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你好 专业代做毕业论文 多年经验 团队合作 质量保证` 诚信可靠 需要的话加团队名字沟通`

104 评论


This design USES the existing laboratory equipment, material sorting unit of FMS system based on PLC, kunlun state based on touch screen and Siemens S7-200 PLC material sorting unit monitoring and control system design is mainly design of the hardware and software of automatic washing machine system with Siemens S7-200 series PLC as the control core, MM440 frequency converter by Siemens, and letter E10 series servo drives, material sorting table module, digital tube module, PC and RS - 232 serial interface, of PLC program USES the ladder diagram programming, man-machine interface is kunlun state touch-screen, and through the communication protocol to realize the serial material sorting unit based on PLC of FMS system can realize push materials, transport materials, sorting material, and implement related monitoring function on a touch today's society more and more high degree of automation, the application of materials based on automated sorting will be more and more widely, therefore, the FMS system based on PLC of the material sorting unit has very important practical significance to the research and : PLC, transducer material sorting automation servo drives

266 评论


我这里很多,包括完整论文摘 要 尽管洗衣机有了很大发展,但消费者的需求不断提高。为使洗对衣机的操作更方便、更人性化,根据论文的要求主要采用西门子S7-200设计全自动洗衣机的控制系统,在对电动机正反转的次数、洗衣次数、洗衣过程次数和进水量进行设定后,洗衣机能自动完成洗衣过程(包括进水、洗衣、排水、脱水、报警)。它的CPU采用226,根据设计需要增加一个输出扩展模块EM222。在满足输入/输出接口及其他硬件的情况下,再进行软件设计。首先是了解其工作流程,绘制功能流程图。然后,学习并应用S7-200的专用编程软件STEP 7-Micro/WIN,用这个软件绘制梯形图并进行相关语句表的转换,在此过程中,主要采用起保停的方法设计控制系统,同时以转换为中心和使用SCR指令设计的顺序控制梯形图只作为了解,本文就不详细赘述了。 关键词:可编程控制器;全自动洗衣机;自动控制;简化结构;降低成本

83 评论


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