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137 评论


提供一些关于企业绩效管理的外文文献,供写作参考。[1] Nilsson Fredrik,Kald Magnus. Recent Advances inPerformance Management:The Nordic Case .European Management Journal, 2002,Volume:20, Volume:20 (Issue: 3,) . [2] Otley David. Management control and performance management:whence and whither .British Accounting Review, 2003,Volume:35, Volume:35 (Issue:4,) . [3] bredrup, h. background for performance management .a. rolstadas(ed.). perpormance management: a business process benchmarking approach. london: chapman & hall, 1995a, . [4] martin j eppler, oliver sukowski. managing team knowledge: core processes tools and enabling factors .european management journal, 2000,vos. 18, vos. 18 (no. 3) : . [5] Lebas , MichelJ. Performance measurement and Performance management .International journal of Production Economics, 1995,Volume: 41, Volume: 41 (Issue: 1-3,) . [6] guzzo r ,& dickson. m. teams in organizations: recent research on performance and effectiveness .annual review of psychology. 1996,47, 47 :307-338 . [7] susan l kichuk, & willi h. wiesner. the big five personality factors and team performance: implications for aelecting successful product design teams .journal of engineering technology management, 1997, (14) :195-221 . [8] hackman, j. r. (ed.). groups that work(and those that don‘t work): conditions for effective teamwork .san francisco: jossey bass, 1990 . [9] mary cjones, and allison w. harrison. research is project team performance: an empirical assesssment .information & management. 1996,31, 31 :57-65 .

328 评论





[1] Jasch C. Environmental performance evaluation and indicators [J]. Journal of CleanerProduct. 1999 (8)

[2] Berman E,Bui LT. Environmental regulation and Productivity: Evidence from oilrefineries[J].The Review of Economics and

[3] International Standard Organization. Environmental Performance Evaluation [J].ISO/

[4] . Measuring corporate environmental performance [J]. Journal ofAccounting and Public (17)

[5] 14031: Environmental performance evaluation: Guidelines [R],

[6] WBCSD. Measuring eco-efficiency. A guide to reporting company performance[R].

[7] ISAR. A Manual For the Preparers and Users of Eco-efficiencyIndicators[EB/OL].2004

[8] Joseph Sarkis and Srinivas of Environmental Assessment Policy (6)

[9] . A new approach to environmental-performance Evaluation. InternationalJournal of Production Research,Vol. 44,,15 September-1 October 2006.

[10] Idalina Dias—Saidinha, Lucas Reijnders. Evaluating environmental and socialperformance of large Portuguese companies. A Balanced. Scorecard Approach [J].Business Strategy and the Environment. 2005(3)

[11] Henri. Environmental performance indicators. An empirical study of Canadianmanufacturing firms [J]. Journal of

[12]Fabien Martinez. The syncretism of environmental and social responsibility with businesseconomic performance [J]. Management of Environmental Quality: An (23)




[16]徐颖.基于利益相关者的.企业社会责任评价指标体系研究[J].现代经济.2010 (2)










[25]胡星辉.企业环境绩效评价模型构建浅谈[J].财会通讯.2009 (10)

[26]刘建胜.循环经济视角下的企业环境绩效评价指标体系设计[J].商业会计.2011 (6)


[28]张天蔚,胡燕玲.基于信息公开的企业环境绩效评价存在的问题及建议[J].中国管理信息化.2013 (1)

[29]胡星辉.企业环境绩效评价模型构建浅谈[J].财会通讯.2009 (10)


[31]郭建平.我国环境绩效审计问题研究[J].合作经济与科技.2010 (3)

[32]]曹建新,詹长杰.我国环境绩效审计评价体系旳构建[J].审计研究.2009,8 (16)







[39]曹建新.詹长杰.我国环境绩效审计评价体系旳构建[J].审计研究.2009,8 (16)


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