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给你找了三篇,中英文摘要,你自己选择!【一】、Analysis of China's tourism status of e-commerce development, trend analysis and countermeasures浅析中国旅游电子商务发展现状、趋势分析及对策Paper Keywords: Tourism e-business trends in responsesAbstract: Electronic Commerce is the current new model of Tourism services. Analysis of the status of China's tourism industry e-commerce, combined with international background described its Development trend, pointing out its shortcomings; and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for Tourism Organization in the "E-Business for Tourism" pointed out: "Travel E-commerce is through advanced information technology to improve the tourism in-house and external connectivity (connectivity), namely, the improvement between tourism enterprises, tourism enterprises and the upper reaches of the supply among providers, tourism enterprises and tourists between the exchange and trade, tourism enterprises to improve internal business processes to enhance knowledge-sharing. " Tourism is an information-intensive and information-relying on the sex industry, a feature that determines the information technology and tourism, deep-level interaction between, as a combination product of tourism e-commerce has and will continue to appear out of the full vitality and broad space for development. Global Travel E-commerce to maintain a continuous five-year growth rate of over 350%. According to the World Tourism Organization estimated that, within five years, the global travel e-commerce will account for 25% of all travel transactions. Travel e-commerce has unlimited potential, will become a new model for tourism Marketing [1].论文关键词:旅游 电子商务 趋势 对策论文摘要:电子商务是当前旅游服务的新模式。分析了中国旅游业电子商务的现状,结合国际化背景阐述了其发展趋势,指出其不足;并提出了发展对策与建议。世界旅游组织在《E-Business for Tourism》中指出:“旅游电子商务就是通过先进的信息技术手段改进旅游机构内部和对外的连通性(connectivity),即改进旅游企业之间、旅游企业与上游供应商之间、旅游企业与旅游者之间的交流与交易,改进旅游企业内部业务流程,增进知识共享”。旅游业是信息密集型和信息依托性产业,这一特点决定了信息技术与旅游业之间的深层次互动关系,作为两者结合产物的旅游电子商务已经并将继续显现出充分的活力和广阔的发展空间。全球旅游电子商务连续5年保持350%以上的增长速度。据世界旅游组织预计,5年之内旅游电子商务将占全球所有旅游交易的25%。旅游电子商务具有无限的潜力,必将成为旅游业营销的新模式[1]。【二】、E-commerce Review of Tourism Research旅游电子商务研究述评[Abstract] travel e-commerce is currently the new trend of Tourism development, but also a hot topic of concern to the academic community. In this paper, domestic and international travel e-commerce Research conducted a review, focused his remarks on several major aspects of current research: status and countermeasures, information technology, the Application of e-commerce in Tourism enterprises, tourist sites, tourists consumer behavior and, in this on the basis of sums up the current weaknesses in domestic research on the Development direction of future research recommendations.[Keywords:] travel e-commerce; Studies ReviewIntroductionIn recent years, e-commerce with its unique across time and space convenience, low costs and broad dissemination of participation in the tourism industry, tourism, the sudden emergence of e-commerce Business model represents an emerging generation. Tourism is an information-intensive and information-based industries rely on its natural adaptability and e-commerce e-commerce makes the tourist walking in the industry, the forefront of e-business applications, foreign travel e-commerce after germination, development, and is in a boom phase, China's Tourism e-commerce Development has lagged behind Western countries, is actively exploring the process of academia, the Chinese and foreign scholars, the study of tourism e-commerce Deep growing number of the relevant literature, has become a hot topic in recent years as one. In order to understand this area of research, the author through the foreign language database (Chinese Journal Full-text databases, Springer, SDOL) in the English literature were retrieved a total of more than 200 articles (Search time for 1998 in May 2007), the following pairs of these documents do a summary and reviewed with a view to a reference for future research.[摘要]旅游电子商务是当前旅游业发展的新趋势,也是学术界关注的一大热点。本文对国内外旅游电子商务的研究现状进行了回顾,着重评述了当前研究的几大方面:现状与对策、信息技术、电子商务在旅游企业的应用、旅游网站、旅游者消费行为,并在此基础上总结了目前国内研究的薄弱环节,对今后研究的发展方向提出建议。[关键词]旅游电子商务;研究述评引言近年来,电子商务以其特有的跨越时空的便利、低廉的成本和广泛的传播性参与到旅游业中,旅游电子商务的异军突起标志着一种新兴商务模式的产生。旅游业是信息密集型和信息依托型产业,它与电子商务的天然适应性使得旅游电子商务走在产业电子商务应用的前沿,国外的旅游电子商务历经萌芽、发展,正处于繁荣阶段,我国旅游电子商务的发展落后于西方发达国家,正在积极探索的过程中成长。在学术界,中外学者对旅游电子商务的研究由浅入深,相关文献的数量不断增长,近年来已成为热门议题之一。为了了解这一领域的研究进展,笔者通过中外文数据库(中国期刊全文数据库、Springer、SDOL)共检索到中英文文献共200余篇(搜索时段为1998 2007年5月),以下对这些文献做一概括与评述,以期能对未来的研究有所借鉴。【三】、China's Tourism E-commerce Strategies to deal with international competition我国旅游电子商务应对国际竞争的策略分析[Abstract] In today's online travel services, the momentum of rapid development, the network carriers as an online service developed rapidly, China's tourist e-commerce is in this context, generate and develop. China's Tourism e-commerce will rely on traditional industries and professional entities, backed by Industry and the Development of e-commerce, on the basis of information technology to increase the use of the relationship between the management level, to achieve added value. China's Tourism industry is now fully open, we look at developed countries, especially the United States travel e-commerce Business model and modus operandi, in which we can conclude that some should learn from the successful experiences of the establishment of tourist resources such as databases, tourism enterprises and tourism websites alliance the implementation of customization services to enhance the travel site visits, the implementation of e-tickets and so on.[Keywords:] Tourist e-learning Development strategy for the international competitionWith modern technology and information industries, the rise of the Internet has brought new opportunities for the tourism industry, the network's interactive, real-time, rich and convenience advantages to promote the rapid integration into the network of traditional tourism, the wave of tourism. Well-known American CRG-Research the company said the global e-commerce sales in 2005 rose to 620 billion . dollars, with an average annual growth rate of 40%, including tourism, e-commerce sales exceeded 65 billion . dollars, there are around 30 million tourist Internet companies to carry out on-line travel services, the global travel site enjoyed the number of people over 200 million passengers, according to the World Tourism Organization (WTO) is expected within five years, the global travel e-commerce will account for 25% of all travel transactions. In the next 4 to 5 years, tourism and e-commerce accounted for the proportion of e-commerce will reach 2O% ~ 25%.[摘要〕在当今旅游在线服务迅猛发展的势头下,网络作为在线服务的载体迅速发展起来,我国旅游电子商务就是在这种背景下产生并发展的。我国旅游电子商务将依托传统行业实体和专业产业资源后盾发展电子商务,在信息化基础上提高对使用关系的管理水平,实现价值增值。我国的旅游业现已全面开放,综观发达国家尤其是美国旅游电子商务的经营模式和运作方式,我们从中可以总结出一些值得借鉴的成功经验,如建立旅游资源数据库,旅游企业和旅游网站结盟,实行个性化定制服务,提高旅游网站访问量,推行电子机票等。[关键词〕旅游电子商务国际竞争借鉴发展策略随着现代科技和信息产业的发展,互联网的兴起给旅游业带来了新的契机,网络的交互性、实时性、丰富性和便捷性等优势促使传统旅游业迅速融入网络旅游的浪潮。美国著名的CRG-Research公司称,2005年全球电子商务销售额增至6200亿美元,平均年增长率为40%,其中旅游业电子商务销售额突破650亿美元,全球约有30多万家旅游网络企业在网上开展旅游服务,全球享受过旅游网站服务的人数超过2亿人次,据世界旅游组织(WTO)预计,5年之内旅游电子商务将占全球所有旅游交易的25%。在未来4至5年内,旅游电子商务占电子商务中的比重将达到2O%~25%。

356 评论



















[15]Ho, James. Evaluating the word wide web: a global study of commercial sites [J]. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 1997.




[19]Robert M K. Towards geographies of Cyberspace, Progress in Human Geography, 1998(22),3:385~406







[摘要] 随着科技不断发展,旅游网站系统设计与实现是现代化旅游业发展的重要的宣传途径,在旅游业中占据着重要的地位。交互式的旅游网站系统设计与实现需要从用户需求出发,并在差异化定制基础上对其系统进行规划。基于此,本文在差异化定制基础上,研究交互式旅游网站系统设计与实现,立足于差异化定制概念,对旅游网站管理系统的需求分析进行论述,研究其网站设计框架。

[关键词] 差异化定制;交互式;旅游网站系统;设计与实现



















结论: 综上所述,本文首先对差异化定制进行概念进行解释,对旅游网站管理系统的需求进行分析,面向其数据库建立需求,制定详细的系统目标。旅游网站需求分析立足于差异化定制理念,建立不同用户需求数据库,为了扩大旅游网站的经济市场进而制定差异化目标。通过对交互式的旅游网络系统进行设计,首先将系统框架进行细化,采取交互式的分析方式,对旅游网站界面框架进行处理。

251 评论


first of all, beginning from the emergence of travel e-commerce, the text introduces the concept and characters of it and studies the influence by travel e-commerce on traditional tourism. and then, it introduces travel e-commerce from all aspects. For instance,currently developing situation , developing plan, profit model and solution aimed at development bottleneck. finally, the text will present the convenience in our lives brought by the new type of tourism and the future of the development of this industry .

271 评论


First of all, based on the tourism electronic commerce produce began, introduces the concept of tourism electronic commerce and its characteristics, research of tourism electronic commerce the influence of traditional tourism; Then a comprehensive introduction to tourism electronic commerce, such as its development present situation, development countermeasure, profit model and so on and puts forward the solving thinking on development bottleneck; The analysis of this emerging tourist mode to our life bring convenience and the industrial development of the future.

231 评论


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