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····参考文献············· [1]杨雄胜.会计监督本质新探[J].财务与会计,1994,(3):9. [2]安信.会计监督《会计法》[M]. [3]周丽君.浅议会计监督及其运作要求[J].财经理论与实践,2001,(7). [4]邵慧萍,王文莉.浅谈加强内部会计监督制度建设[J].中国水利报. [5]肖广英.浅析“三位一体”的会计监督体系[J].财务会计,2001,(3).

159 评论


legislation, accounting supervision research References[1] ZHAO Yu-min, "measures to strengthen accounting oversight", "Finance and Accounting Forestry", 2002 10;[2] Huzhou City Department of Finance Task Force, "to strengthen the supervision of the work of the city accounting Suggestions", "Zhejiang taxation and accounting", 2003 2;[3] ZHOU Li-jun, "On the accounting supervision and operational requirements", "Financial Theory and Practice", 2001 7;[4] Jian-Ping Gu, "On improving the mechanism of internal accounting supervision," "Accounting Research", 2001 10[5] high-bin. "China formulation and development" [J]. "Accounting research", 2005: (8).[6] Chen Ping. "Comment on" Accounting Law> thinking of a number of issues "[J]," Friends of accounting ", 2005: (12).[7] Zhang Li. "On further amendments and improvement" [J]. "Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law", 2006:5)[8], "Economic Law" (second edition): Jing Pan as editor-in-chief, Central Radio and Television University Press, in March 2000 the second edition:[9] ZHAO Yu-min, "Finance and Accounting Forestry", "measures to strengthen accounting oversight", 2002 10;[10] "Zhejiang taxation and accounting," Finance Research Group Huzhou City, "to strengthen the supervision of the work of the city accounting Suggestions", 2003 2;[11] ZHOU Li-jun, "Financial Theory and Practice", "On the accounting supervision and operational requirements", 2001 7;[12] Jian-Ping Gu, "Accounting Research", "On improving the internal accounting supervision system", 2001 10[13] Zheng Sheng Zhi: "Financial management of administrative departments and institutions and Countermeasures", "Fujian accounting", 2003, 2[14] Song Xin: "The weakening of internal accounting supervision of the causes and preventive measures", "Shandong Architecture", 2000, 3 Oversight" This concept has long existed, but today it's the connotation and extension of understanding has resulted in huge differences. This is largely the impact of the supervision of the progress of theoretical research, as well as supervision of accounting theory of constraints to guide practice. To a precise definition of "accounting supervision", it must be clear, "supervision" in the understanding of the principles of supervision and specific monitoring will be the main economic environment, object, purpose and ways to link analysis, in order to reach the right conclusions and to resolve the accounting issues arising in the provision of a series of ideas.

252 评论


用accounting supervision搜到的,全英,无中~PDF Role of Accounting Data in Performance Evaluation, Budgetary Participation, and Organizational Effectiveness uses of role hierarchies in access Survey of Integrated Financial Sector Supervision 更多accounting supervision是关于banking的,我弄错没?

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