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首页 > 职称论文 > 伊利集团发展历程毕业论文

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伊利的发展历程可以说是中国乳业从小到大、从弱到强的历史缩影。上世纪50年代,仅95户养牛专业户组成的“呼市回民区合作奶牛场”,发展成为中国乳业举足轻重的龙头企业,伊利六十余年颇具传奇色彩的发展历史,不仅成为了中国乳业的一面旗帜,还开创了中国的“液态奶时代”。伊利又通过奥运与世博,将中国乳业带上了世界舞台。在荷兰合作银行发布的“2015年度全球乳业排名”中,伊利蝉联全球乳业10强,继2014年后,再次成为全球乳业第一阵营中的亚洲乳企。2020全年实现营业总收入亿元,归母净利润亿元。与业绩的持续增长相对应的是,伊利的净资产收益率连续几年保持在20%以上,位居全球乳业第一。2018年7月26日,在荷兰合作银行(RABO BANK NEDERL-ANDS)发布的2018年度“全球乳业20强”中,伊利集团继续蝉联亚洲第一,稳居全球乳业第一阵营  ,体现了企业在亚洲乃至全球全方位的综合领先优

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伊利的发展历程可以说是中国乳业从小到大、从弱到强的历史缩影。伊利的发展历程可以归纳为以下几个时期:1、萌芽期 1956年-1993年呼和浩特回民区成立养牛合作小组。1958年改名为“呼市回民区合作奶牛场”,拥有1160头奶牛,日产牛奶700公斤,职工人数117名。它就是伊利的前身。2、成长期 1993年-1996年1993年2月,呼市回民奶食品加工厂改制。改制由21家发起人发起,吸收其他法人和内部职工入股,以定向募集方式设立伊利集团,并于1993年6月14日更名为“内蒙古伊利实业股份有限公司”。3、壮大期 1996年-2005年1996年3月12日 “伊利股份”在上交所挂牌上市,成为全国乳品行业首家A股上市公司。4、飞跃期 2005年-2010年2005年7月成立酸奶事业部。成立后发展飞速,产品包括7大系列90多个品种,发展速度行业名列前茅。成为伊利集团业务发展的一颗耀眼的新星,焕发无限的活力。5、腾飞期2010年-伊利集团品牌升级,公布新的标识、品牌主张和企业愿景。伊利集团以“滋养生命活力”为新的品牌主张,向“成为世界一流的健康食品集团”的愿景迈进,提供健康食品,倡导健康生活方式,引领行业健康发展。资料来源:伊利官网

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Summary:The Changjiang River is facing the severe challenge of the water pollution, in order to realize the social economic sustainable development of basin, must protect the water resource of the Changjiang River well, strengthen the efforts of prevention and control of water pollution. Jing Zhou lie south, state of being middling and river Han Chinese's plain hinterland of river of low reaches Jiang, division chief of ground, in the Hubei. The development of this regional economy plays a role in influencing each other as environmental protection situation in the Changjiang River of this location. Jing Zhou should realize their economic sustainable development, his economic development must be coordinated and unified with water environmental protection, water resources utilization of the Changjiang River. It is a strategic choice of realizing ecological environmental protection and economic sustainable development in this location to develop recycle economy. This text start with, explain regional economic development with the Changjiang River contradiction system of environmental pollution from Jing Zhou economic current situation with this location the Changjiang River environmental pollution situation two respect. Through the analysis, probe into the settlement countermeasure of developing economy of Jingzhou Prefecture and environmental protection of the Changjiang River of this location, develop recycle economy refer to the relation with economic development of Jing Zhou from this location the Changjiang River water resources protection group predecessor only one land reclamation and cultivation light milk factory, rely on high-quality milk source, advanced production technical equipment and scientific management, have already grown into the first brand in Chinese food trade in short several years, and still country 520 key industrial enterprise and country eight ministries and commissions first batch of definite the whole country 151 agricultural industrialization leading enterprise one of. Erie enterprise not only one's own interests made the development at full speed, but also brought enormous social benefit at the same time. This text has introduced the development courses and marketing achievements of the group of Erie at first, then start with respects such as products quality, brand popularization and Olympic Games marketing,etc., narrate Erie enterprise main marketing tactics, carry on dialectical analysis to its marketing advantage and weak point of tactics. Through analysis the, marketing tactics to probe into Erie produce enlightenment meaning to other enterprise.

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