一、 语言学(语言学一般理论的研究);
二、 英美文学(英美文学的文化研究、作品分析等);
三、 翻译学(翻译理论与实践探讨、译本研究以及名家名著翻译作品对比研究等);
四、 英美文化(英美加澳新等西方国家文化以及与汉文化的比较研究);
五、 教学法(英语教学法、测试学等方面的研究)。
附:英语专业论文参考选题(Suggested Topics of Graduation Papers for English Majors)
1. A Brief Analysis of the Heroine Personality in Jane Eyre 《简爱》的主人翁个性分析
2. A Brief Comment on O’Henry Short Stories 亨利的短篇小说述评
3. A Comment on Hardy’s Fatalism 评哈代的宿命论
4. A Comparison between the Themes of Pilgrimage to the West and Pilgrim’s Progress 《西游记》与《天路历程》主题的比较
5. A Probe into the Feminist Idea of Jane Eyre 《简爱》男女平等思想的探索
6. A Study of Native American Literature 美国本土文学的研究
7. A Study of Student-Centered English Vocabulary Teaching 以学生为中心的英语词汇教学
8. A Study of the Translation of Sports Terms 体育专有名词的翻译
9. A Study of Transitional Words and Expressions 过渡词及表达法的研究
10. About the Breaking of American Dream from the Great Gatsby 从《了不起的盖茨比》看美国梦的破碎
11. About the Quality-oriented Education in English Language Teaching 英语教学中的素质教育
12. About Transform of Parts of Speech in Translation 论翻译中词性的转换
13. Application of English Idioms in Daily Life 英语习语在日常生活中的运用
14. Body Language Difference in Meaning in Cross-cultural Communication 体态语在跨文化交际中的意义差异
15. Characterization in Charles Dickens’ Novels 狄更斯小说中的人物塑造
16. Choice of Correct Words in Translation在翻译中如何准确选词
17. Comment on Bernard Shaw’s Dramatic Art 评肖伯纳的戏剧艺术
18. Comparing First and Second Language Acquisitions 二语习得与母语的比较研究
19. Cross-culture Failures by Chinese learners of English中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的误区
20. Cultural Differences and Idiomatic Expressions in Translation 论翻译中的文化差异及习惯表达法
21. Cultural Factors and Limitations in Translation 翻译的文化因素局限性
22. Developing Students’ Cultural Awareness through Foreign Language Teaching 通过外语教学培养学生的文化意识
23. Dialectics in Translation 翻译中的辩证法
24. Differences between Audio-lingual Method and Functional Approach 听说法与交际法的区别
25. Effects of Learner’s Motivation in Foreign Language Learning 外语学习中学习动机的影响
26. English Classroom Teaching: Teacher-dominant or Student-centered 英语课堂教学——教师主宰还是学生中心
27. Error Analysis in English Learning as a Foreign Language 英语学习中的错误分析研究
28. Euphemistic Expressions in Foreign Affairs 外事用语中的委婉表达
29. Features of Network English 网络英语的特点
30. Food Culture in America and China 中美饮食文化比较
31. How to Appreciate English Prose: Traditional and Modern Ways 如何欣赏英语散文——传统与现代方法比较
32. Humor and Satire in Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》的幽默与讽刺
33. Influence of Mark Twain’s Works in China 马克吐温的`作品在中国的影响
34. Influence of Science and Technology on English Vocabulary 科学技术对英语词汇的影响
35. Information Theory and Translation 信息论与翻译
36. Inter-Translation of English and Chinese Proverbs 英汉谚语的互译
37. Jane Austen and the Heroine in Pride and Prejudice 简奥丝丁和《傲慢与偏见》的女主人
38. Lexical Gaps in Chinese and English Inter-Translation 英汉互译的词义差异
39. Linguistic Features of Abraham Lincoln’s Addresses 论林肯演说词的语言特征
40. Linguistic Features of Business Contracts 商务合同的语言特征
41. Linguistic Features of English Advertisements 英语广告的语言特征
42. Linguistic Taboos in Chinese and English Languages 谈汉英语言中的禁忌现象
43. Logical Fallacies in English Writing 英文写作中的逻辑谬误
44. Metaphoric Expressions in Poem … 论《…》诗中的暗喻
45. Methods and Procedures in Language Teaching 语言教学的方法及过程
46. Needs Analysis of Language Learners 语言学习者的需求分析
47. On Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning 论第二语言学习的态度及动机
48. On Charles Dickens Style in … 论狄更斯的《…》中的语言风格
49. On . Eliot’s Mythological Consciousness 论艾略特的神话意识
50. On Teacher-Learner Classroom Communication 论教师与学生之间的课堂交流
51. On the Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice 论《威尼斯商人》中的人物夏洛克
52. On the Criteria of Translation 议翻译标准
53. On the Development of Jane Eyre’s Character 论简爱的性格发展
54. On the Feasibility of Communicative Approach in China 谈交际法在中国的可行性
55. On the Functions of Ambiguity in English 论英语歧义的功能
56. On the Humour of Mark Twain 马克吐温的幽默观
57. On the Importance of Translation Theory 翻译理论的重要性
58. On the Learning Strategy of English as a Foreign language 谈英语的学习策略
59. On the Linguistic Features of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝利费恩历险记》的语言特点
60. On the Poetry of Robert Frost (1874-1963) 评议弗罗斯特的诗歌
61. On the Poetry of William Wordsworth (1770-1885) 评议沃兹沃斯的诗歌
62. On the Principles for Translation 浅议翻译原则
63. On the Relations of Basic Language Skills 基本语言技能的关系
64. On the Similarities and Differences of the Speeches by Elder and Younger Bush 论老布什、小布什语言风格的异同
65. On the Style of Withering Heights 《呼啸山庄》的文体分析
66. On the Tragedy of Loman’s Family in Death of A Salesman 《推销员之死》中罗曼一家的悲剧
67. On the Vividness and Images in Poem … 论《…》诗文的生动性与比喻
68. On the Words and Expressions Belittling the Female 蔑视女性的词汇和表达法
69. On the Writing / Translation of Foreign Trade Contracts 论涉外经济合同写作/翻译
70. On Translation of Computer Terms 论计算机的术语翻译
71. On Translation of Tourist Guide 论旅游指南的翻译
72. On Translation of Trade Names and Names of Export Commodities 论商标、出口商品名称的翻译
73. On Winston Churchill’s Prose Writing 评邱吉尔的散文写作
74. Parallelism in English英语中的排比现象
75. Personality Factors to the Success of Foreign Language Learning 个性因素在外语学习中的作用
76. Points of View and the Mode of Discourse in Vanity Fair 论《名利场》的观点及言语方式
77. Politeness and Indirect Speech Acts 礼貌与间接言语行为
78. Pragmatic Failures in the Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的语用失误
79. Professional Skills for Foreign Language Teachers in Chinese Middle Schools 中国中学外语教师的专业技能
80. Relations of Speed and Understandability in Reading Comprehension 阅读理解中速度与理解性之间的关系
81. Relationship between … Theory and Language Research 论…理论与语言研究的关系
82. Relationship of Age to SLA (Second Language Acquisition) 论年龄与第二语言习得的关系
83. Rhetorical and Narrative Devices in A Farewell to Arms 《永别了,武器》的修辞与描写手法
84. Scarlet and Black in The Scarlet Letter 《红字》中的红与黑
85. Semantic Analysis of Nominalisation in EST 科技英语名词化语义分析
86. Sex Differentiation and Sexism in English Language 论英语中的性别现象及性别歧视
87. Similarities and Dissimilarities of British and American Englishes论英式英语和美式英语的异同
88. Social Context in the Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 外语教学中的社会语境
89. Study of “Hemingway Style” 论“海明威风格”
90. Symbolism in Idiomatic Expressions 论习语中的象征手法
91. Syntactical Features of Business English 谈商务英语写作的句法特征
92. Syntax in John Milton’s Paradise Lost 弥尔顿的《失乐园》的句法探讨
93. Techniques of Theme Production in Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄》主题的表现手法
94. The Application of Communicative Approach Techniques in Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 交际法的教学手段在现代外语教学中的运用
95. The Characteristics of Computer Language Vocabulary 计算机语言词汇的特点
96. The Cognitive and Affective Factors in Task-based English Teaching英语任务型教学中的认知和情感因素
97. The E/C Translation of Metaphors 暗喻的英汉翻译
98. The Function of Grammar in English Study 英语学习中语法的功能
99. The Influence of L1 on the Learning of a Foreign Language 母语对外语学习的影响
100. The Influence of Wars on American Literature 战争对美国文学的影响
101. The Linguistic Charms of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆索亚历险记》的语言魅力
102. The Negation in Translation 论正说反译和反说正译
103. The Role of Grammatical Rules in English Language Learning 语法规则在英语学习中的地位
104. The Significance of Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Testing 外语测试中交际能力的重要性
105. The Theory of “Dynamic Equivalence” and its Application in E/C Translation 等效翻译理论及其在英汉翻译中的应用
106. The Translation of Proper Names 专有名词的翻译
107. The Understanding and Translation of Attributive Clause 定语从句的理解与翻译
108. The Use of Nouns in English 英语中名词的使用
109. The Ways of Expressing Emphatic Ideas in English 英语中强调语气的表达方式
110. Thomas Hardy and his Tess of the D’Urbervilles 哈代和他的《苔丝》
111. Translation of Rhetoric Devices in EST (English for Science and Technology) 论科技英语中修辞格的翻译方法
112. Translation Techniques of Idioms and Slangs 成语、俚语的翻译技巧
113. Translation Techniques of Proverbs, Loanwords and Colloquialisms 谚语、外来语和俗语的翻译技巧
Wuthering Heights as a Religious NovelWuthering Heights is not a religious novel in the sense that it supports a particular religion (Christianity), or a particular branch of Christianity (Protestantism), a particular Protestant denomination (Church of England). Rather, religion in this novel takes the form of the awareness of or conviction of the existence of a overwhelming sense of the presence of a larger reality moved Rudolph Otto to call Wuthering Heights a supreme example of "the daemonic" in literature. Otto was concerned with identifying the non-rational mystery behind all religion and all religious experiences; he called this basic element or mystery the numinous. The numinous grips or stirs the mind so powerfully that one of the responses it produces is numinous dread, which consists of awe or awe-fullness. Numinous dread implies three qualities of the numinous: its absolute unapproachability, its power, and. its urgency or energy. A misunderstanding of these qualities and of numinous dread by primitive people gives rise to daemonic dread, which Otto identifies as the first stage in religious development. At the same time that they feel dread, they are drawn by the fascinating power of the numinous. Otto explains, "The daemonic-divine object may appear to the mind an object of horror and dread, but at the same time it is no less something that allures with a potent charm, and the creature, who trembles before it, utterly cowed and cast down, has always at the same time the impulse to turn to it, nay even to make it somehow his own." Still, acknowledgment of the "daemonic" is a genuine religious experience, and from it arise the gods and demons of later religions. It has been suggested that Gothic fiction originated primarily as a quest for numinous dread. For Derek Traversi the motive force of Brontë's novel is "a thirst for religious experience," which is not Christian. It is this spirit which moves Catherine to exclaim, "surely you and everybody have a notion that there is, or should be, an existence of yours beyond you. What were the use of my creation if I were entirely contained here? (Ch. ix, p. 64). Out of Catherine's–and Brontë's–awareness of the finiteness of human nature comes the yearning for a higher reality, permanent, infinite, eternal; a higher reality which would enable the self to become whole and complete and would also replace the feeling of the emptiness of this world with feelings of the fullness of being (fullness of being is a phrase used by and about mystics to describe the aftermath of a direct experience of God). Brontë's religious inspiration turns a discussion of the best way to spend an idle summer's day into a dispute about the nature of heaven. Brontë's religious view encompasses both Cathy's and Linton's views of heaven and of life, for she sees a world of contending forces which are contained within her own nature. She seeks to unite them in this novel, though, Traversi admits, the emphasis on passion and death tends to overshadow the drive for unity. Even Heathcliff's approaching death, when he cries out "My soul's bliss kills my body, but does not satisfy itself" (Ch. xxxiv, p. 254), has a religious John Winnifrith also sees religious meaning in the novel: salvation is won by suffering, as an analysis of references to heaven and hell reveals. For Heathcliff, the loss of Catherine is literally hell; there is no metaphoric meaning in his claim "existence after losing her would be hell" (Ch. xiv, p. 117). In their last interview, Catherine and Heathcliff both suffer agonies at the prospect of separation, she to suffer "the same distress underground" and he to "writhe in the torments of hell" (XV, p. 124). Heathcliff is tortured by his obsession for the dead/absent Catherine. Suffering through an earthly hell leads Healthcliff finally to his heaven, which is union with Catherine as a spirit. The views of Nelly and Joseph about heaven and hell are conventional and do not represent Brontë's views, according to has endured hell. Indeed, most of this novel becomes a test of what she can endure. Helen Burns and Miss Temple teach Jane the British stiff upper lip and saintly patience. Then Jane, star pupil that she is, exemplifies the stoicism, while surviving indignity upon indignity. Jane’s soul hunkers down deep inside her body and waits for the shelling to stop. Only at Moor’s End, where she teaches and grows, does her soul come out. She stops enduring and begins living. Jane begins to become an “I” in her 19th year. In the sentence, “Reader, I married him.” Jane makes clear who is in charge of her life and her marriage; she is. That “I” stands resolutely as the subject of the sentence commanding the verb and attaching itself to the object, “him.” She is no longer passive, waiting and sitting for Rochester’s attention. Rather, she goes out and gets him. She has gone a long way from the beginning of the novel. At Gateshead, Jane tries to direct her life. Her little “I” scolds Mrs. Reed and chastises John. Like the later Jane, she knows her mind and speaks it. Unlike the later Jane, however, she does not have the wherewithal to back up her soul. She does not have the physical strength, the mental skills, nor the finances to stand on her own. As a result, she can be thrown into the Red Room to repent her sins and can be cast into Lowood. At Lowood, her pernicious saints, Helen Burns and Miss Temple, suppress the young ego under a blanket of will, religion, and self-sacrifice. Helen teaches Jane to blame herself for everything and blame others for nothing. Helen suffers depredation upon humiliation in the name of dirty fingernails and disorganized socks, all the while chanting “Thank you sir, may I have another.” Jane internalizes this, so that she blames herself for Rochester’s faults and error and even forgives the unforgivable, Mrs. Reed. For her part, Miss Temple teaches Jane to be subversive, but charming. Rebellion is seed cake and a smile. Rebellion is not keeping the students from the ten-mile forced march to church. Jane follows these dictates as well, manipulating Rochester for scraps and sops. With one withering blast, Rochester dynamites these two icons into sanctimonious rubble and sends Jane back out into the elements. Her soul, long buried or locked away in the attic, bursts forth and sends Jane for the escape pods. Out in the moors, sucking on dirt, Jane chooses to live on and rebuilds herself. First with the help of her cousins, then with the arrogantly humble Rivers St. John, Jane rediscovers who she is and discards who she isn’t. Ironically, her final self-definition comes from Rivers when he proposes. Helen Burns and Miss Temple would have knelt at the chance, but Jane lets the cup pass by. In her rejection, she sweeps the debris away and stands by herself. So, when she returns to Thornfield, she comes with her own money and her own identity. Reduced or not, Rochester can only stand with Jane, not tower over her. She comes with a skill, cash, and self-knowledge. And under her own power, she submits herself to Rochester. She allows herself to be called Janet and to refer to him as “sir.” She willingly and momentarily drops her head. But not for long. In the ultimate chapter, Jane directly addresses her “Reader.” The final chapter takes place a year or two post-fire, as the mature Jane looks back on her life. By the act of writing, Jane has defined herself and stepped away from the saint-in-training. By writing the truth, in all of its ugliness, she separates herself from the persona. The Jane in the first 38 chapters is not the final Jane that addresses the reader. That Jane has had a child, has married a man, and has made a spot in the world. The great triumph of that line comes not from the man that she has married, but from the rediscovery and reaffirmation of the voice that once told off Mrs. Reed. The girl lost her voice at Lowood has become the woman who can tell us the story. The novel itself is Jane’s final "I."
题目: 回归自然—论<呼啸山庄>中自然和文明的冲突
"Wuthering Heights" With a love tragedy, to demonstrate the life of an abnormal
英美文学的英语毕业论文开题报告范文 英国文学源远流长,经历了长期、复杂的发展演变过程。下面,我为大家分享英美文学的英语毕业论文开题报告,希望对大家有所帮助! 一
论文的题目是画龙点睛的神来之笔,是提纲挈领的综述概要。下面是我带来的关于英国文学 毕业 论文题目大全的内容,欢迎阅读参考! 英国文学毕业论文题目大全(
1 曹召伦,李晓明;医学心理学的新发展[J];安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版);2002年04期 2 邹颉;;复仇者的同与异:希思克利夫和仇虎—