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Hamlet and Ophelia, by Dante Gabriel RossettiPrince Hamlet is the main character in Shakespeare's tragedy of HamletPerhaps the most straightforward view sees Hamlet as seeking truth in order to be certain that he is justified in carrying out the revenge called for by a ghost that claims to be the spirit of his father. The most standard view is that Hamlet is highly indecisive, which is the view as proposed by Coleridge, and a number of other critics. "Shakespeare wished to impress upon us the truth, that action is the chief end to existence". The 1948 movie with Laurence Olivier in the title role is introduced by a voiceover: "This is the tragedy of a man who could not make up his mind.". Eliot offers a similar view of Hamlet's character in his critical essay, "Hamlet and His Problems" (The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism). He states, "We find Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' not in the action, not in any quotations that we might select, so much as in an unmistakable tone...".Others see Hamlet as a person charged with a duty that he both knows and feels is right, yet is unwilling to carry out. In this view, all of his efforts to satisfy himself of King Claudius' guilt, or his failure to act when he can, are evidence of this unwillingness, and Hamlet berates himself for his inability to carry out his task. After observing a play-actor performing a scene, he notes that the actor was moved to tears in the passion of the story and compares this passion for an ancient Greek character, Hecuba, in light of his own situation:Hamlet reclines next to Ophelia in Edwin Austin Abbey's The Play Scene in Hamlet"O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!Is it not monstrous that this player here,But in a fiction, in a dream of passion,Could force his soul so to his own conceitThat from her working all his visage wan'd;Tears in his eyes, distraction in's aspect,A broken voice, and his whole function suitingWith forms to his conceit? And all for nothing!For Hecuba?What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba,That he should weep for her?" […]Etymology of HamletHamlet’s name is one filled with meaning and controversy. The name Hamlet occurs as early as the tenth century. His name is easily derived in form from Belleforest and the lost play from Amlethus of Saxo, and remaining in this form is then derived from its Latin form of the old Jutish Amlethoe. From this point the name can be divided into sections with common meanings. In terms of etymology the root name of Hamlet is an Icelandic noun, Amlooi, meaning ‘fool.’ However this name is derived from the way that Hamlet acts in the play and is not in all actuality the true Etymology of the name since the meaning is found through the actions of Hamlet. The second way of translating the name is by analyzing the noun aml-ooi into ‘raving mad’ and the second half, amla into ‘routine’. Later these names were incorporated into Irish dialect as Amlodhe. As phonetic laws took their course the name’s spelling changed eventually leaving it as Amlaidhe. This Irish name was given to a hero in a common folk story. The route of this name is ‘furious, raging, wild.’ These are all meanings of which Shakespeare would have been aware of when deciding on the name for his longest play.[1]AsimovAnother view of Hamlet, advanced by Isaac Asimov in his Guide to Shakespeare, holds that his actions are attributable not to indecision, but to multiple motivations: his desire to avenge the wrong done to his father, coupled with his own ambition to succeed to the throne. The tragic error committed by Hamlet, in Asimov's view, is his overreaching wish to see Claudius damned, and not merely dead, which prevents him from killing Claudius at the opportune of the ReformationMarcellus, Horatio, Hamlet, and the Ghost by Henry has also been suggested that Hamlet's hesitations may also be rooted in the religious beliefs of Shakespeare's time. The Reformation had generated debate about the existence of purgatory (where King Hamlet claims he currently resides). The concept of purgatory is a Catholic one, and was frowned on in Protestant England. It is possible that Hamlet's own logic ought to be taken seriously. Hamlet says that he will not kill his uncle because death would send him straight to heaven, while his father (having died without foreknowledge of his death) is in purgatory doing penance for his. Hamlet's opportunity to kill his uncle comes just after the uncle has supposedly made his peace with God. Hamlet says that he would much rather take a stab at the murderer while he is frolicking in the incestuous sheets, or gambling and drinking, so he could be sure of his going straight to interpretationErnest Jones, following the work of Freud, held that Hamlet suffered from the 'Oedipus complex'. He said in his essay "The Oedipus-Complex as An Explanation of Hamlet's Mystery: A Study in Motive":His moral fate is bound up with his uncle's for good or ill. The call of duty to slay his uncle cannot be obeyed because it links itself with the call of his nature to slay his mother's husband, whether this is the first or the second; the latter call is strongly "repressed," and therefore necessarily the former , Harold Bloom did a "Shakespearean Criticism" of Freud's work in a mirror of the audienceInnokenty Smoktunovsky as Hamlet in the acclaimed 1964 film by Grigori has also been suggested that Hamlet, who is described by Ophelia as "th’ expectancy and rose of the fair state, / The glass of fashion and the mould of form" (Act III, Scene i, lines 148-9), is ultimately a reflection of all of the interpretations possessed by other characters in the play—and perhaps also by the members of an audience watching him. Polonius, most obviously, has a habit of misreading his own expectations into Hamlet’s actions ("Still harping on my daughter!"), though many other characters in the play participate in analogous has a similar tendency to interpret all of her son’s activities as the result of her "o’erhasty marriage" alone. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern tend to find the stalled ambitions of a courtier in their former schoolmate’s behaviour, whereas Claudius seems to be concerned with Hamlet’s motivation only so far as it reveals the degree to which his nephew is a potential threat. Ophelia, like her father, waits in vain for Hamlet to give her signs of affection, and Horatio would have little reason to think that Hamlet was concerned with anything more pressing than the commandment of the ghost. And the First Gravedigger seems to think that Prince Hamlet, like that "whoreson mad fellow” Yorick, is simply insane without any need for explanation. Several critics, including Stephen Booth and William Empson have further investigated the analogous relationship between Hamlet, the play, and its , over the last four centuries Prince Hamlet has become an icon in the entire western consciousness: the definition of what it means to be intelligent, and perhaps, fully 's parallels with other charactersOne aspect of Hamlet's character is the way in which he reflects other characters, including the play's primary antagonist, Claudius. In the play within a play, for instance, Gonzago, the king, is murdered in the garden by his nephew, Lucianus; although King Hamlet is murdered by his brother, in the Mousetrap , the regicide is a nephew, like Prince Hamlet. However, it is also worth noting that each of the characters in the play-within-a-play maps to two major characters in Hamlet, an instance of the play's many doubles:Lucianus, like Hamlet, is both a regicide and a nephew to the king; like Claudius, he is a regicide that operates by pouring poison into Player King, like Hamlet, is an erratic melancholic; like King Hamlet, he is poisoned via his ear while reclining in his Player Queen, like Ophelia, attends to a character that is "so far from cheer and from [a] former state"; like Gertrude, she remarries a is also, in some form, a reflection of most other characters in the play (or perhaps vice versa):Hamlet, Laertes, Fortinbras and Pyrrhus are all avenging sons. Hamlet and Laertes both blame Claudius for the death of their fathers. Hamlet and Pyrrhus are both seized by inaction at some point in their respective narratives and each avenges his father. Hamlet and Fortinbras both have plans that are thwarted by uncles that are also , Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Osric and Polonius are all , his father, Bernardo, Marcellus, Francisco, Fortinbras and several other characters are all and his father share a name (as do Fortinbras and his father).Hamlet, Horatio, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and Laertes are all , his father, Gertrude and Claudius are all members of the Royal Family. Each of them is also killed by poison -- poison that Claudius is responsible and Ophelia are each rebuked by their surviving parent in subsequent scenes; the surviving parent of each happens to be of the opposite gender. Both also enter scenes reading books and there is a contrast between the (possibly) pretend madness of Hamlet and the very real insanity of , Horatio, Polonius, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and Claudius are each "lawful espials" at some point in the play.

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英美文学是英国人民和美国人民长期以来创造性地使用英语语言的产物,是对时代生活的审美表现。下文是我为大家整理的关于英美文学类论文 范文 的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 英美文学类论文范文篇1 从英美经典电影分析英美文学女性形象 [摘要]很多英美经典电影,都是以英美文学为蓝本进行改编的。将文字转换为银幕上的画面,这样的变化,更有利于观众对原作中角色的定位。女性角色,是文学作品中不可或缺的元素,是文学话题制造的永恒话题。在诸多英美文学作品中,女性角色随着时代的变迁、社会背景的变化,也变换着不同的色彩。本文以一些经典的英美电影,对比那些英美文学作品中的女性形象进行了分析,包括对爱情的执著、自我价值的追求、悲剧色彩和独立自主的方面。 [关键词]英美电影;英美文学;女性形象 一、引 言 女性角色,是文学作品中不可或缺的元素,是文学话题制造的永恒话题。在诸多英美文学作品中,女性角色随着时代的变迁、社会背景的变化,也变换着不同的色彩。从莎士比亚时期开始,直到19世纪末20世纪初,以英国、法国、美国等作家的文学作品为例,英美文学作品中的女性角色,开始展现出不一样的活跃程度,特别是随着电影产业的兴起,将文学作品改编为电影,更加有利于对原作中女性形象的深刻展示。在这一点上,以好莱坞电影为代表的英美电影,以更加丰富的形式,诠释了电影视角下的女性角色新特点,其中对于女性主义的形象表现极为突出。 二、女性对于爱情的执著 爱情,是英美文学作品中一直延续的格调。无论是辉煌的史诗巨制,还是社会小人物的刻画写实,其中都有着爱情的主题。在爱情面前,电影,或者说原作中的这些女性角色们,敢于为了爱情反抗传统,反抗那些看似坚不可摧的世俗。改编自美国作家罗伯特的小说《廊桥遗梦》的电影中,弗朗西斯卡与罗伯特之间的爱情,突破了家庭与婚姻的禁制,两人的爱情在当时是一种被唾弃的行为,是对婚姻的背叛,对伦理道德的挑战。 在电影中,弗朗西斯卡在意大利长大,嫁人后随丈夫来到了美国。源于意大利的浪漫,弗朗西斯卡在美国乡村的生活无聊至极,在她与罗伯特的爱情中,尽情洋溢着自身的浪漫风情,这是冲破了世俗枷锁的爱情。弗朗西斯卡的爱情让观众落泪,是因为她没有因为爱而放弃自己的家庭,她仍旧记得自己身为母亲的责任,但却为了爱希望自己死后能与罗伯特在一起。 在原著中,弗朗西斯卡这一角色,对其爱情的描写文字较多,而在电影中,人们通过女演员眉宇间的那抹思念,很直接地理解了她对罗伯特执著的爱以及对家的责任感。爱情与女性之间,似乎是文学作品中必然保留的桥段,以英美文学作品改编而成的英美电影中,爱情的主旋律,不仅是对这些文学作品的一种致敬,更符合潮流下的电影要求。 又如在《简?爱》中,简?爱对罗切斯特的爱,是一种纯粹的爱,而无其他杂糅的情感。当简?爱拒绝了圣?约翰的求婚,虽然罗切斯特的豪宅已经被他那个疯子般的妻子烧毁,虽然罗切斯特因此而失明,但是简?爱按照心中对于爱的执著,认为这样的罗切斯特仍旧是自己的最爱。简?爱因为自己的爱而成为罗切斯特的天使,罗切斯特的余生因为简?爱而精彩。 在电影《傲慢与偏见》中,在尊重英国女性作家奥斯汀原著的基础上,小说中的人物伊丽莎白与达西之间的爱情,一直被人们所谈论。伊丽莎白的爱情观中,没有金钱财富,没有地位差距,有的是彼此之间的了解,是两人之间的彼此相爱。通过电影中,达西的傲慢与伊丽莎白的渴望平等,不难让观众理解原著中的那个对爱情很执著的伊丽莎白。虽然爱着达西,但是伊丽莎白的爱是建立在平等的基础上的,不需要无聊的高姿态和耍酷态度。 伊丽莎白这样的爱情观,也正是原著作者奥斯汀的爱情观。我们在看这些英美电影时,对于银幕中的女性形象有着更加直观的理解,而爱情这种在银幕上独特表现的情感,更容易让我们通过电影了解原著中女性的爱情世界,那是一个执著的感情观。 但是这样的爱情在英美文学作品中,很难有一个完美的结局,女性的爱情执著观,带来的往往是爱情悲剧。在电影《茶花女》中,玛格丽特对于爱情也是固执的,哪怕被自己的爱人阿尔芒误会,她仍旧默默地承担着因为爱情而带来的伤害。不管爱情的结果怎样,对于爱情,这些女性仍旧是那么执著与肯定。 三、追求自我价值的女权主义 在众多的英美电影中,都很好地再现了原著中反抗男权的思想,即强烈的女权主义。英美文学作品中的女权主义是女性主义最为显著的表现点。目前,改编的英美电影中,多以20世纪初期的英美文学作品作为蓝本,而这些文学作品中,开始阐述女权主义,反对男权。这种现象并不是这一时期文学作品所独有的。在当时的社会背景下,有很多的女性实际上开始走出家门,进入了竞争激烈的社会中。而这些女性正是反抗男权的代表,她们的身上少了些浪漫的气息,但是却多了一些职业性的元素。她们更加关注社会、政治等话题,这些女性角色,追求的是自我价值和社会价值,很多的英美电影中都有所体现。 例如,在美国女作家米切尔的小说《飘》中,女性角色斯嘉丽就是这样的一个女子。而在以《飘》改编的电影《乱世佳人》中,观众对于那个富家大小姐斯嘉丽印象深刻。影片以南北战争为背景,战争夺取了斯嘉丽家庭的一切,而斯嘉丽在重重困难中,从一个对国家大事漠不关心的大小姐,成长为一个智慧的现代女性。 斯嘉丽这个女性形象在原著中,属于写实人物,米切尔对于这个人物没有泾渭分明的描述,而是做了真实的叙述。在电影中,这种感觉更加直观一些,斯嘉丽似乎是一个追求自我价值的女性。所以,很多的英美文学作品中,女性不再是一个独立于外的弱势群体,导演与作者都在强调女性角色的社会地位和社会价值,她们有着自我价值。在电影《名利场》中,那个为了跻身上层社会的蓓基,按照现代的评判观点来看,用“女强人”来形容蓓基更加合适。 她为了能够过上更好的生活,不惜卖弄自己的学识、自己的歌声,甚至自己的肉体,蓓基一直在展示着自己的价值所在。无论是勾引好友艾米利亚的哥哥乔斯,还是对克劳莱家族继承人的罗登,蓓基都成功地将自己的价值融入计谋当中。 这些女性形象,在追求自我价值的同时,也是对男权的一种反抗,女权思想在电影或小说中都毫无掩饰。在电影《茶花女》中,玛格丽特本是巴黎的一个名妓,但是她爱上了阿尔芒,并与之在乡下同居。 阿尔芒的父亲认为是玛格丽特葬送了儿子的前程,胁迫玛格丽特移情别恋,而阿尔芒信以为真,愤怒下当众羞辱玛格丽特。玛格丽特终因病而亡,而阿尔芒事后知道了缘由后,悔恨不已。玛格丽特的死,是爱情悲剧的表现,更是对男权世界一种无声的反抗。同样地,在电影《傲慢与偏见》中,伊丽莎白与达西的爱情,一开始,伊丽莎白因为达西的高傲而没有接受他的表白。 我们通过电影,再去原著中寻找伊丽莎白与达西的爱情,会发现奥斯汀花费了大量的笔墨,来描写伊丽莎白与达西那奇妙的爱情。直到达西改掉了自己的“臭毛病”,伊丽莎白才真正地接受了达西。伊丽莎白虽然爱着达西,但是对于达西的那种大男子主义很厌恶,她故意地对达西冷漠,也正是对男权的一种反抗。在哈代的《无名的裘德》改编成电影后,苏的“新女性”形象更加凸显,她敢于追求自我的价值而反抗学校的规定,敢于直面对裘德的爱。 四、悲剧色彩浓重的女性形象 以英美文学作品改编的英美电影中,很多女性形象都是悲剧性的。这些女性形象虽不至于占据英美文学作品的大半,但是在我们观看的很多英美电影中,这样的悲剧色彩,似乎更受到导演和编剧的欢迎,也更能够引起观众的情感共鸣。从电影中,我们可以看出这些充满悲剧色彩的女性,更多是与作品创作背景下的大多数女性有着明显的思想和行为区别。正是因为这些女性角色“前卫”的行为,造成了她们悲剧的产生。这些悲剧多体现在女性的爱情上,还有社会阶级的残酷压榨上。 例如,在雨果的《悲惨世界》中,芳汀这个角色,被赶出了工厂,死在了医院里。她本有一个美好的爱情,但是却被情人抛弃,独自带着女儿珂赛特。在改编的音乐剧《悲惨世界》中,芳汀被迫去那个她永不想涉足的地方,卖了自己的头发、牙齿,甚至是身体。当I Dreamed a Dream响起时,芳汀的悲剧终究发生了。对于芳汀的死,是悲剧的结局,也是她的解脱。 又如,在《哈姆雷特》中,奥菲利亚这个角色,是莎士比亚在17世纪塑造的形象,而那个时期的英国女性,和中国的传统女性一样,对父亲和兄长十分尊敬,甚至达到了盲从的地步。然而奥菲利亚深爱着哈姆雷特,哈姆雷特对她的表白,被奥菲利亚的父亲否决。当奥菲利亚的父亲被哈姆雷特杀死后,奥菲利亚崩溃了。她一直在无声地承受着一切,但悲剧的脚步没有因为她停止。一个纤弱的女子,一个温柔的女子,一个性格柔弱的女子,在那个年代注定了她的悲剧色彩。 在英美文学中,女性的悲剧色彩是一个重要组成部分,特别是在电影改编后,这种女性悲剧更加真实。她们与周围生活的格格不入,导致了悲剧的发生,除去《哈姆雷特》中奥菲利亚这种被社会压到无法喘息的女性外,还有爱情带来的悲剧。例如在《廊桥遗梦》中,弗朗西斯卡的爱情就是一个悲剧,她有着自己的家庭,却爱上了罗伯特。 这样的爱情就是一个悲剧,在道德的束缚下,在伦理的谴责下,弗朗西斯卡的爱情只能以悲剧结束,四天深入骨髓的爱情,折磨了弗朗西斯卡的后半生,这样的悲剧让观众更加心痛。同样地,在《呼啸山庄》中,女主人公凯瑟琳,也是一个女性悲剧形象的代表。凯瑟琳对于爱情的渴望极其矛盾,她希望自己的爱情是不受世俗影响的纯净的爱,还期望能够找到身世好、家境富裕的白马王子。凯瑟琳同希斯克利夫之间的爱情,是纯净的,为此不惜打破社会的道德枷锁。而凯瑟琳还是放不下对财富的向往,她嫁给一个不认识的人,成为山庄的女主人。这是世俗中“美好”的婚姻,但她对爱情的矛盾,让她无法割舍爱情,最后为之付出了生命。 五、独立自主的女性形象 无论是对爱情的执著,还是对自我价值的追求,抑或是悲剧性的色彩,通过电影中的女性角色表达,我们可以看到一个英美文学作品中独立自主的女性形象,这也是女性主义在文字上的宣泄,在银幕上的爆发。在19世纪,简?奥斯汀、勃朗特等一大批女作家走向英美文学的高处,她们反对男权,发扬女性主义。例如,在勃朗特的《简?爱》中,女主人公简?爱就是一个独立自主的女性形象,她积极向上,以自己的聪明才智征服了男主人公罗彻斯特。 在简?爱与罗彻斯特的爱情中,简?爱一直保持着克制和清醒,她嘲笑那些可笑的权贵,她向往平等。简?爱是一个独立自主的女性角色,简?爱对于爱情的追求,一直保持着独立。她知道了罗彻斯特有妻子后,不愿贬低自己的地位价值,选择离去。而当她认识到自己对罗彻斯特的情感后,不顾罗彻斯特的失明和一无所有,仍旧回到罗彻斯特的身边。简?爱的容貌也许并不出众,但是她有一个高贵的灵魂,她追求独立和自主,她有更加吸引男性的自我修养和精神追求,特别是简?爱对于经济独立的认识。这都是独立自主女性形象的表现。无论是电影还是原著中,简?爱都让我们感叹不已,这是一个什么样的女性,这是一个多么伟大的女性!同样的女性特质,我们在《名利场》中的蓓基身上也能看到一些,蓓基的“女强人”特点,正是她独立自主的一些体现,虽然她一直想傍上一个富翁。 六、结 语 女性形象,在英美文学作品中扮演着重要的角色,无论是在爱情还是自我价值,抑或是悲剧色彩和独立自主方面,都有着吸引人的地方。通过电影的展示,小说中的女性形象似乎活了过来,以电影来分析小说中的女性形象,更加耐人寻味,也更容易被大众所接受。闲来无事,可以走进影院,去回顾一下这些英美经典。 [参考文献] [1]辛淑兰.超越傲慢与偏见:从女性视角看《傲慢与偏见》中的幸福婚姻[D].天津:天津师范大学,2006. [2]黄治康.《呼啸山庄》的女性意识研究[J].重庆交通学院学报(社会科学版),2004(03). [3]王盈盈.从女性视角解读美国电影《廊桥遗梦》[J].电影文学,2013(08). [4]陶曦,李雯倩.西方女性主义电影理论[J].电影文学,2010(12). 英美文学类论文范文篇2 浅析英美文学与我国文学二者关系 摘 要:通过英美文学作品与我国文学作品的主题分析发现,英美文学主题,把人和自然的关系定位为回归自然与征服自然;而我国文学作品人和自然的关系为相互统一,二者是不可分割的整体。 关键词:英美文学;作品主题;人和自然 英美文学与我国文学在“人和自然”的主题方面存在差异,是我们从宏观上把握和研究英美文学与我国文学作品的重要线索。 一、英美文学发展的分析 英美文学是英国人民和美国人民长期以来创造性地使用英语语言的产物,是对时代生活的审美表现。英国文学经历了长期、复杂的发展演变过程。英国与美国语言因为同属于一个英语体系,长久以来认为美国文学是英国文学的一个分支。两国文学在发展过程中,由于受到各种现实的、历史的、政治的、 文化 的等外在力量的影响,以及遵循文学内部自身规律,其文学发展历经了古英语与中古英语、文艺复兴、新古典主义、浪漫主义、维多利亚、现代主义等不同的历史阶段,战后则大致呈现从写实到实验和多元的走势。中古英语时期的文学较以前在扩展主题、丰富类型等方面有了很大的进展,而且深受到__的影响,传奇小说及诗歌逐步流行。 二、英美文学中人和自然的主题分析 尽管英美文学在发展过程中都存在多元化,但社会的存在无外乎人和自然,世界上好多文学作品都是反映“人和自然”这一主题的,当然英美文学也不例外。 英美文学作家在作品中力图揭示在特定条件下主宰人的行为的两种力量:一方面是遗传,是人内在的力量,具体来说是描写人对其生物本能的依赖,即人追求爱情、金钱和享受的不可压抑、无法阻挡的欲望。另一方面是社会环境,是外在的力量,是作家对人所生存的社会的研究,具体来说,是描写高度文明的社会给人造成的威胁与围困。民族传统依据每个民族生活的社会条件和自然地理条件形成于特定的历史时期,民族传统一经形成便具有较大的稳定性,能长久地在民族成员中保留下去。 自然,既是人类的母亲和摇篮,又是人类的敌人和战场。这种矛盾的关系,体现在人类的自然观念中,便是两种对立的心态:回归自然与征服自然。这种对立一直贯穿英美思想、文学传统的始终。就文学家个体而言,他们的思想观念及其创作中所表现出来的“人与自然”显示出一种深刻的复杂性,甚至是矛盾性和变动性。有的礼赞、崇拜自然,有的在对抗、征服自然的过程中突显人的尊严和价值,有的聚焦于特殊的人化了的自然环境,有的呈现出一种回归自然与征服自然的交融,有的显示出超时代的远见卓识。 三、我国文学作品中人和自然的分析 我国神话中盘古开天辟地的 故事 含有丰富的泛神论思想:自然界的一切都神圣不可毁坏,因为一切都是从一个叫“盘古”的巨人身体长出来的———他嘴里呼出的气变成了春风和天空的云雾;声音变成了天空的雷霆;盘古的左眼变成太阳,照耀大地;右眼变成浩洁的月亮,给夜晚带来光明;千万缕头发变成颗颗星星,点缀美丽的夜空;鲜血变成江河湖海,奔腾不息;肌肉变成千里沃野,供万物生存;骨骼变成树木花草,供人们欣赏;筋脉变成了道路;牙齿变成石头和金属,供人们使用;精髓变成明亮的珍珠,供人们 收藏 ;汗水变成雨露,滋润禾苗;呼出的空气变成轻风和白云,汇成美丽的人间风光;盘古倒下时,他的头化作了东岳泰山,他的脚化作了西岳华山,他的左臂化作南岳衡山,他的右臂化作北岳恒山,他的腹部化作了中岳嵩山。 传说 盘古的精灵魂魄也在他死后变成了人类。所以,都说人类是世上的万物之灵,人类应该爱护自然和其他一切生命。 四、英美文学与我国文学中“人和自然”对比分析 在探讨英美文学中的“人与自然”时,实际上是包含着比较与借鉴的意图的。通过通读惠特曼、梭罗等人的作品,我们了解到他们都是受到过我国宗教和哲学的影响。越来越多的西方学者认识到,我国文学作品中包含的天人统一的思想具有非常重要的现代价值。事实上,现代西方某些哲学、伦理学在理论建构之际,就已经吸收了一些我国文化传统中的天人统一的智慧。德国学者格罗伊从东西方“人与自然”关系的基本对立特征,阐述了自己的观点。他认为,以印度佛教和我国道教为代表的东方传统“人与自然”与英美作品中反映的“人和自然”具有以下一些特征。 遗憾的是我国在进入现代社会以后,急于改变贫穷落后的面貌,大量引进以英美为代表的西方思想文化和科学技术,忽略对本国文化传统的建设与更新,如今已面临比西方国家更为严峻的自然问题。目前我国在大力倡导人与社会和谐、人与自然和谐,在这样一个思潮巨变的历史时刻,一方面,作家们应该大力弘扬我们祖先倡导的人与自然和谐的思想,大力推出优良作品;另一方面我们每一个炎黄子孙都要有责任感,要注重社会的我和自然的我的统一。 参考文献: [1]杨健红.论英美文学教学的道德关联性[J].市场周刊(理论研究), 2009(11).

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不知道你要找的资料是详细的,还是简略的,我找的这个很详细,都可以作论文了,希望对你有用。我这里可以用几个关键词概括一下,melancholic,hesitant,thoughtful,paradoxical. Hamlet is an enigma. No matter how many ways critics examine him, no absolute truth emerges. Hamlet breathes with the multiple dimensions of a living human being, and everyone understands him in a personal way. Hamlet's challenge to Guildenstern rings true for everyone who seeks to know him: "You would pluck out the heart of my mystery." None of us ever really does. The conundrum that is Hamlet stems from the fact that every time we look at him, he is different. In understanding literary characters, just as in understanding real people, our perceptions depend on what we bring to the investigation. Hamlet is so complete a character that, like an old friend or relative, our relationship to him changes each time we visit him, and he never ceases to surprise us. Therein lies the secret to the enduring love affair audiences have with him. They never tire of the intrigue. The paradox of Hamlet's nature draws people to the character. He is at once the consummate iconoclast, in self-imposed exile from Elsinore Society, while, at the same time, he is the adulated champion of Denmark — the people's hero. He has no friends left, but Horatio loves him unconditionally. He is angry, dejected, depressed, and brooding; he is manic, elated, enthusiastic, and energetic. He is dark and suicidal, a man who loathes himself and his fate. Yet, at the same time, he is an existential thinker who accepts that he must deal with life on its own terms, that he must choose to meet it head on. "We defy augury. There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow." Hamlet not only participates in his life, but astutely observes it as well. He recognizes the decay of the Danish society (represented by his Uncle Claudius), but also understands that he can blame no social ills on just one person. He remains aware of the ironies that constitute human endeavor, and he savors them. Though he says, "Man delights not me," the contradictions that characterize us all intrigue him. "What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god!" As astutely as he observes the world around him, Hamlet also keenly critiques himself. In his soliloquys he upbraids himself for his failure to act as well as for his propensity for words. Hamlet is infuriatingly adept at twisting and manipulating words. He confuses his so-called friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern — whom he trusts as he "would adders fang'd" — with his dissertations on ambition, turning their observations around so that they seem to admire beggars more than their King. And he leads them on a merry chase in search of Polonius' body. He openly mocks the dottering Polonius with his word plays, which elude the old man's understanding. He continually spars with Claudius, who recognizes the danger of Hamlet's wit but is never smart enough to defend himself against it. Words are Hamlet's constant companions, his weapons, and his defenses. In Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, a play that was later adapted into a film, playwright and screenplaywright Tom Stoppard imagines the various wordplays in Hamlet as games. In one scene, his characters play a set of tennis where words serve as balls and rackets. Hamlet is certainly the Pete Sampras of wordplay. And yet, words also serve as Hamlet's prison. He analyzes and examines every nuance of his situation until he has exhausted every angle. They cause him to be indecisive. He dallies in his own wit, intoxicated by the mix of words he can concoct; he frustrates his own burning desire to be more like his father, the Hyperion. When he says that Claudius is " . . .no more like my father than I to Hercules" he recognizes his enslavement to words, his inability to thrust home his sword of truth. No mythic character is Hamlet. He is stuck, unable to avenge his father's death because words control him. What an ass am I! This is most brave, That I, the son of a dear murderèd Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, Must like a whore unpack my heart with words, And fall-a-cursing like a very drab, A scallion! Hamlet's paradoxical relationship with words has held audiences in his thrall since he debuted in 1603 or so. But the controversy of his sexual identity equally charms and repels people. Is Hamlet in love with his mother? The psychoanalytic profile of the character supports Freud's theory that Hamlet has an unnatural love for his mother. Hamlet unequivocally hates his stepfather and abhors the incestuous relationship between Claudius and Gertrude. But whether jealousy prompts his hatred, whether his fixation on his mother causes his inability to love Ophelia, and whether he lusts after Gertrude all depend on interpretation. And no interpretation is flawless. Hamlet's love life could result from his Puritanical nature. Like the Puritans whose presence was growing in England of the time, Hamlet is severely puritanical about love and sex. He is appalled by Gertrude's show of her pleasure at Claudius' touch, and he clearly loathes women. His anger over Claudius' and Gertrude's relationship could as easily result from a general distaste for sexual activity as from desire to be with his mother. Hamlet could be, at heart, a brutal misogynist, terrified of love because he is terrified of women. He verbally abuses Ophelia, using sexual innuendo and derision, and he encourages her to get to a nunnery. Another play on words, nunnery, in this instance, symbolizes both sexual abstinence and sexual perversity. In a cloister, Ophelia would take a vow of chastity, and in a brothel, she would serve as the basest sexual object. Can concluding whether Hamlet is mad or merely pretending madness determine all the questions about Hamlet's nature? Could a madman manipulate his destiny as adeptly as Hamlet turns the tables on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern? Perhaps he is crazy like a fox . . . calculated and criminal. Or perhaps his own portrayal of madness — his "antic disposition" — that he dons like a mask or a costume actually drives him. Could Hamlet's madness be his tragic flaw? Or is his flaw that he believes he is pretending to be mad? Are words his tragic flaw? Or could his tragic flaw be that he possesses the same hubris that kills all the great tragic heroes — that be believes he can decide who should live and who should die, who should be forgiven and who should be punished? Then, perhaps, is the ghost a manifestation of his own conscience and not a real presence at all? Which leads to the question students must ultimately consider: Is Hamlet a tragic hero at all? The Greek philosopher Aristotle defined the tragic hero with Oedipus as the archetype a great man at the pinnacle of his power who, through a flaw in his own character, topples, taking everyone in his jurisdiction with him. Hamlet has no great power, though it is clear from Claudius' fears and from Claudius' assessment of Hamlet's popularity that he might have power were he to curry it among the people. His topple results as much from external factors as from his own flaws. Nevertheless, he certainly does take everyone with him when he falls. Perhaps, like Arthur Miller, who redefined tragedy in an essay called "Tragedy and the Common Man," Shakespeare modified Aristotle's definition for his own age and created a tragic hero who can appeal to a larger, more enduring segment of the population. Hamlet fulfills the Aristotelian requirement that the tragic hero invoke in us a deep sense of pity and fear, that we learn from him how not to conduct our lives. Hamlet is our hero because he is, as we are, at once both confused and enticed by endless dilemmas that come from being, after all, merely human. 参考资料:

280 评论


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