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A Short History of the development of nanotechnology纳米发展小史In 1959, the famous physicist, Nobel laureates Richard. Feynman predicted that human beings can use small machines to produce smaller machines, according to the final realization of the wishes of the human order-by-atom, to create products that this is the first on the dream of 年,著名物理学家、诺贝尔奖获得者理查德。费曼预言,人类可以用小的机器制作更小的机器,最后实现根据人类意愿逐个排列原子、制造产品,这是关于纳米科技最早的梦想。In 1991, American scientists successfully synthesized carbon nanotubes, and found that it was only with the quality of the volume of steel 1 / 6, the intensity is 10 times that of steel, so called super fiber. The nano-materials found signs of human To explore the properties of the material has reached a new height. In 1999, nanotechnology products to achieve an annual turnover of 50,000,000,000 . dollars1991年,美国科学家成功地合成了碳纳米管,并发现其质量仅为同体积钢的1/6,强度却是钢的10倍,因此称之为超级纤维.这一纳米材料的发现标志人类对材料性能的发掘达到了新的高度。1999年,纳米产品的年营业额达到500亿美元What is a nano-materials什么是纳米材料Nanometer (nm) is the length of the unit, a nanometer is 10-9 meters (a billionth of a meter), the macro-material, the nano is a small unit, not as human hair in diameter for the general 7000 -- 8000nm, the diameter of human red blood cells normally 3000-5000nm, the general diameter of the virus are also a few dozen to several hundred nano-size, metal grain size generally Submicron order of magnitude; for microscopic material, such as atoms, molecules, such as before with Egypt to Said an Egyptian equivalent to a hydrogen atom's diameter, a nanometer is 10 Egypt纳米(nm)是长度单位,1纳米是10-9米(十亿分之一米),对宏观物质来说,纳米是一个很小的单位,不如,人的头发丝的直径一般为7000-8000nm,人体红细胞的直径一般为3000-5000nm,一般病毒的直径也在几十至几百纳米大小,金属的晶粒尺寸一般在微米量级;对于微观物质如原子、分子等以前用埃来表示,1埃相当于1个氢原子的直径,1纳米是10埃It is generally believed nanomaterials should include two basic conditions: First, the material characteristics of the 1-100nm in size between the two materials at this time is different from conventional size materials have some special physical and chemical properties.一般认为纳米材料应该包括两个基本条件:一是材料的特征尺寸在1-100nm之间,二是材料此时具有区别常规尺寸材料的一些特殊物理化学特性。

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纳米生物医药材料包括纳米生物医用材料、纳米药物及药物的纳米化技术。纳米材料与技术在生物医药材料上有广泛的应用前景。1994年10月在第二届国际纳米材料学术会议上美国普林斯顿大学一位教授在邀请报告中乐观地估计,纳米材料在21世界很可能成为生物医药材料的核心材料,这是因为生物体的骨骼、牙齿等都发现有纳米结构如纳米磷灰石的存在;贝壳、甲虫壳、珊瑚等天然材料具有特别优异的力学性能,它们是上被某种有机黏合剂连接的有序排列的纳米碳酸钙颗粒构成的。颗粒在1~100mm范围内的材料被称为纳米材料,纳米颗粒的粒径比毛细血管通路还小1~2个数量级,因而可用磁性纳米材料定向载体,通过磁性导航系统将药物输到病变部位释放,增强疗效,被称为“生物导弹”;特殊的纳米粒子还可进入细胞内部结构从而达到基因治疗的目的。作为药物的载体,纳米材料在生物医药领域尽可一展身手,纳为微粒在控制药物释放中具有重要的作用;而将给米微粒与其他材料相复合制成多种多样的复合材料更可以产生许多新奇的优良特性。药物的纳米化有利于药物被肌体的吸收或靶向控制释放,大幅提高药物的生物利用度。简而言之,纳米生物医药材料就是纳米材料和纳米技术与生物医用材料和药物的交叉。开展纳米生物医药材料的研究无疑将会为人类社会的进步做出巨大的贡献。 Nano-materials, bio-medicine, including bio-medical nano-materials, nano-drug and drug-nanometer technology. Nano-materials and technology in biomedical materials on a wide range of applications. In October 1994 at the Second International Symposium on nano-materials, Princeton University Professor at the invitation of a report optimistic that the 21 nano-materials in the world is likely to become a biomedical materials at the core material, which is due to biological Body of bone, teeth, have found that nano-structures, such as the existence of nano-apatite; shells, beetle shells, coral, and other natural materials, in particular with excellent mechanical properties, which are being connected to some kind of organic adhesive and orderly arranged Nano-particles consisting of calcium carbonate. 1 ~ 100mm particles in the range of material known as nano-materials, nano-size particles smaller than the capillary channel 1 to 2 orders of magnitude, which can be used magnetic nano-materials targeted vector through magnetic navigation system will be lost to the drug lesion Release to enhance the efficacy, referred to as "biological missile"; special nanoparticles can enter the cells of the internal structure so as to achieve the purpose of gene therapy. As a drug carrier, nano-materials in the biomedical field of a possible test their abilities, satisfied for the control of particles in drug delivery plays an important role; meters and will have with other particles made of composite materials with a wide variety of composite materials can be more Many new characteristics of the fine. Nano-based drugs will help the body's absorption of the drug was targeted or controlled release, a substantial increase in drug bioavailability. In short, biomedical nano-materials and nano-materials is nano-technology and bio-medical materials and medicines cross. Nano-materials to carry out biomedical research in human society would no doubt have made great progress.

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