本文是针对现有无碳小车的缺点,进行的改进设计。对目前广泛应用的几种转向机构及车身方案进行对比分析,选取最优方案。对其原动机构、传动机构、行驶机构做理论分析,得出其应满足的条件。并对传动机构进行尺寸设计与校核,使之满足设计要求。在此基础上,利用UG软件,建立无碳小车的模型。为验证本方案的可行性,以无碳小车在木地板上运动为条件,利用ADAMS和UG对小车进行动力学分析,得出小车的最优参数。为无碳小车的推广应用打下基础。的翻译是:This paper is aimed at the shortcomings of existing carbon free car, improved design of. Several widely used current steering mechanism and body scheme comparison analysis, choose the best scheme. The theoretical analysis the driving mechanism, transmission mechanism, driving mechanism, the conditions should be met. And for the design and verification size on the transmission mechanism, so as to meet the design requirements. On this basis, using UG software, establish carbon free car model. In order to verify the feasibility of this scheme, on the condition of carbon free car movement in the wood floor, dynamics analysis of the vehicle using ADAMS and UG, obtain the optimal parameters. To lay the foundation for the popularization and application of carbon free car.
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1. 基于FX2N-48MRPLC的交通灯控制2. 西门子PLC控制的四层电梯毕业设计论文3. PLC电梯控制毕业论文4. 基于plc的五层电梯控制5. 松下P
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