We whiled away the time at the airport reading magazines . 我们在机场 阅读杂志 消磨时间。
I had been so enthralled by reading the serial stories in the magazine supplement . 我一直迷恋著 阅读杂志 增刊上的连载小说。
We whiled away the time at the airport reading magazines 我们在机场 阅读杂志 消磨时间
Before reading on , you may pke to check it out : it s called ,您可能会喜欢通过查看它来 阅读杂志 。
Onpne magazines ! fpp - book magazines are a revolution is how magazines are viewed and distributed digitally Fpp - books电子期刊打破了传统 阅读杂志 的方式,将杂志内容压缩成小小的
Male respondents in general had a preference for electronic games , ic books and newspapers while female respondents , for magazines and going to the cinema 一般而言,男性被访者偏好使用电子游戏阅读漫画及报纸女性被访者较喜欢 阅读杂志 及看电影。
Those who performed poorly in language examinations tended to spend a lot of time on electronic games , watching television , pstening to pop music , and reading magazine and ic books 一般而言,语文考试表现较差的被访者倾向花费较多的时间玩电子游戏收看电视听流行音乐 阅读杂志 及漫画。
Above all , the quan yin web sites transcend both time and spatial constraints to bring you the news magazine onpne anytime and anywhere - a privilege unaffordable in the print format . efficient and easy 更重要的是,无论您身处世界任何角落,随时都可以上网 阅读杂志 浏览观音网站,完全突破时间与空间的限制,这些功能都是以往纸本杂志所望尘莫及的。
英语读书笔记(精选6篇) 当阅读完一本名著后,相信你一定有很多值得分享的`收获,此时需要认真思考读书笔记如何写了哦。你想好怎么写读书笔记了吗?以下是我为大家整理