The 12th international conference on measurement technology and mechanical automation (ICMTMA2020) provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the is sponsored by Communications Research Institute of Changsha University of Science & Technology, China, Department of Urban Management, Hunan City University, Hongkong Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation Associtation and will be held during Jan 4-5, 2020, in Phuket, proceedings will be published by CPS and it will be arranged possible index such as Ei and CPCI (ISTP), non-presented authors will be no show in the the furture informatin of the conferencem, please contact the orgainzing committee of icmtma2020:(1) via email: (2)mobile phone(+86)(yu)
具体看你需要评选什么职位,不同的职位文件要求是一样,当然期刊杂志级别不一样的话,价格也是不同的,普刊的话 价格几百到上千,如果是核心的话,价格就高了去了。一般会
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acm属于A类国际会议,acm期刊是国际顶级A类级别的期刊。 ACM(Association for computing machinery)国际计算机学会,是