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《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》Journal of Hunan University(Natural Sciences)是由教育部主管、湖南大学主办的综合性学术理论刊物,双月刊,面向国内外公开出版发行。主要报道湖南大学自然科学领域最新研究成果,也适当发表国内外同行专家的优秀学术论文

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(一)论文邓爱民,毛浪,田丰,蔡佳,鲍钦何. 我国ITS物联网发展策略研究,中国工程科学,2012(3),校重点DENG Ai-min,Mao Lang,Tian Feng,Optimal Model and Its Algorithm for Multi-echelon MSW Recycling Network Design. 2011 International Conference of Information Technology, Computer Engineering and Management Sciences(ICM2011), Sep. 2011, Index by EI Compendex&ISTPDENG Ai-min,CAI on Slotting Optimization in Automated Warehouse of Pharmaceutical Logistics International Conference on Management Science and Engineering,Sep. 2011, Index by EI Compendex&ISTPDENG Ai-min, TAO Bao. The Coordinated Development of Inland Shipping and Comprehensive Transportation. 2011 International Conference on Transportation and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering(TMEE2011)., indexed by EI Compendex邓爱民,傅志明,杨葱葱,吴鹏飞. 模糊需求下基于二层规划的三级供应链协调模型,湖南大学学报(自科版):2011(4):88-94,EI收录Deng Ai-Min, Tian Feng, Mao Lang, Cai Study on the Development of the Internet of Things in Intelligent Transportation between China and abroad, The 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Managemen, June 25-27, 2011, indexed by EI Compendex邓爱民,杨葱葱,付志明. 基于可拓方法的第三方冷链物流企业评价研究. 财经理论与实践, 2010(4):86-90,CSSCI收录邓爱民,张凡,熊剑,吴鹏飞. 基于模糊灰色综合评价方法的应急物流能力评价. 统计与决策, 2010 (6) :174-176 ,CSSCI收录邓爱民,潘再阳. 模糊需求下三级闭环供应链协调的收入共享契约研究. 科技与管理, 2010(1):72-76邓爱民,熊剑,张凡. 基于BP神经网络的订单融资风险预警模型.情报杂志, 2010(11):/23-28, CSSCI收录邓爱民, 毛超, 周彦霆. 带软时间窗的集配货一体化VRP改进模拟退火算法优化研究. 系统工程理论与实践:2009(5)186-194,EI收录邓爱民,王晓明,陈兴,汪利君. 城市中转型配送中心布局优化研究. 湖南大学学报(自科版):2009(1):89-94,EI收录Deng Aimin. The Comparative Analysis of the Water Resources Coordination Management and the Development of Inland Water Transport between Chinaand Germany. 6th ASEM Forum on Water Resources Management and Wrap-up Meeting on ASEMWaterNet. Nov. 2009. Home SpeakersDeng Aimin,Wang Min,Mao Chao. Optimization of Cold Chain Logistics Network Layout Based on Genetic Algorithms. The First World Congress on Global Optimization in Engineering & Science (WCGO2009), ISTP收录Liu Liguo, Deng Aimin, Mao Chao, Yang Congcong. An Improve Simulation Annealing Algorithm to Vrp With Pick-Up and Fuzzy Time Windows. The First World Congress on Global Optimization in Engineering & Science (WCGO2009), ISTP收录邓爱民, 周艳辉. 论长株潭两型社会城市群物流园区规划建设. 财经理论与实践, 2009(1):85-88, CSSCI收录邓爱民,周彦霆, 毛超,任红强. 集配货一体化VRP问题具有记忆功能的模拟退火算法优化研究. 湖南大学学报(社科版):2008(3):55-59, CSSCI收录邓爱民,聂治坤,刘利国,毛超. 不确定性供应链的鲁棒优化研究综述. 统计与决策, 2009 (21) :160-164, CSSCI收录聂治坤,邓爱民,张凡. “两型”社会下长株潭一体化的产业发展. 2009首届两型社会建设论坛,2009-3,长沙邓爱民,王敏,潘再阳. 长株潭“两型社会”绿色区域物流体系的构建研究. 2009首届两型社会建设论坛,2009-3,长沙邓爱民,毛超,刘利国,杨葱葱, “两型社会”下长株潭城市群生活垃圾回收物流优化. 2009首届两型社会建设论坛,2009-3,长沙蔡勇, 邓爱民,周中定, 周艳辉. 基于产业生命周期德物流企业并购形式的演变. 现代管理科学,2008 (2) :31-34. CSSCI收录邓爱民,任红强,王晓明, 周彦霆. 风险预警体系研究评述. 现代管理科学, 2008 (2) :67-72., CSSCI收录齐晶, 邓爱民, 张娟. 连锁零售业战略采购现状分析. 现代管理科学, 2007 (11) : Zhou,Xuemei Miao,Aimin Predictive Model on Subscriber Number of Mobile Digital Content,The Sixth WuhanInternational Conference on E-Business, 2007,. 1247-1253. ISTP收录Zhongding Zhou,Xuemei Miao,Aimin Deng. Optimal Pricing of Tariff Package For Mobile E-content,The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 2007,. ISTP收录邓爱民,王少梅,汪利君. 城市配送系统优化研究, 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学版), 2006,30 (3) :481-484,EI收录邓爱民,王少梅, 曾科. 标杆管理法在企业物流组织结构变革中的应用实践.. 湖南大学学报(社科版), 2006,20 (2) :61-65. CSSCI收录邓爱民,王少梅,郑宏宇. 城市配送形成机理分析, 武汉理工大学学报(社科版), 2005,18 (6) :819-823., CSSCI收录邓爱民. 德国物流产业特征分析.物流世界: 2004 (3) :75-78 Deng Aimin,,Chen Shou. Traffic Location Analysis of ChongqingCity. 2006 International Forum on Metroplitan Regions Development, , ISBN 978-7-5426-2442-0Fu Chenghong, Deng Aimin. LogisticsParkIndustrial Cluster Development. 2006 International Forum on Metroplitan Regions Development, , ISBN 978-7-5426-2442-0Deng Aimin, Xie Shiying, Wang Shaomei. An Investigation of the Impact Factors of Strategic AllianceFormation in Logistics Firms in China. Sixth AsiaPacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, 962-8286-11-0Deng Aimin, Sun Guozheng , Zeng Method and an Example of Transforming EnterpriseLogistic Organization Structure in China. Sixth AsiaPacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, 962-8286-11-0Deng Aimin, Zheng Hongyu, Wang the performance of the logistics system. Sixth AsiaPacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, 962-8286-11-0Deng Aimin,Zheng Hongyu ,Wang Lijun. Logistical Strategies. Sixth AsiaPacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, 962-8286-11-0Deng Aimin, Wang Lijun , Zheng Hongyu. Network Information Technology and Logistics Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, 962-8286-11-0 Deng Ai-min, Liu Dongxu, Sun Guozheng. The Evolution of the Logistics Organization of World Enterpriseand the Practice in China. Sixth AsiaPacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, 962-8286-11-0 Deng Aimin, ChenXing. The Prediction of Automobile Quantity of HuiZhou. Sixth AsiaPacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, 962-8286-11-0Fu Chenghong, Deng Aimin. Found the Paths for Networking and Modernizing of the Logistics Facility and Equipment in China. Sixth AsiaPacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, 962-8286-11-0YeQuan Liu, Deng Aimin. The Analysis of Regional Logistics Cost Reducing Mechanism. Sixth AsiaPacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, 962-8286-11-0Liu Dongxu, Deng Aimin, HAASIS, . The Green Logistics Strategy Based on the Sustainable-Development Theories in China, The International Organizing Committee of the First International Conference on Logistics Strategy of Ports (ICLSP),2004/ Liu, Deng Aimin, HAASIS, . The Enlighten from the Advanced Style and Method of the Supply Chain in German, The International Organizing Committee of the First International Conference on Logistics Strategy of Ports (ICLSP),2004/, Deng Aimin, HAASIS, . Reverse Logistics and Its Obstacle Analysis, The International Organizing Committee of the First International Conference on Logistics Strategy of Ports (ICLSP),2004/ Chenghong, Deng Aimin, HAASIS, . Research Based on Sustainable Development of the Logistics Park, The International Organizing Committee of the First International Conference on Logistics Strategy of Ports (ICLSP),2004/ Shiying, Deng Aimin, HAASIS, . Logistics Informative Process and Sustainable Development in China, The International Organizing Committee of the First International Conference on Logistics Strategy of Ports (ICLSP),2004/ Zhenyu, Deng Aimin, HAASIS, .: The Simple Analysing of Developing of Lean Logistics in China, The International Organizing Committee of the First International Conference on Logistics Strategy of Ports (ICLSP),2004/09.孙国正,邓爱民,何发智,王少梅.国外物流业在经济和社会发展中的地位和作用, 商品储运与养护, 2002(11):38-39邓爱民,田流. 信息时代的工程设计特征. 建设机械技术与管理, 2002(2) Aimin,He Zheng,Wang Shaomei, Sun Guozhen. Forecasting on Port Logistics and Software Technology. The 7th Joint International Computer Conference,2000/11.(二)著作[1]现代物流系列丛书主编(6本),人民交通出版社,北京, 2003;[2]国内外物流经典案例主编,人民交通出版社,北京, 2000;[3]物流工程主编,机械工业出版社,北京, 2002;[4]现代物流管理主审,机械工业出版社,北京, 2009;[5]现代工程机械系列丛书主编(10本),人民交通出版社,北京, 2003;[6]商品混凝土机械,独著,人民交通出版社,北京, 2000.

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