there are more and more people going on a diet.当今节食的人越来越多。 Going on a diet keeps people from growing too fat and saves them from many inconveniences and diseases related to being overweight. 节食可以防止肥胖,避免许多由于肥胖带来的不便和疾病。 However, if carried too far, going on a diet could bee extremely dangerous. Some young girls risk their lives to lose weight because they are eager to have a beautiful figure. The risk can damage their health and even can be life threatening. 过度节食也是相当有害的,有些女孩为了有漂亮的身材,常常过度节食,甚至不管自己的健康状况。这种做法往往有损健康。 假如你们学校“英语爱好者俱乐部”将对饮食习惯进行讨论。请根据提示,用英文写一篇题为‘中国饮食’的发言稿。内容要点如下: 1.中国饮食被认为是世界上最健康的饮食之一。 2.中国饮食中的糖和脂肪含量低,不易使人发胖; 3.但目前随着麦当劳,肯德基等西式快餐在中国的迅速扩张,年轻人的饮食中开始含有越来越多高糖高脂的垃圾食品,从而大大影响了国民的健康。 4. 为了保持健康,我们应该多参加锻炼,保持均衡饮食,多吃水果蔬菜,少吃奶油,巧克力等。 Chinese diet is considered to be one of the most healthy diet in the world because it contains less sugar and fat, keeping us away from obesity. However, with the wide spread of Mc Donald’s and KFC fast food restaurants in China, many young Chinese found more and more junk food are ing into their diets. Those deep fried chips and burgers served in the western fast food restaurants are rich in sugar and fat, which has a great negative effect on our health. In order to maintain our health status, we should do more exercise. Meanwhile, keeping a balanced diet is a must with more fruit and vegetables, less butter and chocolates. 请写一篇计划参加环保活动的英语短文 1. 我和同学将一起参与学校组织的一次环保活动(be about to do) 2. 学校周边环境陷入了困境,到处都是垃圾(be caught in) 3. 我们将把学校周边大量的垃圾进行处理(deal with) 4. 尽管(even if)我们很努力,但还需要社会人士的支持 5. 有关当局也应该不允许乱丢垃圾,因为这样做对环境非常有好处。(permit doing) My clas *** ate and I are about to take part in a school activity for environmental protection. Nowadays our school is caught in rubbish, which we plan to deal with. Even if we are making great efforts, supports from different walks of life are still needed. Most importantly, the government should not permit littering. Only by doing this can we bring benefits to the environment. 天文学的发展 1. 现代天文学告诉我们星星是遥远的球体,就像我们的太阳。 2. 古人只能以想象的故事来解析星星;我们中国也有‘牛郎织女’的故事。 3. 但现在人类已经进入了宇宙空间,我们中国的 ‘神舟’飞船也已经到达月球了。 4. 人类发射的人造卫星早已是人们的重要组成部分,它们能发出天气预报,拍摄地球的照片,连接国际长途电话以及帮助全球定位。 Modern astrology tells us the stars are all globes, like our sun, far away in space. However, in the ancient times people was not able to explain many natural things in scientific way, so they turned to imagination and explained what they saw with beautiful stories. In China we also have a lot of old stories about the sun, the moon and the stars, such as ‘The herd boy Niulang and the weaving girl Zhinu’, etc. Nowadays modern science and technology has brought Man into outer space. People have realized the dream to walk on the moon. They even sent home devices to Mars. And, our China-made ‘Shen Zhou’ spaceships have also entered space. It is said in not far future, Chinese astronauts will set their steps on the moon, too. Man-made satellites launched in space has bee an important part of our ordinary life. They are used to provide weather forecasts, take photos of the earth, connect international calls and help people worldwide to find their exact location. 亚运会将到,你决定用英语写一篇简短的广州旅游指南发表在自己的博客上供国外的网友浏览,内容如下: 1. 广州位于广东省的中部,屹立在珠江边上,毗邻港澳。如此地理优势让广州获得中国南大门的美誉。 2. 广州历史悠久,很多古迹如:镇海楼,中山纪念堂和南越王墓等都见证了广州2000多年的历史。 3. 如今广州依然保存着它的传统,同时也加入了很多现代的元素,从上下九路和北京路,你总能找到值得带回家的东西。 4. 粤菜是中国八大菜系之一,来到广州一定要试试,这里有你听都没听过的材料与味道! 5. 广州的交通非常方便,这里有飞机,船,火车和汽车通往全国乃至全世界各地。 Guangzhou, the South Gate of China, is a prosperous city on the Pearl River. Guangzhou is located in the middle south of Guangdong Province, close to the South China Sea, Hong Kong, and Macau. Rich in history, Guangzhou is home to many cultural relics: the Western Han Nanyue King's Tomb Museum, the Zhenhai Tower and the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall all tell us the 2,000-year history of Guangzhou. Today, Guangzhou retains its ancient customs, but is also a large city full of vigor and current fashions. You can find something worth taking home in Shangxia Jiu Lu, Beijing Lu and Di Shi Fu Lu. Trying Yue Cai (Cantonese Cuisine), one of eight Chinese famous cuisines, is definitely a must in Guangzhou! Eat delicious food with ingredients you have never heard of. Transportation in Guangzhou is more and more convenient. With plane, train, ship or bus to choose, you can reach any corner of the world from here. Jane 是一位非常受人尊敬的妇女,曾在医疗护理领域作出了突出贡献.请根据以下内容先一篇介绍她的短文. 1. 1853年,决心成为一个护士,这使她母亲很害怕,因为当时护士被人瞧不起,医院被认为是很脏的地方. 2. 1873年,成为一家小医院的院长, 一战期间,建立第一间战地医院.一战后,全心投入训练护士. 3. 由于她的突出成就,人们都很尊敬她,自1921年开始,英美各家各户医院都庆祝她的生日. 4. 她的事迹激励了更多的妇女去为自己的梦想奋斗. In 1853, Jane was determined to bee a nurse, which frightened her mother because in those days, nurses were looked down upon and hospitals were considered to be dirty places. In 1873 she became head of a *** all hopital and established the first war hopsital during World War I. After the war, she was devoted to training nurses. Owing to his great achievements, she gained people’s respect and her birthday has been observed in British and American hospital since 1921. Her example has inspired more women to fight for their dreams. 姓名 李明 年龄 35岁 出身 农民家庭 教育 十二年前毕业于清华大学物理专业 性格 在朋友圈中以善良,老实闻名。经常帮助孤儿。 业余爱好 看书、写作,十几岁时就已经发表过文章了。被认为是很有前途的一位作家。 理想 为儿童文学作一些贡献。 Born into a farmer’s family, Li Ming is now 35 years old. Majoring in Physics, he graduated from Qinghua University elve years ago. He is well-known for his kindness and honesty and often helps the orphans. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and writing and he even published several articles in his teens and now is considered as a promising writer. His dream is to make contributions to the children’s literature. 身体语言是与人交流的一种方法, 然而,并非所有的人都可以用一种身体语言交流,有着不同文化背景的人们对彼此的手势很可能会产生误会。比如: 身体语言 我们国家 有的国家 点头 表示我们同意某人的观点 表示反对 正视别人 表示我们正在认真倾听 意味着敌视 即使在同一个国家的不同地区也会有不同的身体语言。因此,如果你外出旅游,了解当地的身体语言是非常重要的。 Body language is a way of munication. However, not everybody can use the same body language to municate with others. People from different cultures may misunderstand the gestures they use. For example, we nod at somebody in the eye to show that we are listening to him attentively, while in some districts, it means hostility. People may have different body language even if they live in the same country. Therefore it is very important for you to have a good understanding of the body language there.

Life is a colorful picture full of different feelings. I’d like to be happy because happiness is important to everyone. 生活像是一幅画满了各种心情的图案。我想要快乐,因为快乐对每个人来说都很重要。 I have an unfettable experience to share with all of you. Last Sunday my grandparents gave me some pocket money and with the money I brought some books and instead of snacks. The next day I took the books to school. After lunch, I showed the books to my clas *** ates and we read together. We learned a lot from the interesting books. Both reading and sharing made me happy.

81 评论


Golden Week, my mother and I went to Nanjing famous tourist attraction - Sun Yat-sen, it is located on the eastern outskirts of Nanjing's Purple Mountain, our great democratic revolutionary forerunner Sun Yat-sen's we arrived in the square along a towering old trees on the boulevard, the first thing I saw a tall three stone arches, inscribed with Dr. Sun Yat-sen handwritten word "fraternity", the word points out the Sun Sun Yat-sen with a broad mind and lofty ideals. The tour guide said that the arch of such buildings in the main function is used to singing the praises of. Shihfang square in front of the stand of Dr. Sun Yat-sen as heroic vitality, swinging gesture as if being published the speech of the country's fate. Shihfang is 375 meters long, 40 meters wide ramp. The whole Mudao over 300 steps, we walked to the number of steps, and unconsciously to the highest point of the Sun Yat-sen. Tomb doors with blue glazed tiles for the roof, the amount of doors is the handwriting of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "According to the" four characters. Festival Hall has three arches, lintels "nation", "civil rights" and "livelihood" were inscribed on the scroll reads, go inside we can see the point of junction of the large festival hall engraved Profile on Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the black wall of gold, very eye-catching. Finally, we remember with humble mood came to the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Memorial Hall, the middle is made of a white marble statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Jing Ye (ye), in a solemn atmosphere, and slowly walked around the statue a circle, and then gently from the side door out of the Memorial. Standing at the mausoleum before the stage, we can see the whole Sun Yat-sen surrounded by trees in Castle Peak. Commanding, panoramic view of the entire city of Nanjing, there is such a broad perspective, the mind of people a lot of wide. I think that Sun Yat-sen during his lifetime record of achievements is unmatched, so future generations will be the construction of large-scale tomb to honor him. Car heading to the next attraction on the road, my mind filled with the imposing sight of Sun Yat-sen.在十一黄金周,我和妈妈去了南京的著名旅游景点——中山陵,它坐落在南京市东郊的紫金山上,是我国伟大的民主革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓。






我想,孙中山先生生前所创下的功绩是无与伦比的,所以后人会建造规模宏大的陵墓来纪念他。 在乘车赶往下一个景点的路上,我的脑海里还装满着中山陵那气势雄伟的景象。

Golden Week, my mother and I went to Nanjing famous tourist attraction - Sun Yat-sen, it is located on the eastern outskirts of Nanjing's Purple Mountain, our great democratic revolutionary forerunner Sun Yat-sen's we arrived in the square along a towering old trees on the boulevard, the first thing I saw a tall three stone arches, inscribed with Dr. Sun Yat-sen handwritten word "fraternity", the word points out the Sun Sun Yat-sen with a broad mind and lofty ideals. The tour guide said that the arch of such buildings in the main function is used to singing the praises of. Shihfang square in front of the stand of Dr. Sun Yat-sen as heroic vitality, swinging gesture as if being published the speech of the country's fate. Shihfang is 375 meters long, 40 meters wide ramp. The whole Mudao over 300 steps, we walked to the number of steps, and unconsciously to the highest point of the Sun Yat-sen. Tomb doors with blue glazed tiles for the roof, the amount of doors is the handwriting of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "According to the" four characters. Festival Hall has three arches, lintels "nation", "civil rights" and "livelihood" were inscribed on the scroll reads, go inside we can see the point of junction of the large festival hall engraved Profile on Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the black wall of gold, very eye-catching. Finally, we remember with humble mood came to the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Memorial Hall, the middle is made of a white marble statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Jing Ye (ye), in a solemn atmosphere, and slowly walked around the statue a circle, and then gently from the side door out of the Memorial. Standing at the mausoleum before the stage, we can see the whole Sun Yat-sen surrounded by trees in Castle Peak. Commanding, panoramic view of the entire city of Nanjing, there is such a broad perspective, the mind of people a lot of wide. I think that Sun Yat-sen during his lifetime record of achievements is unmatched, so future generations will be the construction of large-scale tomb to honor him. Car heading to the next attraction on the road, my mind filled with the imposing sight of Sun Yat-sen.在十一黄金周,我和妈妈去了南京的著名旅游景点——中山陵,它坐落在南京市东郊的紫金山上,是我国伟大的民主革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓。






我想,孙中山先生生前所创下的功绩是无与伦比的,所以后人会建造规模宏大的陵墓来纪念他。 在乘车赶往下一个景点的路上,我的脑海里还装满着中山陵那气势雄伟的景象。

yat-sen mausoleum in modern China is great state *** en, great revolutionary forerunner, sun yat-sen. (1866 ~ 1925) and its subsidiary of the tomb plex. Sun yat-sen mausoleum sits, area of 80000 square meters, the main building is: sun yat-sen mausoleum arch, the pyramid-shaped mound, door, with stone stairs, pavilion, JiTang and burial rooms and so on, are arranged in a north-south axis, embodies the Chinese traditional architectural 。

YuHuaTai is the new democratic revolution of the is located in nanjing ZhongHuaMen castle south, it is a beautiful arms of the pine hill, about 100 meters high, about kilometers long, the top of a platform, by three of the hills. The east and MeiGang says, in hillock gang also says a hillock, phoenix xi-gang extending to, no other alias. Outside underwood YuHuaTai is revolutionary martyr died in here, the victims of the * * * and the revolution of MingXiaoLing in nanjing, east of ZiJinShan (zhongshan) south of LongFu alone, west side maoshan play mount Everest. The founding emperor zhu yuanzhang and queen markov were buried here. As China is the head of the Ming tombs of the MingXiaoLing spectacular grand, represent the early Ming dynasty architecture and stone carving art achievement of the high, a direct impact on the Ming and qing dynasties DuoNian 500 imperial shape the catabs. In accordance with the historical process located in Beijing, hubei, liaoning, hebei Ming and qing emperors of the catabs, all is according to the nanjing MingXiaoLing regulation and the mode of construction. MingXiaoLing China is the largest ancient imperial the existing one, has been 600 DuoNian is located in nanjing valley temple, about km east of sun yat-sen mausoleum, the original says JiangShan temple, in this MingXiaoLing place. Soul valley temple was built in 13 years in prison LiangTian (514), is wudi (name for burial buddhist temples and built the temple. Visit According to the who preach "volume ten records, volunteer treasure and volunteer, mon surety surnamed zhu, jincheng (lanzhou city, gansu province). After the monks had to practice zen monk , have deep Buddhi *** attainments. In the song dynasty legend too first year (453) later, words and deeds, the miraculous "hands and feet are bird claw", often carry the mirror, scissors feet, fan the thing like the beatles, barefoot and do it, "hair or chanting songs disppeared said such as Chen, remember". Together, the wu wudi (and HouWang and god as "very, very push their the spirit of the famous valley temple have merit, previous spring with poem "emerald green wall such as screen is not a dry, neither drink Hu wake slide gump. Senior monks to the *** ell, and to the concert JinLin without",Nanjing road no. 292 buildings, is the famous the presidential 。Nanjing road no. 292 buildings, is the famous the presidential the early, many here, through a change of Ming, qing, the taiping heavenly kingdom and * * * and age. In the Ming dynasty, this is wang han; The governor of the o governments in qing dynasty set this, is the qing government to rule the southeastern center. Qianlong period, here have toured for palace; The taiping heavenly kingdom to the celestial palace when, the later, zeng guofan follow salty three years ago old overseers of the scale and layout reconstruction for o rivers and the governor cubits, still. In 1912, as the sun yat-sen temporary President, the presidential palace is XiHuaYuan here; In 1928, the city was the national government is located in May, 1948, in the office "President Chiang kai-shek.。

yesteday was Mid-Autumn Festival; I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to Zhongshanling by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Liwen, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went then, I've kept the umbrella。

i was very happ。

Last summer, Millie and her parents to nanjing touri *** , the first day of the exhibition, the second day go to the park, and on the third day to the tomb to My best by xinjiekou to write a position. Key points: people time the weather, this is how you like that of a puter game, please according to the introduction of introduction to write a short essay introduces the game. The Name of the game: Online shopperNumber levels: 8 of the Main RickyAge: turning gray or disappearing altogether: 15 for citiesGoal: Do shopping: clause in the works for one to history vocabulary- that assumptions, then to find places where knowledge for the things you are free. The Area of the hold of show: study of history-in new wordsDesigned: : 2008 Designnr: RricProducer: Magic GamesSold in Asia: the bad habits of life has affected Alex。

1.中山陵今天,我到了六朝古都南京.我一个人逛了中山陵,感觉真的很不同,秋天的气息,两旁笔直的梧桐树.庄严而又感动着,来这里的每一个人.孙先生做为国父,他的治国理念和博爱精神,都值得我们深深的尊敬和瞻仰. 宽阔的花岗岩石阶,紧凑完整,堪称壮观,给人一种无以言语的压力.孙先生临终前嘱咐:“吾死之后,可葬于南京紫金山麓,因南京为临时 *** 成立之地,所以不忘辛亥革命也.”用来唤醒世人.爬上石阶中门横额上是孙中山手书“天下为公”,出自《礼记.礼运》中的“大道之行也,天下为公”,意思是说国家政权不是哪一家的天下,而是天下人的天下,老百姓的天下.这是孙先生毕生奋斗的理想,也是他所倡导的三民主义的极好注解.蓝色的琉璃瓦在阳光下闪闪发亮。

走进里面,是汉白玉的孙先生的卧像,是按孙先生生前,一比一的比例雕刻的,安详而又庄重. 如今,作为“中国旅游胜地四十佳”之一的中山陵每年接待着来自世界各地的无数炎黄子孙与国际友人.人们怀着对中山先生伟大精神的崇敬与景仰来到这里凭吊拜谒.在两岸统一成为大势所趋、人心所向的今天,面对目前海峡两岸的现状,海内外炎黄子孙都衷心期盼着祖国统一、繁荣昌盛的那一天早日到来.彼时彼刻,倘若孙中山先生泉下有知,必会含笑长眠的.游中山陵,瞻仰孙中山先生是我多年的心愿,今年五月,又去中山陵游玩,欣悦之情溢于言表.中山陵正好是在钟山脚下,钟山位于南京城东,古称金陵山,汉代始称钟山,自古被称为“江南四大名山之一”因山脊有紫色页岩,每当旭日东升,或残阳斜照,紫气升腾,变幻莫测,故又称为紫金山.我敞开绿肺,呼吸着这新鲜的空气,心情自然舒畅.因为瞻仰孙中山先生是我的夙愿,一到假期我就独自一人来到了中山陵.中山陵始建于一九二三年,我从博爱坊进去,蹬至台阶再到陵门,经过三百多余级台阶,直抵紫金山中山陵,蹬至石阶尽头的祭殿从侧门跨入墓室,只见中央砌有圆形的墓穴,雕有中山先生的卧像,据说当年孙先生在北京逝世后,由专车将灵柩运往到南京,于一九二九年六月一日在紫金山陵园举行大典.直至今日来瞻仰先生的人群还是络绎不绝.抬头望去,上面是绘有国民党党徽的陵顶,在灯光的照射下此地更加的庄严肃穆.我不由想起刚才在陵门处看到的无字碑,那是孙中山先生不想把自己的伟绩刻在石碑上,后人自由评说.我就更加敬佩先生.心中翻涌着中国近代史上那段风云变换的岁月,敬仰之情油然而生.从陵殿慢慢出来,向眼前望去,漫山碧绿,苍松翠柏郁郁葱葱,加之陵园都是用青蓝色的琉璃瓦和银灰色石壁砌成,满目冷清色调,观之更加的庄严肃穆.据说是蒋介石为中山先生选择的墓址,看来他今生也算做了一件好事让先生在此安息.我拾级而下,看到这一胜景心情豁然开朗起来,一切生活烦恼早已随风而去.南京是六朝胜地,十代古都,这座虎踞龙蟠的古城,不仅古迹多,风景也是特别的怡人.仅钟山地区就有明孝陵、灵古寺、头蛇岭、白马公园加上中山陵五大胜景.在其他处更有夜游秦淮、夫子庙等好多游览去处.中山陵不愧是旅游圣地,有时间的话我下次还要去.2.壮丽的中山陵大家一定都听说过孙中山,他是中国国民党的创始人,被人们称为国父,是个伟大的政治家.但你们参观过他的陵园吗?我早就听说中山陵十分巍峨壮观,今天我慕名而去.一进陵园就看到一座约二十几米高的花岗岩牌坊,上面有两个金色的大字“博爱”,这两个字可是孙中山先生亲笔写的.为什么要写“博爱”呢?大概是因为他有博大的胸怀,深深地爱着中国人民,也希望每个中国人都能“博爱”吧.走过牌坊就是墓道.墓道很宽.大约四十米左右.游览参观者密密麻麻,但大家都秩序井然,所以我们一点儿也不觉得拥挤.墓道两旁种着杉树、梧桐树与雪松,走在道中往两边看,感觉绿油油的一片,苍翠欲滴.穿过墓道就是通往陵门的392级台阶.每级台阶又高又陡,整个392级台阶显得十分壮观,令人肃然起敬,要上去真还有些令人望而生畏.我的心里有点打退堂鼓了,但又转念一想:既然来了,总得去看个究竟吧.于是以百米冲刺的速度冲到了台阶顶端.顶端也就是陵门口,陵门顶端是青色的琉璃瓦,瓦下有三个门洞,供游人进出.三个门洞都是以花岗岩做的,非常坚固.进了陵门,就到了碑亭,里面是孙中山先生的墓碑,碑文是金色的,很大,也很简洁,上面写着 “国民党葬总理孙先生于此”.碑亭后就是祭堂,祭堂中有孙中山先生的大理石坐像,约高6米,逼真生动,孙中山先生身着中式礼服,两手平稳安然地放在腿上,一双炯炯有神的眼睛凝视着远方,似乎在看着中国的新变化.祭堂的护壁大理石上刻着孙中山先生的“建国大纲”与“总理遗嘱”.在这儿我们仿佛看到了孙中山先生为了推到君主专制而奋斗的艰苦历程,让我再一次感受到他的伟大.孙中山先生坐像的后面,有一座小门,它是通往墓室的,小门是用黑色大理石砌成的.进了墓室,就看到了孙中山先生的棺椁,棺椁以白色大理石建成,顶部是孙中山先生的卧像,卧像中的孙中山先生双眼合拢,嘴角浮着一丝微笑,这大概是因为中国越来越强盛,他欣慰的笑了.孙先生一心为国家与人民工作,为大家服务,做。

Zhong-Shan-Ling was China's great state *** an Sun Yat-sen's tomb. It is located in east China's Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Zhongshan eastern XIAOMAOSHAN the south, next to Xiao, a close Spirit Valley East, and build a mountainside. increased gradually from south to north along the axis, the whole building plex layers of the mountain and increase the momentum of magnificent.。

School I study in the middle school,where there are three grades and thirty-o is not big but very the center of the school there is a new teaching building,which is very clean and lab building and the library are to the east of the new all kinds of book in the can enioy them as many as you of the new building lies a playground and it's very the playground,you can have sports such as 'd better play basketball as there are four basketball grounds in our school,You can enjoy yourself very are many trees in our is front of the new building there are o gardens in which,there are flowers of all are studying hard in our school,Our life is happy and love our school very much.我的学校 我就读于一中.学校有3个年级,32个班,它并不大,但是很漂亮.校园中央是新建成的干净、美丽的教学大楼.实验楼和图书楼在新楼的东侧.图书馆有各种各样的书,你可以随意阅读.操场在新楼的南边,它很大,你可以在操场上做你喜欢的运动,如足球、篮球.你最好打篮球——因为学校共有四块篮球场地——你一定会玩得十分尽兴.学校种了许多树木,草坪随处可见.新楼的前面有两个花园;园里的鲜花五颜六色.我们学习刻苦,我爱我们的学校.2.到马,猴子。

在海中.现在我已经做到了.这是一个亮点在我的寒假.1、从北京坐飞机早上6点30分到南京,在宾馆吃早餐并休息一会儿.2、7点30分坐车去红杉森林动物园,可以看狮子和老虎.10点30分去玄武湖,可以在那儿划船,并在那儿吃中午饭.3、下午1点,去中山陵参观.4、下午3点去夫子庙参观美丽而古老的建筑,在那儿有许多特别的纪念品.6、下午5点去新街口购物.6点30分回宾馆.I'm worried and feel unlucky on my term,I was 48 kilogram but now I am 51 kilogram!I must to do banting!But most important,I have gone to Shanghai Ocean Aquarium,I want to go there very much because I want to see the horse,the monkey……in the I've done it .It is a bright dot in my Winter Festival is the most importantand popular festival in Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some Spring Festival ,the *** s usually give lucky money to often get together and have a big people eat dumpling for love Spring Festival .春节是最importantand流行的节日春节,人们通常的清洁和装饰他们去花卉博览会买些春节,大人给压岁钱通常以经常聚在一起,并有很大的人吃饺子吃晚饭.我喜欢春节.。

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大学生活转瞬即逝,转眼之间,作为电力工程管理专业的我即将告别大学生活,告别亲爱的同学和敬爱的老师,告别我的母校——×××大学。美好的时光总是太短暂,也走得太匆匆。如今站在临毕业的门坎上,回首在×××大学电力工程管理专业学习和生活的点点滴滴,感慨颇多,有过期待,也有过迷茫,有过欢笑,也有过悲伤。 本人在电力工程管理专业老师的教诲下,在电力工程管理班同学们的帮助下,通过不断地学习电力工程管理专业理论知识和参与电力工程管理专业相关实践活动,本人电力工程管理专业素质和个人能力。

刚到大学时,来自农村,沉默寡言,虚荣自卑,所有与管理有关的品质自己几乎都没有,可是我相信自己有学好这个专业的信心和潜能,于是努力的学习各门知识,认真提高自己的专业能力,尤其注重 英语 和计算机的学习,取得了很好的成绩,并且连续三年获得奖学金。

于此同时我也深深的意识到学习管理专业仅仅靠书本是不够的,能力则更为重要。于是我广泛的参加学校的活动,诸如辩论会,英文竞赛,组织同乡会等,并且扩张自己的兴趣与爱好,学习围棋,书法,口琴, 日语 ,评弹等,它们不仅仅让我的大学生活更为充实和有趣,重要的是锻炼了我的沟通,组织的能力,提升自己的修养和品德,让我可以更好的和每个人交往。


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