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When we can use the network correctly, the correct understanding of the network has become a must learn. It should be a more difficult to understand the network correctly, because no matter who will form an inherent understanding of the network, once formed, it is difficult to change. 

As the old saying goes, you can't change who you are. I guess that's the way it is. I don't have any good advice on how to change the perception, but what I'm pushing is to form the right network perception at the beginning, which is hard for one person.

of course, so I think one should start to contact the network should be careful to ask around the network is very good to the people. It'll keep us from going the wrong way.

For example, when I started typing, I didn't follow the correct typing posture. When I got into the habit of typing, I found it difficult to correct it, because the original typing position has formed a subconscious in my mind.

it is difficult to change the subconscious things, the network is the same, so we must not let the wrong knowledge in our mind into the subconscious.





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85 评论


Advantage of Internet is that you can do anything that you want on Internet when it was connected to independent world such as download data,programs,game,picture Internet has risk to receive spy ware,it attempts to disable or delete anti-spy ware tool and suppress warning massages given to users,it damages your data or system in your have risk to find the bad persons when chat in chat room especially can found the crime news on the news said they have many victim from chatting with unknown people by the victim were believed conclusion,many people still use Internet because it is useful and comfortable.利用互联网,你可以做任何你想在互联网上时,连接到独立的世界,如下载数据,程序,游戏,图片等,但互联网风险接受间谍软件,它试图禁用或删除反间谍软件工具和制止警告给用户,它损害您的数据或系统在您的计算机.此外,你有可能找到坏人聊天,在聊天室特别是妇女会受欺.你可以发现犯罪新闻的报纸.新闻说他们有许多受害者和不明身份的人聊天.总之,许多人仍然使用互联网,因为它是有用的和舒适的.

264 评论


Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, there is a kind of language called Web language. Some people even speak Chinese mixed with English letters. Our class have a discussion about it. 40 percent of the students think it is kind of ridiculous. In their opinions, it is useless helping people communicate or learn English. Besides, it will ruin the Chinese language. However, the others, 60 percent of our class, are fond of the Web language. They think it is helpful in expressing themselves. What’s more, it may make the language more interesting. In my opinion, it’s not a good habit to use the Web language. It may be popular as some people think, but you may also make yourself misunderstood.翻译:如今,随着互联网的发展,有一个叫做网络语言的语言种类。有些人甚至说中文与英文字母混合。我们班有关于它的讨论。四成学生百分之认为这是很荒谬的行为。在他们的意见,这是没有用处帮助人们沟通,学习英语。此外,它会毁了中文。不过,其他人,百分之六十的一流水平的,喜欢的网络语言。他们认为这是表达自己的帮助。更重要的是,它可以使语言更加有趣。在我看来,这不是一个好习惯使用网络语言。这可能是受欢迎,因为有些人认为,但你也可自己误解

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