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苗族起源的多种说法之一是“东来说”,这与神木、鸟有关,也与中华民族的上古神话传说相关,说木神句芒辅佐了东方天帝太嗥。太嗥其实是一个以神鸟为图腾的上古氏族,又说太嗥便是伏轰,伏轰与女锅作为中华民族的祖先是尽人皆知的,他们传说中的样子便是龙的最初形式,《列子·黄帝》记:“疱牺氏(即伏羲)、女娲氏蛇身人面”,《春秋纬合诚图》记:“伏轰龙身牛首”,可以说,这些上古的图腾意向在苗族的绣品上反映得非常明显,比如那看似双龙戏珠的绣品,中间却是个人,这人其实就是苗民人祖姜央,而双龙便成了庇护苗民的伏羲与女娲。苗族的文化与中华民族的上古历史如此密切的缠绕一起,苗族的刺绣不仅热烈奔放,而且蕴意着神秘悠远的篇章,苗绣中的龙更以其丰富的意象与中华民族的开创历程紧密地联在一起。从这些残存着“人神混同”、“人兽混同”、“自然物类混同”的原始思维特征的绣品中我们看到,苗族人民营造出的龙是那样的率真稚气、热烈奔放、神奇壮丽、自由不羁。苗绣是指苗族民间传承的刺绣技艺,,是苗族历史文化中特有的表现形式之一,是苗族妇女勤劳智慧的结晶。主要流传在贵州省黔东南地区苗族聚集区。雷山台江等地的苗族服饰至今仍保留着原汁原味的传统风格,精美绝伦的刺绣技艺和璀璨夺目的银饰让人赞叹不已。苗族服饰的刺绣工艺有其独特性,如双针锁绣、绉绣、辫绣、破纱绣、丝絮贴绣、锡绣等。刺绣的图案在形制和造型方面,大量运用各种变形和夸张手法,表现苗族创世神话和传说,从而形成苗绣独有的艺术风格和刺绣特色。苗家妇女擅长纺织和刺绣,清《开化府志》、《广南府志》、民国《马关县志》、《邱北县志》都记载有苗族妇女“能织苗锦”之句。 苗家姑娘个个会绣花。由于环境的熏陶,苗族女孩四五岁就跟着母亲、姐姐和嫂嫂学绣花了。到了七八岁,她们的绣品就可以镶在自己或别人的衣裙上了。 苗绣是苗族文化的重要组成部分,也是中国服饰文化的瑰宝。要数中国少数民族功夫绝技,苗绣以其古老、神奇以及文献特性著称。现存的苗绣,起源于古代濮人的雕题文身。雕题就是用刺刺破皮,涂以朱砂或其它色彩;文身就是用刺仿龙、凤、夔花纹雕题,在人身上刺出现龙、凤、夔的保护色花纹,藉避龙、夔之害,战胜龙、夔,以谋生存。从苗族的《古老话》得知,苗族古代的雕题文身大师是嫁嘎。到了濮人的后裔南蛮,发明了蚕桑之术后,雕题文身开始从残酷的保身艺术形成美的装饰艺术,出现了“描”。描就是用朱砂等色彩仿生物色彩在蚕帛上描绘花纹。到了骨针、铜针、骨织板、铜织板出现后,雕题文身艺术又进一步演变成挑花和织花。到周代有了铁针,濮人后裔的挑花技艺便发展道了相当可观的程度。挑花只是在蚕帛上经纬线的垂直交叉网格,挑出物体的象征图案来,这也满足不了濮人后裔------南蛮对美化生活的要求,便往凿花、绣花技艺发展。濮人后裔凿花、绣花技艺到春秋、战国时期,形成了湘绣、蛮绣。湘绣以居住在湘江流域的濮人后裔相柳一支为主体,其绣花技艺向写实逼真的艺术境界发展。楚亡后,湘氏很快融合于华夏,经过秦、汉时期,组成汉族,湘绣也就成了中华民族绣花技艺的一个重要组成部分。蛮绣以居住在沅江流域、乌江流域的六蛮、七戎的蛮氏为主体,其凿花、绣花、织花技艺向幻想的艺术境界发展,保持了濮人后裔挑花、绣花、织花的对称图案格局,形成苗绣、苗锦风格。苗绣是由驩兜部与南蛮部结合;三苗部与西戎结合组成,即《尚书》说的:“串三苗于三危,以变西戎;放驩兜于崇山以变南蛮。”因为组成苗族的氏族部落大多居住分散,不相同属,个氏族均形成各自的文身装饰艺术。到了元、明清,汉籍中不断出现了按照服饰特点将苗民分为红苗、花苗、白苗、青苗、黑苗的记载。红苗以七戎、六蛮为主体,以龙凤为氏族徽;花苗以凿齿民为主体,以蝶为其氏族徽;白苗、青苗以人夷、九夷为主体,以夔麟为其氏族徽;黑苗以盘瓠蛮为主体、以狗为其氏族徽。他们均以某一动物作自己氏族的代表,崇拜的图腾。这种图腾崇拜极大地影响了氏族绣品装饰纹样的主体物象的表现和风格的形成。另一方面,随着各氏族间频繁的交往、装饰纹样的相互借鉴、补充、渗透的现象也日渐增多。苗绣针脚大体可分为绣、插、捆、洒、点、挑、串七种。大面积以绣针平绣,其中需要显出深浅色调的,则用插针,将彩色深浅不同插进去,形成几种色彩的连结平面;需要显出立体感的地方,则使用捆针,使其形体在绣面上突出来。绣面上需要显出立体感的细小部分,则使用洒针、点针和挑针。绣料正面和背面需要显出一致效果的,则采用串针。一幅绣品,常综合运用几种针脚,或配合粘花、贴花、补花和堆花等手法来完成。苗绣的色调亦带有强烈的夸张色彩,它常不按照真实物体的颜色配色,而是按其氏族的审美要求,大胆而灵活的加以运用;其色彩讲究冷暖的对比,注重在强烈的对比之中取的一种色彩美的协调,造成一种古朴又绚丽多彩的效果。苗绣的历史渊源悠久,其装饰纹样的夸张变形,既着意于生气勃勃的客观对象的表现,又梦境般的幻想色彩;针法丰富多变,色调古朴协调而又鲜艳明丽。这些,都使苗绣形成了独特的艺术风格。这也正是这种不同于其他兄弟民族的强烈的一是个性,使苗绣成为我国装饰艺术园地里额一只奇葩奇葩,给这一园地增添了风采。

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The innovative application of Miao embroidery in modern clothing design in Guizhou Province Summary:Guizhou Miao embroidery is one of the intangible cultural heritage in the world. It is a wonderful flower in the history of Chinese embroidery and has a unique artistic charm. Miao embroidery is a cultural product created by the people of Miao nationality who exert their wisdom and diligence in the life of nature. It is the carrier of Miao culture. The application of Miao embroidery innovation in Guizhou in modern clothing design is beneficial to the establishment of unique artistic style of modern clothing, the integration of traditional technology and modern design, and the inheritance and development of traditional words:Guizhou Miao Embroidery; modern clothing design; innovative application IntroductionMiao embroidery in Guizhou Province is wonderful, but with the development of the times, Miao embroidery skills gradually decline, is facing the challenge of metamorphosis and regeneration. Designers in the new era should shoulder the responsibility of inheriting and developing the Miao embroidery techniques. The Miao embroidery is a source of inspiration for modern fashion design because of its rich and varied shapes, colors and techniques[1].In the new era, how to apply the innovation of Guizhou Miao embroidery to modern clothing design, how to inherit and innovate, how to collide traditional techniques with modern design to create new sparks, and how to make Miao embroidery glow with new vitality, etc. , it is worthy of our deep thought and study. 1. Main characteristics and distribution of Miao embroidery in GuizhouMiao embroidery in Guizhou is very particular. Different needlework methods should be considered according to the expression of different objects and artistic effects. Some needlework, some needlework, some needlework, and some needlework involve thread winding, weaving and knotting each other. Guizhou Miao embroidery mainly flat embroidery, lock embroidery, braids embroidery, seed embroidery, plate embroidery, broken thread embroidery, tin embroidery and so on, embroidery design texture rich three-dimensional sense. There are many branches of Miao ethnic group in Guizhou, and different regions have different representative types of embroidery: the most common flat embroidery, mainly distributed in southeast Guizhou Taijiang, Shidong, Rongjiang and Danzhai County. Flat embroidery single needle single thread, pay attention to even and even stitch. CREPE and braid embroidery are mainly distributed in Xi River and Leishan. It is one of the most unique traditional embroideries. The craft is complicated, first the silk thread weaves the small plait, with the traditional pattern pastes the cloth as the bottom, the small plait sews on the pattern, each sews a stitch to fold, causes the small plait drape three-dimensional, like the relief. Dazi embroidery is mainly distributed in Taijiang, Dazi is to wire around a few times and then insert the base cloth to play a knot in one heart, a Zhang Sengyou effect. Broken thread embroidery, mainly distributed in Taijiang, is a very special embroidery method in flat embroidery. Broken thread embroidery divides ordinary silk thread into 8 to 12 strands of fine thread, and then uses fine threads to make flat embroidery. It is exquisite, exquisite and luxurious. It is a fine work in Miao embroidery. Tin Embroidery is distributed in Jianhe. The Intelligent Miao people cut tin foil into thread and embroider it on cloth. The geometric pattern is the most fashionable style of embroidery[2].Miao embroidery in Guizhou Province is rich and colorful, with distinctive features, which congeals the national spirit and historical and cultural connotation of Guizhou. 2. Development Status of Miao embroidery in Guizhou ProvinceWith the development of social economy, there are fewer and fewer young people learning embroidery skills[3].Miao embroidery process innovation and age is proportional to the younger generation of the Miao is the carrier of process inheritance, lack of innovation will lead to Miao embroidery culture and environmental adaptability[4].The lack of innovation ability has become a big problem in the development of Miao embroidery Guizhou has unique tourism resources. In recent years, the rapid development of Guizhou tourism industry has led to the development of tourism products, and the design of tourism products with Guizhou characteristics has become a hot spot, including the development of Guizhou Miao embroidery tourism products with Guizhou characteristics, for example has the Miao nationality embroidery clothing, the bag, the small ornament and so on. Since 2015, the international ethnic and folk cultural tourism products fair of Guizhou has been held, fully displaying the colorful and varied forms of Guizhou, displaying ingenious ethnic cultural products and unique ethnic cultures, to promote the protection, inheritance and scientific and reasonable industrial transformation of national folk arts and crafts, so as to promote Guizhou mass entrepreneurship and innovation, further enhance cultural self-confidence, and enhance the soft power of culture. The opening of the fair has brought a new opportunity for the innovation and development of Miao embroidery in Guizhou. 3. The application of Miao embroidery in costume design in Guizhou application of Miao embroidery in traditional dress in Guizhou ProvinceMiao embroidery is not bound by natural form, pay attention to emotional expression screen, rich in strong artistic appeal. Abstract methods are widely used in the modeling of Traditional Miao costumes. The image of virtual animals and plants of the Miao people in Guizhou Province means that in the long course of history, the Miao people have naturally transcended the process of imitating reality in the face of various external circumstances, the abstract form of the object in the Miao embroidery to provide a broad space for its the traditional costumes, the Miao people in Guizhou have rich and colorful embroidery colors and techniques, which are full of the unique artistic language of the Miao Culture. In traditional costumes, Miao embroidery uses unique embroidery techniques to decorate costumes, which are often decorated on the body, placket, collar, cuffs and Hem of traditional costumes, the texture effect in the decoration increases the layering, massiness and artistic sense of the dress. Women dress up, complex exquisite needle will focus on the collar, cuffs and other parts, highlighting the focus of clothing, and ensure the harmony and unity of clothing and accessories[5]. application of Miao embroidery in modern clothing designThe modern clothing design uses the Miao nationality traditional color matching method for reference, the decorative color mainly gives priority to the bright color, forms the intense contrast color. Highlight the decorative patterns of clothing, traditional Miao costumes into modern clothing. In the modern clothing design, the traditional national cultural elements are increasing, the unique style of Guizhou Miao embroidery has created the traditional significance modern fashion works in the international modern clothing design application[6].In 2009, the famous domestic designer Lin Xuefei designed the evening dress with the Miao nationality characteristic by the tin embroidery element, and displayed it at the European wedding dress conference, which caused a great sensation overseas. Miaos'clothing elements are widely used in modern fashion design in European and American fashion shows. Modern women underwear design is often used embroidery techniques, highlighting the Miao embroidery close to the heart, showing the feminine soft and sexy[7].

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