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Maya culture is the world's most ancient cultures in the world, known as the cradle of American Indian culture. Maya culture in the region of south-eastern Mexico, including the Yucatan peninsula today, Guatemala Tika. Copán in western Honduras, Vasak links (the oldest known Mayan cities). El Salvador and Belize and part of the region, a total of about 325,000 square kilometers. Maya cultural development is divided into three periods : pre-classical period (about 475 1500- AD 317), Classical period (317-889 AD) and after the classical period (. The last group organized in 1697 by the Spanish conquest Maya). Ancient Maya maize agriculture is the main economic activity. They are using the primitive slash-and-burn farming methods, the earliest cultivated crops such as corn and sweet potato, and mastered the turkeys. Bee dogs and the technology, fiber and weaving with Agave flowered, and the production of painted pottery. In business, mainly for Maya barter trade activities sometimes cacao as a common currency. Maya also architecture, sculpture, paintings, hieroglyphic characters, astronomy, calendars and mathematics fields has achieved a remarkable success. About 475 early in 1500, settled into the agricultural life of the Maya era. 475, gradually formed the city. Around 300-900 AD, the Mayan civilization is a period of great prosperity, the city has a size of over 100. Many of these cities, organized, well-grand architecture, a rich culture. Maya culture, religion occupies a very important position, The grand worship at the altar of the temple building as a pyramid, an awe-inspiring. Maya is an important form of worship enshrined victims, including food, jewelry and even alive. January 1 Maya in size or in shallow relief sculpture has been made by the higher attainments. Maya mural painting commonly used forms, the figure depicts expressive. In addition, pottery and metal plates have a beautiful picture. 475, the Maya creation of an independent picture of pictographic characters, they will bark and saturated and compacted gum. Then put a layer of lime, on the bark painting, writing hieroglyphs, the number of gods, goddesses and animal images. 800 graphics and text from the ancient Mayan symbols, language and the juxtaposition of color pictures, and text. Many manuscripts found in Maya history, legends and calendars. However, the vast majority of Spanish colonists as "the devil's work" reduced to ashes. So far only three of the Mayan culture preserved ancient manuscripts, which were collected in European museums. In addition to manuscripts, also preserved in the ancient Maya text columns among the inscriptions of ancient buildings and monuments. Maya attaches great importance to history, and every 20 years to foster a pillar in the city, with the Maya recorded events. Therefore, the history of the ancient Maya culture is the only American to be proved, based on the culture. Here in mind the history of the Maya tradition has lasted 1,200 years, which were interrupted by the invasion after the Spanish colonizers. Mayan calendar produced in 2500, the calendar for a week to 13 days, 20 days in January to 18 months to a year. plus five days as taboo, 365 days a year, for 52 years for the cycle. Mayan calendar than Rome, ancient Greece, ancient calendars and more accurate. Maya also built some astronomical observatory, we can figure out the moon and planets eclipse and operation cycle time. January 1 Maya notable achievements in math, they have to share the fingers and toes, 20 used method of calculation. What merits special mention is that Maya is able to apply the concept of Europe as early as seven, eight hundred years. After Mayan culture in the classical period, because of the hurricane, plague and war and other disasters, the rapid decline of the ancient Mayan civilization. All major cities have been abandoned. When the Spaniards invaded, the Maya Youkada peninsula, the city is fragmented, declining as a whole. If before January 1, Mayan culture is the most advanced ancient cultures of the Americas, in the material and cultural achievements substantial. Mexico and some Central American countries still have an important impact. But with the same period compared to the European continent advanced civilization, it is primitive and backward. Thus, the 16th century Spanish invasion, the fragile Maya culture was severely crushed.

205 评论


深圳欢乐谷是中国最佳主题乐园之一,共分为西班牙广场、卡通城、冒险山、欢乐岛、金矿镇、香格里拉森林、飓风湾、阳光海岸等八大主题区,还有奇趣的玛雅水公园,尤其适合带孩子同玩,其中“矿山车”让人体验山洪大暴发时矿工逃生的惊心动魂的场面;“太空梭”将在秒的瞬间,高速弹射到60米高空,再自由落体直线下坠,冒险刺激,挑战心理极限;“四维影院”依托欢乐谷的实景,打造出国内首个集声、光、电、影、特效于一体的大型水上实景,不可不看。深圳欢乐谷,我的最爱! 回答者: 清风横笛 - 七级 2008-12-8 20:39 深圳华侨城欢乐谷占地面积35万平方米,总投资8亿元人民币,是融参与性、观赏性、娱乐性、趣味性于一体的中国现代主题乐园。 全园共分八大主题区:西班牙广场、卡通城、冒险山、欢乐岛、金矿镇、香格里拉森林、飓风湾、阳光海岸,加上独具特色的玛雅水公园,有100多个老少皆宜、丰富多彩的游乐项目。从美国、荷兰、德国等发达国家引入众多全国乃至亚洲独有的项目:世界最高落差的“激流勇进”、中国第一座悬挂式过山车“雪山飞龙”、中国第一座巷道式“矿山车”、中国第一座“完美风暴”、中国第一辆“仿古典式环园小火车”、亚洲最高、中国第一座“惊险之塔”——太空梭、亚洲首座集视觉、听觉、触觉于一体的四维影院。这些游乐项目赋予了逼真而完美的主题包装,营造出环境优美宜人,具有美国西部和中国藏北风格的景观。一次次惊心动魄的历程,一个个扑朔迷离的故事,让游客仿佛进入一个亦真亦幻的神秘境界。 每当夜幕降临,欢乐剧场里神奇而高雅的大型魔术舞剧《欢乐MD》将带给游客无尽的惊奇和超凡的享受;灯红酒绿的欢乐大街,让你充分领略中西名点,灯光夜市和酒吧构筑了欢乐美食文化。加入奇妙的欢乐之旅,皮皮王--欢乐使者,将为您带来无穷欢乐。 深圳欢乐谷在华侨城集团的带领下,在不断的探索和创新过程中,欢乐谷历经风雨,清晰地把握住了市场的脉搏,准确地把握了企业的市场走向,开业八年来接待海内外游客 1600 万名游客,深圳欢乐谷奏响了深圳乃至中国旅游业的“欢乐之歌”,缔造中国主题乐园一个新的神话。 八年的道路并不平坦,八年风雨走过,激情燃烧。这八年, 1600 多万名游客在此寻找到了欢乐,演绎了一个又一个喜人的经济现象。八年的历炼,欢乐谷渐入佳境。 2002 年,欢乐谷二期建成开放,欢乐谷全年入园人数达到 230 万人次,由此进入全国主题乐园行业前三甲。 2003 年,欢乐谷与国内其他景点一样遭遇了突如其来的“ SARS ”之劫,但全年入园人数仍然达到了 210 万人次。 2004 年,欢乐谷全年游客突破 252 万人次。 2005 年 5 月 1 日 ,欢乐谷成功推出了三期“欢乐时光”项目,“五一”黄金周 7 天,接待游客 22 万人次,营业收入 3000 万元,不仅刷新了华侨城旅游“黄金周”的历年营业纪录,也创下了全国主题乐园历史新高。 2005 年欢乐谷景区游客接待量达 302 万人次,经营收入超过 3 亿元,与 04 年同比增长二十几个百分点 , 创近十年中国主题乐园最好水平。至此,深圳欢乐谷连续三年全国主题乐园游客量翘楚,是 1997 年后全国主题乐园年度接待量的最高峰。标志着深圳欢乐谷这一品牌从年度接待量增长型向自主创新型主题乐园迈进,成为中国现代主题乐园的排头兵! 2006 年暑期,欢乐谷接待游客 81 万人次,营业收入近亿元,重游率 ,创下了深圳景区暑期旅游十一年来的新高。 八年来,深圳欢乐谷屡获大奖:荣获国际水公园协会( WWA )颁发的行业创新奖——“玛雅水公园”;荣获 2002 年度中国旅游协会“中国旅游知名品牌”;连续三年荣获中国最佳游乐园称号; 2004 年荣获全国五一劳动奖状; 2005 年荣获“全国文明风景旅游区示范点”称号;被评为“深圳最具影响力的知名品牌”;荣获“ 2005 全国企业文化建设工作创新奖”等。 从一期到二期、三期的顺利开业,欢乐谷奏响了深圳乃至中国旅游业的“欢乐之歌”。光荣来自华侨城人、欢乐谷人,辉煌源自开拓创新的精神。 八年来,深圳欢乐谷把握国际娱乐潮流和脉搏,把握深圳这座青春之城,时尚之都的特点,把握都市娱乐消费的需求和趋向,向游客特别是现代都市人提供愉悦身心的娱乐产品,提供符合现代都市潮流时尚的主题活动和艺术表演。 成功创立并推广全年五大节庆,将“时尚文化”与“本土文化”有机结合。新春举办国际滑稽节,欧美亚各国滑稽大师送您欢乐吉祥;五一举办时尚文化节,游客可感受到最新最炫的都市流行时尚,极限运动、街舞、动漫、涂鸦,甚至是街头发型 SHOW ;暑期举办玛雅狂欢节,再现南美激情狂欢旅程;十一期间举办国际魔术节,送给游客神秘与梦幻,迄今为止,共有世界 50 多个国家近 200 名顶尖国际魔术大师在欢乐谷作过表演;圣诞新年举办国际流行音乐节,送给游客温馨与祝福。据统计,欢乐谷仅五大节庆游客接待量占全年游客 50% 左右,良好开拓黄金周市场。 八年来,欢乐谷建立零距离表演体系,为游客奉献精彩绝伦的表演节目。现代高科技表演——《欢乐水世界》,首创中国首个真山真水真场景的水上特技实景表演,倍受游客追捧。全园天天上演近 30 场街舞表演、乐队演出、哑剧表演、极限运动表演、魔术、杂技表演及夜光大巡游等特色演出;黄金周和暑期,每天的表演场次高达近 100 场。 同时,欢乐谷倍受各大媒体青睐,与中央电视台、湖南卫视等成功举办“第七届中韩歌会”、“同一首歌”、“正月正晚会”、“中国篮球最佳阵容颁奖晚会”、“想挑战吗”、“快乐大本营”、“开心辞典”等大型晚会,汪文华、马季、李咏、王小丫、陈冠希、邰正宵、罗中旭、孙楠、安七炫、韩红、孙悦、陈好、许志安、姚明、田亮等文艺、体育界名人纷纷莅临欢乐谷倾情演绎…… 欢乐谷,被游客誉为最具娱乐气质的主题乐园,成为都市娱乐消费的中心地带。据统计,欢乐谷常年的游客重游率突破 40 %,创造国内主题乐园奇迹。 八年来,欢乐谷项目的成功运作有效地丰富了华侨城原有主题公园的产品形式,满足了游客新的需求,为华侨城将主题公园产品移植到有潜力的市场区域中,更加有效地占有市场资源奠定了基础。目前,“欢乐谷”品牌在华南地区乃至全国范围内,已拥有较高知名度。据第三方调查数据显示,欢乐谷品牌知名度达到 、游客重游率达到 40% 。 八年来,欢乐谷持续改进、创新发展,保持养分供给,不断更新投入,领跑市场。欢乐谷的经营理念就是“建不完的欢乐谷,玩不完的欢乐谷”,创造“常看常新、常玩常新”的顾客价值。 1998 年建设一期工程,占地 17 万平方米; 2002 年再造二期,乐园面积和游乐项目翻番; 2005 年进行产品再升级,建设三期欢乐时光项目,常年开设嘉年华夜场,累计投资 15 亿元。通过滚动发展,欢乐谷产品的核心竞争力,对市场的吸引力,品牌的影响力不断升级。 八年来,欢乐谷不断丰富项目,使之国际潮流性、高技术含量性和娱乐刺激性方面领跑国内同行,大小项目 100 多个,是国内项目数量最多,设施科技含量最高也最为先进的主题乐园,可以与国际一流的主题乐园相媲美。无论是一期、二期还是新投入的三期,欢乐谷都花巨资从美国、荷兰、德国等发达国家引入众多全国乃至亚洲独有的项目,有一期、二期的代表项目:体验自由落体的太空梭,体验滑行和旋转的雪山飞龙,感受天旋地转的“完美风暴”等;有多种体验离心力的三期项目,如世界最新、亚洲第 1 的家庭乘骑项目“ UFO ”,中国第 1 座高空摇摆“发现者”等;有以水为载体的经典项目:世界最高落差的激流勇进,跌宕起伏、惊险刺激的漂流河,老少皆宜、温馨浪漫的“寻梦河”等,所有的项目多元化组合,符合各个年龄层的游客的需求。 八年来 , 深圳欢乐谷通过规范管理制度,统一经营理念,强化过程监督,有效提升企业执行力。 2001 年导入 ISO9001 质量管理标准,构建公司管理体系 ;2002 年启动战略型企业文化工程,提出了以“打造中国最好的主题乐园”为使命的欢乐文化纲领,标志着欢乐谷企业文化建设进入一个企业文化规划、选择和培育的新阶段 ; 导入国际先进的顾客服务圈理念,建立服务标准体系 ; 导入“领班行动”战略,搭建人才培养体系…… 今天,八载的深圳欢乐谷不再稚嫩,八岁的深圳欢乐谷步伐坚定而且辽远,充满自信,她在欢乐大道上疾行的足音铿锵有力,充满豪情。 打造最具魅力的都市娱乐中心!建设中国最好的主题乐园!未来的风景更动人美丽。未来深圳欢乐谷将以华侨城 “建设中国最强的旅游企业集团”总体发展目标为使命,秉承华侨城 “人本、创造、坚定、卓越”文化精神,在华侨城集团、华控公司的统一部署和战略指导下,精诚团结,戒骄戒躁,以安全为重心,以服务为核心,以市场为中心,迎接新挑战,创新再发展! 强调“都市娱乐”的概念,继续努力打造都市娱乐中心;以差异化的经营思路来应对同行业激烈竞争,用创新思维思考欢乐谷的市场定位和经营模式;创新改造项目,为产品再次升级做好准备;通过企业文化加强全员细节管理,关注细节,提升服务,提高公园整体品质;严格内部管理,抓好安全工作;建好 “品牌示范基地”、“管理创新基地”、“经营创优基地”、“人才培育基地”欢乐谷四大基地,做好区外项目的后勤保障工作…… 华侨城集团目前正在实施“东西南北,欢乐中国” 全国布点布局计划,把欢乐谷作为品牌向外拓展经营,致力将欢乐谷打造成我国第一个主题乐园连锁品牌。 2010 年之前,北京、成都、上海三座欢乐谷将建成开放,加上深圳欢乐谷遥相呼应,欢乐谷将领军中国主题乐园,成为名副其实的中国主题乐园第一品牌。 2007年12月29日,深圳欢乐谷2亿元巨资创想钜献、亚洲首创魔幻主题全新项目——“魔幻城堡”盛大开放!“魔幻城堡”是深圳欢乐谷继2002年二期、2005年三期建设之后,欢乐升级的全新钜献,斥资2亿多元,占地面积约3万平方米,由梦幻岛、魔法森林、魔幻城堡三大区域构成,是一个集魔幻、娱乐、互动、休闲于一体的主题游乐空间,共有娱乐项目20多个,互动表演4项。全新魔幻城堡让身临其中的人们犹如进入一个神秘的国度,神奇梦幻的建筑景观以及魔幻缤纷的娱乐表演,让男孩女孩在梦幻世界放飞想象的翅膀,让年轻人在魔幻氛围里释放沉重的压力,让平凡的生活增添魔力。

264 评论


MAYA CIVILIZATION Like the Egyptians, the Maya are well known for their pyramids, which vary in shape, depending on where they were built. The Maya occupied the Yucatan Peninsula注1 and their civilization[文明] was formed as early as 1500 BC. Contrary to[与……相反] popular mystery, the Maya never “disappeared” - millions of them still live in the region, many of which still speak one or another language of the Mayan family. The Maya worshipped[崇拜] the gods of nature every day. Their religion was characterized[以……特色] by the worship of nature gods, especially the gods of sun, rain and corn. Their amazing architecture remain as great ruins at the centers where they used for religious ceremonies[典礼], including Palenque注2, Uxmal and Chichen Itza. About 300-900 AD, the major centers like Palenque, Tikal and Copan were mysteriously abandoned[遗弃]. The reasons are still unknown. A few centers remained in existence until the Spanish arrived in the 16th century. Many people consider Mayan art and architecture to be the most sophisticated[精致的] and beautiful of the ancient New World. The carvings at Palenque and the statues[雕像] of Copan are especially refined[精制的], showing a grace and accurate observation of the human form, which reminded early archaeologists[考古学家] of the classical civilization of the Old World. With the decipherment[解读] of the Mayan script, it was discovered that the Maya were one of the few civilizations where artists attached[附上] their name to their work. The Mayan writing system is a combination of phonetic[语音的] symbols and ideograms[表意文字]. The decipherment of the Mayan writings has been a long laborious[艰苦的] process. Shortly after the European conquest[征服], the overzealous[过分热心的] Spanish priests had ordered the burning of all the Mayan books. However, many stone inscriptions[碑铭] still survive. Today, the majority of Mayan texts can be read almost completely in their original languages. The Maya developed independently the concept of zero and used a base 20 numbering system. They developed astronomy[天文学], calendar systems and writing. The Maya also built observatories[天文台] to watch stars and they produced extremely accurate astronomical observations. In addition, they were highly skilled as potters[陶工] and weavers[织工]. Maya marriages were arranged by adults and priests, and not as frequently by a couple who had fallen in love. The Maya married at a younger age than people do nowadays. When a boy reached 16, and a girl reached 12, they would each have a ceremony. They wore jewelry such as white beads[珠子] for boys and red shells for girls. At the wedding ceremony the couple would be blessed by a priest[牧师]. And it is believed, there was no honeymoon and no vows[誓言] exchanged.

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MayaLocation: Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and the five Mexican states of Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo. History: The Maya civilization spanned a period of 3,000 years and featured a written language, architecture, a well-ordered social class system, agriculture, art, the development of a calendar, trade and a well-developed religious : There are around 30 different indigenous Mayan languages. Most Maya also speak Life: Present day Guatemalan Mayas still preserve much of their culture and religion. There is a mixture of Mayan and Western European traditions. This aspect is most obvious in religious practices. The modern Maya practice their own brand of Christianity which is a blend of Catholic tradition and ancient ritual. Mayans have long been farmers and traders, and this is still true today. Most farming is subsistence agriculture and the main crops are beans and corn. The fields are cleared by slashing and burning, the same as it was done by the early Mayans two thousand years ago. Best Known Features: Today's handicrafts are still produced using ancient techniques and retain their importance within the Maya culture. Weaving has now become one of the Maya's best known features. Textiles made from cotton were used by the ancient Maya just as they are today. The Maya also make baskets, pottery and wood carvings of animals, saints and brightly-painted toys and chests. Ceremonial masks are yet another Maya make up the largest homogenous group of Indians north of Peru, inhabiting a vast area that encompasses Mexico's Yucatan peninsula and parts of the states of Tabasco and Chiapas, as well as Guatemala, Belize and parts of western Honduras and El Salvador. While not the earliest of the great Mesoamerican civilizations, the Maya are generally considered the most brilliant of all the Classic groups. The culture's beginnings have been traced back to 1500 BC, entering the Classic period about 300 AD and flourishing between 600 and 900 settlements were situated close to cenotes, natural water holes that allowed for survival in an inhospitable tropical climate. The basis of the culture was farming, which included not only the cultivation of maize, beans, squash, and chili peppers, but also "cash crops" of cotton and cacao. Considered the most outstanding intellects of ancient Mexico, the Maya devised a complex style of hieroglyphic writing that has yet to be fully deciphered. They refined the exact sciences learned from other prehispanic civilizations. Through their knowledge of astronomy and mathematics they calculated the lunar cycle, predicted eclipses and other heavenly events with great precision and formulated a unique calendar system more exact than the one we use the Maya, science and religion went hand in hand, forming the core of daily life. A baptismal rite was commonly practiced for children who survived infancy. To secure the favor of their gods, each year was marked by a series of festivals that included ritual offerings, sacrifices and the imbibing of an intoxicating mead called balche. Among the most revered deities were Itzamna and Ix Chel, father and mother of all other gods, and the rain god Chac. Kukulcan was the Mayan name for the feathered serpent, god of the ruling caste. The Maya's highly complex pantheon and multi-faceted cosmology continue to fascinate and perplex archaeologists and other students of the building their ceremonial centers the Maya followed the design typical of all Mesoamerica, constructing tall pyramidal temples, warren-like single story palaces and the ubiquitous ball court around a broad central plaza. Distinctive architectural features of Mayan pyramids include corbel vaults, towering roofs and elaborate embellishment with stucco reliefs. There is a baroque quality to the artistic style of the Maya, as evidenced in their exotic murals, polychrome ceramics, finely detailed stelae, altars and other stone work. As opposed to the geometric designs typical of other cultures, the human form is common depicted in Mayan art. Insufficient food supply, earthquakes, pestilence, invasion by outsiders, internal rebellion or a combination of these factors have all been suggested as possible causes for the fall of the Mayan eminence. What appears certain is that by 900 AD the Maya's numerous ceremonial centers had been abandoned. Swiftly disappearing beneath dense jungle growth, many sites avoided destruction by Spanish Conquistadors, remaining hidden and remarkably well preserved until the 19th sites of the northern lowland region (Yucatan peninsula) include Chichen Itza, Dzibilchaltun, Tulum and Uxmal. Located in the southern lowland region, the Maya heartland, are Bonampak, Copan, Palenque and Tikal.

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