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首页 > 期刊论文 > 论文模板英语怎么说

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问题一:模板 英文怎么说 模板是format model是模型 问题二:“印刷版”用英语怎么说 stencil或stencil-plate 问题三:模版的英文怎么写 templates stencil board 问题四:建筑模板英文名称怎么翻译?? architecture templet 问题五:3D打印模板,英文怎么说。 3D printing model模型/template模板. mould 是模具啊 不对的。 问题六:建筑模板英文名称怎么翻译?? Constructs the template 问题七:ppt模板在英文中说什么 一个是全称,一个是简称都可以的啦 问题八:模板 英文怎么说 模板是format model是模型 问题九:模版的英文怎么写 templates stencil board 问题十:建筑模板英文名称怎么翻译?? architecture templet

251 评论


论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文) 或:thesis(论文) 经常说的: English dissertation(英语论文) Graduation thesis(毕业论文)

167 评论


Recently,the problem of__________has aroused people's concern. However, different people hold different attitudes toward. A lot of people seem to think that__________________ There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem does us much harm(good)I quite agree with the statement that ________________,The reason are chiefly as follows, to start with___________,in addition_________,perhaps the primary reason is ___________,It has more advantages than disadvantages(disadvantages thanadvantages)。In my opinion, Taking all these factors into consideration, We naturally came to the conclusion that_________________. Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 最近,_______问题已引起人们的关注,然而,人们的态度各不相同,很多人似乎以为_________ 毫无疑问,对________问题应该给予足够的重视。它对我们很有坏处(好处)。我十分赞同这一论述_________________,主要的原因包括_____________一个原因是_________ 另一个原因_________或许最主要的是_________________.它的利多弊少。弊多利少 在我的观点,把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论_______________________。显然,现在我们提出解决问题方案正是时候。

168 评论


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