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首页 > 期刊论文 > 汽车博览杂志封底

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在中国没有权威的部门对杂志做发行量的统计,多数都是自己杂志社自己报发行量。汽车后市场的多数都是月刊,比如《汽车维修与保养》 《汽车维修技师》等。

112 评论












1、Pertormance Car

英国的Performance Car一直被粉丝们称为“PC杂志”。PC首发于1983年,EMAP集团推出这本杂志以取代之前的HotCar。顾名思义,PC杂志的焦点和卖点就是高性能汽车,从高性能的掀背车到顶级的超跑,都是它所关注的。

PC的编辑Richard Meaden、John Barker等人在198年年底自创门户,推出了Ev0杂志。Ev的内容和风格都与“PC杂志”近似,因此可被看作是PC的延续。2008年,Unity传媒集团发行了新的PC,启用了全新的主创班底。

2、Auto Bild(Auto Express,Auto Plus)

头顶“全球最大汽车媒体”的光环,德国Auto Bild杂志一向以冷酷无情的测试著称于世。Nardo极速测试是Auto Bio的一大杰作。就是在Nardo测试中,9ff打造的敞篷997创造了的敞篷车最高速度记录。

Auto Bid隶属于德国Axel Springer集团旗下,创刊号发行于1986年。像大多数汽车杂志一样,Auto Bid包含了新闻、试驾、专业测试、长期测试、专栏、读者反馈、二手车以及车型价格数据等栏目。AutoBidi在英国和法国各有一份姐妹刊,分别是Auto Express和auto Pus,二者也都是具有影响力的重要汽车杂志。

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1、《汽车之友》:《汽车之友》(《AUTO FAN》)杂志是由中国汽车工程学会主办的汽车类专业杂志。《汽车之友》杂志创刊于1986年1月,双月刊,创刊号发行44000,全部邮局发行,除1000多份在邮局零售外,其余都是订阅。



4、《汽车族》:《汽车族》杂志隶属中国最大的人民日报报业集团,由中国汽车媒体的龙头《中国汽车报》主办,与全美最大的杂志集团Primedia旗下的全球最具影响力的汽车杂志《Motor Trend》版权合作创办。

5、《汽车博览》:《汽车博览》是一本让你了解和喜欢汽车的杂志,本刊与国际著名汽车期刊《auto motor und sport》版权合作。

6、《名车志》:《名车志CAR AND DRIVER》品牌创始于美国,1955年,最初的名字是:SPORTS CARS ILLUSTRATED。1961年,正式改为现在的名字:CAR AND DRIVER。





111 评论



99 评论


kissesn HAO 3. advertizing costs: 1. unfolds meets the published conference proceeding: ■ the back cover Renminbi Yuan ■ seal two Yuan ■ seals three Renminbi Yuan ■ interpolation coloredentire pages Renminbi Yuan ■ published conference proceeding size: Entire page285mm×210 mm Note: This session will unfold meets the published conferenceproceeding content to include: The lecture honored guest introducedthat, 200 above global apexes specialized buyer resume, unfoldsbusiness introduction. 2nd, other advertisement demands please consult with the sponsor unit. Participation procedure and payment method Every intends to participate unfolds the meeting the unit,please relates with me 1. In detail fills in the exposition "the participationagreement" and the capping official seal, mails or the facsimile tome. 2. The sponsor unit determined unfolds the position. 3. The sponsor unit confirmed after "the participation agreement" thetranscription, the advice of charge accompany "the participationguide" and so on the related document to return to the participationunit. 4. The participation unit must in 7 days pay the participation expense50% to take the deposit, Yu Kuan pays off in a lump sum before October15, 2007. After September 1, 2007 participates the company must payoff in a lump sum the complete expense. 5. After the sponsor unit receives completely participates theexpense, mails back the principal edition participation confirmationletter the participation unit, the participation unit postponesdepending on the principal edition participation confirmation letterin the stipulation cloth registers, enters the hall cloth to unfold. Explained: After (1) signs the agreement, like not according to the requestpayment deposit and -odd section, the sponsor unit will not safeguardbooth of position the confirmation. If in unfolds meets in first 60thto withdraw from the participation, the deposit does not return. Inorder to guarantee the exposition overall image, the sponsor unitretention and the participation unit consultation and finally adjuststhe booth position the authority. (2) participates the company not to be able to sublet own booth forother companies. Question supplement that, What a poor life. im not a translator, why igotta do such work...! ! ! Anybody can help me? ? In the automobile profession, we already succeeded conduct twosessions of Asian and Pacific area automobiles manufacture, the thinghave flowed with the purchase annual meeting, we with world well-knownentire vehicle merchant and the spare part producer and so on Toyotaautomobile, Shanghai general automobile, Chrysler China and abundantworld China have the good cooperation relations, believed ourprofessional service surely could bring the more commercialopportunity to you. Promoted superiority 1st, we through since long ago will have the good cooperationwith us the specialized media: "Automobile And Fitting" "Automotiveindustry" "Automobile And Driving Service" "Automobile Observation""China Flows with Purchase" "Economical 导报 Automobile industry""Shanghai Vehicle City" "Automobile Magazine" "Friend of theAutomobile" "Automobile Reads extensively" family of East automobilenet Sina Net automobile frequency channel China net automobilefrequency channel the Pacific Ocean automobile net automobile worldautomobile and so on for to unfold can make the comprehensive thoroughreport. 2nd, we will use surpass 15,000 professional manager databases fromthe global leading enterprise, through strict screening, will sendsends the nearly 5,000 invitations letters, in the invitation industrynearly thousand high level leaderships presence you unfolds theposition, will facilitate your cooperation and the transaction. 3rd, above 200 vice- President the rank high end conference senatewill be able to represent with dozens of whole world apexes lecturehonored guest will be you not fault-tolerant exceedingly goodcooperation turning point.

207 评论


我个人觉得很好我原来一直看《汽车画报》,因为这本杂志是跟ams团队合办的,这个团对在国际和欧洲车评界是很权威的,也很有影响力的。后来因为什么原因, ams不跟汽车画报合作了,我发现汽车画报的质量下降得很快。后来得知ams团队和汽车博览合作了,我就改买汽车博览了,很不错,向你推荐

202 评论



326 评论


  • 汽车博览杂志电子版

    我建议你不要买《汽车杂志》,此杂志在03年以前很畅销,那是因为他跟德国著名汽车刊物《auto moto and sport》(简称ams)合办。这个德国杂志拥有

    暖洋洋的心2006 7人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 旅游杂志封底

    杂志封面、封底、插图100-300元/幅(因杂志和作者的名气而异,有的出点的上千元/幅)杂志与报刊中插图四格 50-80元/则(彩) 30-50元/则(黑白)单

    女儿我爱你 2人参与回答 2023-12-12
  • 杂志的封面和封底

    封底是一般指杂志的最后一页的外面。 指的是一本书书皮的底,是图书的重要构成元素,是封面、书脊的延展、补充、总结或强调。封底与封面二者之间紧密关联,相互帮衬,相互

    Cathy傻丫头 3人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 教师博览杂志

    全国各地教育类报刊(教师)投稿地址一览表(03年12月整理,有些可能变动,欢迎根贴指出)刊 名//地 址//电 话//电 子 信 箱《小学教学设计》

    果果果大美 4人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 汽车导购杂志封面

    在中国没有权威的部门对杂志做发行量的统计,多数都是自己杂志社自己报发行量。汽车后市场的多数都是月刊,比如《汽车维修与保养》 《汽车维修技师》等。

    小胖爱旅游 8人参与回答 2023-12-12