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【题 名】浅议鞋类出口现状及对策【作 者】刘会凌【刊 名】中国皮革.2007,36(14).-44-45【题 名】基于网络营销的中国鞋出口战略研究【作 者】张萍【刊 名】工业技术经济.2007,26(12).-37-40【题 名】出口退税——外销制鞋企业面临的双刃剑【作 者】曹慧 姜楠【刊 名】中国皮革.2007,36(18).-26-30【题 名】出口鞋类产品中检出禁用偶氮染料的风险分析【作 者】郭仁宏 陆瑞强【刊 名】中国皮革.2007,36(12).-186-189【题 名】减少欧盟对“中国鞋”出口限制的新思路--以“合作”求“双赢”【作 者】陈欣 孙磊【刊 名】经济问题探索.2007(5).-67-69【题 名】出口鞋类产品安全、卫生及性能项目抽查结果的分析与思考【作 者】柯家骥 闵宝乾【刊 名】中国皮革.2003,32(6).-110-111【题 名】从拉斯维加斯鞋展看中国鞋对美国市场的出口【作 者】李建业【刊 名】中国皮革.2001,30(2).-18-20【题 名】路在脚下——浅析我国鞋类出口之现状及其发展【作 者】林翰【刊 名】中国皮革.1999,28(16).-4-7【题 名】对我国鞋类外贸出口现状和增长的探讨【作 者】刘志高【刊 名】国际贸易问题.1997(12).-21-26【题 名】我国鞋类出口的现状与发展对策【作 者】刘鸿明【刊 名】国际贸易.1995(8).-43-44

255 评论


In the 21st century, the science and technology is playing the more and more vital along with the production technology development and the humanity to own understanding deepening, the human the engineering also obtained the vigorous this article comprehensive analysis in the social life the people to the athletic shoes special demand in to the present athletic shoes improvement design, considered fully human's factor, makes some to it “the user friendly” the suggestion and the improvement, in order to enjoys the movement while the people, also can maintain and promote the health. This topic by the athletic shoes design primarily, in view of our country designer some questions which appears in the athletic shoes design, uses the observation, the reference, the investigation method, has conducted the system research and the analysis to the athletic shoes design essential factor; Guides the athletic shoes using the user friendly design idea the design, reorganizes a set to suit the athletic shoes creativity design the thought hope may let the consumer understand the athletic shoes the design, lets the designer pay great attention to the athletic shoes the design thought method, simultaneously lets the domestic athletic shoes enterprise even more take the athletic shoes the design. The full text carried on a comprehensive nature from four major parts to the athletic shoes design to result in the first part is the introduction part, the second part analyzes the question which the athletic shoes in the development, the structure and the design third part carries on the induction analysis and the improvement to the athletic shoes design essential fourth part in summarizes in the full text foundation, will forecast the Chinese shoe industry future.

357 评论


“销量,我所欲也,品牌,亦我所欲也”!晋江各鞋业品牌正处于“前有猛虎,后有群狼”的尴尬境地,进退两难。众所周知,以鸿星尔克等为代表的国产运动鞋都主要以中、低档运动鞋为主,而且产品已经出现了严重的同质化,在国内鞋业向高端突围中,又遭到国际品牌的挤压,国产运动鞋如何突围?在前不久的第七届晋江鞋博会上,看到了突围的风向标——以鸿星尔克等为代表的科技突围战略。 运动鞋产业步入高科技时代 众所周知,“明星代言+央视5套”的宣传模式曾经是晋江各鞋企市场制胜的法宝,国产运动鞋都跟风想随,但造成运动鞋业大多产品同质化、传播方式单一、品牌无个性。 步入2005年以来,为了寻找出路,部分厂商已经意识到科技的重要性,在继续广告投入的同时把技术革新提上议事日程,运动鞋的竞争也从广告竞争回归到技术竞争。在技术革新上,鸿星尔克走在了行业的前列,取得了巨大的成功。在前不久,2004网球风云榜“最受欢迎的网球鞋”评比中,鸿星尔克成功闯入三甲,与阿迪、耐克同获殊荣,就是最好的印证。而在第七届晋江国际鞋博会和05秋冬新品订货会上,鸿星尔克就高举“科技领跑”的战略,引起了政府、众多媒体和广大商家的广泛关注。 的确,国际运动鞋的趋势已经告诉我们,国产运动鞋必须走高技术路线。同时,鸿星尔克的成功也给国产运动鞋一个启示:国产运动鞋亟待科技创新致胜。 技术亟待创新,鸿星尔克强势推出GDS减震系统 众所周知,国内的高档鞋市场一直被国际品牌占领,要进军高档鞋领域,就必须在科技上有所突破。随着入世后市场壁垒的降低甚至消失,诸多不利因素都会对在很大程度上靠价格因素获取市场的国产品牌造成巨大冲击。一直以来,鸿星尔克都以“科技领跑”为战略指导,不断进行着科技创新。 据了解,鸿星尔克现已经是国际上最权威的鞋类认证机构英国SATRA的会员,并正在筹建一个符合SATRA认证的世界级鞋类设计研发中心,说明鸿星尔克正在向国际一流技术进一步靠拢。的确,短时间内获得如此成就,当然和鸿星尔克不断进行科技创新息息相关,而在前不久的晋江国际鞋博会和“鸿星尔克2005年秋冬季新品”订货会上,强势推出最新技术成果“GDS减震系统”,更是引起了行业的震撼。 据了解,“GDS减震系统”采用高密度、超耐磨全橡胶结合独立减震系统,使用了航太级碳纤维及钛丝纤维的顶级材料并运用先进的工艺制造技术,将内减震、外均压的功效相结合,给予双脚柔软的支持力和惊人的爆发力,从而更有效地保护运动员的双脚。更值得一提的是,该技术作为行业最先进的技术,突破以往鞋底仅垂直浓缩减震的想法,利用水平方向的位移来削去足部受到的反弹力,减震导力片将落地时的击力迅速吸收、扩散,可说是突破想象的全新思维。 鸿星尔克企划部负责人说,“科技领跑”是鸿星尔克长期坚持的信念,未来将投入更多的人力、物力、财力加大对运动鞋技术的研发。在最新科研成果中,除了GDS减震系统外,在篮球鞋方面还研发试验成功了T系(T-TOUCH)弹力科技。 科技创新,领跑未来 未来是科技的时代,强势的品牌需要强势的产品作支持。国内运动鞋厂商要想冲击高端市场,就必须在技术上有所突破。正如鸿星尔克总经理吴荣光所说:“中国运动鞋厂商必须以技术创新作为立足之本,只有练就技术,中国运动品牌才能完全超越国际品牌!” 有关行业专家认为,鸿星尔克在“科技领跑”路线的指引下,强势推出的GDS减震系统,不仅为自己赢得广阔的市场空间,以科技武装了品牌,更为运动鞋行业带来了革命性的变化。科技创新,领跑未来,科技创新必将成为引领行业发展的风向标。同时我们也有理由相信:主要不断革新技术,在不远的将来,中国也会出现世界级运动品牌。

350 评论


In the 21st century, science and technology is playing an increasingly important role. With the development of production technology and human understanding of self-awareness, human factors engineering has also been promising developments. In this paper, a comprehensive analysis in the social life of the special needs of sports shoes in sports shoes now to improve the design, give full consideration to human factors, some of its "humanity" of the recommendations and improvement in order to enjoy the movement of people at the same time and will be able to safeguard and promote good issue dominated the design of sports shoes in China's designer sports shoes in the design of some of the problems, the use of observation, reference literature, survey methodology, the design of sports shoes of a systematic element of research and analysis; the use of human design concepts to guide the design of sports shoes, a set of sports shoes suitable for the mode of thinking of creative design. I hope to take this so that consumers can better understand the design of sports shoes, so that designers pay more attention to the design of sports shoes way of thinking, at the same time so that domestic enterprises pay more attention to sports shoes sports shoes full text from the four major sports shoe design was a comprehensive exposition. Introduction The first part of the analysis of the second part of the development of sports shoes, structure and design problems. The third part of the design of sports shoes summarized elements of analysis and improvement. The full text of the fourth part of the basis of summing up, the future prospects of China's footwear industry.

82 评论


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    【题 名】浅议鞋类出口现状及对策【作 者】刘会凌【刊 名】中国皮革.2007,36(14).-44-45【题 名】基于网络营销的中国鞋出口战略研究【作 者】张萍

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