Cultural Conflict between China and Western Countries and Our Policy in Inter-cultural Business Negotiation Abstract Nowadays the cooperation and relationship between countries have become closer and closer because the tendency of the world’s economy globalization become stronger and stronger. With the ongoing of China opening and reform policy, and success in entry WTO, the relationship between our country and other countries in the world will also become closer and closer. Various inter-cultural negotiation become more and more frequent, so about different cultures much attention is paid by business men in the inter-cultural negotiation. There are many aspects that affect the factors of cultural conflict, such as: thought, ideology and time etc. Therefore, correct understanding of cultural conflict between China and western countries becomes more and more important. And only when we make a good understanding and recognition correctly about the different cultures between our country and western countries can we have a better policy in business negotiation, and serve the socialist market economy. Key words: culture difference; business negotiation; countermeasure
以国际商法为准则。由于国际商务谈判的结果会导致 资产的跨国转移,必然要涉及国际贸易、国际结算、国际保险、国际运输等一系列问题,因此,在国际商务谈判中要以国际商法为准则,并以国际惯例为基础。所以,谈判人员要熟悉各种国际惯例,熟悉对方所在国的法律条款,熟悉国际经济组·织的各种规定和国际法。这些问题是一般国内商务谈判所无法涉及的,要引起特别重视。 要坚持平等互利的原则。在国际商务谈判中,要坚持平等互利的原则,既不强加于人,也不接受不平等条件。我国是社会主义发展中国家,平等互利是我国对外政策一项重要原则。所谓平等互利,是指国家不分大少,不论贫富强弱,在相互关系中,应当一律平等。在相互贸易中,应根据双方的需要和要求,按照公平合理的价格,互通有无,使双方都有利可得,以促进彼此经济发展。在进行国际商务谈判时,不论国家贫富,客户大小,只要对方有诚意,就要一视同仁,既不可强人所难,也不能接受对方无理的要求。对某些外商利用垄断地位抬价和压价,必须不卑不亢,据理力争。对某些发展中国家或经济落后地区,我们也不能以势压人,仗势欺人,应该体现平等互利的原则。 准确理解对方利益的前提下,努力寻求双方各种互利的解决方案是一种正常渠道达成协议的方式,但在解决一些棘手的利益冲突问题时,如双方就某一个利益问题争执不下,例如,房东与承租人之间的房租问题;在国际贸易中的交货期长短问题;最终的价格条款的谈判问题等,恰当的运用让步策略是非常有效的工具。
商务谈判论文 摘 要:商务谈判是在经济活动中,谈判双方通过协商来确定与交换有关的各种条件的一项必不可少的活动,它可以促进双方达成协议,是双方洽谈的一项重要环节。
商务谈判文化礼仪论文 国际商务谈判是跨国界活动。这意味着了解各国不同的文化环境以及考虑到商业活动中的文化差异在国际商务谈判中是非常重要的。以下是我整理的商务谈判
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Cultural Conflict between China and Western Countries and Our Policy in Inter-cu