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近期发表的部分论文:国外期刊1. H. Hao, . Maijer, . Wells, A. Phillion and . Cockcroft, Modeling the Stress-Strain Behavior and Hot Tearing During Direct Chill Casting of an AZ31 Magnesium Billet,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A , 2010, , p2067-2077. SCI/EI,SCI Impact factor: . , D. Maijer and R. Rogge, Investigation of residual strains by neutron diffraction in an AZ31 direct chill cast billet, NDT&E International, 2009, , p704-712. SCI/ EI, SCI Impact factor:. H. Hao, . Zhang, S. Yao and . Jin, Improvement of casting speed and billet quality of direct chill cast aluminum wrought alloy with combination of slit mold and electromagnetic coil, Materials Transactions, 2007, , , p2194-2201. SCI/ EI, SCI Impact factor:. H. Hao, . Zhang, . Park, . Kim, S. Yao, and . Jin, Effects of High Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Improving Macro/micro Structure and Reducing Segregation for Aluminum Alloy Billets, Materials Science Forum, 2006, , p1759-1764. SCI/ISTP/EI,SCI Impact factor: . H. Hao, . Maijer, . Wells, . Cockcroft, and S. Hibbins, Development and validation of a thermal model of the direct chill casting of AZ31 magnesium billets, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, , 2004, P3843-3854. SCI/EI,SCI Impact factor: . . Kim and H. Hao, “Microstructure and fatigue characteristics of direct chill cast and electromagnetic cast 2024 Al alloy”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, , , 2003, P1537-1543. SCI/EI,SCI Impact factor: . H. Hao, . Zhang, . Park, . Kim, and . Jin, “Twin-strand technology and microstructure analysis for the electromagnetic near net-shape casting of aluminum alloy”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 142, , 2003, P526-531. SCI/ EI,SCI Impact factor: . H. Hao, . Park, . Kim, . Jin, “Numerical simulation of solidification process in the electromagnetic casting of aluminum and testing against a pilot-scale caster”, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, , , 2002, P363-366. SCI9. H. Hao, . Park, . Kim, . Cho, . Jin, “Solidification characteristics of continuously cast aluminum alloy by imposing the higher frequency electromagnetic field”, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, , , 2002, P371-375. . H. Hao, . Jin, . Zhang, “Joule heating in electromagnetic casting”, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, , , 2001, P93-96. EI PAGE ONE.国内期刊11. . Shi(研究生), H. Hao(通讯作者), . Zhang, . Fang, S. Yao and . Jin, A 3-D mathematical model of thermal field evolution in the direct chill casting of superlight magnesium alloy slabs,Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2009, , , p203-208. SCI/EI, SCI Impact factor: . . Ma(研究生), H. Hao(通讯作者), . Dong, . Zhang, . Jin, Effects of electromagnetic field on structure and heat treatment behavior of Mg-Li-Al alloys, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2008, , S1, p96-100. SCI, SCI Impact factor:. 史淑艳(研究生),郝海(通讯作者),马蕾娟,张兴国,金俊泽, 工艺参数对超轻LA141合金板坯直冷连铸温度场的影响,机械工程材料,2008,, , . . Fang, . Zhang, H. Hao. . Ji and . Jin, Effects of high magnetic field on solidification and corrosion behaviors of magnesium alloys, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2007, , , P806-810. SCI/EI . . Wang(研究生), . Fang, H. Hao and . Wang et al., Effects of trace Zr on the microstructure and properties of 2E12 alloy, Rare Metals, 2009, , , P511-515. SCI, SCI Impact factor:

218 评论


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