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首页 > 职称论文 > 复合材料研究发展的英文论文

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120 kHz带宽、低失真隔离放大器 中文字数4595, 页数7 英文字数2918,页数10EDA技术及其应用 中文字数8537, 页数8 英文字数5068,页数11P89LPC9321单片机 中文字数9430, 页数18 英文字数5788,页数19RS-485 数据接口 中文字数3388, 页数6 英文字数1895,页数7多通道线路的应用 中文字数4876, 页数11 英文字数2990,页数12internet信息管理系统 中文字数11901, 页数29 英文字数8283,页数38高层建筑供配电系统的设计 中文字数5291, 页数7 英文字数3353,页数10继电保护技术 中文字数4704, 页数4 英文字数2772,页数6惠普电源和关于IspPAC10的介绍 中文字数6187, 页数10 英文字数3766,页数13利用虚拟仪器在实验室测量 中文字数4222, 页数9 英文字数2489,页数10生物传感器的研究现状及应用 中文字数4749, 页数5 英文字数2737,页数6温度控制 中文字数4791, 页数5 英文字数3145,页数8发光二极管如何工作 中文字数3292, 页数4 英文字数2318,页数7继电器 中文字数2113, 页数3 英文字数1178,页数3网络性能测量 中文字数5027, 页数5 英文字数3058,页数8计算机辅助制造 中文字数2851, 页数5 英文字数1771,页数5基于数据采集卡的虚拟频谱分析仪 中文字数7718, 页数12 英文字数4450,页数15利用超声波增强高速水射流 中文字数3989, 页数4 英文字数1819,页数5直流发电机 中文字数3341, 页数8 英文字数1932,页数7智能控制及其应用 中文字数2895, 页数6 英文字数1767,页数7组合机床 中文字数2804, 页数4 英文字数1650,页数6滚压机设计影响喂料系统的压应力 中文字数3567, 页数8 英文字数2235,页数15数据库管理 中文字数5112, 页数6 英文字数3406,页数10数字图像压缩的研究 中文字数4849, 页数6 英文字数2922,页数10计算机网络和数据库 中文字数3303, 页数5 英文字数2065,页数6网格与 Web 服务的结合 中文字数4103, 页数7 英文字数2260,页数10新创造的轮式督导机制移动机器人 中文字数2902, 页数9 英文字数1941,页数10液压传动介绍 中文字数3096, 页数4 英文字数1760,页数7在SQL Server数据库里存储Session 中文字数3729, 页数9 英文字数2387,页数9基于短程无线通信技术的红外温度测控系统 中文字数1233, 页数2 英文字数719 ,页数2基于互联网的数据采集系统的设计和发展 中文字数6894, 页数9 英文字数4484,页数11刮板输送机断链故障分析及防范措施 中文字数2307, 页数3 英文字数1525,页数4工作面刮板输送机技术现状与发展趋势 中文字数4433, 页数7 英文字数2783,页数8钢绞线带式输送机的发展 中文字数4487, 页数7 英文字数3031,页数12带式输送机的调试及对其液压自动拉紧装置的研究 中文字数2601,页数3 英文字数1580页数4沉积铝掺杂ZnO薄膜的射频磁控溅射和它们的表面性能研究 中文字数3658, 页数6 英文字数2353,页数8恒压恒流电源和在系统可编程模拟电路中的电桥测试 中文字数5825, 页数14 英文字数3853,页数16开发一个远程访问实验室:直流电动机控制实验 中文字数8692, 页数10 英文字数4978,页数13一种基于电力线载波的红外温度监测系统的设计 中文字数1912, 页数2 英文字数1102,页数3英特尔IXP42X网络处理器和IXC1100平面控制处理器 中文字数4757, 页数12 英文字数2744,页数10半导体交流调功器和传感器新技术的发展 中文字数4669, 页数6 英文字数3025,页数8在线转动的单片机监控系统工具的设计 中文字数3636, 页数4 英文字数2448,页数7变频器的控制电路及几种常见故障分析 中文字数4062, 页数5 英文字数2463,页数7基于Ptolemy II的电机调速控制器的优化设计与仿真 中文字数2948, 页数5 英文字数2051,页数6基于RS-485总线的小型集散系统设计 中文字数2083, 页数4 英文字数1376,页数6基于Windows-native的三维塑料注射模具设计系统 中文字数4831, 页数10 英文字数2892,页数12设计和发展一种基于双处理器的电动机矢量控制系统应用于电动车辆中 中文字数3087, 页数6 英文字数1937,页数8一个改进的梯形逻辑图解和Petri网络对顺序控制器设计在制造系统内的评估 中文字数3874, 页数5 英文字数2350,页数7测量技术 中文字数5030, 页数10单芯片CMOS光学显微分光计 中文字数4545, 页数5一种互信息的逼近方法 中文字数4303, 页数16有序的XML分支模式的高效处理 中文字数5424, 页数5正则坐标下的双通道信号处理 中文字数7273, 页数9寻找搜索算法:在元搜索中的试验 中文字数12109, 页数18建立有效的评价方法研究电子学习 中文字数13478, 页数17制定和鞅定价理论 中文字数4955, 页数8图像分割和边缘增强稳定逆扩散方程 中文字数9239, 页数15城市生活垃圾厌氧发酵产生氮 中文字数12121, 页数15关于用AT89C52微控制器来控制PWM 中文字数2519, 页数7先进机床中线性伺服电机的运动控制 中文字数11940, 页数27发电厂电气系统综合自动化 中文字数3303, 页数4PBT玻璃纤维增强复合材料水辅注塑成型的实验研究 中文字数:5884,中文页数:15计算预算中通过奥得河口的氮,磷和BOD5 中文字数8488, 页数10基于非线性滤波的新型超声波波形形成方法 中文字数3496, 页数11基于机器视觉的驾驶员监控应用的方法 中文字数10536, 页数15一类非线性四阶变化的广义Camassa-Holm方程的行波解 中文字数2700, 页数13中国商业银行绩效比较:分析、研究结果与政策导向 中文字数16399, 页数17控制工业电动机的微控制器8 XC196MC 中文字数3366, 页数13运用CAD的功能对有3,4,5,6个线性传动肢的空间平行控制器进行运动分析 中文字数10463, 页数14探索无线射频识别技术与产品电子代码网络对企业与企业之间移动电子商务的影响 中文字数15259, 页数22电流和电压单相交流直流功率因数校正变频器中的减少对重复功率和固有输入电流的控制 中文字数3536, 页数5修正静电力的多晶硅扭转微镜动态特性与ANSYS有限元建模得到结果的比较 中文字数3411, 页数12影响发展中国家采用国际会计标准的因素分析 中文字数4081, 页数4城市和竞争力 中文字数3627 ,页数3中国的制造业在全球化背景下所面对机会,威胁和措施 中文字数3119,页数4 英文字数1780;页数5PLC的发展现状及应用前景 中文字数: 3060,中文页数: 4 英文字数: 1725,页数:6PLC发展概况 中文字数: 2309,中文页数:3 英文字数: 1322,页数:6PLC技术的应用与发展 中文字数: 4172,中文页数:5 英文字数: 2323,页数:8PLC控制系统应用的抗干扰问题 中文字数: 4461,中文页数:6 英文字数: 2780,页数:9PLC应用中需要注意的问题 中文字数: 3126,中文页数:4 英文字数: 2780,页数:9PLC自动提高控制系统可靠性的方法 中文字数: 3542,中文页数:4 英文字数: 2042,页数:5气动移载机与PLC控制 中文字数: 3297,中文页数:4 英文字数: 1518,页数:5数控机床维修改造技术 中文字数: 3297,中文页数:4 英文字数: 1518,页数:5机器控制的开放式体系结构 中文字数: 3487,中文页数:4 英文字数: 2028,页数:7精密机器制造系统 中文字数: 7288,中文页数:8 英文字数: 4680,页数:12西门子S7-300 PLC在双电梯协调控制系统中的应用 中文字数: 4298,中文页数:7 英文字数:2841,页数:8通过神经网络实现人脸识别 中文字数:1481,中文页数:3 英文字数: 672,页数:2CDMA和通讯网络 中文字数:3259,中文页数:4 英文字数: 1560,页数:5GSM -全球移动通信系统 中文字数:4967,中文页数:6 英文字数: 2855,页数:6X-射线数字实时成像系统在无损检测中的应用 中文字数:3174,中文页数:6 英文字数: 2003页数:8多波长光络管理和控制 中文字数:3223,中文页数:7 英文字数: 1773页数:8下一代蜂窝区系统的反向链路接入计划比较 中文字数:9651,中文页数:14 英文字数: 5847页数:21移动通信的介绍 中文字数:3920,中文页数:5 英文字数: 2264页数:6螺杆压缩机转子加工中刀具磨损的几何计算方法 中文字数:3682,中文页数:9 英文字数: 2131页数:9模具工业发展趋势综述 中文字数:3204,中文页数:4 英文字数: 1801页数:5液压支架自动化成功的途径 中文字数:5425,中文页数:5 英文字数: 3041页数:7变频器-PLC在供水控制系统的应用 中文字数:1939,中文页数:3 英文字数: 1632页数:6变频器的控制电路及几种常见故障分析 中文字数:4062,中文页数:5 英文字数: 2463页数:8在线转动的单片机监控系统工具的设计 中文字数:3636,中文页数:4 英文字数: 2447页数:7来电显示:基于DSP的解调的实现 中文字数:3581,中文页数:6 英文字数: 2212页数:7采用表面微加工技术制造微型行星齿轮减速器 中文字数:3066,中文页数:4 英文字数: 2099页数:8超高速行星齿轮组合中内部齿轮的有限元分析 中文字数:2835,中文页数:7 英文字数: 1796页数:9液力传动钻机驱动分析 中文字数:4407,中文页数:7 英文字数: 1781页数:6注塑机液压系统设计的方法和注意问题 中文字数:2420,中文页数:3 英文字数: 1481页数:58051 开发工具 中文字数:3217,中文页数:6 英文字数: 2285页数:8大型风电场的瞬时稳定和模拟 中文字数:3293,中文页数:9 英文字数: 2299页数:12成组工艺和CAPP 在编制工艺规程中的应用 中文字数:4158,中文页数:5 英文字数: 2355页数:8信贷危机是全球经济的转折点 中文字数:2130,中文页数:3 英文字数: 1157页数:3商业银行风险管理 中文字数:2866,中文页数:4 英文字数: 1286页数:4营销管理 中文字数:3055,中文页数:4 英文字数: 1604页数:5信贷简介 中文字数:2540,中文页数:3 英文字数: 1444页数:5美国保险市场营销制度评价 中文字数:2994,中文页数:3 英文字数: 1800页数:5异步传输模式 中文字数:5399,中文页数:6 英文字数: 1732页数:5一种新颖的方式,保密通信的基础上语音信息隐藏技术 中文字数:2066,中文页数:3 英文字数:1232页数:4一台多元化的直线离子陷阱频谱仪中发生的界限和共鸣排斥 中文字数:1871,中文页数:2 英文字数:1165页数:3虚拟设备--正是软件设备所欠缺的 中文字数:2336,中文页数:2 英文字数:1371页数:3数字滤波器的介绍 中文字数:1097,中文页数:1 英文字数:646页数:2锂离子电池充电器的解决方案 中文字数:2251,中文页数:5 英文字数:1666页数:7CDMA技术的发展 中文字数:1989,中文页数:3 英文字数:1075页数:5PBT玻璃纤维增强复合材料水辅注塑成型的实验研究 中文字数:5884,中文页数:15 英文字数:5042页数:10电压、电流和功率 中文字数:2273,中文页数:3 英文字数:1460页数:5负载运行的变压器 中文字数:2504,中文页数:4 英文字数:1570页数:4传感器新技术的发展 中文字数:2785,中文页数:3 英文字数:1816页数:4变电站系统过电压防护技术 中文字数:4129,中文页数:4 英文字数:2346页数:7基于FCS火灾监控报警系统 中文字数:2954,中文页数:5 英文字数:1605页数:5AZ91D半固体镁合金三维注坯模型仿真 中文字数:7376,中文页数:14 英文:PDF原文件CAD-CAE集成注射模设计系统 中文字数:8114,中文页数:18 英文:PDF原文件CAD三维知识基础辅助注射模设计系统 中文字数:6316,中文页数:12 英文:PDF原文件U形铣削沟槽在注射模具冷却的应用 中文字数:8202,中文页数:13 英文:PDF原文件案例型推理在压铸模具设计上的应用 中文字数:6546,中文页数:7 英文:PDF原文件并行协同模具设计导航系统 中文字数:5403,中文页数:10 英文:PDF原文件薄形工件电火花线切割加工研究及相应机构 中文字数:6016,中文页数:8 英文:PDF原文件大型注塑机优化设计的多目标表现 中文字数:5821,中文页数:14 英文:PDF原文件多孔冷却模具的设计方法 中文字数:3440,中文页数:9 英文:PDF原文件多孔氧化铝陶瓷注射模具 中文字数:4156,中文页数:9 英文:PDF原文件塑料注射模的自动装配模型 中文字数:3206,中文页数:6 英文:PDF原文件多目标优化的注塑成型工艺 中文字数:13061,中文页数:26 英文:PDF原文件高效模具铣刀用于模具加工 中文字数:5956,中文页数:7 英文字数:3850页数:11关于降低直接金属激光烧结模具中的脱模力 中文字数:5336,中文页数:9 英文:PDF原文件关于直接金属激光烧接技术在模具中的应用 中文字数:5282,中文页数:15 英文:PDF原文件关于注射模费用智能评估系统的研究和主要技术 中文字数:5814,中文页数:13 英文:PDF原文件光学介质制造过程传递功能发展 中文字数:6807,中文页数:9 英文:PDF原文件基于仿真网络模型的注塑模具的复杂性计算 中文字数:8139,中文页数:9 英文:PDF原文件基于奇异频率解耦的鲁棒PID控制器设计 中文字数:3234,中文页数:9 英文:PDF原文件基于数值模拟的虚拟注射成型系统 中文字数:8087,中文页数:16 英文:PDF原文件基于注塑模具钢研磨和抛光工序的自动化表面处理 中文字数:3643,中文页数:8 英文:PDF原文件考虑凸轮-阀门系统动态特性的优化凸轮外形设计 中文字数:4891,中文页数:15 英文:PDF原文件可编程控制震动式切割机在切削硬化模具钢方面的发展 中文字数:5289,中文页数:20 英文:PDF原文件快速注塑模具共形冷却设计的台架结构 中文字数:8268,中文页数:12 英文:PDF原文件拉深模设计中拉深壁起皱的分析 中文字数:5554,中文页数:6 英文:PDF原文件模具长度在拉挤成型方面对拉力和合成物质量的影响 中文字数:6355,中文页数:17 英文:PDF原文件模具设计过程中的计算机辅助工作 中文字数:4902,中文页数:12 英文:PDF原文件纳米复合材料和木纤维塑料在微孔泡沫塑料注塑中的应用中文字数:5688,中文页数:11 英文:PDF原文件喷射成型模具的制造 中文字数:3371,中文页数:11 英文:PDF原文件三维快速实现初步设计塑胶射出模具 中文字数:4989,中文页数:5 英文字数:3012 页数:13深孔冲压过程中的变形 中文字数:5303,中文页数:12 英文:PDF原文件数控技术的发展趋势 中文字数:5204,中文页数:7 英文字数:3801 页数:11塑料注射模的自动化装置 中文字数:7668,中文页数:16 英文:PDF原文件塑料注塑加工自动选择浇口位置 中文字数:5909,中文页数:11 英文:PDF原文件塑料注塑模冷却系统的铣式沟槽嵌件的设计和有限元分析中文字数:6646,中文页数:10 英文:PDF原文件田口法在塑料注射模具设计中防止翘曲的作用 中文字数:7147,中文页数:21 英文:PDF原文件微型粉末注射成型:加工过程的描述和模拟 中文字数:5147,中文页数:10 英文:PDF原文件虚拟制造在汽车覆盖件模具制造中的应用 中文字数:6463,中文页数:6 英文字数:3744 页数:9旋转浇铸中模型压力的控制 中文字数:6443,中文页数:15 英文:PDF原文件压铸铜电动机转子:模具材料及处理成本效益制造 中文字数:6231,中文页数:11 英文:PDF原文件应用于塑料注射模的加工沟槽插入方法的设计和有限元法分析 中文字数:9862,中文页数:20 英文:PDF原文件

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材料科学 Materials ScienceMaterials science or materials engineering is an interdisciplinary field involving the properties of matter and its applications to various areas of science and engineering. This science investigates the relationship between the structure of materials and their properties. It includes elements of applied physics and chemistry, as well as chemical, mechanical, civil and electrical engineering. With significant media attention to nanoscience and nanotechnology in recent years, materials science has been propelled to the forefront at many universities. It is also an important part of forensic engineering and forensic materials engineering, the study of failed products and material of choice of a given era is often its defining point; the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Steel Age are examples of this. Materials science is one of the oldest forms of engineering and applied science, deriving from the manufacture of ceramics. Modern materials science evolved directly from metallurgy, which itself evolved from mining. A major breakthrough in the understanding of materials occurred in the late 19th century, when Willard Gibbs demonstrated that thermodynamic properties relating to atomic structure in various phases are related to the physical properties of a material. Important elements of modern materials science are a product of the space race: the understanding and engineering of the metallic alloys, and silica and carbon materials, used in the construction of space vehicles enabling the exploration of space. Materials science has driven, and been driven by, the development of revolutionary technologies such as plastics, semiconductors, and the 1960s (and in some cases decades after), many materials science departments were named metallurgy departments, from a 19th and early 20th century emphasis on metals. The field has since broadened to include every class of materials, including: ceramics, polymers, semiconductors, magnetic materials, medical implant materials and biological materials.[edit] Fundamentals of materials scienceIn materials science, rather than haphazardly looking for and discovering materials and exploiting their properties, one instead aims to understand materials fundamentally so that new materials with the desired properties can be basis of all materials science involves relating the desired properties and relative performance of a material in a certain application to the structure of the atoms and phases in that material through characterization. The major determinants of the structure of a material and thus of its properties are its constituent chemical elements and the way in which it has been processed into its final form. These, taken together and related through the laws of thermodynamics, govern a material’s microstructure, and thus its old adage in materials science says: "materials are like people; it is the defects that make them interesting". The manufacture of a perfect crystal of a material is currently physically impossible. Instead materials scientists manipulate the defects in crystalline materials such as precipitates, grain boundaries (Hall-Petch relationship), interstitial atoms, vacancies or substitutional atoms, to create materials with the desired all materials have a regular crystal structure. Polymers display varying degrees of crystallinity, and many are completely non-crystalline. Glasses, some ceramics, and many natural materials are amorphous, not possessing any long-range order in their atomic arrangements. The study of polymers combines elements of chemical and statistical thermodynamics to give thermodynamic, as well as mechanical, descriptions of physical addition to industrial interest, materials science has gradually developed into a field which provides tests for condensed matter or solid state theories. New physics emerge because of the diverse new material properties which need to be explained.[edit] Materials in industryRadical materials advances can drive the creation of new products or even new industries, but stable industries also employ materials scientists to make incremental improvements and troubleshoot issues with currently used materials. Industrial applications of materials science include materials design, cost-benefit tradeoffs in industrial production of materials, processing techniques (casting, rolling, welding, ion implantation, crystal growth, thin-film deposition, sintering, glassblowing, etc.), and analytical techniques (characterization techniques such as electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, calorimetry, nuclear microscopy (HEFIB), Rutherford backscattering, neutron diffraction, etc.).Besides material characterisation, the material scientist/engineer also deals with the extraction of materials and their conversion into useful forms. Thus ingot casting, foundry techniques, blast furnace extraction, and electrolytic extraction are all part of the required knowledge of a metallurgist/engineer. Often the presence, absence or variation of minute quantities of secondary elements and compounds in a bulk material will have a great impact on the final properties of the materials produced, for instance, steels are classified based on 1/10th and 1/100 weight percentages of the carbon and other alloying elements they contain. Thus, the extraction and purification techniques employed in the extraction of iron in the blast furnace will have an impact of the quality of steel that may be overlap between physics and materials science has led to the offshoot field of materials physics, which is concerned with the physical properties of materials. The approach is generally more macroscopic and applied than in condensed matter physics. See important publications in materials physics for more details on this field of study of metal alloys is a significant part of materials science. Of all the metallic alloys in use today, the alloys of iron (steel, stainless steel, cast iron, tool steel, alloy steels) make up the largest proportion both by quantity and commercial value. Iron alloyed with various proportions of carbon gives low, mid and high carbon steels. For the steels, the hardness and tensile strength of the steel is directly related to the amount of carbon present, with increasing carbon levels also leading to lower ductility and toughness. The addition of silicon and graphitization will produce cast irons (although some cast irons are made precisely with no graphitization). The addition of chromium, nickel and molybdenum to carbon steels (more than 10%) gives us stainless significant metallic alloys are those of aluminium, titanium, copper and magnesium. Copper alloys have been known for a long time (since the Bronze Age), while the alloys of the other three metals have been relatively recently developed. Due to the chemical reactivity of these metals, the electrolytic extraction processes required were only developed relatively recently. The alloys of aluminium, titanium and magnesium are also known and valued for their high strength-to-weight ratios and, in the case of magnesium, their ability to provide electromagnetic shielding. These materials are ideal for situations where high strength-to-weight ratios are more important than bulk cost, such as in the aerospace industry and certain automotive engineering than metals, polymers and ceramics are also an important part of materials science. Polymers are the raw materials (the resins) used to make what we commonly call plastics. Plastics are really the final product, created after one or more polymers or additives have been added to a resin during processing, which is then shaped into a final form. Polymers which have been around, and which are in current widespread use, include polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, polystyrene, nylons, polyesters, acrylics, polyurethanes, and polycarbonates. Plastics are generally classified as "commodity", "specialty" and "engineering" (polyvinyl-chloride) is widely used, inexpensive, and annual production quantities are large. It lends itself to an incredible array of applications, from artificial leather to electrical insulation and cabling, packaging and containers. Its fabrication and processing are simple and well-established. The versatility of PVC is due to the wide range of plasticisers and other additives that it accepts. The term "additives" in polymer science refers to the chemicals and compounds added to the polymer base to modify its material would be normally considered an engineering plastic (other examples include PEEK, ABS). Engineering plastics are valued for their superior strengths and other special material properties. They are usually not used for disposable applications, unlike commodity plastics are materials with unique characteristics, such as ultra-high strength, electrical conductivity, electro-fluorescence, high thermal stability, should be noted here that the dividing line between the various types of plastics is not based on material but rather on their properties and applications. For instance, polyethylene (PE) is a cheap, low friction polymer commonly used to make disposable shopping bags and trash bags, and is considered a commodity plastic, whereas Medium-Density Polyethylene MDPE is used for underground gas and water pipes, and another variety called Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene UHMWPE is an engineering plastic which is used extensively as the glide rails for industrial equipment and the low-friction socket in implanted hip application of material science in industry is the making of composite materials. Composite materials are structured materials composed of two or more macroscopic phases. An example would be steel-reinforced concrete; another can be seen in the "plastic" casings of television sets, cell-phones and so on. These plastic casings are usually a composite material made up of a thermoplastic matrix such as acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) in which calcium carbonate chalk, talc, glass fibres or carbon fibres have been added for added strength, bulk, or electro-static dispersion. These additions may be referred to as reinforcing fibres, or dispersants, depending on their purpose.[edit] Classes of materials (by bond types)Materials science encompasses various classes of materials, each of which may constitute a separate field. Materials are sometimes classified by the type of bonding present between the atoms:Ionic crystals Covalent crystals Metals Intermetallics Semiconductors Polymers Composite materials Vitreous materials [edit] Sub-fields of materials scienceNanotechnology – rigorously, the study of materials where the effects of quantum confinement, the Gibbs-Thomson effect, or any other effect only present at the nanoscale is the defining property of the material; but more commonly, it is the creation and study of materials whose defining structural properties are anywhere from less than a nanometer to one hundred nanometers in scale, such as molecularly engineered materials. Microtechnology - study of materials and processes and their interaction, allowing microfabrication of structures of micrometric dimensions, such as MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS). Crystallography – the study of how atoms in a solid fill space, the defects associated with crystal structures such as grain boundaries and dislocations, and the characterization of these structures and their relation to physical properties. Materials Characterization – such as diffraction with x-rays, electrons, or neutrons, and various forms of spectroscopy and chemical analysis such as Raman spectroscopy, energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), chromatography, thermal analysis, electron microscope analysis, etc., in order to understand and define the properties of materials. See also List of surface analysis methods Metallurgy – the study of metals and their alloys, including their extraction, microstructure and processing. Biomaterials – materials that are derived from and/or used with biological systems. Electronic and magnetic materials – materials such as semiconductors used to create integrated circuits, storage media, sensors, and other devices. Tribology – the study of the wear of materials due to friction and other factors. Surface science/Catalysis – interactions and structures between solid-gas solid-liquid or solid-solid interfaces. Ceramography – the study of the microstructures of high-temperature materials and refractories, including structural ceramics such as RCC, polycrystalline silicon carbide and transformation toughened ceramics Some practitioners often consider rheology a sub-field of materials science, because it can cover any material that flows. However, modern rheology typically deals with non-Newtonian fluid dynamics, so it is often considered a sub-field of continuum mechanics. See also granular Science – any non-crystalline material including inorganic glasses, vitreous metals and non-oxide glasses. Forensic engineering – the study of how products fail, and the vital role of the materials of construction Forensic materials engineering – the study of material failure, and the light it sheds on how engineers specify materials in their product [edit] Topics that form the basis of materials scienceThermodynamics, statistical mechanics, kinetics and physical chemistry, for phase stability, transformations (physical and chemical) and diagrams. Crystallography and chemical bonding, for understanding how atoms in a material are arranged. Mechanics, to understand the mechanical properties of materials and their structural applications. Solid-state physics and quantum mechanics, for the understanding of the electronic, thermal, magnetic, chemical, structural and optical properties of materials. Diffraction and wave mechanics, for the characterization of materials. Chemistry and polymer science, for the understanding of plastics, colloids, ceramics, liquid crystals, solid state chemistry, and polymers. Biology, for the integration of materials into biological systems. Continuum mechanics and statistics, for the study of fluid flows and ensemble systems. Mechanics of materials, for the study of the relation between the mechanical behavior of materials and their microstructures. 材料科学材料是人类可以利用的物质,一般是指固体。而材料科学是研究材料的制备或加工工艺、材料结构与材料性能三者之间的相互关系的科学。涉及的理论包括固体物理学,材料化学,与电子工程结合,则衍生出电子材料,与机械结合则衍生出结构材料,与生物学结合则衍生出生物材料等等。材料科学理论物理冶金学 晶体学 固体物理学 材料化学 材料热力学 材料动力学 材料计算科学[编辑] 材料的分类按化学状态分类 金属材料 无机物非金属材料 陶瓷材料 有机材料 高分子材料 按物理性质分类 高强度材料 耐高温材料 超硬材料 导电材料 绝缘材料 磁性材料 透光材料 半导体材料 按状态分类 单晶材料 多晶质材料 非晶态材料 准晶态材料 按物理效应分类 压电材料 热电材料 铁电材料 光电材料 电光材料 声光材料 磁光材料 激光材料 按用途分类 建筑材料 结构材料 研磨材料 耐火材料 耐酸材料 电工材料 电子材料 光学材料 感光材料 包装材料 按组成分类 单组分材料 复合材料 [编辑] 材料工程技术金属材料成形 机械加工 热加工 陶瓷冶金 粉末冶金 薄膜生长技术 表面处理技术 表面改性技术 表面涂覆技术 热处理 [编辑] 材料的应用结构材料 信息材料 存储材料 半导体材料 宇航材料 建筑材料 能源材料 生物材料 环境材料 储能材料和含能材料 参考

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