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首页 > 期刊论文 > 多功能的闹钟设计毕业论文

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354 评论


电子钟相关毕业设计 ·数字电子钟的电路设计 (字数:9242,页数:22 )·数字电子钟的设计与制作 (字数:8017,页数:22 )·数字钟的设计 (字数:6208,页数:21 )·基于8051单片机的数字钟 (字数:21638,页数:50)·基于单片机的电子时钟控制系统 (字数:7935,页数:42 )·数字电路数字钟设计 (字数:4846,页数:21 )·电子闹钟设计 (字数:4094,页数:19 )·定时闹钟设计 (字数:5714,页数:24 )·智能定时闹钟设计 (字数:3826,页数:18 )·下棋定时钟设计 (字数:5290,页数:24 )·多功能数字钟设计与制作 (字数:13129,页数:34)·基于单片机的电子钟设计 (字数:7710,页数:24 )·基于单片机的数字电子钟设计 (字数:10301,页数:42)·基于Labview的虚拟数字钟设计 (字数:17457,页数:32)·电子日历钟 (字数:10677,页数:33)·数字钟的设计与制作 (字数:4922,页数:23 )·单片机数字钟设计 (字数:15355,页数:47)·基于单片机的数字钟设计 (字数:12541,页数:27)·单片机定时闹钟设计 (字数:8450,页数:24 )·万年历可编程电子钟控电铃 (字数:14371.页数:41)·数字定时闹钟设计 (字数:7770,页数:28 )·基于EDA技术的数字电子钟设计 (字数:12247,页数:32)·多功能时钟打点系统设计 (字数:8353,页数:31 )·智能音乐闹钟设计 (字数:10002,页数:37)·基于AT89S51单片机的数字电子钟设计 (字数:14560,页数:39)

99 评论



219 评论


Computers have accelerated the transformation of the world's human pace, but it is after all bulky. SCM in this case was born. As of today, SCM application rapid development of technology, looking around us now in all spheres of life, from missiles, navigation equipment, to the various instruments on the aircraft control from a computer network communications and data transmission, industrial automation to real-time process control and data processing, and our lives extensive use of the smart card, electronic pets, which is inseparable from the microcontroller. Monolithic single-chip micro-computer or computer. (Single-Chip Microcomputer) is the set of CPU, RAM, ROM, the timing, number and variety of interface integrated microcontrollers. Its small size, low cost, high performance, which are widely used in smart industries, and industrial automation. And 51 Series SCM SCM is the most typical and the most representative one. The graduation design Through the study, and thereby achieve the study, design, development hardware and software capabilities. Based on a microcontroller based on the will to achieve timing, stopwatch, calendar, alarm clocks, and other functions of a multi-functional electronic clock design study, in detail, the computer application of data conversion, Principle LCD, keyboard scanning principle, SCM regularly interrupted principle. Thereby achieve studying and understanding the relevant directives SCM in all aspects of the application. By AT89S52 system, temperature detection chip, the clock chips, liquid crystal displays, memory, Regulators and electricity supply of components, to achieve clock calendar display function can be carried out, hours seconds of the show and real-time temperature display. Also calculated with the calendar and clock, calendar calibration, regular hours and set the alarm function. The article attached circuit diagram, the PCB plans and procedures checklist for the reference of our readers. Due to limited, and it will inevitably be lighter inadequate, locations will give teachers and students correction and criticism. Keywords : stopwatch, alarm clock, calendar time

248 评论


目录摘 要 IAbstract II目录 III第一章 绪 论 - 1 课题的背景 - 1 课题意义 - 2 本章小结 - 3 -第二章 总体设计方案与论证 - 4 电源模块方案的选择与论证 - 4 时钟电路方案的选择与论证 - 4 显示电路方案的选择与论证 - 5 闹钟电路方案的选择与论证 - 5 键扫描电路方案的选择与论证 - 6 本章小结 - 6 -第三章 系统硬件设计 - 7 主控芯片STC89C52的介绍 - 7 STC89C52的主要性能参数 - 7 STC89C52单片机的功能特性概述: - 8 时钟部分功能介绍及电路设计 - 11 显示模块功能介绍及电路设计 - 14 闹钟电路模块介绍及电路设计 - 16 功能按键模块介绍及电路设计 - 17 电源模块介绍及电路设计 - 17 本章小结 - 18 -第四章 系统软件设计 - 19 日历程序设计 - 19 时间调整程序设计 - 20 闹钟设置程序设计 - 22 闹钟蜂鸣程序设计 - 23 本章小结 - 23 -第五章 系统调试 - 24 系统的调试 - 24 系统的调试出现的问题及解决 - 24 本章小结 - 24 -第六章 结 论 - 25 -参考文献 - 26 -致 谢 - 27 -附录 - 28 -附录一 :本设计电路原理图 - 28 -附录二:数字日历钟电路设计的C程序 - 29 -

358 评论


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