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Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 2008. 86 Therapeutic Effect and mechanism of proanthocyanidins from grape seeds in rats with TNBS-induced ulcerative colitis。中国新药杂志.2008,17(7) 大鼠肌注伤寒Vi多糖蛋白结合疫苗的长期毒性。中医杂志.2005,46(增刊) 祛黄保儿汤对小鼠红细胞免疫功能的影响。中药药理与临床.2003,19(6) 祛黄保儿汤对小鼠免疫功能的影响。中药新药与临床药理.2003,14(6) 冠心康对大鼠实验性心肌缺血的保护作用。中药药理与临床.2003,19(1) 沙棘籽油对肝损伤小鼠免疫功能的影响。兰州大学学报(自然科学版) 2002,38(医学与生理学专辑) 甲壳素衍生物对小鼠免疫功能的影响。兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 2002,38(医学与生理学专辑) 凤翔乙肝康胶囊对小鼠免疫功能的影响。兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 2002;38(医学与生理学专辑) 沙棘籽油对阿霉素所致心肌损伤的保护作用。兰州医学院学报.1996;22(增刊) 凤翔乙肝康的急性毒性和长期毒性。兰州医学院学报.1996;22(1) P3抗癌养生液的药理作用。西北药学杂志.1995;10(增刊) P3抗癌养生液的抗肿瘤作用。兰州医学院学报.1993;19(4) 4-乙酰氨基苯酚-二正丙胺基醋酸酯盐酸盐的镇痛和镇静作用。西北药学杂志.1993;8(2) 扑热息痛新衍生物的合成及药理作用的观察。中药药理与临床.1992;8(特刊) 凤翔乙肝康片对实验性肝损伤的影响。兰州医学院学报.1989;15(3) 甘草次酸钠对小鼠移植性肿瘤的实验观察。

163 评论


(按年度)发表论文(70余篇,其中被SCI收录的30篇,国际会议论文8篇)⒈ 苏少晨,祁涛,丁艳平,张静,赵善廷,王建林,赵望泓. 牙齿缺失对小鼠空间学习记忆能力的影响. 牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志(Chin J Conserv Dent),2009,Vol. 19⑵:77-80.⒉ Zhao W,Dai F,Bonafede A,Schäfer S,Jung M,Yusuf F,Gamel AJ,Wang J,Brand-Saberi B. Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor,Trichostatin A,Affects Gene Expression Patterns during Morphogenesis of Chicken Limb Buds in vivo. Cells Tissues Organs. 2009 Jan 16. [Epub ahead of print]. (SCI收录)⒊ 王丽英,朱磊,王建林. 大鼠肾近曲小管、远曲小管和集合管璧厚的性别差异. 四川动物,Vol. 28,2009,118-119.⒋ Yuan G,Ma J,Ye W,Bai Z,Wang J. Macroanatomy of coronary arteries in Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),Vet Res Commun. 2009,. (SCI收录)⒌ Chengjuan Gao,Baoping Shao,Jinghong Ma,Shiyuan Yu and Jianlin Wang. Anatomical and histochemical characteristics of the lacrimal glands in bactrian camels(Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 2:162-167,2008. (SCI收录)⒍ Xiaoyan Peng,Wenling Ye,Guoqiang Yuan,Huifang Zhang and Jianlin Wang. Morphology of the lingual papillae of bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 2:173-180,2008. (SCI收录)⒎ Chen J,Bai Z,Gao C,Wang J. Morphology of Rhinencephalon and Hippocampal formation of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) with their adaptive features. Vet Res Commun. 2008 Jul 5. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI收录)⒏ 高承娟,马景红,俞诗源,王建林. 双峰驼泪腺的解剖学与组织化学特点,解剖学杂志(Chinese Journal of Anatomy)2008,⑹: 795-798⒐ 赵望泓,张静,Beate Brand-Saberi,王建林,不同浓度Trichostatin A对鸡胚肢芽发育的影响,解剖学报,2008,39⑸,728-733⒑ Wenling YE,Xiaoyan PENG,Zhongtian BAI,Guoqiang YUAN,and Jianlin WANG,Gross anatomical studies on the tongue of Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:95-101,2008. (SCI收录)⒒ Lei ZHU,Chun YANG,Xie Zhao-Hui and Jianlin WANG. MORPHOLOGY AND MORPHOMETRY OF OVARIAN FOLLICLES OF THE ADULT BACTRIAN CAMEL (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:103-108,2008. (SCI收录)⒓ Jingchen Chen,Chengjuan Gao,Zhongtian Bai and Jianlin Wang. Morphology of the brain of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) foetus,Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:109-111,2008. (SCI收录)⒔ Zhao-Hui Xie and Jianlin Wang. Magnetic resonance of the brain of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:111-116,2008. (SCI收录)⒕ Shao BP,Ding YP,Yu SY,Wang JL,The arterial supply of the eye of the yak (Bos Grunniens). Res Vet Sci. 2008 Apr;84⑵:174-7.. (SCI收录)⒖ Qiu-Sheng SHE,Hai-Yan LI,Jian-Lin WANG and Zhong-Tian BAI. Topographic anatomy and morphometry of the metacarpus and phalanges in adult Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus),Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 2:143-149,2007. (SCI收录)⒗ Jingchen Chen,Chengjuan Gao,Zhongtian Bai and Jianlin Wang. Morphological comparisons of the brain of the Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) between a near term foetus and the adult,Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 2:139-142,2007. (SCI收录)⒘ 赵望泓,戴方平,Beate Brand-Saberi,王建林. Trichostatin A在体内对鸡胚翅芽发生中基因表达模式的作用,中国科学C辑,2007,⑹:641-651. (SCI收录)⒙ Wen WD,Yuan F,Wang JL,Hou YP. Botulinum toxin therapy in the ovalbumin-sensitized rat. Neuroimmunomodulation. 14⑵:78-83. 2007.. (SCI收录)⒚ Yanping Ding,Baoping Shao and Jianlin Wang,The arterial supply to the brain of the yak (Bos grunniens),Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger,Volume 1891⑴,1 February 2007,31-38. (SCI收录)⒛ Baoping Shao,Yanping Ding,Zhaohui Xie and Jian-Lin Wang:The Cranial Cervical Ganglion and its Branches in the Yak (Bos Grunniens). The Veterinary Journal,⑴:176-179,2007. (SCI收录)21. Zhao-Hui Xie,Hai-Yan Li and Jian-Lin Wang,Morphological study on the cerebrum of Bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus) with particular reference to sulci. Journal of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:61-66,2006. (SCI收录)22. Zhang X,Dai F,Weise C,Yusuf F,Bonafede A,Morosan-Puopolo G,Rehimi R,Wang J,Brand-Saberi B. Expression of the avian gene cNOC2 encoding nucleolar complex associated protein 2 during embryonic development. Anat Embryol (Berl). 2006 Nov;211⑹:649-57. (SCI收录)23. 杜晓华; 刘霞; 刘英; 王建林;双峰驼胸膜下肺微血管构筑的扫描电镜观察,解剖学报,2006,⑴: . 王建林,欧洲解剖学会第101届年会,国际学术动态,2006,4 (CJFD收录刊)23. 俞诗源; 严峰; 王建林; 王子仁; 游蛇和沙蜥肺微血管铸型的比较观察,四川大学学报(自然科学版),2006年 02期 中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 中国期刊方阵 CJFD收录刊.24. 俞诗源; 龚大洁; 刘忠虎; 王建林; 王子仁;游蛇和烙铁头肺微血管铸型的扫描电镜观察,四川大学学报(自然科学版),⑵: 465-467,. 俞诗源,王建林,王子仁. 肺微血管研究进展,西北师范大学学报(自然科学版),⑷:96-101,. 谢朝晖; 佘秋生; 邵宝平; 丁艳平; 刘重斌; 王建林. 哺乳动物生物钟昼夜节律同步机制的研究进展,西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),⑼:46-52,. 杨思忠,李岩,崔雅雄,赵建友,卿建其,于景文,王建林*,圈养野生双峰驼行为及活动节律的观察,中国科技论文在线,2005年2月24日.28. 杨思忠,李岩,崔雅雄,赵建友,卿建其,于景文,王建林*,圈养野生双峰驼采食行为的初步研究,中国科技论文在线,2005年2月5日.29. 杨思忠,李岩,崔雅雄,赵建友,卿建其,于景文,王建林*,圈养野生双峰驼发情行为,中国科技论文在线,2005年2月24日.30. Wang-Hong Zhao,et al. and :Architecture of pulmonary interstitial microvessels in bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). Journal. of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:13-16,2005(SCI收录)31. 邵宝平,丁艳平,俞红贤,王建林*:牦牛脑的动脉供应,解剖学报,2005,36⑸:573-. 邵宝平,丁艳平,俞红贤,王建林*:牦牛眼的动脉分布,动物学杂志,2005,40⑶:104-. 邵保平,王建林等,牦牛大脑的解剖,中国科技论文在线,2005年2月24日34. Cui,S; Wang,JL; Xie,ZM. The nerve supply to the orbit of the Bactrian camel. VETERINARY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS,28 ⑴: 7-15 JAN 2004. (SCI收录)35. 俞诗源; 司克媛; 刘忠虎; 王子仁; 王建林,蓝马鸡冠状动脉的铸型观察,四川大学学报(自然科学版),⑹: 1254-1258,. 佘秋生; 郭蔼光; 王建林; 邵建宁; 晁开; 刘海森; 果胶酶G5512菌株深层液体发酵中试及提取工艺研究,西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),⑸:85-87,200437. 俞诗源; 司克媛; 刘忠虎; 王子仁; 王建林; 麻蜥和蟾蜍肺微血管铸型的比较观察,西北师范大学学报(自然科学版),⑵:55-58,. 王建林,嗜铬细胞生物学越来越受重视,国际学术动态,⑵:42,. 俞诗源,司克媛,刘忠虎,王子仁,王建林,蓝马鸡冠状动脉的铸型观察,四川大学学报(自然科学版),⑹: 1254-1258,. 杨思忠; 李海燕; 陈秀萍; 王建林. 浅议武威绿洲农业困境和出路,中国农业科技导报,第6卷,4期,2004年.41. Shi-Yuan Yu,Jianlin Wang,et al :Architecture of subpleural microvessel in lung in bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). Journal. of Camel Practice and Research (Indian), 1:27-34,2004(SCI收录).42. 俞诗源; 司克媛; 刘忠虎; 王建林; 王子仁;肺的组织发生与调控,西北师范大学学报(自然科学版),⑴:95-103,. 俞诗源; 杨红; 尚志锋; 王建林; 王子仁;灰鹤冠状动脉的铸型观察,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Science Edition),⑸: 66-70,. Jianlin Wang:The arterial supply to the eye of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),The Veterinary Research Communications,⑺:445-453,. 俞诗源; 司克媛; 王子仁; 王建林;红腹锦鸡和小白鼠肾小球微血管铸型的扫描电镜观察,动物学杂志,Chinese Journal of Zoology,⑹:17-20,2002年 06期46. 俞诗源; 杨水月; 王建林; 王子仁; 刘宗智;川金丝猴和人子宫动脉的铸型观察,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Science Edition),⑹:77-82,2001年 06期47. Jianlin Wang,et al:Anatomical subarea and denomination of the stomach of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),6th International congress of Vertebrate Morphology (Journal of Morphology),July 20-26,2001,Jena,. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply of the carpal joint in the bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus),The Veterinary Research Communications,⑵:75-84,2000(SCI收录)49. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply of the cubital joint in the bactrian camel,The Veterinary Research Communications, ⑴:1-9,2000(SCI收录)50. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply to the digits of the forelimb in the bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus),J. of Anatomy,⑵:193-202; Februbry,2000(SCI收录).51. Jianlin Wang,et al:Anatomical subarea and denomination of the stomach of the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),J. of Morphology,:349;March,2000(SCI收录).52. 王建林等. 双峰驼前肢深静脉解剖,兰州大学学报,2000,653. 王建林. 双峰驼肘关节动脉分布,畜牧兽医学报,1999,. 王建林等. 双峰驼前肢浅静脉解剖,兰州大学学报,1999,. Jianlin Wang,et al:The arterial supply of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint in the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus),The Veterinary Research Communications,:365-371,1998 (SCI收录).56. Cui Sheng,Jianlin Wang and Zhenming Xie:Gross anatomy of the cranial cervical ganlion and its branches in the bactrian camel. The Veterinary Research Communications,:1-5,1998(SCI收录).57. 王建林:双峰驼臂动脉解剖,中国兽医科技,97,. 王建林:双峰驼腋动脉解剖,甘肃农大学报,96,. 王建林:双峰驼桡神经解剖,甘肃农大学报,95,260. 王建林:双峰驼正中动脉解剖,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),1995,:93-95,独作。61. 王建林:双峰驼掌心第3动脉和掌背侧第3动脉解剖,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),1995,:114-116,62. Jianlin Wang and zhenming Xie. (1994):Arterial supply of the shoulder joint in bactrian camel. J. of Camel Practice and Research(Indian), 2,1994. (SCI收录)63. Jianlin Wang and Shengcheng Jiang. (1994):Anatomy of Ulnar,median and radial nerves of Tianzhu white first International Congress on Yak,8,1994:263-266,Lanzhou,. Shengcheng Jiang and Jianlin Wang. (1994):Anatomy of genital organs of female Tianzhu white yak. The first International Congress on Yak,8,1994:243-249,Lanzhou,. 王建林等:细胞周期及其与癌症防治的关系,中国兽医科技,94,. 王建林等:马头山羊后肢肌肉解剖,中国养羊,94,. 王建林等:马头山羊头部肌肉解剖,中国养羊,93,368. 王建林:双峰驼躯干骨解剖,甘肃农大学报,93,. 王建林:双峰驼头骨解剖,甘肃农大学报,93,. 王建林等:马头山羊前肢肌肉解剖,中国养羊,92,. 王建林等:马头山羊躯干肌肉解剖,中国养羊,92,. 王建林,谢铮铭:双峰驼前肢骨解剖,甘肃农大学报,92,. 王建林,双峰驼后肢骨解剖,甘肃农大学报,92,. 王建林,谢铮铭:双峰驼指关节解剖,畜牧兽医学报,1989,. 王建林,谢铮铭:双峰驼肩、肘关节解剖,甘肃农大学报,88,. 王建林,谢铮铭:双峰驼腕关节解剖,甘肃农大学报,88,4.

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