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In this paper, the major closed-circuit television monitoring system to complete the core of the matrix controller design, at the same time, combined with the structure of nine-storey hotel building background, consider the degree of safety precautions, such as engineering cost factor, to equipment selection and layout, together with team members completion of the hotel security system engineering design. The paper described the application of closed-circuit television monitoring system, where new technology and closed-circuit television monitoring system in accordance with the basic composition, choice of equipment, analysis of the principle. The core of the matrix controller specific functions: video signal switching, signal superimposed characters, and set-top boxes to connect to control such as PTZ and camera movements, and the alarm connected to the alarm point to the default display alarm, and monitors connect to 4 split screen to display video images and video. In this paper, the content of the design are: the design of video signal switching and video distribution amplifier circuit design; contrast decoder options, and the circuit wiring; alarm points to the default alarm; Security EA1001 characters overlay the use of ASIC ;画面分割器the basic principles of structure and circuit design, and its specific methods and the use of video recorders. Key words: split screen, the video signal switching, video distribution amplification, decoders, alarm, video Add: closed circuit television supervisory system (CCTV) Closed Circuit Television Monitoring System (CCTV) Matrix video matrix controller video controller safety precaution system security system systems engineering systems engineering video signal the video signal codec decoder camera pan and tilt camera PTZ alarm alarm device monitor surveillance video image video image video record video 画面分割器Video Multiplexer video signal the video signal Amplifier Amplifier alarm points alarm point character-overlapping characters superimposed Oh, it is difficult, I really do not, and you lend a helping hand by it!

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