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316 评论


AbstractSince the semiconductor LED light source has many advantages, such as small volume, low power consumption, high brightness, low heat, environmental protection and so on, is considered as the lighting source will be following the incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, high intensity discharge lamp after the fourth generation light source. With the LED in lighting applications increasingly urgent demand, LED lamp heat dissipation problem is getting attention. LED downlight as a broad prospect of application in the lighting, the heat dissipation problem is an important problem in the process of product development. Because of its heat dissipation space is limited, the weight of the radiator can not too large. In addition to consider its reliability and cost factors, this article proposed based on micro heat pipe solar flowers radiating structure, designed to overcome the conventional radiator profiles of relying solely on the natural convection diffusion heat in large defects, at the same time, reduce the weight of the radiator. Through the numerical simulation method to study the central diameter, environment temperature, bottom hole, the fin height and the number of fins on the performance of a heat sink effect. The simulation results show that, in the research range of parameters, sun flower structure of radiator can meet the cooling requirements of LED article will early in the numerical simulation on the basis of the study, according to LED road lamp heat radiating structure optimization design. According to the design result, finally determined to meet the requirements of the LED road lamp heat radiating words: LED; lighting; heat transfer; numerical simulation希望能过帮到你

294 评论


SummaryServing as room lighting tool, lighting fixtures play an irreplaceable role in modern life. Today’s lights design must provide basic lighting function, and additionally satisfy people’s culture life and emotional needs. Basing on bedside lighting in bedroom, this article focuses on lighting fixtures design for modern room, and expounds a set of points such as technical elements in design、lighting environment、study on shape design、users and so on, by means of analysis on plenty of lighting fixtures examples, as well as theoretical reasoning; so as to find the design demand and development tendency; and on the basis of which, combining people-lighting fixtures-room by utilizing new light source、new materials and lighting control technology, and finally build a completely new design system for bedside lighting fixtures in modern room. Fatherly, study methods and outcomes in this article will be applied to design cases as trial in design practices in the hope of providing references for the design of bedside lighting fixtures, as well as market in words: modern room, bedside, lighting fixtures, style design 自己翻译的,希望能帮到你

218 评论


电子节能灯 electricity—saving lamp直流灯泡 direct-current light bulb镇流器 ballast日光灯管 fluorescent tube安全出口灯 exit light日光灯脚 fluorescent lighting base只会这么多了 呵呵 希望能帮到你

203 评论


摘要:本文介绍了红外线感应开关的原理,采用热释电红外探头(PT8A2621)将接收到的微弱信号加以放大,然后驱动继电器,制成红外热释电感应开关。本开关能探测来自移动人体的红外辐射,只要人体进入探测区域,开关会自动开启。该设计可作为企业、宾馆、商场及住宅的走廊、楼梯、电梯间、卫生间、库房等处的自动开关,起到“人来灯自亮,人走灯自灭”的作用,既新颖方便,又节约用电,在某些场所还能起到威慑盗窃活动的防范作用。本设计结构简单,本身不发任何类型的辐射,器件功耗很小,价格低廉,隐蔽性好,应用范围广,所以可以通过扩展而达到实际的应用。关键词:红外线,感应开关,红外辐射,探测区域Abstract:this article will normally introduce the theory of dopuler effect, which advance PT8A2621 to zoom out micro-signal. then drive the relay, complete the infrared -heat electric on- off. this switch can mensurate moving-body infraed ray. once coming into the mensurate area, the switch will automatically turn on .this invitation could be used as auto-on-off in corporation, hotel, mall and could induce house like the lane, stairs, bathroom, stockroom. bringing the effectness that coming on, leaving off. it is innovate and convient, also reduce the expanse of electricity, could resist the steal activities. its structure is very simple. it can emit no ray, small size, low price, well cover-up, widely used, attach to practical advantage when : Infrared, Sensor switch, Infrared radiation, Detection of regional引言:作为世界上最大的发展中国家,我国是一个能源生产和消费大国。能源生产量仅次于美国和俄罗斯,居世界第三位;基本能源消费占世界总消费量的l/10,仅次于美国,居世界第二位。中国又是一个以煤炭为主要能源的国家,发展经济与环境污染的矛盾比较突出。近年来能源安全问题也日益成为国家生活乃至全社会关注的焦点,日益成为中国战略安全的隐患和制约经济社会可持续发展的瓶颈。上个世纪90年代以来,中国经济的持续高速发展带动了能源消费量的急剧上升。自1993 年起,中国由能源净出口国变成净进口国,能源总消费已大于总供给,能源需求的对外依存度迅速增大。煤炭、电力、石油和天然气等能源在中国都存在缺口,因此节能思想尤为重要,节能的中心思想是采取技术上可行、经济上合理以及环境和社会可接受的措施,来更有效地利用能源资源。为了达到这一目的,需要从能源资源的开发到终端利用, 更好地进行科学管理和技术改造,以达到高的能源利用效率和降低单位产品的能源消费。由于常规能源资源有限,而世界能源的总消费量则随着工农业生产的发展和人民生活水平的提高越来越大,世界各国十分重视节能技术的研究,特别是节约常规能源中的煤、石油和天然气,因为这些还是宝贵的化工原料;电力作为一种洁净方便的能源广泛的应用与我们的生活与生产方面,因此电能的节能尤为重要,要节能首先就要做到节约能源,其次再通过科学研究发明更加人性化和节能的用电器。热释电红外传感器是一种能检测人或动物发射的红外线而输出电信号的传感器。早在1938年,有人提出过利用热释电效应探测红外辐射,但并未受到重视,直到六十年代,随着激光、红外技术的迅速发展,才又推动了对热释电效应的研究和对热释电晶体的应用。热释电晶体已广泛用于红外光谱仪、红外遥感以及热辐射探测器,它可以作为红外激光的一种较理想的探测器。它目标正在被广泛的应用到各种自动化控制装置中。除了在我们熟知的楼道自动开关、防盗报警上得到应用外,在更多的领域应用前景看好。比如:在房间无人时会自动停机的空调机、饮水机。电视机能判断无人观看或观众已经睡觉后自动关机的机构。 1红外线感应灯控制系统研究的目的意义课题目的:本课题是设计一个红外线感应灯控制系统控制系统,通过本设计了解红外线感应灯控制系统的工作原理,进而研究红外线感应灯控制系统的设计方法。通过已学的模拟电路知识设计红外线感应灯控制开关电路,再利用由光敏电阻组成的光感电路来控制感应灯开关的触发与否,将控制开关与节能灯组成家庭照明系统。课题意义:现代化家居照明系统要适应网络时代的发展,应引入智能化的概念。在传统的家居照明系统中,一般都是综合布线,使用刀开关来控制,灯具的寿命短,较费电。但近年来,随着经济的发展和科技的进步,人们对照明灯具节能和科学管理提出了更高的要求,使得照明控制在智能化领域的地位越来越重要。而在商品房的建设热潮中,各大楼盘和房地产商也意识到了智能照明的重要性。使用智能照明控制系统,更能体现其在节能与管理方面的优势。红外智能节电开关由于触发的时候不需要人发出任何声音,而是人走过时身体向外界散发红外热量最终控制灯具的开启,当人离开后,经过一定时间的延时,自动熄灭。因为不同于声光控灯,不需要声音和开关控制,从而避免了声控噪音的侵扰,同时因为它是感应人体热量控制开关,所以避免了无效电能的损耗,达到节能效果。 现在的公共场所照明(比如公共走廊及楼梯间)应用最多的还是几年前出现的声光控延时灯具和开关。这种灯具和开关的出现,实现了人来灯亮,人走灯灭,目前已成为公共场所照明开关的主流产品。当然,这种产品在某种程度上说确实实现了节能的目的,但同时也给人们的生存环境造成了一定的破坏。由于产品本身性能的限制,这种声光控灯具和开关自动控制的实现需要(超过60分贝)声音的配合,这就给大众需要的安静环境造成一定的噪声污染。 随着社会的发展和人们对生态环境的重视,这种声光控灯具和开关已慢慢不能满足人们的需要,这就要求更加节能和环保的自动照明控制产品的出现,以满足人们对高质量生活的需求。 红外智能节电开关是以成熟的红外感应技术为平台,加入更多的高新技术元素而形成的一种具有广阔市场前景的高科技产品,它的出现弥补了声光控技术的缺陷,它的自动控制的实现不需要声音和其他会给环境造成影响的条件的配合,而是人走过时身体向外界散发红外热量最终实现它的自动控制功能。2红外线感应灯控制系统的现状及发展趋势我国照明缺乏独创产品,模仿产品居多,基础加工落后,只顾外表,轻视功能,产品的品种比较单一,性能差。尤其是在“智能”照明方面,缺乏创新,与国外智能灯具在技术研究方面有着不小的差距。我国现阶段的照明系统一般采用主电源经配电箱分成多路配电输出线,提供照明灯回路用电,由串接在照明灯回路中的开关面板直接接通或断开供电线来实现对灯的控制,灯只有开和关两种状态,无逻辑时序及亮、暗调光控制,因而无法形成各种灯光亮度组合的场景及系统控制。而美国、日本等国家和台湾地区对LED照明效益进行了预测,美国55%白炽灯及55%的日光灯被LED取代,每年节省350亿美元电费,每年减少亿吨二氧化碳排放量。日本100%白炽灯换成LED,可减少1~2座核电厂发电量,每年节省10亿公升以上的原油消耗。台湾地区15%白炽灯换成LED,每年节省110亿度电。全球性的能源短缺和环境污染在经济高速发展的中国表现得尤为突出,节能和环保是中国实现社会经济可持续发展所急需解决的问题。每年照明电能消耗约占全部电能消耗的12%~15%,作为能源消耗的大户,必须尽快寻找可以替代传统光源的节能环保光源。LED以其较之于传统照明光源所没有的优势,诸如较低的功率需求、较好的驱动特性、较快的响应速度、较高的抗震能力、较长的使用寿命、绿色环保以及不断快速提高的发光效率等,成为目前我国今后照明系统发展的方向。基于目前国内国际形势,尤其是能源紧缺,智能照明必是以后照明系统的发展方向。智能照明将会使人们利用起来更加便利,改善家庭环境,提高管理水平,减少维护费用,不仅为建筑照明提供多种的艺术效果,而且使灯具控制和维护变得更为简单,而且具有可靠性高、安装布线容易。

340 评论


The lamp is the room illumination implement , have the irreplaceable effect in modern life, lamp today designs that on the basis satisfying the illumination function , the cultural life and emotion wanting to have more satisfied people too need. Lamp designs the main body of a book with bedroom the head of a bed illumination environment-based modern times room for the object of study , develops expounding designing that the key element , illumination environment , form design a lot of problem such as studying , using person's to whose matter technology by large amount of lamp example analysis and theory reasoning, makes use of new illuminant , material and illumination control technique on thereby, excavating out the head of a bed lamp design call for and developing the trend , here basis,with organic union of person lamp room environment, Structure builds out brand-new that lamp designs on modern room head of a bed designing system , attempts and in what be studied method and result being applied to design case to lamp, as the part designing practice's. To look forward to being future, lamp designs and the marketplace provides a reference on the head of a by Baidu 嗯

200 评论


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