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CONCLUSION The Committee believes that calls for separate private company GAAP should be framed within the legal and institutional environment of each country. If public and private companies are subject to the same financial reporting requirements, as in many IASB countries, then the need for separate private company GAAP might be justified within an appropriate cost-benefit framework. In contrast, private companies in the . are not required to comply with public company GAAP. Given this difference in the institutional environment, calls for private company GAAP in the . must consider the demand for and supply of financial reporting information in the current private company marketplace. Survey research in the . indicates that private company users find public company GAAP financial statements to have significant decision usefulness, and to be cost-benefit effective. In addition, evidence suggests that when the cost-benefit calculus is not favorable, market forces lead to deviations from GAAP. While some assert that the needs of private company financial statement users differ from those of public company stakeholders, the Committee does not find clear evidence of differential user needs or a clear articulation of how differential needs would lead to a framework for GAAP that differs from the current public company financial reporting requirements in the . Overall, if there is demand for separate private company GAAP, then market forces, rather than standard setters, may be better at meeting the differential information needs of variousprivatecompanystakeholders. The Committee does not see a persuasive argument for standard setters to create a separate private company GAAP in the .结论 该委员会认为要求独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则应裱在法律和制度环境的。如果公共和私人公司有相同的财务报告的要求,在许多国家,并在此基础上,需要IASB进行为独立的私人公司公认会计准则的称义在适当的财政框架。相比之下,私营企业在美国也不需要符合上市公司一般公认会计原则。鉴于此,分别在制度环境呼吁私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国必须考虑需求和供给的财务报告信息在当前的私人公司的市场。 调查研究表明,在美国上市公司,用户找到私人公司财务报表有显著的公认会计准则决策有用性、利益有效。此外,有证据表明,在财政微积分并非有利,市场力量导致偏离公认会计准则的前提下。虽然有些断言的需要,民营企业财务报表使用者不同利益相关者的上市公司,委员会不会发现明显的证据表明微分用户需求或一个清晰的清晰度的需求导致了差,不同于一般公认会计原则框架当前上市公司财务报告的要求,在美国的整体,如果有需求,独立的私人公司公认会计准则的前提下,市场力量,而非标准者,可以更好地满足需求. variousprivatecompanystakeholders微分信息该委员会也不觉得有说服力的论据为准则制定者去创造一个独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国

At present, the accounting information distortion exposed more and more. False Accounting Information has seriously affected the normal economic order and economic construction. Accounting information managers, investors and creditors to improve its management and evaluation of the financial situation, make investment decisions. the main basis for preventing business risks. Accounting information will be distorted to managers, investors and creditors incalculable damage. Therefore, the reasons for recourse lead to distortion of accounting information and how to ensure the authenticity of accounting information. how accounting information in the broadest scope possible to prevent distortion, is a very important practical significance. and has become a matter of urgency. This paper from the accounting method, the macro enterprises outside supervision mechanisms, and accounting personnel and internal factors. incompatible with the economic development of the incentive mechanism of this phenomenon is explained by the distortion of accounting information, then analyze the reasons for the foundation, raised a number of approaches and measures to resolve the accounting information distortion. In the macro, accounting regulations and strengthening law enforcement efforts, and improve internal and external supervision mechanisms, the accountant appointment. change government functions and strengthen their self-discipline, the better to create a good economic environment for enterprises; at the micro level. raise awareness of the law, strict accounting methods to strengthen financial personnel, to improve the quality of information. False Accounting Information is not short-term issues, the implementation of the above preventive measures, it will be a long process and means.


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1、 金融审慎监管视角下的公允价值会计研究

2、 法务会计鉴定采信机制研究

3、 高等学校 教育 成本核算体系研究

4、 基于规模视角的我国会计师事务所审计质量研究

5、 农业上市公司社会责任会计信息披露研究

6、 上市公司内部控制信息披露质量研究

7、 基于低碳经济视角的企业环境成本会计核算研究

8、 非营利组织财务 报告 及信息披露问题研究

9、 XBRL财务报告分类标准的层级扩展研究

10、 基于绩效管理的政府会计体系构建研究

11、 公司治理与会计稳健性

12、 EVA价值管理体系及在我国商业银行的应用

13、 基于竞争战略的企业物流成本控制研究

14、 公允价值会计的应用及其对公司治理的影响研究

15、 非公允关联交易的监管制度研究

16、 中国上市物流公司成本效率研究

17、 资产弃置义务会计处理研究

18、 跨国石油公司社会责任与财务绩效研究

19、 中国注册会计师胜任力模型构建研究

20、 制造企业双层动态成本控制研究

21、 中国会计准则国际趋同策略研究

22、 基于语义网的XBRL技术模型及其应用研究

23、 基于不完全契约的表外融资研究

24、 会计监管的国际合作机制研究

25、 综合收益价值相关性研究

26、 财务报告改革与财务分析体系重构的互动研究

27、 基于环境影响的物流成本构成研究

28、 碳排放权交易会计研究

29、 基于生态设计的资源价值流转会计研究

30、 产品设计阶段的成本管理研究

31、 基于现金流量的高校财务困境预警研究

32、 PPP项目再融资最优资本结构研究

33、 基于可持续发展的石油 企业战略 成本管理研究



2、XD无花果 种植 BOT项目财务评价与风险分析













15、面向不确定性的机械产品生产成本预测与监控 方法 研究



















1、 财务会计核算风险与防范策略研究

2、 事业单位财务会计监管体系设置初探

3、 如何发挥财务会计在 企业管理 中的作用

4、 财务会计中的神秘“三”

5、 基于财务会计角度下增值税转型改革对企业影响分析

6、 论我国的财务会计概念框架

7、 浅析管理会计与财务会计的融合

8、 管理会计与财务会计的融合研究

9、 财务会计和管理会计具有高度融合性

10、 探究电商企业财务会计存在的问题及对策

11、 企业财务会计与管理会计融合浅议

12、 “互联网+”背景下财务会计与管理会计的融合

13、 知识经济环境下财务会计面临的挑战及对策

14、 现代财务会计向管理会计转型的相关研究

15、 管理会计与财务会计的融合探讨

16、 基于会计信息质量论财务会计的局限性

17、 财务会计与管理会计和谐耦合模式与对策

18、 企业碳排放财务会计分析

19、 关于财务会计精细化管理的思考

20、 新形势下财务会计与管理会计的融合

21、 财务会计与管理会计的有机融合与创新发展

22、 财务会计与税务会计的主要差异研究

23、 互联网对财务会计的影响

24、 IT视角下管理会计与财务会计的融合研究

25、 网络经济对财务会计的影响

26、 对财务会计向管理会计转型的路径探讨

27、 供给侧改革下财务会计的内部控制管理探究

28、 财务会计与管理会计融合的可行性分析

29、 财务会计在企业管理中的地位和作用

30、 浅述当代财务会计的发展趋势

31、 财务会计如何向管理会计转型

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会计专业的论文题目是读者了解、认识论文的起点,也是审稿人判断论文选题意义的切入点。下面我将为你推荐会计专业 毕业 论文题目的内容,希望能够帮到你!

1. 作业成本法核算初探

2. 加强会计职业道德 教育 的若干问题

3. 对作业成本管理的认识

4. 试论 企业战略 成本管理

5. 人力资源成本计量模式的探讨

6. 通货膨胀会计研究

7. 代理理论与现代企业 财务管理

8. 试论会计规范

9. 经济环境与会计发展关系的研究

10. 重组会计研究

11. 破产会计理论研究

12. 对上市公司财务 报告 的评价

13. 对新型责任会计初探

14. 会计准则执行过程中存在问题研究

15. 建立和健全会计市场的探讨

16. 探讨提高会计人员素质的新思路

17. 会计职业道德教育问题研究

18. 浅谈会计 文化 及其构成要素

19. 借款利息资本化有关问题的研究

20. 浅议可转换债券及其会计处理

21. 论影响会计核算 方法 选择的因素

1. 成本报表体系问题研究

2. 浅议收入的含义及其层次结构

3. 对提高会计工作质量的认识

4. 会计在公司治理中的角色

5. 会计信息失真的深层原因和对策研究

6. 试论会计信息的地位与作用

7. 成本分析指标体系研究

8. 物价变动条件下会计核算的现实选择研究

9. 债务重组及其会计问题的探讨

10. 上市公司利润操纵问题的剖析

11. 我国上市公司财务信息披露问题与对策探讨

12. 上市公司的财务信息披露诚信机制的建立与完善

13. 市场经济体制下会计模式的探索

14. 会计诚信问题的理性思考

15. 对财务会计基本假设的重新思考

16. 如何构建会计监督支持系统

17. 关于企业商誉评估的思考

18. 会计与企业可持续发展战略关系研究

19. 试论通货膨胀对财务会计的影响及对策

20. 行为会计探讨

1. 试论现代企业的会计目标

2. 试论会计的管理职能

3. 论知识经济条件下的会计目标

4. 试论资产的计量属性

5. 公允价值计量研究

6. 试论会计信息质量特征

7. 知识经济条件下无形资产价值计量与摊销研究

8. 试论无形资产范围的界定

9. 试论会计环境

10. 论环境会计的概念结构

11. 绿色会计初探

12. 绿色会计计量问题探讨

13. 稳健性会计信息质量要求的应用与思考

14. 会计在 企业管理 中的地位与思考

15. 对稳健性会计信息质量的再认识

16. 政府会计基础的比较研究

17. 会计信息系统和会计管理活动

18. 上市公司的会计问题研究

19. 上市公司财务会计报告披露问题研究

20. 关于成本考核指标的探讨


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4. 会计专业毕业论文题目

5. 大学生会计专业毕业论文题目


商务英语专业毕业论文参考题目一、1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧2、商务英语函电翻译技巧3、商务英语信函的语体分析3、浅谈商务信函的文体特征4、商务英语学习方法探究5、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养6、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素7、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突8、试论普通英语与商务英语的差异9、商务谈判中的语言艺术10、商标名称的翻译与策略11、广告英语的分类与分析12、试论文化因素对商务活动的作用13、商务英语听力策略研究14、商务英语写作问题研究15、商务英语考试技巧研究16、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策17、The Ways to Increase the Competitiveness ofChina’s Export Goods18、TheAdvantages and the Disadvantages of China’s Cheap Labor in Its Foreign Trade19、Multinational Corporations Help ChinaDevelop Its Economy20、Export and Import Are Equally Necessary toChina 二、1、 初析英文广告句式结构及修辞的功能2、 从文化视角比较中英文广告语言3、 国际商务英语信函话语分析4、 商务英语发展现状浅祈5、 商务英语翻译技巧6、 商务英语函电中的文化因素初探7、 商务英语专业人才培养模式改革与实践8、 试论文化导入在商务英语教学中的作用9、 中英文广告标题的共同点10、中英文广告传播之语言特色及跨文化问题11、商品译文的品牌形象对商务英语翻译教学的启示12、商务英语翻译标准初探13、试论商务英语写作的简洁礼貌原则及写作技巧14、我国在国际贸易中实施反倾销的应对策略15、现代商务英语书信的写作风格和语法特点16、英文广告的特点及翻译17、从修辞方面浅探商务英语的语言特色18、浅议国际贸易的几点理论创新19、高职高专商务英语专业教学模式探讨20、商务英语翻译技巧21、商务英语书面语篇词汇特点分析22、礼貌原则在商务英语信函写作当中的应用 三、1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 2、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 3、商标名称的翻译与策略 4、商务谈判中的语言艺术 5、商务谈判的文化障碍 6、商务英语课程设置的探讨 7、商务谈判中英语的重要性 8、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养9、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突10、商务英语阅读研究 11、商务英语写作问题研究 12、商务英语考试技巧研究 13、商务英语听力策略研究 14、商务英语考证口语考试技巧研究 15、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 16、如何翻译好日常商务文书 17、商务英语信函的语体分析 18、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 19、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 20、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 21、商务谈判的艺术性 22、跨文化的商务谈判 23、商务英语的特征与翻译 24、商务英语写作中的错误与商务英语写作教学之间的关系 25、汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题 26、浅谈涉外合同英语特色27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语28、广告英语的分类及分析 29、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒”30、英语口语或语法在商务领域中的应用 四、1、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 4、商标名称的翻译与策略 5、商务谈判的艺术性 6、跨文化的商务谈判 7、美国英语习语与文化 8、中美日常交际中的文化差异 9、TheCultural Comparison in Business Activities 商务活动中的中西方文化差异 10、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 11、如何翻译好日常商务文书 12、商务英语信函的语体分析 13、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 14、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 15、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 16、论跨文化因素对商业广告英语翻译的影响 17、跨文化商务交际中的语言和非语言因素 18、浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译 19、商务英语信函的用语特征分析(An Analytical Term Features ofEnglish Business Correspondence ) 20、商务英语学习方法 21、跨文化交际与中西文化冲突 22、国际商务中的跨文化交际问题 23、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突 24、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素 25、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒” 26、广告英语的分类及分析 27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语Business Knowledge and Business English 28、虚拟语气与商务英语表达Subjunctive Mood and Business English 29、跨文化交际在商务英语学习中的运用Utilization of Cross-culture Communication in BusinessEnglish Learning 30、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养Developing Cross-culture Communication Skill in BusinessEnglish Learning 31、商务英语在国际营销中的作用The Role of Business English in International Marketing32、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用 33、Etiquettein Business Activities 商务活动中商务礼仪 五、 1、商务英语信函的写作特点2、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突3、商务英语中的委婉策略4、商务英语书信翻译的特点5、商务英语听力理解障碍分析及对策6、网络与商务英语学习7、商务活动中的中西方文化差异8、商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨9、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用10、影响高职学生口语能力的因素及对策11、浅谈高职学生英语听说技能的培养12、谚语与翻译13、颜色词的翻译14、英语委婉语的文化内涵15、英语应用能力的培养与学生就业16、中国英语和跨文化交际17、商务谈判与中西方文化差异18、商务活动中商务礼仪19、商务口译技巧 六、1、 商务英语的特点及翻译技巧2、 Characteristics and DistinctiveEnglish Translation of Words in Business Contracts商务合同英语用词特点3、 On the Features of BusinessEnglish Letters浅谈商务信函的写作特点4、 On the Art of Rhetoric and TranslationApproaches in Advertising English论广告英语的修辞艺术和翻译方法5、 On the Application of thePoliteness Principle in Foreign Trade Correspondence“礼貌”在函电中的恰当使用6、 Influence of Culturaldifferences on the Chinese-English Translation of Business Writing文化差异对商务汉英翻译的影响7、 The Cultural Comparison inBusiness Activities 商务活动中的中西方文化差异"8、 On Cultural Elements Integratedinto Business English Teaching 商务英语沟通中的文化因素9、 A Study of InterpretationSkills in English-Chinese and Chinese-English 商务口译技巧10、 On Translation of EnglishAdvertisement广告英语的翻译

1. 商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨 2. 商务英语教学在新形势下的影响和意义 3. 英语学习从“说”开始 4. 英语“课堂方言”对学习口语的影响与对策 5. 高职高专学生英语单词拼写错误的类型,原因及解决方法 6. 背诵课文在英语学习中的作用 7. 英语教学中小组口语活动中的学生自我纠错 8. “专题发言”活动在外语学习中的作用 9. 情感在外语学习中的作用 10. 跨文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 11. 商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 12. 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用 13. 单证员/报关员/跟单员等在国际贸易中的地位 14. 商务英语函电翻译技巧 15. 商务谈判中英语的重要性 16. 浅谈涉外合同英语特色 17. 商务口译活动及标准 18. 口译质量与效果评估 19. 广告翻译策略:论广告翻译的理论模式 20. 商务谈判中英语的作用 21. 英汉文化差异和翻译 22. 英语习语翻译 23. 翻译与语境 24. 翻译中的对等问题 25. 翻译中的衔接与连贯 26. 翻译中的文化信息传递 27. 商务谈判中应掌握的相关知识 28. 我国网上银行发展的问题及对策。 29. 电子商务条件下的企业公共关系发展。 30. 电子商务条件下的企业信息系统的变革。 31. 电子商务条件下的市场营销理念的创新。 32. 电子商务条件下的企业管理创新。 33. 加入WTO背景下中国零售业面临的机遇与挑战 34. 礼仪在商务谈判中的作用 35. 中国贸易的现状和前景




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CONCLUSION The Committee believes that calls for separate private company GAAP should be framed within the legal and institutional environment of each country. If public and private companies are subject to the same financial reporting requirements, as in many IASB countries, then the need for separate private company GAAP might be justified within an appropriate cost-benefit framework. In contrast, private companies in the . are not required to comply with public company GAAP. Given this difference in the institutional environment, calls for private company GAAP in the . must consider the demand for and supply of financial reporting information in the current private company marketplace. Survey research in the . indicates that private company users find public company GAAP financial statements to have significant decision usefulness, and to be cost-benefit effective. In addition, evidence suggests that when the cost-benefit calculus is not favorable, market forces lead to deviations from GAAP. While some assert that the needs of private company financial statement users differ from those of public company stakeholders, the Committee does not find clear evidence of differential user needs or a clear articulation of how differential needs would lead to a framework for GAAP that differs from the current public company financial reporting requirements in the . Overall, if there is demand for separate private company GAAP, then market forces, rather than standard setters, may be better at meeting the differential information needs of variousprivatecompanystakeholders. The Committee does not see a persuasive argument for standard setters to create a separate private company GAAP in the .结论 该委员会认为要求独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则应裱在法律和制度环境的。如果公共和私人公司有相同的财务报告的要求,在许多国家,并在此基础上,需要IASB进行为独立的私人公司公认会计准则的称义在适当的财政框架。相比之下,私营企业在美国也不需要符合上市公司一般公认会计原则。鉴于此,分别在制度环境呼吁私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国必须考虑需求和供给的财务报告信息在当前的私人公司的市场。 调查研究表明,在美国上市公司,用户找到私人公司财务报表有显著的公认会计准则决策有用性、利益有效。此外,有证据表明,在财政微积分并非有利,市场力量导致偏离公认会计准则的前提下。虽然有些断言的需要,民营企业财务报表使用者不同利益相关者的上市公司,委员会不会发现明显的证据表明微分用户需求或一个清晰的清晰度的需求导致了差,不同于一般公认会计原则框架当前上市公司财务报告的要求,在美国的整体,如果有需求,独立的私人公司公认会计准则的前提下,市场力量,而非标准者,可以更好地满足需求. variousprivatecompanystakeholders微分信息该委员会也不觉得有说服力的论据为准则制定者去创造一个独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国

At present, almost every school hundreds of colleges and universities in our country have a financial professional, especially in the accounting are tens of thousands of university graduates in accounting into the talentmarket every year, although accounting is a popular occupation, in this situationthe ordinary and primary financial personnel also apparent accounting professional talent demand gradually heat. According to statistics from related departments, as at present, lacking of 90000 with the international market international accounting talents in China, a huge gap talentsmeans that we are facing to broaden international vision and the ability to deal with new challenges, to the internationalization, specialization. Students can also be the development to their own understanding and evaluation, found himself still exist in the learning problem, although able to constantly update their knowledge, canquickly accept new things; but learning is not careful enough, resulting ininefficient. Doing things are always hard. Careful, careless but do financial a taboo, so it must be in the future study, life and work in the continuous improvement.

给我汉字 Funds are the lifeblood of our ability to operate normally, while the fund management has become the core content of corporate governance. Finance and Accounting is exclusively through certain technical means and methods of accounting for funds, and specifically for corporate governance, decision-making accounting information in a discipline. As we all know, with the continuous development of the economy, financial accounting in the management, decision-making in an increasingly important role. Accordingly, the financial accounting of quality, a direct impact on the managers, operators, investors and the public interest, but also affect the company's economic, social image and social credibility, and therefore the process of socio-economic operations irreplaceable status. Enterprise Management is designed to achieve maximum benefits in the enterprise, that is a great honor to bring to the enterprise, and the various enterprises will realize the healthy and sustainable development. Business operations and financial condition is through the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and reflected. The accounting department directly through the corporate accounting, business conditions and results for effective financial analysis, not only to promote enterprise managers can quickly understand how much of the current corporate profits and the level of debt capacity, but also can be found Enterprise The size of the risks, pros and cons of corporate capital structure, so that the operators use many aspects of the enterprise to make the right decisions, with minimal risk, the most healthy financial position to achieve the maximum profit the best. At the same time, you can also find some essential issues, in order to improve management to provide the basis of some relevant


Time being spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young person's life. This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life in general. Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy and provide him or her with access to valuable information, adding to his or her knowledge base. Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief fi'om study and homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through the varied experiences of university life. During the time a student spends at university, he not only develops his intellectual ahilites,he also develops social skills as well as knowledge and wisdom necessary for choosing a future career. By learning how to balance intense study and recreation, a student will be well prepared for the challenges of future responsibilities.

给我汉字 Funds are the lifeblood of our ability to operate normally, while the fund management has become the core content of corporate governance. Finance and Accounting is exclusively through certain technical means and methods of accounting for funds, and specifically for corporate governance, decision-making accounting information in a discipline. As we all know, with the continuous development of the economy, financial accounting in the management, decision-making in an increasingly important role. Accordingly, the financial accounting of quality, a direct impact on the managers, operators, investors and the public interest, but also affect the company's economic, social image and social credibility, and therefore the process of socio-economic operations irreplaceable status. Enterprise Management is designed to achieve maximum benefits in the enterprise, that is a great honor to bring to the enterprise, and the various enterprises will realize the healthy and sustainable development. Business operations and financial condition is through the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and reflected. The accounting department directly through the corporate accounting, business conditions and results for effective financial analysis, not only to promote enterprise managers can quickly understand how much of the current corporate profits and the level of debt capacity, but also can be found Enterprise The size of the risks, pros and cons of corporate capital structure, so that the operators use many aspects of the enterprise to make the right decisions, with minimal risk, the most healthy financial position to achieve the maximum profit the best. At the same time, you can also find some essential issues, in order to improve management to provide the basis of some relevant


Funds are the lifeblood of our ability to operate normally, while the fund management has become the core content of corporate governance. Finance and Accounting is exclusively through certain technical means and methods of accounting for funds, and specifically for corporate governance, decision-making accounting information in a we all know, with the continuous development of the economy, financial accounting in the management, decision-making in an increasingly important role. Accordingly, the financial accounting of quality, a direct impact on the managers, operators, investors and the public interest, but also affect the company's economic, social image and social credibility, and therefore the process of socio-economic operations irreplaceable status. Enterprise Management is designed to achieve maximum benefits in the enterprise, that is a great honor to bring to the enterprise, and the various enterprises will realize the healthy and sustainable development. Business operations and financial condition is through the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and reflected. The accounting department directly through the corporate accounting, business conditions and results for effective financial analysis, not only to promote enterprise managers can quickly understand how much of the current corporate profits and the level of debt capacity, but also can be found Enterprise The size of the risks, pros and cons of corporate capital structure, so that the operators use many aspects of the enterprise to make the right decisions, with minimal risk, the most healthy financial position to achieve the maximum profit the best. At the same time, you can also find some essential issues, in order to improve management to provide the basis of some is the accounting?For many years the popular saying,accounting is accounting,scores and China "accounting" arising out of the Western Zhou Dynasty,mainly referring to the activities of the income and expenditure records,inspection and the Qing Dynasty scholar Jiao Xun "Mencius justice",a book on the "will" and "dollars" for the general explained:"it is sporadic in terms of the total cost-effective it will," it is necessary to carry out the accounting for the individual accounts,individual accounts should be integrated,comprehensive accounting concept:Accounting is the currency as a major units of measurement,using a series of specialized method,the economic activities of enterprises continuous,systematic,comprehensive and integrated accounting and oversight and based on this analysis of economic activity,forecast and control to improve the economy the effectiveness of a management to be a good accountant? In recent years accountant is such a boom that many people are eager to it. Then how to be a good accountant? In the first place a good accountant must have strong technical skills which is the most the second place a good accountant must be careful and have a strong sense of responsibility for his or her job. Besides a good accountant should develop wide relationship with some people who own abundant skil knowedge in order to widen your knowledge. What's more a good accountant should own the ability learning new knowledge by yourself so that you can adapt the fluxion. The last but not the least a good accontant also should have good professional ethics which is ethics is primarily a field of applied ethics, the study of moral values and judgments as they apply to accountancy. It is an example of professional ethics. Accounting ethics were first introduced by Luca Pacioli, and later expanded by government groups, professional organizations, and independent companies. Ethics are taught in accounting courses at higher education institutions as well as by companies training accountants and to the diverse range of accounting services and recent corporate collapses, attention has been drawn to ethical standards accepted within the accounting profession. These collapses have resulted in a widespread disregard for the reputation of the accounting profession. To combat the criticism and prevent fraudulent accounting, various accounting organizations and governments have developed regulations and remedies for improved ethics among the accounting nature of the work carried out by accountants and auditors requires a high level of ethics. Shareholders, potential shareholders, and other users of the financial statements rely heavily on the yearly financial statements of a company as they can use this information to make an informed decision about investment. They rely on the opinion of the accountants who prepared the statements, as well as the auditors that verified it, to present a true and fair view of the company. Knowledge of ethics can help accountants and auditors to overcome ethical dilemmas, allowing for the right choice that, although it may not benefit the company, will benefit the public who relies on the accountant/auditor's is an economic management. In the non-commodity economy accounting directly for property and materials management in commodity economy because of commodity production and exchange of commodities economic activity in the property and materials are a form of value performance accounting is used form of value the management of the property and materials. If accounting is an information system and mainly focused on corporate and external information users then that is an economic management accounting activities was mainly within the enterprises the. History and reality the accounting is social production develops to a certain stage of the product development and production is to meet the needs of the management especially with the development of the commodity economy and the emergence of competition in the market through demand management on the economy activities strict control and the same time the content and form of accounting constantly improve and change from a purely accounting scores mainly for accounting operations external submit accounting statements as in prior operating forecasts decision-making on the matter of economic activities control and supervision in hindsight check. Clearly accounting whether past present or future it is people's economic management will introduce my major .my major is accounting in xxx my major,which lays more stress on practical use, seems to be at the end of both of them interact well enough,the discovries and theories in biology science can be soon turned into products in all of the modern years’ university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability (such as doing expriment as much as possible). in the university life,i have made many good help me improve my study and research ability, do ererything just like a man,and often give me good example to follow.

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