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With the traffic mileage of highway, traffic and the increasing traffic speed, road traffic noise pollution on residents along the normal life, work, study, rest the environment and the scope of interference also intensified and expanded. Road traffic noise pollution in the catchment population has gradually become concerned about the environment. In particular, some large and medium-sized cities of the trunk road traffic noise exceeding a serious, serious impact on both sides of the road to the city's residents and commercial activities. In this paper, a main road overpass王顶堤subject to monitoring in order that the overpass is located in traffic, run a long time, overweight vehicles, and their produce to urban traffic noise caused a great deal of harm, through the noise of its two major trunk roads monitoring, summed up the status quo of its noise pollution, and its future development trend forecast. Through this thesis research,王顶堤overpass for the future road traffic noise monitoring and management to provide a favorable basis for the future construction of urban transport operators in the trunk how to prevent and control noise in the practical application of good value.

163 评论


CuSO4back titration method for the determination of aluminum content in experimental conditions of Al2O3Abstract: in this paper, aluminum as samples, using the CuSO4back titration method for the determination of aluminum content in Al2O3in the experimental condition of experimental conditions, including experiments in EDTA standard solution added, buffer solution HAc-NaAc content and PAN concentration of indicator, and changes in these experimental conditions for the determination of aluminum content in Al2O3, and controlled Pharmacopoeia method, the determination results with groo does not think ( G) method for inspection of questionable value, using the F test method to test its tightness, so as to probe into the method of optimal experimental words: three two aluminum oxide; aluminum; titration method; experimental conditions

308 评论


你的分数太少了 ,我估计别人没动力的翻译很累的

126 评论


Neijiang City manufacturing competitiveness analysis Abstract : With the trend of economic globalization is the rapid development States in the economic strength of the increasingly fierce competition and an overall national economic competitiveness of the strength, is its main industry competitive strength of the decision [1]. For a region, the industry is the industry's key industries, and industrial, manufacturing is the most important. Therefore, a region upgrade the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry research and exploration, it will have a very important practical significance. This paper will first give a brief overview of the manufacturing sector in Neijiang City status, Then from Neijiang City reflects the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry's market share and competitive advantage two areas, By analyzing clear Neijiang City manufacturing competitiveness of the main problems, Then on the basis of this further use SWOT analysis of the manufacturing industry in Neijiang City of opportunities and challenges, threats and weaknesses of the analysis, it concludes with the existing problems, to be able to take corresponding measures Neijiang city to actively promote the rapid development of the manufacturing sector. Keywords : Neijiang City; Manufacturing; Competitiveness; Analysis; Measures

293 评论


第二段开始: Thesis emphasized on expatiate making J2ME-based exoterica foundation ,design antilogy ,truss of system and develop course of long-distance control system achieved and sum-up together with expectation of hereinbefore.. This dissertation presents the background and research groundwork of this subject and probe into actual studying status connect home and overseas. The front part of this paper discussed the J2ME platform, system architecture design, system frame analysis , explain the working theory of J2ME-based long-distance control system,discuss some linchpin teconology used in the system. latter part discuss on the characteristics of the system and function, together with main function’s achievement etc. to introduce system and describe inplement elements,flow, exploitation process and linchpin code of each funchtion. Including how to carry out different deposited forms connecting client-port and serving-port,how to communicate between consumer-port and serving-port , java invoke windows external programme, data listalization for user-defined client-port’s realization, client-port data been deposite d in RMS, serving-port data deposited by XML and analyzed DOM4J and system security etc. Finally summarized the J2ME-based long –distance control system , recorded and reported of working and presented some expects and emagines for system of myself. 本译文绝对出于本人自译;并无使用任何google等文章翻译软件 LZ可以通过试读本译文或查看本人资料以承认本人可信度。Translator:ciotes

188 评论



190 评论


A Probe into the Experimental Conditions for Determining the Al2O3 Content in Gastropine by Applying the CuSO4 Back Titration : Using Gastropine as specimen, this paper probes into the experimental conditions for determining its Al2O3 content by applying the CuSO4 back titration method. The experimental conditions include the titration volume of EDTA standard solution, the amount of HAc-NaAc buffer solution and PAN titration indicator to be used, and the variation of these experimental conditions to determine the Al2O3 content in Gastropine. With reference to the pharmacopeia method, the suspicious values of the results were tested by Grubbs’ (G) test method and the compactness was tested by the F test method, so as to find out the best experimental condition of this method. Key words: Gastropine; Al2O3; back titration method; experimental conditions 【英语牛人团】

327 评论


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    大多数研究我国受保护区域 偏重于动植物和解决的问题 从保护区管理者或政府 (汉,2000;苗族、2000、税务等,2002年)。这个典型的管理层 管理风

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  • 谁能帮我翻译下毕业论文摘要

    With the traffic mileage of highway, traffic and the increasing traffic speed, r

    美梦似路长! 7人参与回答 2023-12-11