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IntroductionMachining aims to generate the shape of work-piece form a solid body,or to improve the tolerances and surface finish of a previously formed work-piece,by removing excess materials in the form of chips. Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations,tolerances, and surface finishes often unobtainable by any other , machining removes materials, which has already been paid for, in the form of relatively small particles that are more difficult to recycle and are in greater danger of becoming mixed. Therefore,developments often aim at reducing or-if at all possible-eliminating machining, especially in mass these reasons, machining has lost some important markets, yet, at the same time, it has also been developing and especially having captured new markets with the application of numerical feel for the important of machining may be gained from the observation that in 1983 there were about 2 million metal-cutting machine tools in the unite states ( of which some 5% were numerically controlled ) and that labor and overhead costs amounted to $125 billion, or 3% of the GNP.

Abstract— Cobots是连续地使用机器人的类 开发高保真度可编程序的variable传输 constraint表面。 Cobots消耗很少电能 ,既使当提供高产力量和他们的传输横跨各种各样是非常有效率的transmission比率。 Cobotic传输也有能力 to作为闸或变得完全地自由。 设计 Cobotic手控制器的and表现,最近a developed六程度自由触觉显示,被回顾。 This设备说明高力学范围和低功率 consumption可达成由cobots。 彻底的比较 the一个cobotic系统的出力效率对常规 提供electro-mechanical系统。机器人技术的Three关键要求使用为 prosthetics和修复是低重量,低功率 consumption和安全。 我们提出cobotic技术作为a 可能论及所有这些问题的transmission建筑学。 Cobots是运用nonholonomic限制的机器人 of 操纵 轮子 关连 相对 速度 mechanism链接。 cobotic传输连续地是a variable传输(CVT)在正面和阴性之间 ratios, 并且 能 关连 二 平移 速度, 二 rotational速度或者对平移的旋转的速度 velocity [1]。 我们最近介绍了Cobotic手 Controller (图 1), a 供给动力的六程度自由 cobot和描述它的能力作为一个触觉接口[2, 3]。 通过本文路线,我们显示出, mechanical 建筑学 并且 传输 使用 在 Cobotic手控制器地址全部三在上面 机器人学的mentioned要求的弭补科和 rehabilitation.

摘要- Cobots是一类机器人的使用不断 无级变速发展高保真可编程 约束的表面。 Cobots消耗很少的电力 即使在提供高输出部队,其传输效率高众多的 传动比。 Cobotic变速箱也有能力 采取行动作为一个制动器或将成为完全免费。设计 和性能Cobotic手控制器,最近 发达国家六自由度触觉显示器,是审查。 这个装置表明,高动态范围和低功耗 消费实现的cobots 。彻底的比较 电源效率cobotic系统与传统的 机电系统提供。 三个关键要求机器人技术用于 假肢和康复是低体重,低功耗 消费和安全性。我们建议cobotic技术作为 传输架构,可以处理这些问题。 Cobots是机器人利用非完整约束 的指导车轮的相对速度有关的 机制的联系。阿cobotic传播是一个不断 无级变速器(无级变速器)之间的积极和消极 比率,可以涉及两个平移速度,两个 旋转速度,或旋转速度为平移 速度[ 1 ] 。我们最近推出了Cobotic手 控制器(图1 ) ,六自由度动力 合作机器人,并阐述其能力作为触觉界面[ 2 , 3 ] 。通过本论文中,我们表明, 机械结构和传输中使用 Cobotic手控制器处理所有三个以上 上述要求的假肢和机器人 康复。

英文部分 Rotary pumps These are built in many different designs and are extremely popular in modern fluid-power system. The most common rotary-pump designs used today are spur-gear, generated-rotary , sliding-vane ,and screw pump ,each type has advantages that make it the most suitable for a given application .Spur-gear pumps. these pumps have two mating gears are turned in a closely fitted casing. Rotation of one gear ,the driver causes the second ,or follower gear, to turn . the driving shaft is usually connected to the upper gear of the pump .When the pump is first started ,rotation of gears forces air out the casing and into the discharge pipe. this removal of air from the pump casing produces a partial vacuum on the pump inlet ,here the fluid is trapped between the teeth of the upper and lower gears and the pump casing .continued rotation of the gears forces the fluid out of the pump discharge .Pressure rise in a spur-gear pump is produced by the squeezing action on the fluid ad it is expelled from between the meshing gear teeth and casing ,.a vacuum is formed in the cavity between the teeth ad unmesh, causing more fluid to be drawn into the pump ,a spur-gear pump is a constant-displacement unit ,its discharge is constant at a given shaft speed. the only way the quantity of fluid discharge by a spur-gear pump of type in figure can be regulated is by varying the shaft speed .modern gear pumps used in fluid-power systems develop pressures up to about shows the typical characteristic curves of a spur-gear rotary pump. These curves show the capacity and power input for a spur-gear pump at various speeds. At any given speed the capacity characteristic is nearly a flat line the slight decrease in capacity with rise in discharge pressure is caused by increased leakage across the gears from the discharge to the suction side of the pump. leakage in gear pumps is sometimes termed slip. Slip also increase with arise pump discharge pressure .the curve showing the relation between pump discharge pressure and pump capacity is often termed the head-capacity or HQ curve .the relation between power input and pump capacity is the power-capacity or PQ curve .Power input to a squr-gear pump increases with both the operating speed and discharge pressure .as the speed of a gear pump is increased. Its discharge rate in gallons per minute also rise . thus the horsepower input at a discharge pressure of 120psi is 5hp at 200rpm and about 13hp at corresponding capacities at these speed and pressure are 40 and 95gpm respectively, read on the 120psi ordinate where it crosses the 200-and 600-rpm HQ curves .Figure is based on spur-gear handing a fluid of constant viscosity , as the viscosity of the fluid handle increases (. ,the fluid becomes thicker and has more resistance to flow ),the capacity of a gear pump decreases , thick ,viscous fluids may limit pump capacity t higher speeds because the fluid cannot into the casing rapidly enough fill it completely .figure shows the effect lf increased fluid biscosity on the performance of rotary pump in fluid-power system .at 80-psi discharge pressure the pp has a capacity lf 220gpm when handling fluid of 100SSU viscosity lf 500SSU . the power input to the pump also rises ,as shown by the power lf rotary pump is often expressed in gallons per revolution of the gear or other internal element .if the outlet of a positive-displacement rotary pump is completely closed, the discharge pressure will increase to the point where the pump driving motor stalls or some part of the pump casing or discharge pipe ruptures .because this danger of rupture exists systems are filled with a pressure –relief valve. This relief valve may be built as of the pump or it may be mounted in the discharge PumpsThese pumps have a number of vanes which are free to slide into or out of slots in the pup rotor . when the rotor is turned by the pump driver , centrifugal force , springs , or pressurized fluid causes the vanes to move outward in their slots and bear against the inner bore of the pump casing or against a cam ring . as the rotor revolves , fluid flows in between the vanes when they pass the suction port. This fluid is carried around the pump casing until the discharge port is reached. Here the fluid is forced out of the casing and into the discharge the sliding-vane pump in Figure the vanes in an oval-shaped bore. Centrifugal force starts the vanes out of their slots when the rotor begins turning. The vanes are held out by pressure which is bled into the cavities behind the vanes from a distributing ring at the end of the vane slots. Suction is through two ports A and AI, placed diametrically opposite each other. Two discharge ports are similarly placed. This arrangement of ports keeps the rotor in hydraulic balance, reliving the bearing of heavy loads. When the rotor turns counterclockwise, fluid from the suction pipe comes into ports A and AI is trapped between the vanes, and is carried around and discharged through ports B and BI. Pumps of this design are built for pressures up to 2500 psi. earlier models required staging to attain pressures approximating those currently available in one stage. Valving , uses to equalize flow and pressure loads as rotor sets are operated in series to attain high pressures. Speed of rotation is usually limited to less than 2500rpm because of centrifugal forces and subsequent wear at the contact point of vanes against the cam-ring surface.. Two vanes may be used in each slot to control the force against the interior of the casing or the cam ring. Dual vanes also provide a tighter seal , reducing the leakage from the discharge side to the suction side of the pump . the opposed inlet and discharge port in this design provide hydraulic balance in the same way as the pump, both these pumps are constant-displacement delivery or capacity of a vane-type pump in gallons per minute cannot be changed without changing the speed of rotation unless a special design is used. Figure shows a variable-capacity sliding-vane pump. It dose not use dual suction and discharge ports. The rotor rums in the pressure-chamber ring, which can be adjusted so that it is off-center to the rotor. As the degree of off-center or eccentricity is changed, a variable volume of fluid is discharged. Figure shows that the vanes create a vacuum so that oil enters through 180 of shaft rotation. Discharge also takes place through 180 of rotation. There is a slight overlapping of the beginning of the fluid intake function and the beginning of the fluid shows how maximum flow is available at minimum working pressure. As the pressure rises, flow diminishes in a predetermined pattern. As the flow decreases to a minimum valve, the pressure increases to the maximum. The pump delivers only that fluid needed to replace clearance floes resulting from the usual slide fit in circuit relief valve is not essential with a variable-displacement-type pump of this design to protect pumping mechanism. Other conditions within the circuit may dictate the use of a safety or relief valve to prevent localized pressure buildup beyond the usual working automatic control of the discharge , an adjustable spring-loaded governor is used . this governor is arranged so that the pump discharge acts on a piston or inner surface of the ring whose movement is opposed by the spring . if the pump discharge pressure rises above that for which the by governor spring is set , the spring is compressed. This allows the pressure-chamber ring to move and take a position that is less off center with respect to the rotor. The pump theb delivers less fluid, and the pressure is established at the desired level. The discharge pressure for units of this design varies between 100 and characteristics of a variable-displacement-pump compensator are shown in figure. Horsepower input values also shown so that the power input requirements can be accurately computed. Variable-volume vane pumps are capacity of multiple-pressure levels in a predetermined pattern. Two-pressure pump controls can provide an efficient method of unloading a circuit and still hold sufficient pressure available for pilot black area of the graph of figure shows a variable-volume pump maintaining a pressure of 100psi against a closed circuit. Wasted power is the result of pumping oil at 100psi through an unloading or relief valve to maintain a source of positive pilot pressure. Two-pressure –type controls include hydraulic, pilot-operated types and solenoid-controlled, pilot-operated types. The pilot oil obtained from the pump discharge cannot assist the governor spring. Minimum pressure will result. The plus figure shows the solenoid energized so that pilot oil assists compensator spring. The amount of assistance is determined by the small ball and spring, acting as a simple relief valve. This provides the predetermined maximum operating type of two-pressure system employs what is termed a differential unloading governor. It is applied in a high-low or two-pump circuit. The governor automatically, Through pressure sensing, unloads the large volume pump to a minimum deadhead pressure setting. Deadhead pressure refers to a specific pressure level established as resulting action of the variable-displacement-pump control mechanism. The pumping action and the resulting flow at deadhead condition are equal to the leakage in the system and pilot-control flow requirements. No major power movement occurs at this time, even though the hydraulic system may be providing a clamping or holding action while the pump is in deadhead position The governor is basically a hydraulically operated, two-pressure control with a differential piston that allows complete unloading when sufficient external pilot pressure is applied to pilot unload minimum deadhead pressure setting is controlled by the main governor spring A. the maximum pressure is controlled by the relief-valve adjustment B. the operating pressure for the governor is generated by the large-volume pump and enters through orifice C. To use this device let us assume that the circuit require a maximum pressure of 1000psi, which will be supplied by a 5-gpm pump. It also needs a large flow (40gpm) at pressure up to 500psi; it continues to 1000pso at the reduced flow rate. A two-pump system with an unloading governor on the 40-gpm pump at 500psi to a minimum pressure setting of 200psi (or another desired value) , which the 5-gpm pump takes the circuit up to1000psi or in figure that two sources of pilot pressure are required. One ,the 40-gpm pump, provides pressure within the housing so that maximum pressure setting can be obtained. The setting of the spring, plus the pressure within the governor housing, determines the maximum pressure capacity of the 40-gpm pump. The second pilot source is the circuit proper, which will go to 1000psi. this pilot line enters the governor through orifice D and acts on the unloading piston E . the area of piston E is 15 percent greater than the effective area of the relief poppet F. the governor will unload at 500psi and be activated at 15percent below 500psi, or 425psi. By unloading, we mean zero flow output of the 40-gpm pressure in the circuit increases from zero to 500psi, the pressure within the governor housing also increases until the relief-valve setting is reached, at which time the relief valve cracks open, allowing flow to the pressure drop in the hosing is a maximum additive value, allowing the pump to deadhead. Meanwhile, the system pressure continues to rise above 700psi, resulting in a greater force on the bottom of piston E than on the top. The piston then completely unseats poppet F, which results in a further pressure drop within the governor horsing to zero pressure because of the full-open position of the relief poppet F. flow entering the housing through orifice is directed to the tank pass the relief poppet without increasing the pressure in housing. The deadhead pressure of the 40-gpm pump then decreases to the lower set value. Thus , at the flow rate to the unloading governor ,the 40gpm pump goes to deadhead. The flow rate to the circuit decreases to 5gpm as the pressure to 1000psi, the 5-gpm pump is also at its deadhead setting, thus only holding system 4-gpm pump unloads its volume at 500psi. It requires a system pressure of 600psi to unload the 40-gpm pump to its minimum pressure of 200psi. the 600-psi pilot supply enters through orifice D and acts on the differential piston E. The pumps volume is reduced to zero circuit-flow output at 500psi. The additional 100-psi pilot pressure is required to open poppet F completely and allow the pressure within the housing to decrease to circuit pressure decreases ,both pumps come back into service in a similar pattern.


摘要- Cobots是一类机器人的使用不断 无级变速发展高保真可编程 约束的表面。 Cobots消耗很少的电力 即使在提供高输出部队,其传输效率高众多的 传动比。 Cobotic变速箱也有能力 采取行动作为一个制动器或将成为完全免费。设计 和性能Cobotic手控制器,最近 发达国家六自由度触觉显示器,是审查。 这个装置表明,高动态范围和低功耗 消费实现的cobots 。彻底的比较 电源效率cobotic系统与传统的 机电系统提供。 三个关键要求机器人技术用于 假肢和康复是低体重,低功耗 消费和安全性。我们建议cobotic技术作为 传输架构,可以处理这些问题。 Cobots是机器人利用非完整约束 的指导车轮的相对速度有关的 机制的联系。阿cobotic传播是一个不断 无级变速器(无级变速器)之间的积极和消极 比率,可以涉及两个平移速度,两个 旋转速度,或旋转速度为平移 速度[ 1 ] 。我们最近推出了Cobotic手 控制器(图1 ) ,六自由度动力 合作机器人,并阐述其能力作为触觉界面[ 2 , 3 ] 。通过本论文中,我们表明, 机械结构和传输中使用 Cobotic手控制器处理所有三个以上 上述要求的假肢和机器人 康复。

Abstract— Cobots是连续地使用机器人的类 开发高保真度可编程序的variable传输 constraint表面。 Cobots消耗很少电能 ,既使当提供高产力量和他们的传输横跨各种各样是非常有效率的transmission比率。 Cobotic传输也有能力 to作为闸或变得完全地自由。 设计 Cobotic手控制器的and表现,最近a developed六程度自由触觉显示,被回顾。 This设备说明高力学范围和低功率 consumption可达成由cobots。 彻底的比较 the一个cobotic系统的出力效率对常规 提供electro-mechanical系统。机器人技术的Three关键要求使用为 prosthetics和修复是低重量,低功率 consumption和安全。 我们提出cobotic技术作为a 可能论及所有这些问题的transmission建筑学。 Cobots是运用nonholonomic限制的机器人 of 操纵 轮子 关连 相对 速度 mechanism链接。 cobotic传输连续地是a variable传输(CVT)在正面和阴性之间 ratios, 并且 能 关连 二 平移 速度, 二 rotational速度或者对平移的旋转的速度 velocity [1]。 我们最近介绍了Cobotic手 Controller (图 1), a 供给动力的六程度自由 cobot和描述它的能力作为一个触觉接口[2, 3]。 通过本文路线,我们显示出, mechanical 建筑学 并且 传输 使用 在 Cobotic手控制器地址全部三在上面 机器人学的mentioned要求的弭补科和 rehabilitation.

IntroductionMachining aims to generate the shape of work-piece form a solid body,or to improve the tolerances and surface finish of a previously formed work-piece,by removing excess materials in the form of chips. Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations,tolerances, and surface finishes often unobtainable by any other , machining removes materials, which has already been paid for, in the form of relatively small particles that are more difficult to recycle and are in greater danger of becoming mixed. Therefore,developments often aim at reducing or-if at all possible-eliminating machining, especially in mass these reasons, machining has lost some important markets, yet, at the same time, it has also been developing and especially having captured new markets with the application of numerical feel for the important of machining may be gained from the observation that in 1983 there were about 2 million metal-cutting machine tools in the unite states ( of which some 5% were numerically controlled ) and that labor and overhead costs amounted to $125 billion, or 3% of the GNP.

基于UG的模块化机械设计方法研究摘 要]本文采用模块化设计思想和UG二次开发技术,解决了用UG软件进行机械设计时,许多常用件需要多次重新设计的问题。常用件模块以菜单的方式结合在UG软件中,这具有良好的可扩充性和可移植性。[关键词]模块化设计 机械设计 UG二次开发Unigraphics(简称UG)是美国EDS公司推出的CAD/CAM/CAE一体化软件。它的内容涉及到平面工程制图、三维造型、装配、制造加工、逆向工程、工业造型设计、注塑模具设计、钣金设计、机构运动分析、数控模拟、渲染和动化仿真、工业标准交互传输、有限元分析等十几个模块。近年来UG发展迅速,已广泛应用于多个领域,更是进行机械设计的常用软件。虽然UG功能非常强大,但在进行机械产品设计的时候经常会遇到一些标准件以外的常用件,若每次对它们均从头开始设计,则要做大量的重复性工作。为了提高劳动生产率,降低设计成本,将已经广泛应用于电子、计算机、建筑等领域的模块化设计思想引用到机械设计中,形成基于UG的模块化机械设计。1模块化机械设计模块及模块化的概念模块是一组具有同一功能和结合要素(指联接部位的形状、尺寸、连接件间的配合或啮合等),但性能、规格或结构不同却能互换的单元。模块化则是指在对产品进行市场预测、功能分析的基础上划分并设计出一系列通用的功能模块,然后根据用户的要求,对模块进行选择和组合,以构成不同功能或功能相同但性能不同、规格不同的产品。模块化机械设计相关性模块化设计所依赖的是模块的组合,即结合面,又称为接口。为了保证不同功能模块的组合和相同功能模块的互换,模块应具有可组合性和可互换性两个特征。这两个特征主要体现在接口上,必须提高模块标准化、通用化、规格化的程度。对于模块化机械设计,可见其关键是怎样划分模块,这里主要通过综合考虑零部件在功能、几何、物理上存在的相关性来划分模块。(1)功能相关性零部件之间的功能相关性是指在模块划分时,将那些为实现同一功能的零部件聚在一起构成模块,这有助于提高模块的功能独立性。(2)几何相关性零部件之间的几何相关性是指零部件之间的空间、几何关系上的物理联接、紧固、尺寸、垂直度、平等度和同轴度等几何关系。(3)物理相关性零部件之间的物理相关性是指零部件之间存在着能量流、信息流或物料流的传递物理关系。模块化机械设计的优点模块化机械设计在技术上和经济上都具有明显的优点,经理论分析和实践证明,其优越性主要体现在下述几方面:(1)可使现在机械工业得到振兴,并向高科技产业发展;(2)减轻机械产品设计、制造及装配专业技术人员的劳动强度;(3)模块化机械产品质量高、成本低,并且妥善解决了多品种小批量加工所带来的制造方面的问题;(4)有利于企业根据市场变化,采用先进技术改造产品、开发新产品;(5)缩短机械产品的设计、制造和供货期限,以赢得用户;(6)模块化机械产品互换性强,便于维修。2模块化机械设计在UG中的实现总体构思在用UG进行机械设计时,为了将常用件模块化,首先要把常用件的三维模型表达出来。对于系列产品,可按照成组技术的原理进行分类,一组相似的常用件建立一个三维模型,即所谓的三维模型样板。根据UG参数化设计思想,一个三维模型样板可认为是一组尺寸不同、结构相似的系列化零部件的基本模型。把众多的三维模型样板按类分开,每一类放在一个集合里,这样每类都形成了一个三维模型样板的模块库。为了使模块库与UG的集成环境有机地结合在一起,把每个模块库都以图标的方式放在用户菜单上,以方便调用。为了实现这一总体构思,综合运用了UG/Open MenuScript、UG/Open Ulstyler、UG/OpenAPI、Visual C++等UG二次开发技术,其程序流程图如图模块库菜单设计为了与UG菜单交互界面风格保持一致,模块库采用了分级式下拉菜单,下拉菜单通过UG/Open MenuScript模块开发实现。即利用MenuScript提供的UG菜单脚本语言,编写成扩展名为“.men”的文本文件,将其放在用户目录下的/startup目录内,通过设定UG的环境变量,UG在启动时会自动加载用户菜单文件。为了方便用户调用时快速检索到所要的常用件三维模型样板,将下拉菜单的最大深度设计为3级,且每一条下拉菜单最多不超过15个按钮。末级菜单上每一个按钮对应一个常用件三维模型样板名称,点击末级菜单按钮即调出创建相应产品的三维模型样板对话框。三维模型样板对话框设计利用UG/Open Ulstyle制作UG风格的对话框,按照模型样板的参数生成包含数据输入框、文本框、按钮、图片等控件的对话框。在对话框上部显示零配件图片,在对话框左上角显示对话框标题,在UG系统窗口左下角显示操作提示信息,这样可以使用户很方便地设计或选用常用件三维模型,三维模型样板对话框设计完成后,生成扩展名为“.dlg”文件。所有对话框都有6种基本同调函数,分别是Apply按钮的回调函数,Back按钮的回调函数、Cancel按钮的回调函数、OK按钮的回调函数、对话框构造函数和对话框析构函数。其中对话框构造函数在UG构建对话框完成之后、用户应用程序执行之前调用,将常用件三维模型的常用规格及技术要求显示到信息窗口,供用户创建产品时作参考。对话框析构函数在UG用户对话框关闭时调用,程序编写时利用它进行关闭、清除信息窗口以及释放申请的内存空间等操作。应用程序动态链接库(*.dll)创建UG/Open API应用程序是用C/C++语言编写的,它除了能够在UG的环境下对UG进行功能调用外,还能在程序中实现软件的文件管理、流程控制、数据传输、窗口调用、数值计算等C/C++语言支持的全部功能,使用非常灵活。UG/Open API应用程序牵涉到UG提供的头文件(*.h)、库文件(*.dll)及以C/C++语言编程环境,需要对Visual C++编译环境进行设置,下面给出了Visual C++编译环境设置方法及动态链接库的创建过程:(1)建立一个空的动态链接库工程。(2)配置程序头文件(*.h)、库文件(*.dll)的目录路径。其中头文件包括UG头文件,Visual C++库文件。(3)将对话框生成的C语言源文件模板文件*.添加到Project中。(4)编制应用程序。进入对话框回调函数内部进行程序编制,定义变量及UG对象,运用C/C++语言和UG/Open API函数进行参数化建模设计。(5)生成动态链接库(*.dll)文件。UG启动时会自动加载动态链接库文件,供用户菜单调用。3结束语随着装备制造业的飞速发展,产品种类急剧增多且结构日趋复杂,只有产品设计周期不断缩短,才能够满足企业激烈竞争的需要。用UG软件进行模块化机械设计符合机械产品快速设计的理念,符合装备制造业的发展需要,是机械设计的发展方向之一,具有较高的实用价值和经济价值。参考文献[1]袁峰UG机械设计工程范例教程[M]北京机械工业出版社2006[2]王志张进生于丰业王鹏任秀华基于模块化的机械产品快速设计[J]机械设计2004,21,8[3]滕晓艳张家泰产品模块化设计方法的研究[J]应用科技2006,33,2[4]董正卫田立中付宜利UG/Open API编程基础[M]北京清华大学出版社,2002 你自己用有道翻译吧!


The thermodynamic calculation is the basis of the compressor calculation. With the help of the compressor-aided design system, the ordinary compressor is able to speed up its progress in calculation, which in turn reasonablizes the design; while the thermodynamic calculation of non-oil lubrication compressor caused errors or inaccuracy when pictures are retrieved by hand and figures are not best chosen. It is towards this problem that the compressor-aided design system for the thermodynamic calculation of non-oil lubrication compressor is made by digitalizing all the pictures and figures. This system will simplize the calculating process of the thermodynamic non-oil lubrication compressor, enable to select data on line, retrieve pictures and figures intelligently, output, save and print them and improve the accuracy and reliability of the calculating parameters as words:compressor , thermodynamic calculation, aided design system, non-oil


。种子质量评价 。机械损伤3次重复的100个种子浸泡在1 %的次氯酸钠溶液为10分钟左右。 种子种皮损伤肿胀visiblyand计数用一只手的镜头。分裂( % ) 获得绕过200克种子通过毫米圆孔筛。材料通过筛被称为''分裂''然后权衡(无名氏, 1985年) 。 。发芽试验发芽abilitywas决心根据该协会的官方种子分析家(无名氏, 1981年) 。 3次重复的100种被安置在presoaked发芽纸然后被放置在一个种子萌发在251c为7天。后7天内,这个比率的种子发芽normallywas记录。 。种子活力种子活力,进行测试,按照国际种子检验协会(土改)方法(无名氏, 1985年) 。张纸毛巾3 50种子被保存在一个种子萌发在251c为7天。经过7天内的长度树苗发芽测定厘米。活力指数计算公式为活力指数¼一日nxgermination -% þ幼苗长度ð cmþ; 其中n是多少种子发芽。 。加速老化这项测试是用来预测贮存潜力的种子。它结合了讲所致高温高压humidityto其中种子也许暴露出来。我们预计这种子地段纪录更高层次的萌发,在加速老化试验可以储存一一段较长的时间内,比别人。两个复制的50个种子则留在穿孔塑料盒等。 这些箱子存放在401c和100 %相对湿度(比R : H :已)为每小时96发芽这些地段被记录为概述撞土改(无名氏, 1985年) 。 。测定水分含量标准烤箱法概述由土改(无名氏, 1985年)被聘用。三复制的10克种子被保存在一个热风烘箱,在1021c为24小时在这一时期结束时, 样品被转移到干燥器中冷却。样品,然后权衡和水分内容计算,就drymass基础。 。评估损害的,由于自由下落以确定影响身高的下降对种子质量, 3次重复的100个种子, 从每一次治疗,分别下降了,从高处的 , , ,或米就以一个水泥厂地板或镀锌铁楼。掉落的种子进行了萌发及活力作为前。 。数据的统计分析收集到的数据,在实验进行了分析用方差分析(无名氏, 1992年) studythe影响男: C组: ;进程的阶段和高度自由下落对参数的种子质量。 差异是指检验用tukeytest的意义。




刨机得到了迅速的发展。由于履带行走机构具有牵引力大、接地比压低、爬坡能力强、转弯半径小等优良的特点,铣边机所有大型路面冷铣刨机 (铣刨宽度≥米)均采用了履带行走机构。路面冷铣刨机外形示意图履带行走机构是大型路面冷铣刨机整机的支承件,用来支承整机的重量,承受铣刨机构在铣刨作业过程中产生的力,变位机并完成铣刨机在铣刨、装运、转场时的移动。路面冷铣刨机一般设计成四履带或三履带驱动结构(其中三履带驱动结构其后部支撑 为一条履带),铣边机履带沿着铣刨机纵向中心对称布置。履带行走机构主要包括导向轮、张紧装置、履带架、支重轮、驱动装置、链轨及履带板等组成。如图2所示。履带行走机构结构图当液压马达带动驱动链轮转动时,与驱动链轮相啮合的链轨及履带板有相对移动的趋势,但是,由于履带板与路面之间的附着力大于驱动链轮、支重轮和导向轮的滚动阻力焊接操作机,所以履带板不会滑动,而驱动链轮、支重轮和导向轮则沿着铺设的链轨滚动,铣边机从而驱使路面冷铣刨机行走。路面冷铣刨机履带行走机构的前后履带均可单独转向,从而使机器转弯半径更小或实现蟹行。系统的调整飞锯机的调整主要是调整两个速度:一是锯车的给定速度,二是锯车的返回速度。前者可通过调整行走气缸的单向阀,使锯车的给定速度接近焊管的焊速,但稍低于焊速。后者的调整,返程时要有节流起缓冲作用滚轮架,同时缓冲气缸还要有快速排气阀,保证快速排气,使锯切小车返回后迅速复位,防止振动不定位。另外,在焊管生产速度确定的情况下,锯车的加速度大小可通过调整缓冲气缸的推力来改变,但推力不可过大,否则会造锯切时间不够,易打碎锯片。最后,在调整时还需注意,数控火焰自动切割机,当小车和焊管同步时,焊管所走过的距离与小车所走过的距离之差越小越好,这样焊管对挡板的冲击力就越小铣边机,锯车越平稳,定尺精度也越高,同时,锯切时也越省力。



In recent years, people often complain about dishonesty in our society. In newspapers,illegal businessmen run false advertisements to deceive customers. In communication field, some people cheat money by sending false messages. On campus, we find some students cheating at exams. People are wondering why dishonesty is so prevailing? There are several causes,to my mind, contributing to the bad phenomenon. Firstly, some people are money-oriented. They are crazy about improving their material life and forgetting moral sense. Secondly, competition in shopping areas is becoming more and more intense. This forced some people to make profit or attain their goals by false information. Thirdly, some people are eager to become rich overnight. They judge a person’s success by the wealth they possess. Finally, school life is full of eternal competition and each student tries to prove that he is more intelligent than the other students. Therefore students cheat on exams to get higher scores. It pays to be honest in the long run. Being honest is beneficial to yourself and to other people,and honesty will bring you true friendship and more business opportunities. As a member of modern society, we should behave ourselves honestly and in return it will pave the way for our success and : Nida’s ideas on translation have great influence on Chinese translation scholars. His recent statement-”My ideas have changed substantially” -will surely have a negative impact on the development of translation studies in China. This paper aims at analyzing, from three perspectives, the reasons for Nida’s change of views on translation. It will also give a re-evaluation of the position and role of translation theories in translation studies, as well as explore the relation of theory and practice. Key words: translation studies; translation theories; translation practice; descriptive study Abstract: The paper tries to find the presupposition-triggers from the semantics and pragmatics level of the language. Then on the base of the above analysis, it gives out the features of presupposition. It also points out the great significance of telling from the presupposition-triggers to words: presupposition-triggers; features of presupposition; analyzable factors


Along with the our country economic development rapid development, the lives of the people level unceasing enhancement, the city uses to be day by day anxious, urges the building to face the direction is developing. This kind of high level civil construction repair needed materials and the way also more hasten the diversification, and along with uses electricity the load and coal gas consumption quantity enlarging, proposed to the fire auto-alarm system design is higher, a stricter request. In order to guarantee the people life and property the security, the fire auto-alarm system design has become in the high level civil construction design one of most important design contents. Presently based on the author fire of auto-alarm system design overseeing work in the high level civil building experience, proposed in present national related standard and standard unclear true detail shallow opinion, by for the colleagues to discuss and to point out , design basis The fire auto-alarm system design is a specialized very strong technology work, at the same time also has the very strong policy-type. Therefore, first should be clear about the following design basis: 1st, must grasp the architectural design fire protection standard, the system design standard, the equipment manufacture standard, the installment construction approval standard and the administration laws and regulations and so on five big aspects fire laws and regulations, and in practical understanding present country related standard and standard positive word: "Must", "be supposed", "to be suitable", "may" and the reverse side word: "Strictly prohibits", "should not", "not have", "not to be suitable" the , must aim at high level civil building function, use and the protection object fire protection rank, earnestly carries out the present national related standard and the standard, earnestly treats the public security fire prevention surveillance department the examination and approval , fire auto-alarm system equipment establishmentFire detector establishmentOpens wide either the seal or the stair hall should alone divide the search coverage, and each 2 ~ 3 establish a fire first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against the front room which smoke stair hall comes in handy) and the aisle should distinguish alone to divide the search coverage, specially front the room and the lift well, the scattered stair hall and the aisle are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be easier to gather or to flow, is the personnel disperses which saves goal with the fire prevention, therefore should install the fire detector. Regarding common elevator in front of room although is not the personnel disperses , but this front room and the lift well are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be also easy to gather or to flow, suitably alone divides the search coverage and installs the fire detector. The electric cable shaft therefore is easy to form pulls out the smoke inflammation the channel; Has when the fire the fire intensity not easily extends along the electric cable burns, for this, "the high level civil construction design fire protection standard" and "the civil construction electricity design standard" separately proposes the detailed specific stipulation in the construction and in the electric wire or on the electric cable shaping. But considered implements specifically the difficulty and the present situation, the electric cable shaft installs the fire detector is extremely essential, and coordinates the shaft the fire protection separation request, each 2 ~ 3 or each level elevator machine room should install the fire detector, its elevator is the important vertical transportation vehicle; Its two elevator machine room has has the fire risk; Its three lift well existence essential opens the hole, like the level gate opens between the hole, the air vent, the between permanence opens the hole with the elevator machine room or the pulley and so on; Its four when has the fire, the lift well often becomes the fire intensity spread the channel, is easy to threaten the elevator machine room the facility. Therefore, the elevator machine room establishes the fire detector is necessary, crown of also suitable establishment fire detector lift , the manual fire reports to the police the button establishment(Including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in view of various floors front room in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, should report to the police the button first choice spot as the establishment manual fire. In addition, the room also should establish the manual fire to the common elevator in front of to report to the police the the public active place (including hall, hall, dining room, multi-purpose hall and so on) and the main thoroughfare and so on place, the personnel very is all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should report to the police the button in these public active places main access establishment manual fires; The manual fire establishes which in the main thoroughfare reports to the police the button to guarantee "to a manual fire which most is close to reports to the police the button distance from a fire protection district any position not to be supposed to be bigger than 30 meters".3rd, the fire emergency broadcasts the speaker the establishmentThe aisle, the hall, the dining room and so on the public place personnel very are all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should press in these public places "to a recent speaker distance is not bigger than 25 meters from a fire protection district any spot" and "in the aisle last should not be bigger than meters the speaker to the aisle terminal distance" the establishment fire emergency to broadcast the speaker; Next also should establish the fire in the public bathroom place emergency to broadcast the first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, also has the fire door separation and the sounds of people is confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. In front of the common elevator the room also should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. Disperses the stair hall also is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with the fire prevention, also the sounds of people are confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker, by favors the fire emergency broadcast to disperse the , fire alarm installment establishmentThe establishment fire emergency broadcast fire auto-alarm system, the author thought also should install the fire alarm installment, but its control procedure should be: The alarm apparatus should confirm after the fire, uses manual or the automatic control mode unification to the fire correlation region transmission warning, stops the alarm apparatus work in the stipulation time, the rapid linkage fire emergency broadcast and broadcasts to the people disperses the fire alarm installment establishment position, the author thought should report to the police the button position with the manual fire to be same, its wall surface installment should for be apart from the ground meters highly5th, fire special use telephone establishmentInstalls the fire special use telephone extension telephone, should be located the engine room which related also some people is on duty frequently with the fire linkage control (including fire water plant, spare electricity generation engine room, matches substation, mainly ventilates with air conditioning engine room, discharges fume engine room, fire prevention elevator machine room and other), the fire fighting control system operates the equipment place or the control room, the fire duty officers observation room, the security manages spot and so on public room. Sedan of theater box the fire elevator and in the ordinary elevator all should suppose the special use telephone, requests the elevator machine room and the elevator sedan theater box, the elevator machine room and the fire control room, the elevator sedan theater box and the fire control room and so on three compositions is reliable to speaks the correspondence telephone system. Usually in fire control room; The establishment elevator monitoring demonstration plate (including position indicator, direction indicating lamp, to speaks correspondence telephone, trouble lamp and so on), in order to carries on the necessity to the elevator running status which in the surveillance and the emergency case equipped with the manual fire to report to the police position and so on button, fire hydrant button also should install the fire special use telephone , fire linkage control 1st, the fire linkage control should include the control fire pump to open, to stop, also should demonstrate opens pumps the button the position and the fire pump work and the malfunction. When the fire hydrant is equipped with the fire hydrant button, its electric installation work spot also should demonstrate the fire pump the working mode active status (namely establishment fire pump work indicating lamp). 2nd, the fire linkage control should include the control spraying of water and the water atomization fire fighting system opens, stops, also should demonstrate the fire pump the work and the malfunction and the fluent display, reports to the police the valve, the safety signal valve working mode active status. In addition, to the basin, the water tank water level also should carry on the demonstration monitor; In order to prevent the overhaul signal valve is shut down, the author thought should use the belt electric signal the control signal valve by to demonstrate it opens the condition. 3rd, the fire linkage control other controls and the demonstration function, should carry out the present national related standard and the standard specific , fire auto-alarm system wiringIn order to prevent the fire occurs when the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line severance, causes the fire fighting work to be unable to carry on, creates the bigger economic loss; Also for the suppression electronmagetic interference (for example transformer, electric motor, electric cable and so on) the influence which produces to the fire auto-alarm system. The fire auto-alarm system transmission line and the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line should use the being flame-resistant electric cable, and should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. The fire manual positive governing installment line should use the fireproof electric cable, its electric cable also should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. Uses Ming Fushi, should takes the fire protection protective measures on the metal tube or the enclosed metal , concluding remarkThe author rests on the concrete project to implement the experience, elaborated the design basis, fire auto-alarm design actual problem and so on system equipment establishment, fire linkage control and its wiring pulls out some shallow opinions, its goal is enhances the fire auto-alarm system the design quality, discovered early and the notification fire, prevented and reduces the fire to harm, by protects the person and the property safety.随着我国经济发展快速发展,人民生活的水平不断提高,城市使用是每天着急,敦促建设面临着发展的方向。这种高层次的民间建筑维修所需的材料和方式也更加多样化加快,而且随着使用电力负荷和煤气消费量扩大,提议消防自动报警系统设计较高,更严格的要求。为了保证人民生命和财产的安全,消防自动报警系统的设计已经成为在高级别民间建筑设计的一个最重要的设计内容。目前的基础上撰文火灾自动报警系统设计监督工作的高层次的民间建设的经验,建议在目前国家相关标准和标准不清楚真正详细浅见解,为同事们的讨论,并指出错误。 首先,设计依据 火灾自动报警系统的设计是一家专业非常强的技术工作,同时还具有很强的政策性。因此,首先应明确以下设计依据: 第一,必须紧紧抓住的建筑设计防火标准,该系统的设计标准,标准的设备制造,安装施工审批标准和管理的法律和规章等五大方面的消防法律法规,并在实际了解国家有关本标准和标准积极字: “必须” , “必须假定” , “不适合” , “可能”和反面词: “严格禁止” , “不应该” , “没有” , “不适合“的含义。 第二,必须着眼于高层次的民间建筑的功能,利用和保护对象的防火等级,认真开展本标准和国家有关标准,认真对待公安防火监督部门的审批意见。 其次,火灾自动报警系统设备的建立 建立火灾探测器 要么全打开的印章或楼梯大厅应单独划分搜索范围,每个2 〜 3建立火灾探测器。 第一个房间(包括防前面的烟雾大厅楼梯前室,消防电梯间,消防电梯防前面房间烟雾楼梯大会堂来用场)和过道应区分单独划分搜索范围,特别是前面的房间,以及电梯,分散楼梯大厅和走道都是相互关联的,有时间的火灾烟雾比较容易收集或流动,是人员分散保存目标与防火,因此,应该安装火警探测器。关于共同电梯前室虽然不是人员分散,而且这方面的空间和良好的电梯是相互关联的,有时间的火灾烟雾也很容易被收集或流动,适当地划分为单独的搜索覆盖面和安装消防探测器。 电缆轴因此很容易形成掏出烟炎症渠道,拥有火灾时的火强度不容易延伸沿电缆燃烧,为此, “高级别民间建筑设计防火标准”和“民用建筑电气设计标准“分别提出了详细具体的规定,在建筑和在电线或电缆塑造。但认为具体实施的难度和目前的情况下,电缆竖井安装了火灾探测器是非常必要的,坐标轴的防火分隔要求,每2 〜 3或每一级安装。 电梯机房应安装火灾探测器,它的电梯是重要的垂直交通工具,其两个电梯机房已具有火灾危险性,其存在的三个基本解除以及打开洞,像打开闸门的水平之间的球洞,在气孔,持久的关系打开了洞与电梯机房或滑轮等,其时,有四个火,升降机以及往往成为火灾强度传播渠道,很容易危及电梯机房设施。因此,电梯机房建立了火灾探测器是必要的,也适用于皇冠建立火灾探测器举井。 2 ,手动火警报警按钮建立 (包括防前面的烟雾楼梯大厅鉴于各层前房间前面的房间,消防电梯间,消防电梯防这些烟雾楼梯大会堂派上用场前室)是有火灾时人员驱散节省目标,防火,应立即向警方举报的按钮,首选地点设立手动火警。此外,该室也应建立防火手册的共同电梯前,向警方报案的按钮。 在公共活动场所(包括会堂,礼堂,餐厅,多功能厅等)和主要通道等场所,是所有工作人员非常集中,主要是分散的渠道。因此,应立即向警方举报的按钮,在这些公共活动场所主要通道设立手册火灾;该手册规定的火灾中的主要通道报警按钮,以保证“ ,以手动火警最接近报警按钮距离防火区的任何位置不应该超过30米。 “ 第三,消防紧急广播喇叭建立 走道,大厅,餐厅等公共场所的工作人员都非常集中,主要是分散的渠道。因此,应该按这些公共场所的“最近的一项发言距离不超过25米的防火保护区的任何位置”和“在走道上不应大于十二点五米扬声器的过道末端距离”建立消防应急广播喇叭;下一步还应当建立消防在公共浴室的地方紧急广播喇叭。 第一个房间(包括防前面的烟雾大厅楼梯前室,消防电梯间,消防电梯防这些烟雾楼梯大会堂派上用场前室)是有火灾时的人员驱散节省目标与防火,也有分离和防火门的声音,人民的混乱和嘈杂,因此,应建立消防应急广播喇叭。在前面的共同电梯房也应建立消防应急广播喇叭。分散大厅楼梯也已经火灾时的人员驱散节省目标与防火,也是人民的声音和嘈杂的混淆,因此应建立消防应急广播喇叭,由主张消防紧急广播驱散指令。 第四,建立火灾报警装置 建立消防应急广播火灾自动报警系统,笔者认为还应该安装消防报警装置,但它的控制程序应该是:该报警器应确认火灾后,利用手动或自动控制模式统一消防相关区域传输预警,报警器停止工作时间的规定,迅速联系消防应急广播和电视节目,并且分散了人们的指示。 火警警报装置建立的立场,笔者认为应该向警方报案的按钮位置的手动火警是相同的,它的墙面安装应为距地面米高度 第五,消防专用电话设立 安装消防专用电话分机电话,应设机房其中也涉及一些人是在工作地点经常与消防联动控制(包括消防给水设备,备件发电机房,火柴变电站,主要ventilates空调引擎室,排放烟气轮机室,防火电梯机房及其他) ,消防控制系统的经营场所或设备的控制室,消防责任人员观察室,现场的安全管理等公共空间。轿车的影院中消防电梯和普通电梯应假设所有使用的特殊电话,请电梯机房和电梯轿车影院中,电梯机房及消防控制室,电梯轿车影院方块和消防控制室等三个成分是可靠的讲通信电话系统。通常在消防控制室;建立电梯监测演示板(包括位置指示器,显示方向灯,以讲信函电话,麻烦灯等) ,以进行必要的电梯在运行状态的监视和紧急情况下的控制。 配备了手动火警报警位置等按钮,消火栓按钮,还应该安装消防专用电话插座。 第三,消防联动控制 第一,消防联动控制应包括控制消防泵开启,停止,也应表现出的按钮,打开泵的位置和消防泵的工作和故障。当消火栓设有消火栓按钮时,其电气安装工程现场也应表现出的消防泵的工作模式有效状态(即建立消防泵工作表明灯) 。 第二,消防联动控制应包括控制喷洒水和水雾化灭火系统打开,停止,也应表现出的消防泵的工作和故障和流利显示,报警阀,安全信号阀工作模式积极的地位。此外,该盆地,水箱水位也应进行示范监测;为了防止检修信号阀关闭,作者认为应该使用带电信号控制信号阀证明它打开条件。 第三,消防联动控制其他控制和示范作用,应进行本标准和国家有关标准的具体规定。 第四,火灾自动报警系统布线 为了防止火灾发生时,消防控制,通信和警戒线遣散,使灭火工作无法进行,造成了更大的经济损失,也为抑制electronmagetic干扰(例如变压器,电电机,电缆等)的影响而产生的火灾自动报警系统。火灾自动报警系统的输电线路和消防控制,通信和预警线应使用被阻燃电缆,并应使用金属管或封闭式金属线槽保护。消防手册积极理事分期付款行应使用防火电缆,其电缆也应使用金属管或封闭式金属线槽保护。使用明复,应采取防火保护措施的金属管或封闭金属 ,结论备注 作者取决于具体的项目实施经验,阐述了设计依据,火灾自动报警设计和实际问题,以便建立系统设备,消防联动控制及其接线拿出一些肤浅的意见,其目的是增强了火灾自动报警系统的设计质量,早期发现,并通知消防,预防和减少火灾危害,通过保护个人和财产安全。

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