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研究的意义的话就可以了解他们的回民状况 就可以充分的打好装修的那个人在交往的基础

343 评论


一:谈话中的敬辞在中西方文化的差异比较。在中方文化中,在跟长辈或者上级说话时与同辈或者下级说话时是不一样的,往往要使用一些尊称或者敬词。如果对不同的人使用同样的词语,就会认为这个人用词不当而显得有失礼数,甚至会被别人认为该人很高傲不容易相处。在近二三十年来,这种情况虽然有所改观,但是并没有消失,敬词虽然不想从前那么普遍,但是仍然在使用。在西方文化中,敬辞的使用很少,但是会在名词前加上形容词已做修饰,显示对对方的尊敬和敬爱。所以讲英语的人在使用汉语交谈时,对敬辞的问题就会搞到特别困难。在西方国家中,当同自己的上级说话需要比较尊敬的语气,但是不需要什么特殊的词语。不管对方的年龄是大还是小,级别地位是高还是低,“你”就是“你”,没有像汉语中“您”的这种称呼。敬词的中西方文化差异比较还有另外一个方面,中国人在说话时,总是会用表示礼貌性的或者表示客气的词语,比如说敬辞。中国人的表达方式比较传统,他们不习惯用平常的话不加修饰、直截了当的和比他们年长的人、有地位的人或者家中的客人说话,甚至当他们在用英语交流时,也不大习惯于接受对方的表达习惯。随着时代的发展,在近二三十年来人与人之间的关系渐渐的平等起来,于是在我们的日常生活当中使用过于拘谨的、礼节性的套语也大大减少了。而且许多显得很庄重、很客气的尊称和敬辞也已经被淘汰。有一些敬词或者套语也还有人用,但主要是上了年纪的受过教育的人。例如当遇到了地位比自己高的,值得尊敬的人,就会说:“久仰、久仰大名”。当自己把写的书或者其他作品赠送给别人是常常会说:“敬请指正,起提宝贵意见等”,当读了别人的书时便会说:“拜读了大作”等。二、请帖中的敬辞在中西方文化差异比较。中方人讲究传统和长幼尊卑,在请帖措辞中一般会显得比较客气,文雅有礼貌。李大钊曾经总结过西方人的性格特点勇猛好斗,冲动激情善辩,而中国人则内省保守,谨慎顺从善思。所以在西方人的请帖一般是显得简明扼要,直截了当。下面有两个例子,可以看出请帖中的敬辞在中西方语言与文化的差异比较。例一:兹定于星期一下午7时在寒舍举行便宴,敬请光临。Will you please honor me by coming to my humble home for a simple meal this Monday evening? We will be very pleased if you can come at seven o'clock...例二:迈克,请你跟你爱人星期日晚上来吃饭,六点在我们家。你能来吗?Michael, we'd like you and your wife to come over for dinner this Sunday evening. Six at our place. Can you make it?由这两个例子可以看出,前一个的请帖的措辞非常客气,而且文雅有礼貌,后一个请帖的措辞则显得简明扼要,直截了当,用最为浅显易懂的白话说出来要表达的内容。

342 评论


Politeness principle in communication different usages between China and western world Abstract This essay primarily explores the politeness principle used in communication. As we all know, different people hold different views about politeness. Sometimes what the Chinese people considered to be polite may not be true according to western culture. This paper attempts to shed light on some of the important differences on politeness between Chinese and western culture. The politeness principle is affected by different cultures. It can’t be used universally. Politeness is a pragmatic phenomenon and exists in any language groups as a social situation and a universal situation. The universal feature of politeness principle is affected by register and culture. The politeness principle used in the western world is different from that in China. Because politeness principle was proposed in western historic background, to what degree it is useful in Chinese culture needs more research. In western world, politeness lays focus on interpersonal equality and cooperation. In China, politeness owns four primary elements: respectfulness, modesty, attitude and refinement. Key words: politeness, politeness principle, communication 交流中的礼貌法则 中西礼貌用语差异 这篇论文主要研究礼貌法则在交际中的应用。众所周知,不同地域的人对礼貌的看法不同,有时候中国人认为是礼貌的而在西方人眼中却未必。此文旨在找出中西文化中存在的重要的礼仪差距。一个地域的礼貌原则是受其文化影响,而不是放之四海皆准的。礼仪是一个团体现象且存在于任何一个同语言群体和社会阶层。礼貌原则一个普遍的特征是受文化影响。西方礼貌原则的运用不同于中国是因为它的西方历史背景,在某种程度上是否有利于中国文化还需要进一步研究。在西方世界,礼貌建立在人与人平等和合作基础之上,在中国,礼貌有四大基本元素:尊重,谦逊,态度和文雅。 关键词:礼貌,礼貌原则,交流 Catalogue Abstract1 Key words1 Introduction2 The meaning of politeness2 The meaning of politeness principle and evaluation3 4. Different origins and usages of the politeness principle 6 Different origins of politeness principle 7 Politeness principle affected by different cultures7 Value concept system7 Thinking pattern8 Politeness principle used in the control of culture9 5. Conclusion13 Reference13 Introduction As an important pragmatics principle, the Politeness Principle has always been a focus of study over the past decades. People are animals of the society, and live in the communication sometimes what the Chinese people considered to be polite may not be true according to western culture. This paper attempts to shed light on some of the important differences on politeness between Chinese and western culture. When people of different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other, misunderstandings as well as conflicts come up. World surrounded by objects. Communication activities satisfy the practical needs----material transformation or message communication as well as the process suitable for the social rules. Communication is the prerequisite for the smooth and successful relationship among human beings and it promotes human beings’ development. Politeness is a universal phenomenon among all the social groups, but it is marked by different cultures. The politeness principle as well as language form is used differently between China and western world. 到这里可以看看,参考资料:

148 评论


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