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144 评论


Real WitchesReal Witches DO NOT...... Hurt people physically, mentally, spiritually, or magickally. Real witches have taken an oath to help people, not hurt people. You are not a real witch if you do hurt others. Take illegal drugs. It is against the law, and it messes our bodys and minds up. Why bother??? It screws up our mind, and a witches magick will not work if our mind doesn't. Work black magick. Witches know whether in this world or the astral world, whatever you do comes back three times three times three. If you do good stuff you will be rewarded, if you do bad stuff you will pay the price, and so dearly you will pay. Wiccans have a saying that goes: Ever mind the rule of three, what you send out comes back to thee. Fly in the sky on brooms. We drive vehicles like evryone else. Eat babies. We love babies, and plus...ew! Kill animals. We love animals, they are the goddess' creatures, we love pets and honor our pets like everyone else. Call themselves "Warlocks". Warlock means truth twister and betrayer. A witch is called a witch no matter what gender. Steal or break the law. We think that stealing from someone else is like stealing from ourselves, and that would just be stupid. Summon demons. How stupid do you think we are??? Worship the Christian devil. We don't belive in Satan.. To name somthing is to give it power, we don't wish to give power to evil things. Belive in the Christian hell. We belive that when we do bad things we will pay either in this life or the next. Brainwash people to join us. We belive in the power of free will. Use satanic symbols. The witches penticle, or five pointed star with a circle around it represents the four elements of life, and the body surrounded by the love of the spirit. Become witches over night. It takes alot of dedication and study to become an adept wiccan, we don't say a word then we are a witch, it doesen't work like that. Always work magick. We do alot, but we also prey to our maker and the angels above. Work magic on somone without their permission. If you do a spell on someone without their knowledge it will return to you times three. We belive in free will, don't destroy that!巫婆的定义:A woman claiming or popularly believed to possess magical powers and practice believer or follower of Wicca; a woman considered to be spiteful or . A woman or girl considered particularly skilled or competent at one's craft: “A witch of a writer, [she] is capable of developing an intensity that verges on ferocity” (Peter S. Prescott).

107 评论


DefinedThe concept of the "witch" can be found in EVERY world culture and language in some form or another. Be it kahuna, hexe, strega, bruja, baobh, bacularia or makhsheyfe; the thought that lies behind it is still the same. So -- Where did the word come from? What does it exactly mean? -and- How did it become such a universal principle? EtymologyEtymology traces the development of a word-form from its earliest recorded occurrence in a language to the present day. Because language is a living entity, words, spellings and meanings are constantly changing. This means that the history of a word and its possible etymology *may not* necessarily coincide. However, I included it in my notes because many people will use etymology as a definitive factor in their arguments for the origins of the witch and witchcraft. —WITCH—Word's OriginPersonally, I don't think it really matters where the word 'witch' came from; after all, there is no finite way to prove or disprove its origins. Besides, I am far more interested in where the word is going, than where its' been. If you are interested in the etymology of the word "witch", visit my research page on Etymology. witch [1] n. -es [ME wyche, from OE wice, wic; probably akin to OE wïcan to yield, give way-more at weak]: any of several trees having pliant branches.[2] n. -es [ME wicche, from OE wicca, masculine, wizard and wicce feminine, witch; akin to OE wiccian to practice witchcraft, MHG wicken to bewitch, to divine, OE wigle divination, wiglian to divine, wïg idol, image ON yé temple -- more at victim] dialect British : Wizard, Sorcerer b.(1) : a woman practicing the black arts: sorceress (2) : an ugly old woman : crone, hag c. (1) : one supposed to possess supernatural powers especially by compact with the devil or a familiar (2) : a magic spell : hex d. or witcher -s: dowser 2 : one that bewitches ; specifically : a particularly charming or alluring woman (1) : storm petrel (2) : grebe (3) or witch bird : animal b. also witch flounder: a small mouth blackish or brownish deep water flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) of the north Atlantic that is of some importance as a food dish c : witch moth.[3] adjective : of , relating to, or used against witches <~cult> <~ doors used to ward off evil spirits>[4] verb -ed /-ing/-es [ME wicchen, from OE wiccian to practice witchcraft] 1: bewitch 2 : dowse. [1]Definitions and MeaningsDefinitions are formed by how society utilizes the word in its culture and as cultures change so does its utlization. The question then is: what does it exactly mean to be a witch in our culture? According to many dictionaries, 'witch' in its noun form can refer to a plant, animal or person. Yet --it is the definitions pertaining to the person that is so dominant and so controversial in our society. So, how does our society use the word witch today? Generic It simply states: a witch is a person who practices sorcery. Sorcery can include a variety of aspects such as healing, divination, magic, alchemy, necromancy, spells, herbs, meditation, etc. These practices are often an avenue within an established spiritual structure. It is the Generic interpretation that is the common link among the cultures worldwide. How did it become such a universal principle? The reason(s) could have been: (a) synchronicity, (b) a single ancient religion, (c) cultural diffusion, or (d) just inherent human nature. --the need to explain the natural world and its inner workings.[2] Personally I think it is the combination of diffusion and inherent human nature. I strongly doubt the synchronicity and the single ancient religion theory. Christian A witch is a person who practices the black arts and possesses supernatural powers due to a pact with the devil -also known as Satan. The origins of this definition came from the medieval period circa 1500 when it also included heretics, eccentrics, lepers, Jews and anyone else who didn't conform to the Christian Church. During this time 'witch' almost always referred to women and is evident with words like hag and crone. The reasoning behind this was that women were considered the weaker sex and thus were easily tempted by the devil. Even today, when we think of a witch we think in terms of female, although they can be male as well. Other monotheistic religions like Judaism and Islam also had similar A witch is a member of a particular spiritual construct often based on an amalgamation of different religious concepts and practices -and- who practices magic/sorcery within the scope of this faith. The Pagan community and other Earth based spiritualities make it clear that the practice of magic is the distinguishing factor for the description of witch. Basically it is a mutually exclusive relationship that states: not all Pagans are witches and not all witches are Pagans.

113 评论


女巫 女巫(Witch)指会使用魔法,运用魔杖的女性巫师。又称魔女所有的女巫都有一只宠物,它们的职责就是检视女巫的行动和帮助女巫。同时在多款游戏中都有女巫的身影。女巫,在古代又叫作师婆。在中国,以替人祈福禳灾、占卜等为职业的女人。随着现代科学对大自然、医学的研究,巫婆从业者所声称其具有的能力受到严重怀疑,巫婆被视为装神弄鬼的封建迷信从业者。 北投,台湾的地名之一,以温泉胜地闻名。在平埔族语里的意思就是女巫。 老巫婆是一种讽刺用语,用来嘲讽未出嫁的年长女性,或是寡居的老太婆,带有严重歧视的意味。女巫是能与神和鬼沟通、使用巫毒、占星术的女性,还有声称能鬼神附身并以此谋生的女性。在原始社会的村落共同体中,借助大自然的神力或神灵附体的力量,替人祈祷驱邪治病的专业人员,通常以年长女性居多,类似日本巫女。 运用西洋占星术或神秘学,为人占卜吉凶、祈福、施咒的妇女。 巫婆,在古代又叫作师婆。在中国,以替人祈福禳灾、占卜等为职业的女人。随着现代科学对大自然、医学的研究,巫婆从业者所声称的能力受到怀疑,巫婆被当做假装鬼神附体,装神弄鬼的封建迷信从业者。 广义来说,指使用魔术、念咒、妖术的女性。在西方童话故事里较为常见,大多以鹰钩鼻的老太婆的形象出现,身上披着一件黑色斗篷,相貌奇丑无比,喜欢喃喃自语,在大锅煮著蜥蜴、蝙蝠、蜘蛛、毒蛇等食材,熬制成浓稠的汤药。这个印象,一般认为在狩猎女巫的历史中就已经定型了。 中国东北的萨满教中负责跳大神的女祭司。 女巫医。中国西南地区少数民族中,具有治病能力的女巫医,例如壮族的雅禁,俗称禁婆。 魔女。

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