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主要研究方向:1)海洋微藻生物技术;2)微藻脂质代谢及微藻生物能源;3)微藻高附加值生物活性物质;4)微藻藻华。近五年,承担“十二五”国家科技支撑计划课题、国家自然科学基金、973子课题、教育部高等学校博士点专项基金、广东省科技计划重点项目、广东省自然科学基金、暨南大学科研创新优秀团队等项目。在Environmental Microbiology、Biotechnology for Biofuels、Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry、Marine Biotechnology等SCI重要期刊发表论文40余篇。申请及授权发明专利10余项。

291 评论


1. Yao YQ, Sheng HM, Luo Y, He ML, Li XK, Zhang H, He WL, An LZ*. Optimization of anaerobic co-digestion of Solidago canadensis L. biomass and cattle slurry. Energy. 2014, 78:. Yao YQ, Luo Y, Li T, Yang YX, Sheng HM, Virgo N, Xiang Y, Song Y, Zhang H, An LZ*. Using the properties of soil to speed up the start-up process, enhance the process stability, and improve the methane content and yield of solid-state anaerobic digestion of alkaline-pretreated poplar processing residues. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2014, 7:. Yao YQ, Luo Y, Yang YX, Sheng HM, Li XK, Li T, Song Y, Zhang H, Chen SY, He WL, He ML, Ren YB, Gao JL, Wei YL, An LZ*. Water free anaerobic co-digestion of vegetable processing waste with cattle slurry for high methane content of biogas at high total solid content. Energy. 2014, 74: . Yang Y, Sun ZL, Ding CC, Ge LN, Sun LK, Bai MQ, Song Y, Chen SY, An LZ*. A DEAD-box RNA helicase produces two forms of transcript that differentially respond to cold stress in a cryophyte (Chorispora bungeana). Planta. 2014, 240:. Yao YQ, He ML, Ren YB, Ma LY, Luo Y, Sheng HM, Xiang Y, Zhang H, Li Q, An LZ*. Anaerobic digestion of poplar processing residues for methane production after alkaline treatment. Bioresource Technology. 2013, 134:347–. Zhu S, Zhao Q, Zhang G, Jiang Z, Sheng H, Feng H, An L*. Paracoccus tibetensis sp. nov., isolated from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau permafrost. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2013,63:1902–. Li YT, Zhang HH, Sheng HM, An LZ*. Cloning, expression and characterization of trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase from a psychrotrophic bacterium, Arthrobacter strain A3. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2012, 28(8):. Ma B, Qian D, Nan Q, Tan C, An LZ*, Xiang Y. Arabidopsis Vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) B subunits are involved in actin cytoskeleton remodeling via binding to, bundling, and stabilizing F-actin. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012,287: . Chen XM, Jiang Y, Li YT, Zhang HH, Li J, Chen X, Zhao Q, Zhao J, Si J, Lin ZW, Zhang H, Dyson P, An* LZ. Regulation of expression of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase during cold shock in Arthrobacter strain A3. Extremophiles. 2011, 15(4):. Ding S, Huang CL, Sheng HM, Song CL, Li YB, An* LZ. Effect of inoculation with the endophyte Clavibacter Enf12 on chilling tolerance in Chorispora bungeana. Physiologia Plantarum. 2011, 141(2): . Huang C, Ding S, Zhang H, Du H, An* L. CIPK7 is involved in cold response by interacting with CBL1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Sci. 2011, 181(1): . Liu YJ, Jiang HF, Zhao ZG, An* LZ. Abscisic acid is involved in brassinosteroids-induced chilling tolerance in the suspension cultured cells from Chorispora bungeana. J Plant Physiol. 2011, 168(9):. Ma BY, Xiang Y, An* LZ. Structural bases of physiological functions and roles of the vacuolar H+-ATPase. Cellular Signalling. 2011, 1244–. Zhao Q, Bai Y, Zhang GS, Zhu S, Sheng HM, Sun YX and An* LZ. Chryseobacterium xinjiangense sp. nov., isolated from alpine permafrost. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2011, 61, . Sheng HM, Gao HS, Xue LG, Ding S, Song CL, Feng HY, An* LZ. Analysis of the composition and characteristics of culturable endophytic bacteria within subnival plants of the Tianshan Mountains, Northwestern China. Curr Microbiol. 2011, 62:. Li T, Xu SL, Oses-Prieto JA, Putil S, Xu P, Wang RJ, Li KH, Maltby DA, An LZ, Burlingame AL, Wang ZY. Proteomics analysis reveals post-translational mechanisms for cold-induced metabolic changes in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant Jan 2011, 4(2):. Li JH, Li YH, Chen SY, An* LZ. Involvement of brassinosteroid signals in the floral-induction network of Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2010, 61 (15): . Li YH, Sun Z L, Xu X L, Jin M, Liu YJ, Zhang H and An* LZ. Influence of low temperatures on photosystem II photochemistry and expression of the NADPH: protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase in the alpine, subnival perennial, Chorispora bungeana. Photosynthetica, 2010, 48 (3): . Song Y, Wu K, Dhaubhadel S, An* L, Tian L. Arabidopsis DNA methyltransferase AtDNMT2 associates with histone deacetylase AtHD2s activity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010, 396 (2):. Xu X, Song Y, Li Y, Chang J, Zhang H, An* L. The tandem affinity purification method: an efficient system for protein complex purification and protein interaction identification. Protein Expr Purif. 2010, 72 (2):. Jiang Y, Chen XM, Liu YJ, Li YT, Zhang HH, Paul Dyson, Sheng HM, An* LZ. The catalytic Efficiency of Trehalose-6-phosphate Synthase is affected by the N-loop at Low Temperatures. Archives of Microbiology. 2010, 192:. An LZ, CY, Xiang SR, Shang TC,Tian LD. Differences in community composition of bacteria in four deep ice sheets in westernChina. Biogeosciences Discuss. 2010, 7: 1167–. Liu YJ, Zhao ZG, Si J, Di CX, Han J, An* LZ. Brassinosteroids alleviate chilling-induced oxidative damage by enhancing antioxidant defense system in suspension cultured cells of Chorispora bungeana. Plant Growth Regul. 2009,59:207–. Di CX, Li M,Long F,Zheng XL,Bai MQ,Xu SJ,Xiang Y,Si J,Sun ZL,An* LZ. Molecular Cloning, functional analysis and localization of a novel gene encoding polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteinin Chorispora . 2009, 231:. Han J, An* LZ. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Peganum harmala (Peganaceae), an important resist-drought and medicinal plant. Conserv Genet. 2009, 10 (6): . Si J, Wang JH, Zhang LJ, Zhang H, Liu YJ, An* LZ. A Cold-Regulated Gene from Alpine , Confers Cold Tolerance in Transgenic Tobacco. J. Plant , 52:593–. Wu JM,Zhao ZG,An* LZ, Liu YH ,Xu SJ ,Gao DH ,Zhang YF. Inhibition of glutathione synthesis decreases chilling tolerance in Chorispora bungeana callus. Cryobiology. 2008, 57:. Yang D, Wang J, Bai Y, Xu S, An* LZ. Diversity and distribution of prokaryotic community in near-surface permafrost sediments in the Tianshan Mountains, China. Can. J. Microbiol. 2008, 54: 270–. Shi YL, An* LZ , Zhang MX, Huang CH, Zhang H, Xu SJ. Regulation of the plasma membrane during exposure to low temperatures in suspension-cultured cells from a cryophyte (Chorispora bungeana). Protoplasma. 2008, 232: 173–. Li SW, Xue LG, Xu SJ, Feng HY, An* LZ. Hydrogen peroxide involvement in formation and development of adventitious roots in cucumber. Plant Growth Regulation, 2007, 52: . Li YC, Bi Y, An* LZ. Occurrence and Latent Infection of Alternaria Rot of Pingguoli Pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd. cv. Pingguoli) Fruits in Gansu, China. J. Phytopathology. 2007, 155, 56–. Li Y, Feng HY, Chen T, Yang XM, An* LZ. Physiological Responses of Limonium aureum Seeds to Ultra-dry. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2007, 49(5):. Xue LG, Li SW, Sheng HM, Feng HY, Xu SJ, An* LZ. Nitric Oxide Alleviates Oxidative Damage Induced by Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation in Cyanobacterium. Curr Microbiol. 2007, 55:294-30134. Yang YL, Xu SJ, An* LZ, Chen NL. NADPH oxidase-dependent hydrogen peroxide production, induced by salinity stress, may be involved in the regulation of total calcium in roots of wheat. J Plant Physiol, 2007, 164:. Zhang G, Ma X, Niu F, Dong M, Feng H, An* L, Cheng G. Diversity and distribution of alkaliphilic psychrotolerant bacteria in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau permafrost region. Extremophiles. 2007. 11: 415-42436. Zhang H, Zhou RX, Zhang LJ, Wang RY, An* LZ. CbLEA, a novel LEA gene from Chorispora bungeana confers cold tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Journal of Plant Biology. 2007, 50(3):. Wu JM, Zhao ZG, Xing H, Guo HP, Li WX, AN* LZ, Xu SJ, Chen T. Effects of freezing on plasma membrane H+-ATPase of the callus from Chorispora bungeana . Biologia Plantarum. 2007, 51 (2): . Zhang YF, Chen T, An* LZ, Li YB. The variations of stable-carbon isotope ratios in Qilian juniper in northwestern China. Environ Geol. 2007, 52:131–. Zheng XL, Sheng HM, An* LZ. Phylogenetic Analysis of Lichen-Forming Fungi Rhizoplaca Zopf. from China Based on ITS Data and Morphology. 2007, Z. Naturforsch. 62c, . Zhang TG, Liu YB, Xue LG, Xu SJ, Chen T, Yang TW, Zhang LJ, An* LZ. Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel MAP kinase gene in Chorispora bungeana. Plant Physiology And Biochemistry, 2006, 44 (1): . Zhang TG, Liu YB, Yang T, Zhang L, Xu S, Xue L. An* LZ. Diverse signals converge at MAPK cascades in plant. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2006, 44: 274–. Yang XM, Cao ZY, An* LZ, Wang YM, Fang XW. In vitro tetraploid induction via colchicine treatment from diploid somatic embryos in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). Euphytica. 2006, 152: . Yang TW, Zhang LJ, Zhang TG, Zhang H, Xu SJ, An* LZ. Transcriptional regulation network of cold-responsive genes in higher plants. Plant Science, 2005, 169 (6): 987-99544. Wang YB, Feng HY, Qu Y, Cheng JQ , Zhao ZG, Zhang MX, Wang XL, An* LZ. The relationship between reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in ultraviolet- Binduced ethylene production in leaves of maize seedlings. Environmental And Experimental Botany, 2006, 57: 51-6145. Sheng HM, An* LZ, Chen T, Xu SJ, Liu GX, Zheng XL, Pu LL, Liu YJ, Lian YS. Analysis of the genetic diversity and relationships among and within species of Hippophae (Elaeagnaceae) based on RAPD markers. Pl. Syst. Evol. 2006, 260: 25–. Guo FX, Zhang MX, Chen Y, Zhang WH, Xu SJ, Wang JH, An* LZ. Relation of several antioxidant enzymes to rapid freezing resistance in suspension cultured cells from alpine Chorispora bungeana. Cryobiology, 2006, 52(2): 341-35047. Di CX, Zhang MX, Xu SJ, Chen T, An* LZ. Role of Poly-Galacturonase Inhibiting Protein in Plant Defense. Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 2006, 32:(2):. Fu XY, Chang JF, An* LZ, Zhang MX, Xu SJ, Chen T, Liu YH, Xin H, Wang JH. Association of the cold-hardiness of Chorispora bungeana with the distribution and accumulation of calcium in the cells and tissues. Environmental And Experimental Botany, 2006, 55 (3): . Wang JH, An* LZ, Wang RY, Yang DQ, Si J, Fu XY. Plant regeneration of Chorispora bungeana via somatic embryogenesis. In Vitro Cell Dev. , 2006, 42 (4):. Chang JF, Fu XY, An* LZ, Xu SJ, Wang JH, Zhang MX, Feng HY, Chen Tuo. Properties of cellular ubiquinone and stress-resistance in suspension-cultured cells of Chorispora bungeana during chilling. Environmental And Experimental Botany, 2006, 57:. Bai Y, Yang DQ, Wang JH, Xu SJ, Wang XX, An* LZ. Phylogenetic diversity of culturable bacteria from alpine permafrost in the Tianshan Mountains, northwestern China. Research in Microbiology. 2006,157(8): . Xue LG, Zhang Y, Zhang TG, An* LZ, Wang XL. Effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation on algae and cyanobacteria. Critical Reviews In Microbiology, 2005, 31 (2): . Chen SY, Xiao S, Zhang MX, Chen T, Wang HC, An* LZ. Antisense and RNAi expression for a chloroplastic superoxide dismutase gene in transgenic plants. Botanical Bulletin Of Academia Sinica, 2005, 46 (3): . An LZ, Liu YH, Zhang MX, Chen T, Wang XL. Effects of nitric oxide on growth of maize seedling leaves in the presence or absence of ultraviolet-B radiation. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2005, 162 (3): . An LZ, Liu GX, Zhang MX, Chen T, Liu YH, Feng HY, Xu SJ, Qiang WY, Wang XL. Effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on polyamine content and membrane permeability in cucumber leaves. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2004, 51 (5): 658-662.

210 评论


北方的话还是避免使用大树吧!毕竟树大招风推荐抗旱性比较强的灌木以及草本植物(当然最好是有些经济价值的),没有利益,或者是只有生态效益而没有经济效益的好事是没有谁真正愿意去做的。转基因的东西其实很简单,简单概括为三步曲:1 找到目的基因2 构建载体3 导入最后需要该基因的物种并且目前转基因的成果有很多已经推广。水稻、棉花、玉米、油菜等所有你能想到的作物的领域基本都有研究另外,关于转基因是好是坏的博弈,一直是科学家和社会学家的热点话题关系到粮食、环境、生态、伦理等一系列的问题!总之,不要把转基因看得那么神秘

351 评论


不要以为转基因的东西就那么简单,要是像你说的那样想怎么做都能做成,那癌症和艾滋病早就不是病了 .北方的话还是避免使用大树吧!毕竟树大招风推荐抗旱性比较强的灌木以及草本植物(当然最好是有些经济价值的),没有利益,或者是只有生态效益而没有经济效益的好事是没有谁真正愿意去做的。转基因的东西其实很简单,简单概括为三步曲:1 找到目的基因2 构建载体3 导入最后需要该基因的物种不可能的。内蒙的问题是缺水,草也种不了不要说树了。

174 评论


在本领域重要SCI期刊发表40余篇研究成果,包括Environmental Microbiology, Metabolic Engineering, Biotechnology Biofuels, Microbial Cell Factory, J Agr Food Chem等SCI一区TOP期刊。近期代表性论文如下:1) Ma YH; Wang X; Niu YF; Yang ZK; Zhang MH; Wang ZM; Yang WD; Liu JS; Li HY Antisense knockdown of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase promotes the neutral lipid accumulation in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Microbial Cell Factory. . ()2) Xue J, Niu YF, Huang T, Yang WD, Liu JS, Li HY. Genetic improvement of a microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum for boosting neutral lipid accumulation. Metabolic Engineering. 2014. 16. ()3) Yang ZK, Zheng JW, Niu YF, yang WD, Liu JS, Li HY. Systems-level analysis of metabolic responses of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum to phosphorus stress. Environmental Microbiology. 2014. 16(6):1793-1807 ()4) Yao Y, Lu Y, Peng KT, Huang T, Niu YF, Xie WH, Yang WD, Liu JS, Li HY. Glycerol and neutral lipid production in the oleaginous marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum promoted by overexpressing glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Biotechnology for Biofuels. . ()5) Feng TY, Yang ZK, Zheng JW, Xie Y, Li DW, Yang WD, Liu JS, Li HY. Examination of metabolic responses to phosphorus limitation via proteomic analyses in a marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Scientific Report. 2014. 4. ()6) Xie WH, Zhu CC, Zhang NS, Li DW, Yang WD, Liu JS, Li HY. Construction of novel chloroplast expression vector and development of high efficient and economical transformation system for diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Marine Biotechnology. ) Peng KT, Zheng CN, Xue J, Niu YF, Yang WD, Liu JS, Bai WB, Li HY. Delta 5 fatty acid desaturase upregulates the synthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids in marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. J Agri Food Chem. 2014. 62(35):8773-8776. DOI: ) Chen MX, Zheng SX, Yang YN, Xu C, Liu JS, Yang WD, Chye ML, Li HY. Strong seed-specific protein expression from the Vigna radiata storage protein 8SGα promoter in transgenic Arabidopsis seeds. Journal of Biotechnology. 2014. 174:) Li HY, Lu Y, Zheng JW, Yang WD, Liu JS. Biochemical and genetic engineering of PUFA biosynthesis in diatom. Marine Drugs. (1):) Yang ZK, Ma YH, Zheng JW, Yang WD, Liu JS, Li HY. Proteomics to reveal metabolic network shifts towards lipid accumulation following nitrogen deprivation in diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Journal of Applied Phycology. (1):) Xu YY, Yang WD, Wang J, Liang JJ, Li HY, Liu JS. Cloning and expression analysis of P-glycoprotein gene in Crassostrea ariakensis. Aquaculture. 2014. 418:39-4712) Niu YF, Zhang MH, Li DW, Yang WD, Liu JS, Bai WB, Li HY. Improvement of neutral lipid and polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis by overexpressing a type 2 diacylglycerol acyltransferase in marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Marine Drugs. 2013. 11:) Chen MX, Yang YN, Zheng SX, Xu C, Wang Y, Liu JS, Yang WD, Chye ML, Li HY. A Vigna radiata 8S Globulin α’ promoter drives efficient expression of GUS in Arabidopsis cotyledonary embryos. J Agr Food Chem. ) Yang ZK, Niu YF, Ma YH, Jiao Xue, Zhang MH, Yang WD, Liu JS, Lu SH, Guan Y, Li HY. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of neutral lipid accumulation in diatom following nitrogen deprivation. Biotechnology for Biofuels. ) Xie WH, Pang F, Niu YF, Zhang MH, Yang WD, Liu JS, Yan DG, Li HY. Functional characterization of ACCase subunit from diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum expressed in Escherichia coli. Biotech App Biochem. (3):) Niu YF, Yang ZK, Zhang MH, Zhu CC, Yang WD, Liu JS, Li HY. Transformation of diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum by electroporation and establishment of inducible selection marker. Biotechniques, 2012. doi: .

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