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To determine the project cost and control is an important part of project management, it can in the whole process of construction project (investment decision-making, design, bidding, construction stage), take effective measures, the total cost of construction project control within the approved limits, and c..., in order to ensure the realization of investment estimation, design budget and final accounts management goals, to achieve the rational use of human, material resources, financial resources, to obtain the maximum investment paper first determines the overall construction plan of construction quantity, method using physical quantity quotation and unit valuation method combined use to determine the project cost, part of which the main part of the project by physical method, some engineering cost valuation method to calculate the scattered by unit, and then determine the total project cost, finally on the construction cost index this paper we can know, in addition to the project cost and engineering-related content, and also the building of the region's economic development, construction management and technical level, national and local government policies, laws and other external conditions there have all kinds of connections with cost control is a core part of construction management, it runs through the whole process of engineering construction

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转自百度道友:《2. Engelhardt,Gary V.“House Price and Home Owner Saving Behavior”. Regional Science and Urban Economics,26,. 3. Engelhardt,Gary V.“House Price and The Decision to Save for Down Payments.” Journal of Urban Economics,36,. 4. Karl E. Case ,John M. Quigley, Robert J. Shiller. “Comparing Wealth Effects: The Stock Market versus The Housing Market”. University of California,Berkeley. 2003, SepTEMber, . 5. Levin,Laurence.“Are Assets Fungible? Testing the Behavioral Theory of Life-Cycle Savings”.Journal of Economic Organization and Ehavior, 36,. 6. Milton. Friedman.“ A Theory of The Consumption Function. Princeton University Press, PrinCETon”.1957. 7. Nikola,Dvornak and Marion Kohler.“Housing Wealth ,Stock Market Wealth and Consumption : A Panel Analysis for Australia”.Reserch Discussion Paper ,。 8. Starr-McCluer,Martha.“The Stock Market Wealth and Consumer Spending”.Mimeo, Federal Reserve Board of Governors,1999. 9. Skinner, Jonathan.“Housing Wealth and AgGREgate Saving”.Regional Science and Urban Economics,19,. 10. Yoshikawa,Hiroshi and Fumio Ohtake.“Female Labor Supply,Housing Demand ,and The Saving Rate in Japan”.European Economic Review,33,.”》0|评论

298 评论


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