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你好啊,你的开题报告选题定了没?开题报告选题老师同意了吗?准备往哪个方向写?开题报告学校具体格式准备好了没?准备写多少字还有什么不懂不明白的可以问我,希望可以帮到你,祝开题报告选题顺利通过,毕业论文写作过提供一个学校范文仅供参考:1.选题的目的和意义:中小企业是推动国民经济发展,构造市场经济主体,促进社会稳定的基础力量,对企业健康发展、培育壮大市场主体、扩大就业渠道、促进国民经济持续、稳定的发展具有十分重要的意义,对于占全国企业总数99%、工业产值60%、利税40%、就业机会75%的中小企业,现阶段不但是我国经济发展的重要力量,而且在对外贸易中占的比重也越来越大。中小企业在对外贸易中要选择适合自己的途径或策略2.探究中小企业的出口路径的意义中小企业能在国际市场大显身手,也能推动我国经济的可持续发展,有利于扩大企业市场,提高中小企业国际竞争力;有利于缓解中小企业资金短缺困难,可以利用出口获得发展资金,也可以吸引海外风投基金或者吸引外资合股以及从海外资本市场出口型中小企业是近年来我国贸易增长的中坚力量,是国民经济的生力军,其发展越来越关系到经济发展、社会稳定与和谐。产业集群化发展是目前世界经济发展中的一种重要经济现象,也是我国中小企业发展的必经之路,其对企业、区域、国家的经济发展都具有现实而深远的意义。对于我国出口型中小企业目前产业集群发展的现阶段而言,还存在很多问题,比较突出的一点就是集而不群,大而不强,缺乏整体协调发展的支持体系和战略部署。这一点,在当前全球经济危机的形势下尤为凸显。 目前我国对出口型中小企业的研究还不多见,远远落后于实践中的需要。本文将从经济学视角,以我国出口型中小企业集群作为研究对象,以促进我国出口型中小企业产业集群可持续发展、提高集群应对风险能力及集群竞争力为目标2.国内外研究现状3.自改革开放以来我国无论是3.选题研究的内容:该论题研究的内容主要是以下几个方面:一、对“三网融合”背景下广电产业所面临挑战的研究(一)广电产业运营模式的转变(二)员工配置和技术能力的提高(三)广电网络业务能力的提升二、对“三网融合”背景下广电产业所面临机遇及对策研究(一)机遇1、拓展电视传播的新渠道2、增强电视传播的互动性3、扩大电视传播受众群体(二)对策1、加快广电网络的改造2、开办内容新颖的节目3、充分发挥自身的优势4.选题研究的技术路线、研究方法和要解决的主要问题:研究技术路线:首先,了解本论题的研究状况,形成文献综述和开题报告。其次,进一步搜集阅读资料并研读文本,做好相关的记录,形成论题提纲。第三,深入研究,写成初稿。最后,反复修改,完成定稿。研究方法: 运用文献分析法、文本细读法、比较法、综合分析法等进行研究。要解决的关键问题: (把自己的关键问题用两句话写下即可)5.研究与写作计划:2014年3月1日——3月6日 确定选题、收集相关资料2014年3月7日——3月10日 撰写开题报告与开题2010年5月1日——6月30日 收集资料,开展研究,形成写作提纲2010年7月1日——9月30日 深入研究,形成论文初稿2010年10月1日——10月30日 论文修改、定稿、打印、答辩

108 评论


On the WEB based meal ordering and drinks are the most important of all sectors where this is a daily requirement to survive. Businesses who are part of this industry are always faced with high competition and they require a proven solution to market their business and attract potential customers the technology into your restaurant/takeaway business would be one of the most successful and proven method to grow the business within a short period of time. Restaurant Online Ordering System is a proven solution used by thousands of catering businesses all around the world that will not only help to grow your business but also give you a competitive advantage over your competitors as you have a lot of control to drive potential customers with offers, promotions, discounts, points, gifts vouchers and many is Restaurant Online Ordering system?An online system that is designed to transform your traditional restaurant/takeaway menu into an online based interactive menu allowing potential customers to view the food items, prices, descriptions, ingredients, menu options, special offers, mix and match deals and order straight through a website. The order is then processed through a centralised database and the order is then pushed to a password protected backend where you can view and process the a restaurant online ordering system helps to better manage your business allowing you to change menu item prices on the fly, create discounts and promotions and promote it do not need to ring the restaurant/takeaway to place orders instead they can order their favourite food from home and this gives more time to your staffs to concentrate on other parts of the your business need Restaurant Online Ordering System?Having a professional branded website is a requirement for any business of the 21st century, but having a food ordering System hooked to your restaurant/takeaway website is a plus point and puts you forward and beyond in-line with your competitors who use restaurant online ordering system to drive are some of the reasons why you need an online ordering system:Allow your customers to get their favourite food from your interactive online your customers the freedom to order from home, office or from their smartphones at any option for people who do not have time to go out to a one time registration allows customers to order frequently and also allows you to promote discounts, special offers and promotions to can place orders without experiencing lenghtly on holds or busy signal during peak hours of the customers to pay online for their order making it easy and secure option to receive a business you do not require expensive hardware and software or any technical experience to get the restaurant online Ordering system up and you to built a list of customers who might come to your site either for ordering through the online menu or for just getting directions or for your contact you to check your order progress and also helps to keep track of existing good online ordering system can maximise the capabilities of the staff working in a restaurant/ system also helps owners to reach the clients in a personalized way with different offers and flexibility and freedom to run your business for a long time by branding your business to incorporate multiple payments for your customers payment to organise your menu items and add special helps you to make a good profit per year and helps branding your business our 10 years of experience in food industry, we know what your business need and thus “RestaurantOS” is build to be the most powerful, fast, easy and reliable restaurant online ordering system with all the functions you would ever need in an ordering system to run your To Advertise Your Business in Food IndustryOnline Ordering System Advertising your business in food industry is all about letting people know about your services and products to those who are most likely to be interested in them. There are lots of food service businesses which include restaurants, meal delivery services and catering investment involved is quite high requiring television, radio, printing and lots of other methods to create recognition. Other effective advertising systems can be done through coupons, discounts and promotional events. These type of marketing are comparatively less expensive than traditional advertising, and they often make a more effective impression on potential a plan for your business is important along with constructing strategies for linking your food service offerings to the interests and affiliations of your target market. Offer discount coupons for your business through coupon services. Always look to feature your signature items and design flyers to catch the eye of your target an attractive, informative website for your restaurant is common these days. Providing information about your cuisine and your philosophy, as well as information about all key can advertise Your business through RestaurantOS. This will help boost your sales and will also give your restaurant recognition to a larger group of will transform your restaurant/takeaway menu into a digital menu which will be based online, allowing customers to go through all your food items, prices, descriptions, menu options, special offers, mix and match deals and order directly through your restaurant website. The order will then go through a secured order management system making it ready to view and ordering a RestaurantOS package we will offer you initial SEO marketing allowing all the top search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing to index your website and generate traffic to your website. If your website has more visitors every day the chances of getting outside orders will increase gradually. Those who are looking for intensive online marketing to get better results can contact us with your requirements and your budget. One of our SEO team members will take a look onto the options of marketing your website and suggest you a marketing plan with your can therefore assure you that our advertising methods with marketing options will be highly beneficial for your Foodie comes to you from the stable of eZee Technosys, pioneers in the hospitality IT solutions domain. eZee Technosys is a very young company that has already made its mark in the hospitality industry through our flagship product - eZee FrontDesk. This industry leading property management suite has won more than a thousand satisfied and faithful customers worldwide in a short span of latest offering is eZee Foodie, an online food ordering system that harnesses the power of the internet for your restaurant and food joint. eZee Foodie brings to you a world of simplicity in online food ordering. Whether you are a restaurant owner or a customer interested in placing a home or office delivery order, eZee Foodie will make life easier for innovative, unique, and easy to use online food ordering system ensures there are no more misplaced food orders, no more delays, and definitely no cancellations or losses. With eZee Foodie, all you get is peace of mind. eZee Foodie integrates easily and quickly into your existing restaurant website to instantly enable your establishment to start receiving food orders from the Foodie works with almost any type of food establishment, whether it is a full-fledged restaurant, a cash and carry deli, a street-side café, or a fast food joint. The simplicity with which eZee Foodie has been designed will attract increasing number of customers to your restaurant's website and turn them into regulars once they place an a unique order tracking system, eZee Foodie allows you and your customers to track past orders and also create favourites' lists for quick ordering. Secure and fast payment processing, and effortless integration with your existing POS software or eZee BurrP! are hallmarks of this state-of-the-art food ordering solution. With eZee Foodie on your side and installed on your restaurant website, you will never miss another customer order again. You can be assured not just of increased sales, but also faster times to delivery and easier to track orders and payments.

176 评论




[摘要] 近年来,随着我国旅游业的蓬勃发展,经济型快捷酒店如雨后春笋般涌现出来。发展成为中国经济型连锁酒店第一的如家快捷酒店就是其中之一。文章结合实际,分析了如家快捷酒店服务营销中存在的问题,提出针对性的服务营销策略,并得出相关结论。希望对如家快捷酒店的发展壮大具有一定的借鉴作用。

[关键词] 如家快捷酒店;服务营销;创新;营销策略






























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