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首页 > 期刊论文 > 小车智能泊车系统设计毕业论文

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智能建筑停车场管理系统论文,我的建议:1.计算机毕业设计可不能马虎,最好还是自己动动脑筋,好好的写一写。 2.网上那种免费的毕业设计千万不能采用,要么是论文不完整,要么是程序运行不了,最重要的是到处都是,老师随时都可以知道你是在网上随便下载的一套3.如果没有时间写,可以在网上找找付费的,我们毕业的时候也是为这个头疼了很长时间,最后在网上找了很久,终于购买了一套毕业设计,还算不错,开题报告+论文+程序+答辩演示都有,主要的都是他们技术做好的成品,保证论文的完整和程序的独立运行,可以先看了作品满意以后再付款,而且同一学校不重复,不存在欺的性质,那个网站的域名我记的不是太清楚了,你可以在百度或者GOOGLE上搜索------七七论文,一定可以找到的这个智能建筑停车场管理系统论文的,祝您好运

261 评论


Along with the development of science and technology, intelligent and automation technology is more and more popular, all kinds of hi-tech also widely used in intelligent robot toy car and manufacturing field, make intelligent robot more and more diverse. Intelligent car is a variety of high-paying technology integration body, it incorporates mechanical, electronic, sensors, computer hardware, software, artificial intelligence and many other subject knowledge, can involves many of today's current areas of technology. This car design mainly by the single chip microcomputer control system module, manostat module, motor driver module, infrared inspection module and to the wireless digital module composition, system to C8051F340 microcontroller as the core, set to foreign control, use linear regulator chip to voltage stability of control for single chip microcomputer and other peripherals for the reliable power supply, using infrared to the module black and white signal detection, use L298N motor driver module to the dc speed-down motor stability control, use light coupling strength chips for electrical isolation of control, disappear

358 评论


Along with the development of science and technology, intelligent and automation technology is more and more popular, all kinds of hi-tech also widely used in intelligent robot toy car and manufacturing field, make intelligent robot more and more diverse. Intelligent car is a variety of high-paying technology integration body, it incorporates mechanical, electronic, sensors, computer hardware, software, artificial intelligence and many other subject knowledge, can involves many of today's current areas of technology. This car design mainly by the single chip microcomputer control system module, manostat module, motor driver module, infrared inspection module and to the wireless digital module composition, system to C8051F340 microcontroller as the core, set to foreign control, use linear regulator chip to voltage stability of control for single chip microcomputer and other peripherals for the reliable power supply, using infrared to the module black and white signal detection, use L298N motor driver module to the dc speed-down motor stability control, use light coupling strength chips for electrical isolation of control, eliminate interference, the use of wireless digital module CC1101 for two car communication. The intelligent design two cars are from the start to car, overtaking alternately lead, lead a circle overtaking about 27 seconds. Key words: C8051F340 infrared to the dc speed-down wireless digital overtaking lead

341 评论
